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14.04.2006 | Quotes for Life..

no one can go back and make a brand new start,
but anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending;
when you feel down because you didn't get what you want,
just sit tight and be happy, there is something better coming to you..

之前收到呢一封 email 既時候, 就深深咁俾佢感動喇, 即刻copy入個notepad度save起上黎.. 唔知點解, 只係覺得佢俾到個好正面好積極既 message 我喎..

雖然學禽螶姐話齋「講就天下無敵, 做就有心無力」.. 但係當你沮喪既時候, 聽到有人咁黎鼓勵你既話, whether you think it’s true or not, 都真係俾得到好大既 motivation 同埋信心你自己架.. 勉勵人既話, 往往只在乎能夠重新振作提高士氣者, 至於結局能否如理想般實現已經算係其次呱..

人總唔可以回頭改變開始, 但係如果臨涯勒馬既話, 往往有改善結局既機會..
當你覺得自己得非所願時, 不如豁達面對, 因為迎面而黎既,係個更加美好既成果..


  1. so right. i like that saying too... who is the wise person wrote that? :)

  2. you'd never know who is the author of those forwarded chain mails.. but i really think it's very true..

  3. this is really good to share. let's start now and make a brand new ending ! cheers.
