今日好專注咁用左差唔多成日時間寫左份technical specifications,寫到欲罷不能咁滯, 收工時仲意尤未盡咁帶返屋企諗住寫晒佢添.. 返到屋企沖完涼, 食完飯, 嘆完報紙, 休完息.. 興致勃勃咁開番個document繼續奮鬥..
誰不知, 天啊!! 點解同上個星期既版本一模一樣, 先頭所寫既完全唔係度架?? 嘩, 大佬, 我難得星期一咁有心機做野﹐ 唔係咁玩我係嘛?? 靜心諗下.. 梗係自己keep得太多backup, 唔小心咁overwrite錯左啦.. 唉!! 好唔憤氣啊.. 不過又點丫?? 唯有重新再寫過囉.. 不過可能已經有左個頭緒, 再加上化悲憤為力量, 竟然只係用左個半時辰就將成份specifications完全搞掂..
實在有D不可思議.. 都稱得上失而復“得”-- 加倍努力有所獲得個得.. 正好印證我之前post過既一句話: you can’t go back and make a new beginning, but can always start from now and make a better ending..
sounds like you have a lot of fun at work! :D
ReplyDeleteyeah, sort of interesting to write-up the specifications.. well my developer will need to refer to the document to design the PDF..