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2015.08.25 | 陽光水果
[Volume 10 Issue 8, #2050] |
Fruits Infused Solarized Water |
睇咗Twilight Anay嘅呢一篇貼, 話佢飲咗所謂嘅陽光水(solarized water)之後, 成個人都精神爽利.. 於是我就蠢蠢欲動, 第二日就即刻去買咗兩個玻璃樽返嚟自己整陽光水飲.. 不過就買唔到有色玻璃樽, 得呢啲透明無色嘅.. 唔緊要, 到時可以用各種唔同顏色嘅透光紙包住, 仲過flexible啦!! 好喇, 乜嘢陽光水呀你問?? 其實就係將你支(一定要玻璃, 唔可以用塑膠)樽入滿水, 再放喺太陽下曬佢兩個鐘, 就係咁簡單.. 呢度我就無謂囉嗦喇, 閣下若有興趣知多啲, 可以上網搜尋關於solarized water color therapy呢個古老治療, 睇睇各種顏色嘅不同效益.. :) |
i read this post from Twilight Anay that he consumes solarized water daily and feels recharged and energetic all day long.. i was very excited about this therapy and the next day, i immediately went to buy two glass bottles and started making my own solarized water.. too bad, i could only get these transparent bottles since colored ones were unavailable.. never mind, in this case i can always wrap them up using different color films, even more flexible this way!! what solarized water you wonder?? simply expose your (glass only, not plastic) bottle of water under sunlight for a couple of hours and that it is!! anyway, i'm not going to be redundant here, if you are interested to know more, just google solarized water color therapy and read the benefits of this very ancient wisdom.. :) |
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最近喺網上睇到有人飲呢個生果泡水(fruits infused water), 雖然唔係新聞, 但係我覺得幾有趣噃, 一試無妨.. 於是靈機一觸, 我將兩者二合為一, 產生咗我嘅生果泡陽光水(fruits infused solarized water)嚟.. 就希望兩者嘅效益唔會相撞之余, 其實可以互補互惠啦, 呵呵!! 以下係試過嘅兩款, (1)醒神: 檸檬, 青檸同桔仔, (2)沁涼: 靑蘋果, 青瓜及薄苛葉..飲前我會加冰塊, 凍冰冰易入口, 再加半茶匙鹽(係鹽, 唔係糖!!)俾佢更加清涼.. 飲後感:- 靑蘋果, 青瓜及薄苛葉如果直接打成汁會好味啲嘅; 檸桔嗰個呢, 其實幾適合咁整而且好好飲喎, 我鍾意呀.. 拋開你嘅汽水同所有加工嘢飲,嚟試下呢個健康啲嘅啦!! :) |
lately, i have also read about people drinking fruits infused water, likely an old story but i find it interesting that i would want to try too.. and so, i combined both ideas and came out with my fruits infused solarized water, with a hope that their benefits won't clash but rather complement each other, haha!! here were two that i tried, (1) invigorating: lemon, lime and calamansi on the left, (2) cooling: green apple, cucumber and mint on the right.. i would add ice-cubes to serve them chilled, and also half a teaspoon of salt (no, not any sugar!!) to make them taste even more refreshing.. my verdict, probably it's nicer to just blend apple, cucumber and mint into juice; as for the citrus one, i find it suitable for and taste good this infused-water way, i like it!! ditch your soda and all processed beverages, try this healthier one!! :) |
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2015.08.21 | 手機演進
2015.08.18 | 行業專業
[Volume 10 Issue 8, #2048] |
Profession versus Professional |
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想問下大家有幾何被身邊嘅親朋戚友咨詢同你行業有關嘅嘢, 但係你就覺得係需要其他專業人士去答覆呢?? 哈哈, 我知大家睇咗句嘢三次, 都仲係嘗試理解我想講乜.. 講簡單啲, 就好似去同一位事務律師咨詢關於捐獻及謀殺醜聞嘅意見(因為都係律師), 又或者叫一位心肺醫生去幫孕婦開刀生仔(因為都係醫生)咁.. 就正是今日呢篇貼嘅題材--行業與專業喇.. 大家都知我喺所謂嘅IT界搵餐飯仔食啦, 就因為咁, 身邊啲親友一有咩關於電腦嘅嘢, 就第一時間走嚟問我.. 老實講, 其實IT只不過係一個通用(甚至濫用)嘅名詞, 本身就係個非常之廣泛(到佢哋完全唔知有幾廣泛)嘅行業, 裡面有幾乎無限嘅領域, 而每個領域入面嘅每個分支都有佢哋自己嘅專家.. 我可能懂得, 或識少少, 甚至完全一竅不通嘅地方多得是, 但係因為我係個佢哋身邊嘅「IT人」, 所以就好似理所當然會知晒全部嘢.. 事實當時並非如此啦, 我係識得啲啲scripting, 但我冇可能識晒所有程式篇寫同網頁設計.. 我係識得(跟住說明書)裝軟件, 但我對於電腦網絡同硬件係零知識, 更不能講要我修理電腦.. too bad, 呢啲全部都係佢哋眼中嘅「IT嘢」, 我唔識邊個識?? 所以好多時候對於呢啲嘅expectation, 我只係有啼笑皆非嘅份.. :D |
how often are you being consulted by people around you on things related to your profession, but you actually think those need professionals to answer?? haha, i know you read that sentence three times and are still trying to digest what i mean.. to make it simple, it's like consulting a solicitor on a donation and murder scandal (because they are lawyers), or asking a cardiologist to perform a caesarean delivery (because they are doctors).. it's exactly the topic of this post - profession versus professional.. you see, i work in the so-called IT line, and because of that many friends and relatives around like to ask me whatever computer related.. to be frank, IT is a very general term and itself a vast industry (they never have expected) that involves almost infinite areas and each sub-domain under every area has got their own specialists.. i may know, or know little, or even know nothing about many areas, but because i am seen as the "IT guy" around them, i am expected to know what they wanted to know.. this is certainly not the case, i may know a little scripting but i definitely cannot do all kinds of programming and web design work.. i may know how to install software (based on the manuals) but i definitely know nothing about computer networking and architecture, not to mention repairing a computer.. too bad, all these are just "IT" to them and i am expected to know all things.. many times i am just speechless on these expectations, i wonder if i shall cry or i shall laugh?? :D |
2015.08.14 | 出埠歸來
[Volume 10 Issue 8, #2047] |
Just Back Home from An Outstation Trip |
有讀者問點解我最近咁靜局嘅?? 吓, 乜我好靜局咩?? 我有例常嘅新貼, 我又從未miss過其他blog嘅每一個貼喎.. 又或者因為我有超過一個月都冇回應任何留言?? 呵呵, 唔好意思囉, 其實真係冇乜時間去逐個貼逐條留言去回應囉(不過我有睇晒所有留言), 如我經常提及過啦, 睇blog留言優先嘛.. anyway, 我其實剛剛出埠做嘢返嚟咋, 因為冇(免費)wifi, 唯有靠部手機上網同睇blog留言, 所以留言金榜多日內都冇更新.. 噚晚一返到屋企, 就即時更新同埋寫咗今日呢個貼喇, 所以係簡短兼dry嘅.. 究竟我去咗邊呢?? 下面有三張相俾大家估下, 當然估中係冇手信啦, 哈哈!! 祝大家有個愉快嘅週末!! :) |
some bloggers wondered why i have been so quiet lately?? errr, have i been quiet?? i have regular new posts and i have comments left for every new posts of other blogs.. probably i seem to be quiet because i have not been replying to comments since more than a month ago?? ooopsss, paiseh lah, i am really still finding time to do that (but i read all comments actually), the former tasks come in priority first, as i have always mention, hehe.. anyway, i am indeed just back home from an outstatin business trip, can't get (free) wifi and i just had to rely on my phone to bloghop and surf the internet, hence even the comment chart was not updated.. back home last night and i made sure all things are back on track and instantly drafted this post, so you see only this very short and brief and "dry" post today.. where have i been?? three photos below for you to guess, no souvenirs though if you manage to guess it right, haha!! have a great weekend ahead folks!! :) |
點擊下面的縮略圖查看個別照片 Click thumbnails below to view individual photos ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2015.08.11 | 是是但但
[Volume 10 Issue 8, #2046] |
The Anything-Will-Do Attitude (a.k.a Cincai) |
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自從我大多數時候留喺公司自己整午餐後, 我發覺已經開始對午餐食啲咩冇乜要求喇.. 大家都知喺公司入面當然好多限制, 冇可能煮個九大簋出嚟㗎, 所以好多時候係求其有嘢落肚就得啦.. 唔需要諗要去邊度食晏, 唔需要煩要食飯定食麵, 而係自己有咩可以整到咩就食咩, 最緊要方便.. 就好似呢碟睇落「白賴晒淡謀謀」嘅米粉, 十分鐘內煮完五分鐘內食晒, 哈哈!! 味道如何?? 我其實幾鍾意喎, 不過就俾大家知我點整, 咁先可以定奪究竟得唔得嘛~~ :p 將蔬菜及切好嘅杏鮑菇改入微波爐, 高火烚佢4分鐘.. 烚好就將米粉放埋入去浸熟一分鐘, 唔駛再煮.. 飛乾水之後, 將米粉放落碟中.. 放入麻油, 生抽, 同我嘅「秘密武器」橄欖菜.. 撈均之後同蔬菜杏鮑菇一起享用.. |
ever since i spent most time cooking lunch in office, i realized i am slowly cultivating this anything-will-do attitude when it comes to what to eat for lunch.. you see, many things are rather constrained and of course we can't do anything fancy in the office, hence many times it is like "as long as there is something to eat, then that's it".. there is no decision needed on which place to go, rice or noodles etc but i eat what i can make out of the stuffs i have, and what's most convenient to cook.. for example, this bland-looking beehoon which was done in less than 10 minutes and finished in 5, haha!! was that good?? hmmm, i liked it personally but i shall let you judge if it is good by how i cooked it~~ :p blanch veggie and sliced eryngii mushrooms in microwave on high power for 4 minutes.. when done, soak beehoon together for another minute (doesn't need to cook).. throw away the water, place soften beehoon onto a plate.. add sesame seed oil, light soya sauce and, my "secret ingredient", preserved "olive vegetable" (those dark bits - i have no idea what this is called in English because it's a very Chinese thing, haha!!).. give it a nice toss, serve with veggie and eryngii mushroom.. |
2015.08.07 | 我在低頭
[Volume 10 Issue 8, #2045] |
I Am Looking Down (At My Phone) |
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我諗大家見到上面張圖, 應該都唔知佢係乜喇.. 其實係我部手機內, 我比較經常用開嘅幾個程式啫.. 我記得曾經有提及過自己撘車返工放工嘅時侯, 一定係把握時間盡情用手機, 所以上一篇貼先會話咩「唔好去話人哋成日低頭玩電話等等」.. 最近就好似每日指定動作咁, 由左至右, 首先我會喺個語言學習程式繼續學三至四個法文module(我仲堅持緊, 唔係三分鐘熱度㗎!!), 之後就當然去睇blog兼留言啦, 跟住呢就會入whatsapp睇及回message, 最後如果仲有時間嘅話, 就玩一陣間游戲咁啦!! 嘻嘻.. 或者大家會覺得我實在係太過於「低頭」喇, 不過我想話都係以上搭緊車嗰段時間啫.. 事關我一到公司, 部手機就一定擺喺檯上一二角之後我就專心做嘢喇.. 又或者返到屋企, 我部手機就肯定留喺間房度.. 在室內, 我唔周圍去都帶住部手機嘅, 而且我係將所有聊天程式較靜音嘅(一直響其實好鬼煩), 間中記得「係噃, 我有部電話噃」時, 我先會睇下咋.. 所以呢, 如果我喺幾個鐘之後先回你嘅message, 就多多包涵喇, 因為我真係唔係每分每秒都check住部手機嘛!!! :D |
okay, i guess you have no idea what the picture above is about.. it's actually a collage of the apps on my phone that i use more frequently.. i remember i mentioned before i fully utilise the time on my phone when i am in the train commuting to and from work, that was why in my previous post i said something like "let's not comment about people who keep looking at their phone blah blah blah", haha.. it's like a daily routine to me now that, from left to right, i'll first continue learning 3 to 4 modules of French on the app (surprise surprise i am still hanging on!!), then blog hop and spam comments, then read and reply my whatsapp messages and if i still have time, i'll go for some games!! hihihi.. well, if you think i'm too engrossed in my phone, i would say probably just throughout those commuting hours.. because once in office, my phone lies coldly on my desk while i focus on work.. or when at home, the phone is ditched at the corner of my room.. when indoor, i don't bring my phone around and i mute all the chat apps (to keep myself peaceful from all the annoying beeps), i only check my phone occasionaly when i remember "oh, i have a phone".. hence, please pardon me if i take hours to read and reply your message, especially during working hours or at night, because i don't look at my phone every minute and second!! :D |
2015.08.04 | 避隨身聽
[Volume 10 Issue 8, #2044] |
DO NOT All The Time Wear Ear/Head-phone |
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我哋先唔好談論去到邊都低頭睇住部手機, 因為我自已有時都係咁, 所以無謂自打嘴巴啦, 哈哈!! 今日呢篇係上一篇關於我隻藍牙耳機嘅延續, 我話我經常喺搭車或喺gym內會戴住聽歌, 有時喺屋企都會.. 我係講真㗎, 因為一喺(甚至未到)室外我就會即刻除落嚟㗎喇.. 經常都會見到街上有人戴住手機喺度享受聽歌嘅樂趣, 有啲更加係開大聲到連我都聽到佢喺度聽緊咩, 不過我唔會咁做.. 大家諗下, 我哋身在室外其實更加容易遇到意外, 譬如話有車honk你, 或者有人嗌你, 又或者後面有架搶匪坐住電單車殺到埋嚟.. 就因為對耳塞住耳機所以聽唔到呢啲預警聲, 而冇提起防備, 其實都幾危險囉!! 我就覺得唔好同自身安危搏過喇, 況且我對耳都需要休息嘅.. :) |
let's not talk about how unsafe it is to keep looking at your phone wherever you go, because i sometimes do that, so better not slap on my own face, haha!! today's post is a follow-up to my previous post on the bluetooth earphone i bought about a week ago, i mentioned i always wear the earphone when i'm in the LRT and in the gym (and sometimes at home too).. yes, i really mean that because once, or even before, i am outdoor i will immediately take off my earphone.. while i can see many people enjoying their music through their earphones or even bulky headphones while walking outdoor (some even so loud i could hear what they are listening), i won't actually want to do so.. you see, we are more prone accidents outdoor, for example a car honks in emergency or somebody is shouting at you or a snatcher motorcycle is approaching, but because our ears are stuffed with a blasting device, we can't here all these alarms and did not stay alert!! it definitely is not safe and i don't think i want to take any risk, anyway my ears need some rests too.. :) |
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