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20.04.2006 | 一個可惡嘅安娣

尋晚搭輕快鐵果陣撞到個安娣.. 希望我係度可以用我有限嘅文字修養準確形容佢當時嘅所作所為..
列車到站, 佢就哪哪聲一支箭咁爭住行入車廂, 跟住就兩眼望望揀位坐.. 揀定喇行埋過去, 但係又覺得個位俾之前個乘客坐熱晒.. 又企番起身.. 跟住又兩眼望望揀位坐.. 哇! 安娣.. 你知唔知我係你後邊等梗架?? 你左揀右揀咁阻住我嘅噃..

OK, forget it.. 佢終於揀定坐係我正對面喇.. 跟住佢開口問我幾多點.. 咁我就話佢知七點搭四 (係啊, 我好記得當時係幾點架).. 誰不知佢問番我個時間準唔準喎!! 當時真係俾佢「榨」得冇聲可出.. 哇! 安娣.. 你唔該都冇句, 仲懷疑我先家你?? 喂, 我駛唔駛先家你啊??

喂, 安娣.. 如果你仲係風韻尤存嗰挺我怕且都會原諒你, 但係.. 我前世欠左你架??


  1. 哇,你真係阴公咯,遇到咁既安娣,好心,你平时就带道平安符先出门喇。

  2. ha ha ha ha i would say you certainly have some interesting experience. some uncles or aunties are really think they can do anything because they are "old". it is like we have to respect them for whatever reasons, if you know what i mean. it is certainly very annoying to me as well!

  3. 總之果日就係時運低喇..唉!!

  4. Let me share with you about me waiting for seats in a restaurant in Shanghai.

    There were 3 of us. I was standing next to a table of 4 and the customers are leaving. Finally, I got the table. I was sitting there waiting for my frens who were ordering foods while leaving the other 3 seats vacant. Then a lady come by and just sit down without much hesitation. I politely (at least I tried) informed her that the seats were taken as there are 3 of us.
    Almost immediately she threw me a question: 'Then where are they ?'
    hahahaha. I almost fell off my chair. Amazing!
