[Volume 10 Issue 6, #2029] |
I Am A Multilinguist Wannabe |
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發白日夢自己能夠通曉多國語言?? 係呀, 我絕對係有興趣學多幾種其他語言㗎.. 依家假假哋都叫做識得中文, 英文及馬來西亞文(雖然冇樣叻, 但係都出得下場面嘅), 而我想要學嘅語言名單上, 頭兩個就係日文同法文.. 個人覺得呢兩和種語文好正, 日文聽落就文質彬彬, 法文聽落就風情萬種, 哈哈!! 最近下載咗個免費嘅手機程式叫做Duolingo, 我正在通過呢個程式學緊法文哦!! 呢個程式好互動同啟發性, 學習因此更生動有趣.. 唔似得好多其他嘅教材咁, 一味跟住發音但係從來唔知自己噏緊乜.. 通過Duolingo學習, 感覺就似上緊堂咁, 課程以不同模式與級數進階, 通過各種不同活動(例如聆聽, 發音, 理解及翻譯等)進行.. 法文確實唔係易學嘅語文呀, 譬如話一個單字會因為唔同人, 性別, 時間及數量等而有各別嘅變化.. 當然我學嘅只係雞毛蒜皮, 絕不能夠靠佢在法蘭西生存囉, 哇哈哈哈!! 睇睇我至今學到啲乜嘢?? :D 以下各別句子轉換中文或法文: J'apprends le français. Peux-tu me corriger, s'il vous plait? 我正在學緊法文, 請多多指正.. J'ai un singe. Il aime manger des bananes et boire du lait. 我有隻馬騮, 佢喜歡食香蕉同飲奶.. Bonjour, comment ça va? Au revoir et à bientôt. 你好嗎? 再見, 希望好快再見面.. 注: 呢篇唔係贊助貼(大家都知冇贊助商會搵上我啦), 只係覺得呢個免費手機程式頗不錯, 所以在此與讀者分享.. :) |
multilinguist wannbe?? yeah, i am certainly very fond of learning some other languages.. i now know Chinese, English and Malay (all of elementary levels but good enough lah), and in my list of other languages i am interested to learn, the top ones are Japanese and French.. i find these two languages beautiful, Japanese sounds so polite and French sounds so sexy, muahahaha!! i've recently downloaded a free apps called Duolingo and am learning French through it now!! this is an interactive and intuitive apps that makes learning so much fun and enjoyable, unlike many others that you only follow the demonstrator to read through sentences but do not understand what you are doing.. learning through Duolingo is like going to a class, learning though a variety of activities like listening, speaking, understanding and translating, and progressing through different modules and levels.. certainly not a simple language to learn, for instance, every word has many forms depending on the subject, gender, tense and quantity of the context.. of course, all are just basics and i don't think i can survive in France after learning, muahahaha!! see below what i've learned so far.. :D each sentence below to switch between French and English: J'apprends le français. Peux-tu me corriger, s'il vous plait? I am learning French. Will you correct me please? J'ai un singe. Il aime manger des bananes et boire du lait. I have a monkey. He likes to eat bananas and drink milk. Bonjour, comment ça va? Au revoir et à bientôt. Hello, how are you? Goodbye and see you soon. NOTE: this is not a sponsored post (you know no sponsors will engage me mah), i just like this free apps and thought of sharing with my readers here.. :) |
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2015.06.11 | 多國語言
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Walau Eh! Thambee you are so talented to be able to speak so many languages now! Yet you wanna speak French which is so tough.
ReplyDeleteI don't feel that French language is sexy but it sounds very classy! They produce world class of brands so they pride themselves in their language too. We have long heard about their arrogance towards English speaking tourists.
DeleteSo now Thambee learns French and Anay cannot correct you die. Monsieur Sherman Bon appetit !
DeleteSo you took the trouble to tell people you have a monkey who eats bananas and drink milk. Muahahahaha
DeleteYou should tell the French that your monkey is a jet setter who drinks wine and eats steak at posh restaurant.
In my own opinion, the Mandarin language is the most polite, classic and beautiful. It must be spoken by Taiwanese and not mainlanders who often spoke with thick accents. The worst encounter I had was listening to folks in Anhui China who spoke with thick phlegm in their throat. Even my wife waved white flags at them. Lol
DeleteThe most difficult language to master is English as it has too many grammars and terms that are confusing to beginners.
The easiest language to learn is Thai and it sounds low monotones. It has no grammar and easily understood by Thais even when we spoke broken ones. Mai pen rai....
The most mouthful language is our own Bahasa Malaysia!!!
Just a good example is the word Ninety Nine which contains 10 alphabets. In BM it is Sembilan Puluh Sembilan with 21 alphabets and so many vowels. Sweats!
TM - errr...try listening to the Taiwanese Mandarin that mixed with hokkien ... it's sure very 'polite'.... muahahahha
DeleteI think all language are polite la ... it depends on the person who speak it. Hahha... yeah, Malay language can be long but Indian language are damn fast!!
I agree that if the Mandarin is mixed with Hokkien, sure it sounds like cartoons. I have visited Taiwan several times and was impressed by their spoken Mandarin. I got this confirmation from my wifey who is a Mandarin expert too.
DeleteI do not agree that all languages sound polite, you are just being humble. I didn't list out my opinion on the rough and least pleasant sounding languages as it is not fair & very subjective. You might have heard that among our many Chinese dialects spoken, some tend to sound like scolding or rather harsh. The best is many Chinese dialect words are quite vulgar to others. My wifey always laughed at me when I mimicked all the Hakka and Hokkien words that are actually vulgar to others. Happy learning!
Somehow I feel the mandarin mainland Chinese speaks have clarity and very clear. Its easier to understand their mandarin compared to local mandarin which either has a thick hokkien or canto accent. It's also polite too compared to those Taiwanese mixed Hokkien Mandarin.
DeleteOh... I love the Bahasa Indonesia compare to bahasa Malaysia, Theirs are more and sounds poetic though I don't understand it as they speak too fast. I got some indonesian coleagues and as someone who is proficient in Malay, I still don't get their meaning. hahaha
DeleteFor me, I think mainland one is very difficult to understand, sometimes they speak too fast. As when I watch hk apple news, the reporter sometimes can't every translate what they speak though.
Deletewell, i think there is no harm to learn another language.. but then i think we Malaysians can speak multiple languages, but we master none of the language we speak.. all "half bucket of water" add up to one, hahaha!! so we are all like cartoons since we like to mixed few languages we know into one sentence, i guess native speakers will never understand us, hahaha!!
DeleteFrench sexy la. Not all are arrogant la.
DeleteLOL....SK you should look into Anay's suggestion and telling people Fing Fing is a Jet Setter and eat caviar with banana leh . Drink Champagne on the go too .
English is easier than French la. Those tenses van makes ones head spin faster than gasing leh. Some more the words adui....pengsan type .
Mandarin polite ah? Hmmm ...just too bad some of the speakers not so polite leh. Some of the mandarin words that come out of their mouth can sometimes burnt your ear off leh . Just the other day i was in a cafe a bunch of mainlander came. adui....so darn loud and *vomiting blood* their "mandarin" can kill leh
Malay language is very soft spoken and poetic too as what Chris had mentioned.
wow... you are really mature. Well, why I mentioned mature cos mature people likes to keep learning new things regardless of what subjects. There are people who are well in advance age but still immature cos they don't want to learn especially from their mistakes.
ReplyDeleteMature folks are those who always seek knowledge or learn new things, regardless of their age. Opps... I didn't said you are old...muahahahaha...
Good morning Chris. You are awake! Don't tell me SK has changed his posting hours! I wanna sleep now. Enjoy talking alone... Lol
DeleteTM - aiyo.. I usually comment at this hour ...muahahahahah... Good night.
DeleteMarathon Champion Wannabe, better sleep early every night before 11pm so that your body would be fit to run like Lina. She goes to bed by 8:00pm! She is very fit and youthful looking, you know...
DeleteAnyway, we can still post comments here during the daylight. BTW how many languages can you speak, Chris Kurage??? LOL
hahaha... I slept late but I woke up late too.
DeleteI can speak the usual languages Malaysian can speak la.
hahahaha, sounds a little funny with your "definition" on matured but i take it as a compliment lah, thanks, hihihihi!! but that is really something i wished to learn for a long time but take no action, since there's this apps recommended in Apple Store then i just download it for free to try, eventually find it a nice apps actually.. :)
Deleteah? SK changed posting hours ah? I tak perasan pun. hahaha....now you say i baru noticed.
Deletewei sk why you so late in the night still not sleeping yet? Not sleepy more in the morning. Or is this a scheduled post where you are soring right now.
LOL mature.... i feel sk have OCD la..instead of cleaniliness he OCD about learnimg. He will keep on learning new things and stuffs till the day nyanyuk. even when he nyanyuk bet he wont give up learning. Hmm...very hard to find such hardworking person lah
It's not easy learning a new language!! I remember I tried to learn Japanese during my secondary school and I dropout of the free supplement class after 2 sessions. Maybe I can't read mandarin and that makes it tougher to learn as Japanese
ReplyDeletelanguage characters are quite close to Chinese.
Learning a new language needs a lot of time and patience as well as understanding the culture. You need to have some knowledge of the French or Japanese culture in order to grasps the language well. That's where some angmohs who are fluent in Mandarin but still lacking something in their mastery of that language.
Yes I also had a hard time learning Japanese language. I dropped out of the language centre after 3 months and still remember many simple important action words and vocabulary. I still remember the word SEM-PUKI which means Ceiling Fan!! Wakakaka
DeleteMy friend told me that French is a very tough language to learn. She is very sure as she married a French man who headed many Club Meds around the world, so they moved a lot and picked up languages. This lady concluded that South France is the most lovely place she has ever lived in her life and that's where I heard that the folks take pride in their language very much. We seldom hear our folks praising our own Cantonese or Hokkien so much. It is just natural that Chinese words come out of our mouths daily and nothing more to glorify.
Here I agree with you that we need to study and understand their culture well in order to master their language as this is very important. With my limited ability to speak Korean and Thai, I realised this part where we need to understand their culture to apply the right words as I could not simply open up a dictionary to utter them out.
yeah, agreed with TM. However, learning French can be rewarding as I understand Europeans speak French too, besides English . it's quite a universal language over there.
DeleteAS for Japan, I think it's only beneficial for folks who wanted to work for Japanese or in Japanese firms, else it's not really that popular.
indeed it's not easy to learn a new language especially in this age, hahaha!! it would be easy for kids to learn, and there is also one problem with learning another language - if you are not using it often, then sure you will forget it very soon.. and French, OMG, it is indeed a tough one, i cannot remember all those different forms of the same word.. i failed the test badly!!! hahaha~~
Deletenot only coz of the age, sk but also due to the enviroment here. here everyone speaks malay, english and some chinese. how many of your friends speak french? If there is nobody to speak french with you, it will be hard to learn plus their language is one of the more complicated language in the world . not like mandarin easy straight forward.
DeleteBut of all the asian language...think maybe Mandarin is the first most popular followed by Japanese.This is not to compare to those out of asian la.
Now China is expanding very fast. Some say soon their technology will exceed even American. Many are learning Mandarin even those european are leaning that too
Hmmm.... not sure how French sound sexy but mentioning about French sounds romantic. Ok la.. I didn't really watch French movies or listen to french so I can't feel how sexy the language is.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I do watch japanese serials and yes, they sounds very well manner and cultural. Even when they translate the language into English or Mandarin, you can see the good manners and politeness in the language. Some of them are like ... when the chef served a bowl of ramen to the client, the chef will said 'please advise...' or ' please enjoy the food '..... I like their politeness.
Side tracked a bit, but in real world, those Japanese are not really that polite. They just lit up their cigarettes in air-cond restaurants regardless of whether there are old folks or children there.
DeleteOk la... there's always some bad apples.
My own brother must be one bad apple too. He smokes everywhere even when driving his car with children and my parents inside. This is selfish right? Tsk! Tsk! All his clients are mostly Japanese, so where did he learn this traits? Aha!!..
DeleteI must applaud that the Japanese people are the most polite in this world! It has been written in many articles and newspapers. You will love them and their country for being so neat, clean and almost perfected for better lifestyles. Ichiban!
Dunno, most of the Japanese smoked in air-cond restaurants in JB and when I complain to the management, they said they can't help it as they want to do business. That really changed my perception of them being polite. Perhaps they are polite with their races or in Japan ?
DeleteJust like complaints from Malaysians that Singaporeans anyhow throw rubbish in Malaysia but well- behaved in SG....muahahaha...
Deletehahaha, maybe it sounds more classy than sexy?? anyway, just my personal feel.. but i would say Japanese language generally gives everyone a very polite and courteous impression huh?? Tamils is a tongue twister language, Hokkien is a loud language, and Hakka is a very vulgar language~~ :D
DeleteApp really revolutionise the IT world. They are fantastic, mobile, light and powerful. I will try to download this duolingo and see for myself. Of course la, with a tool like thi, you probably master the basics of the language. You will need to attend classes in order to advance the mastery of a certain language as well as watch more foreign movies in order to understand their culture. It's a long process but it's worth the while if you like and interested in the language.
ReplyDeleteyeah, it's a free apps and i don't expect i will learn any more advanced, but then i guess it's really a good one for beginners like me.. i don't think i can really master one language but to have a better command, guess on going practice and usage would be essential..
Deletehehehe...you are playing with javascript right for the clicks ? err... I dunno french, thus cannot correct you. Fuiyoh..SK really hebat Can go to France without any issues with the language in a year time..hahhah...
ReplyDeleteHow about Thai language? It's nearer to our country and can use it more frequent.
opps... not clicks but mouse over...
DeleteThai language eh! Anay knows how to speak Thai very well, because he has Thai in his blood. Sabai sabai.
DeleteYannie - Didn't know Anay is half - Thai ...no wonder he so handsome.
Deletehehe, this is another responsive page.. taps on mobile but mouse over for desktop.. and in fact for desktop's mouse over, not need javascript at all but the CSS will do.. :p
DeleteWah....can even translate your monkey and banana. That app seems powerful leh. It is consider very good already for an app to be able to teach you so many things. Need to pay for the add-ons (advance topics) ?
ReplyDeletehehehe, of course!! because these were taught in the lessons leh.. simple terms for animals, food and fruits.. yeah, there are advanced topic, you unlock them by the points you earn along..
Deleteeh...the last phrase not bad to use on gorgeous french girls....muahahaha... Any other lines the app teach you to start a conversation or sweet talk ? really good app leh, I download it later. :)
ReplyDeleteactually there is!!! hahaha, it needs 30 coins to purchase the "flirting" topic, muahahaha!! when i have accumulate enough, i will unlock that :D
DeleteThe app also have exercises and quizzes , as seen in the diagrams. Thats good to refresh your memory after what you have learnt. It seems like e-learning. Lots of images to aid you in your understanding and later test your knowledge and memory. And, not forgetting it will pronounce the words for you right ?
ReplyDeleteSometimes I will refer to my dictionary app if I cannot pronounce some english word. And I taught my kid to do so too when I'm not around to teach him.
yeah, there are actually different types of activities and quizzes, not just listening and reading like many other materials.. that's what i find fun and enjoyable learning through this apps.. oh yeah, i also have a dictionary apps, i think it's necessary as i also refer to it often :)
DeleteThis is really interesting.. I am a frustrated multiliguist wanna be but I surrendered LOL... Well, it's really nice that you know other languages other than your native one and of course English and it could be very advantageous when you travel those country,,, at least communicating with others will not be a big problem right
ReplyDeleteoh yeah, i think learning languages of others is actually a fun thing to do.. agree, it would be useful to learn a little basic ones if we are traveling :)
Deleteyes, I think basics are good enough and definitely a great start.. you don't have to learn everything yet as long as you know the basics, you can start improving yourself one word after another..
ReplyDeleteyeah, even if i am learning the more advanced level, i guess if i don't practice and use them often, i'll fall back to the square one too.. haha!!
Deleteinteresting app.. it looks like a module to me but in a mobile version (which is good).. they'll start with the basics and followed by more advanced learning and the good thing is it's free... (i mean are there no hidden fees or in-app purchases required?) It's either they got that option or they got ads popping from time to time (but i guess that's tolerable hehe)
ReplyDeleteyeah, it goes by modules and levels and learning is through different types of activities and quizzes.. it's fun and not boring at all.. it's free and it's ads-free too!!! how nice..
Deletereally.. ads free.. that's very nice... and those quizzes.. i wonder if you can retake it if you failed
Deleteyeah, it's really not bad at all.. and no problem with those quizzes, you can redo as many times as you like.. in fact everyday, the apps will have you to do random revision on completed topics..
DeleteI see, they do not have our language.. hehe would you like to learn ours... aw.. never mind .. who wants to learn tagalog anyway LOL.. but seriously.. i think in my case, what I need to learn first are the dialects we have.. since we are an archipelago, the language/ dialect from one island to another is different ... that's too much to learn though hehe
ReplyDeletei find that they do not have a lot actually, basically they only have the European languages to choose from.. anyway, there's French that i wanted to learn, hope they will add in more soon..
DeleteI'm sure future updates will add more languages.. anyway, good luck with your new app.. i'm sure you'll be productive with that
Deletei really hope so, i hope to see Japanese included.. anyway, i'm less than 50% completed with the French course, still a long way to go for another language :p
DeleteActually my parents can speak our native dialect which we can undestand yet we cannot composed words or talk using such language..it's more like a dying dialect which our province are trying to restore by including them in school's curriculum.. Gosh, the only french terms i know are Bonjour, Muy Bien and SPAGHETTI lol
ReplyDeletehahaha, i guess you are right.. down the generations, we kind of "simplify" our languages and blend in with more "urban" ways of using the language.. well, see this as evolving probably?? :p
Deleteyes... I hope those native dialects will not fade completely yet.. I'm actually very eager to learn more about it... I found a vocational course that will focus on such language so maybe it could help me somehow to learn it..
Deleteyou are right.. in fact i find that many youngsters can no longer speak their mother-tongue dialects anymore..
DeleteWah, SK wants to learn Japanese and French, good good, I support you.. Eh, self-learn so mafan, why not pay and join a class in a language centre wor? You so free, no need to rush home everyday (like me) to pick up kids and all, can just drop by the learning centre after work and join 2 hours class once or twice a week wor.. I think it’s a good idea, but of course have to pay la.. Now you are using free apps, of course FOC la.. But I guess it’s limited.. Reach to a certain level, maybe they ask you to pay for full version jor..
ReplyDeleteWah, French canggih oohhh.. Need to twist the tongue a lot one wor.. By the time you master French, I think you become very very sexy automatically jor, haha..
DeleteEh, your 2nd sentence about Fing and his favourite food, aiya, sai hei la.. Why wana talk about Fing first? Of course must talk about ownself first ma, hehehe.. I so bad hor, talk like that about Fing.. The 3rd sentence very appropriate, can be used anytime anywhere, this one ok..
DeleteNot easy learning a new language, have to start from scratch.. Somemore self-learn.. I prefer going to a class leh.. And not mention about writing too.. You need to speak, read and write also leh.. Wah, sweat..
Deletehehehe, "life till old learn till old" mah and i actually like learning languages, i find it fun.. but of course not ask me to go and study literature like those university subjects la.. errr, this one free apps mah, if go to class then need to pay one woh, somemore i can follow my own pace if i am learning on my own.. sexy?? errr, no lah, i am one who won't look like a prince even if i put on the robe~~ :D
DeleteMy friend always said I'm very greedy, like to learn a lot of things until I don't have time seriously. Language of coz is my top learning list, especially French, because of the MSF charity society, that's one time I go and learn French. But as I said I've too many hobbies, blog, 手帐, reading, violin, yoga, diy(working progress of this year christmas card) my friend she even said you need to cut down a bit. So honestly can't focus all and can't be good in everything....but still I'm very greedy and want to be good in everything.
ReplyDeleteAs such a great tool like this, I think I should squeeze some time out to learn also, hehe! French is the first language I wish to learn, then Japanese, Spanish...and German...Hmm, super greedy.....
yeah, give me five!! you like French and Japanese also huh?? ooh, i think this apps would be nice for you lah, they also have Spanish and German too.. well well well, but i think indeed you have lots of activities going on huh?? wonder how you can manage your time, hehe.. :p
DeleteEver consider going for course on it, if you go for course, anything u not sure, can ask the trainer....
ReplyDeleteerrr, if free one then i go lor~~ haha!! :p
DeleteHahaha, oui! I think ca va is enough, no need to add comment to the sentence XD .
ReplyDeleteFrench ah, I think learning to read is not that hard, the worst part is learning to pronounce the words, their vowels and intonation not the same as English, like, at all!
in the learning process, gotta be more "formal" mah.. and you are right, the pronunciation is like so "unpredictable".. reading actually also a challenge, since one word has so many forms in different context..
DeleteFuyoh! SK learns French now eh! Bon appetit, Bon voyage, and Bon Jovi, those 3 Bons I know so far.
ReplyDeleteYour Fing Fing loves bananas and milk, so as Yannie. Yannie must be a monkey in her previous life.
Ok, till then SK, see you again.
Thanks for sharing the link, I may use it to learn Japanese when I need to talk to Japanese Hansamu.
DeleteI just went to that link, too bad there is no Nihongo there for me to choose. SK, what is the link if I want to learn Nihongo? I want to Korean also, so that I can talk to Lee Minho when I see him.
DeleteBy the way, it is good to learn something new. Learning a new language, learning to sing, learning to dance, learning to bake, learning to cook, learning to swim and learning a new skills is always making a happier person, I believe so.
DeleteI think SK's next holiday destination is Europe, since he learns French now... Hehehe :p
DeleteI think SK's new target is a French woman, he must be at home learning how to say Je t'aime, kekekek!
DeleteGrande Madamme Yannie you are absolutely wrong on this guessing. It is the gorgeous French woman who is targeting our SK Thambee! She is probably dating him soon and spend the night eating fresh raw escargots with caviar and sip the finest Merlot wines while looking at the KL/PJ Arch by the Klang River, just pretending it's the Champs-Élysées! Muahahahaha
Deletehehehe.. i just realised there is no Japanese to learn but they only have the European languages available with the apps.. hmmm, nvm, let me just learn French first and hope more will be added in soon.. and yeah, learning language is fun!! i enjoy it.. :)
DeleteHmm interesting! I also wish I know many languages! When I was young I even had a thinking that I wish I can know the language of whatever country I went, like magic, like instantly! Haha, how ridiculous!! :p
ReplyDeleteAnyway, like you say, knowing the elementary level is good enough, for us Malaysian. In fact, I think we Malaysia Chinese are quite lucky, see we know Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien) and some of us even know those uncommon like TeoChew/Hakka. Then we know Malay (Countries like Thailand/Indonesia also speaks a bit Malay), and finally we know English which is said to be the international language. So averagely one Malaysian Chinese knows 5 languages!! How good is it?
Oh so you love Japanese and French huh? Got to agree Japanese sounds interesting, I also wish I can learn, but impossible la, don't have the real 'heart' to go and learn, just know a few greetings only... I think all of us know a bit here and there la, like those greetings.
French, not interested, but I do a few greetings, very common types... But French is interesting, the spelling and pronounciation is totally different, and got ' along in their words, wonder how is it determined?
I also wish to learn Korean, I used to be a big Korean drama fan, haha xD
Similarly, I do know a few Korean greetings, and some short and simple words, learn it through Korean dramas.
So this Duolingo is that useful ya? Will check it out if I have extra time.
I thought you know Japanese ?
Deletehahaha, actually i have the same thought like you, maybe like Doraemon's gadget, i instantly can speak very fluent foreign language with just one switch, like radio like that change frequency, hehe~~ :D
Deleteyes, Japanese actually sounds nice leh, and i so hope i can speak and understand Japanese, that would be so useful if i am going to Japan again.. and French also one language i like, but it's a little tough since the pronunciation can be so "unpredictable" and the words can always change its form when in different context.. as for Korean, haha, actually i am not interested leh.. :p
ChrisAu, just a bit only, totally not qualified type, haha xD
DeleteSK, haha yea, just like the Doraemon's gadget! How nice right?
True, French is unpredictable, like I said, the spelling and pronunciation is totally different one. Like the brand Givenchy, when looking at the spelling, many will think it's pronounced as gee-ven-chi, right?
But correct pronunciation is shee-von-she~ Hoho!
So yea, French is sure a tougher language to learn, you got to be more hardworking then SK! =)
Wah this uncle learning French! When I was in university, we could choose foreign language as our elective. I wanted to learn Mandarin but Chinese are not allowed (in case they already know Mandarin and will top the class hah..hah..) so I chose French. But the class was full and I had to settle for Dutch.
ReplyDeleteThe thing about learning any language is that you have to use the language in order to be good at it. Just look at the Indons who come here. They pick up Cantonese very quickly and can speak quite well. Same for the Banglas who can speak Malay well enough to be understood. I have already forgotten my Dutch :(
DeleteThe best time to pick up foreign language is when you are still a child. But of course lah where got opportunity to take up French at that time right? Children learn very fast. Just hand them a smartphone and the can figure it out just like that!
DeleteIt would be useful for you to learn Japanese since you go to Japan. But the thing is that the locals may speak with an accent and make it hard for us to understand. Just like English, if we go to certain parts of England like Liverpool, alamak their English quite hard for us to understand.
DeleteSo you think French is sexy kah? To me when I listen to French talking, I feel my mouth and throat very tired hah..hah...The pronunciation is quite a tongue twister to me.
DeleteIf I had a chance, I want to learn Mandarin. Yah, it's a foreign language to me hah..hah..hah... I did take classes some years back but I gave up.
DeleteNow I remember! I did take Japanese class in uni but gave up after 3 classes. I can't write Chinese and therefore have problems with Kanji. My other Chinese friends had no problems.
Deletewah, this Auntie knows Dutch!! hehe.. but i have to agree with you, it's true that it would be a lot easier if we learn it when we were young(er), now uncle already, a lot of things that i cannot remember for long.. probably the next screen asking the same thing, i would have forgotten what i have learned in the previous screen, muahahaha!!
Deletehehe.. maybe i can teach the bloggers Mandarin, wakakakaka!! and then some other bloggers can teach me Japanese and French.. not a bad idea huh?? :p
Very nice!
ReplyDeleteSK memang sangat rajin and clever!
yeah, i learn French while you run~~ :)
DeleteThank you for sharing that useful apps to learn French. Add oil to learning French. Soon you will be able to converse in French.
ReplyDeletei am certainly enjoying the learning, but i don't think i can converse yet :p
DeleteIt's interesting to learn foreign languages that we can put to use. I was in Japan and I got to hear them speaking Japanese language. It's indeed beautiful.
ReplyDeleteyeah, been there and felt that.. i hope i can speak and understand this beautiful language too!!
ReplyDelete學法語也為了法國餐喇!! 哈哈~~ :p
DeleteI wanna try Duolingo to learn Mandarin..
ReplyDeletebut i just noticed they only have European languages to learn.. tarak Japanese or Mandarin leh..
DeleteI've been busy during the school holidays and now that I finally managed to visit you, you sudah jadi a sexy Frenchman!
ReplyDeleteaiyoh mana ada Frenchman?? french fries ada la~~ :D
DeleteIt is always a great advantage to know more languages and practise them... Keep the good up! I only know one or two words in selective countries....
ReplyDeleteyeah, agree with you.. i think basic ones will do and it's quite impossible that we can master multiple languages.. :)
DeleteTalking about other languages, I had attended Japanese and Korean language courses before, so I know some basic Jap and Korean
ReplyDeleteSo now you know bon zoo, bon zua, muahaha
DeleteOnce I attended the Korean language course, the teacher praised that I speak like a Korean, muahaha
DeleteI prefer Asian languages because they sound quite the same as our mother tongue, Chinese, so it is quite fun to learn
DeleteI miss those language courses, it is quite fun and interesting
DeleteFrench words are so difficult to understand, unlike our hanyu pinyin, or maybe we should start learning when we are still a child, because kids pick up very fast
Deletewow, so you know a few languages also, somemore speak Korean like a native speaker!! that's cool.. yeah, learning a different language is fun, if I have got the money and time, I'd also go for classes, but like you said, easier to learn when we were young(er), haha!!!
Delete不過呢個apps得幾個歐洲語言, 冇日韓文, 你可以慳返唔駛download.. 哈哈!!
Multilinguist wannabe? Hmm....why am i not surprised that you are learning other language . You have always proven yourself to be perfectionist and also always creative. To be creative, ones have to keep up with changes and keep on learning. So you learning a fourth or fifth or even six language is of no surprise. AM only surprise is that you have not done this earlier and that you choose this time to do it. having new office and settling down in new office is challenging enough and now you are also learning other language. Salute you la
ReplyDeletetrue...Japanese is such a lovely and polite language . Hmm...I wonder why you start with french first instead of Japanese. As you have mentioned in earlier posts that Japanese have similarity to Chinese in writing. I would assume that would be the language that you would choose to start with instead of french.
ReplyDeleteremember back in the 90s everyone was rushing to learn Japanese. hm...was it 90s or 80s ah. That was when Tun Dr M introduced Dara Pandang ke Timur. Many of my school friends went for Japanese class .Thought you would be one of those who join in the learning programme.
French...hmm...the language of lovers. At least that is what i read in books la. Never been there nor have learn the language. Only know the word Tia mo...r salah spelling lol.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I read in books , yes French is a difficult language to learn as the tense and the words are totally different from english...not in the sense of its spelling but in the way a sentence is constructed. if use wrong word gender in a sentence it would cause real bad consequence.
One good thing about French people is that they are very proud of their language. Some say they look down on English as for them English sound so coarse. Just like those Mandarin speaking people will find Hakka dialect a bit too loud for their liking.
Recently read in a blog that some government people in Canada are pushing the big store and hypermarkets to rename their store name in french. That leads me to google la. Wah only 22% of Canadian mother tongue are rench and yet they have so much influence. Must be the way that they are proud of their mother tongue leh. Baru tau when I google that French and english language have equal status as official language. Hmm...make me thinkof our own country. Ah...forget it la....we will never achieve that.
Change to a happier chat la
LOL....hmm....sikit sikit ...lama lama jadi bukit mah. now you know three sentences . soone by year end maybe you will learn 100 sentences already assuming you learning one sentence a day la
ReplyDeletetemporary cannot survive in french but soon maybe your talk like a native there.
No joke leh. Let say you stay there for a year and daily exposed to that language,You might even dream in french language lor. LOL...at least that is what happening to J now la. Since started primary school , morning till afternoon everyone talking in Mandarin...now her dream also in mandarin That day dunno what the heck he dreaming about ..mumbling in mandarin .
The first sentence is good but when they reply ehem...how to understand ah...unless you have google translate with you there la. the doulingo apps have the "speech" function ka like Pleco where you speech into it and then it will translate into whatever language you want.
ReplyDeleteahem...in france you had better not say that sentence leh. nanti they thought you making fun of them and challenge you to a duel habis la......heard french have very hish self esteem
ReplyDeletehello and goodbye...lol. that is a good sentence to know. at least can be polite to people la after they have corrected your speech .So bila going to France? Must be reading much of Real Gunner's travelogue ya. hati tertarik wanna go traveling to France
ReplyDeletewah got 13 language to learn in Doulingo leh. Not bad. But for the moment i have my hands full with mandarin. conqour Mandarin first baru dare to dream of tough ones like French or maybe spanish. Hey...spanish also a very sexy language leh. Tarak feel the urge to learn that too ? I feel it is a very lively sexy and vibrant type of language.