[Volume 10 Issue 7, #2043] |
My New Bluetooth Gadgets |
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上個月喺某網站買咗隻智能手錶俾自己(作生日禮物), 戴咗幾日後發覺缺少咗一樣嘢.. 唔係隻手錶, 隻錶嘅功能其實好唔錯㗎(如果唔係我都唔會買啦) [查看功能] .. 就係標準配套所俾嘅耳機係普通嘅有線耳機, 如果就咁插入隻錶, 肯定好awkward, 尤其行路同運動時更加唔方便, 試想像!! 所以就促使我買隻無線耳機喇, 幾日前先收到呢位靚仔之嘛.. 呢隻藍牙耳機係專為運動而設計, 兩隻耳塞同普通嘅一樣, 只係條線短咗一截但可以自己調整, 控制鈕就直置手塞上.. 既簡潔又企理!! 我依家每日搭車或喺gym時都會戴住哚, 同我隻智能手錶藍牙配對後就可以盡情聽我啲聚啦.. 仲有一點係佢嘅殺手鐧, 呢隻耳機係可以同時間與兩部機配對哚, 如果手機有電話入嚟, 就會中斷手錶嘅音樂播放, 掂呀呢?? 最後最煞食嘅係, 好多煩惱於手機線糾纏嘅朋友, 見到我件玩意嘅一刻, 總會不經意地投以好奇, 欣賞及羡慕嘅目光啰~~ 哇哈哈哈!! :D |
i bought myself a Smart Watch (as birthday present) from an online store last month and after a couple of days using it, i realised something was missing.. nope, this watch actually comes with nice features (else i wouldn't have bought it, agree??) [see features] .. just that the earphone included with the package is those normal wired earphone, i would definitely look awkward if i cucuk the earphone to the watch on my wrist, and especially inconvenient if i am walking or exercising, imagine that!! hence, the idea of getting a wireless earphone came to mind, and just a couple of days ago, this handsome bluetooth earphone was delivered.. this bluetooth earphone is designed for sports use, two earpieces to wear like normal earphones with short but adjustable connecting line, and control buttons on the earpiece itself.. sheer neat and sleek!! i am now wearing it whenever i'm in the LRT and in the gym, pair it with my watch via bluetooth and listening to my music.. and the killing point is, this earphone can pair with two devices at the same time, it will pause playing music if calls come in on the phone, cool huh?? but what is more cool is that, many who are tangled by their earphone wires will instinctively looking at mine with curiosity, admiration and jealousy~~ muahahaha!! :D |
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2015.07.30 | 藍牙玩意
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Oh yes, I remember this Smart Watch from your gunny sack hee..hee,,,
ReplyDeleteThis watch is very canggih lah. In fact too canggih for me. My watch just tells time aje. But this Smart Watch can make and receive calls, play music, etc and even act as a mini browser! So it has features just like a smart phone too. But in a way more convenient since it is strapped to your wrist. I am always struggling to dig my phone from my handbag when people call me.
DeleteI am trying to imagine your conventional earphone connected to your watch. Yeah, I understand what you mean when you say it is awkward. If you exercise and swing your hand to much, nanti your earphone tercabut pulak.
DeleteTo solve the problem, you bought a bluetooth earphone. So now you are happy because you are not constrained by the wire.
DeleteIn fact I was wondering lah, if you play music and then got call come in how? Then I read that your bluetooh earphone is so smart that it can direct traffic punya - when calls come in, it will ask the music to stop hee..hee...
DeleteYa lah, wireless earphone is the way to go in this situation and you look canggih too eh? Soon those who look at your earphones with curiosity, admiration and jealousy will spend some money to get one themselves :)
DeleteI agree that this new watch is too canggih for me too. I am so simple and use all pariah things. Now this is a multi function gadget that suits SK's hectic lifestyle and needs.Maybe Thambee can lend Anay to use for 2 weeks trial.
DeleteSmart watches are good la... they can track your steps, heart beats, sleeping time, receive notifications, listen to music, watch video, camera and etc. I am tempted to get a Apple Watch!
DeleteApple smart watch is expensive dei! Chris earns Singapore dollar sure can afford to buy one. Poor us who earn MYR.
DeleteToo canggih for me too, I no need such watch, for me normal watch which can tell me time will do the job :p
DeleteHayley - hahaha...Smart watches are more than just time keeper la.. It is a exercise device, notifications devices, camera, GPS maybe, listne to music and etc. You may want to get want since you also workout. :)
DeleteI know I know, but all these too canggih for me, I don't need that, for me, just my current iPhone, and that normal watch will do all the job liao, hehe!
DeleteChris makes tons of Sung dollars and afford to dine at posh Japanese fine dining restaurants almost everyday! Now owns a Sony Bluetooth and I am sure you will get Apple brand next since your running routine and distance have progressed so well, much to our amazement. We are happy for you man.
DeleteYou should not be so humble and get one Apple brand now to blog about it. I am so jakun.
If I say... old news, you angry or not SK? HIHIHI
ReplyDeleteHonestly this may be old news but I never paid attention to this product. So it is news to me since someone we know is proudly displaying his new toy with all the simplified details and explanation on its usage. For the price, it is definitely suitable for a newbie like me to consider! When I am seasoned, I will upgrade to Mak Glam's toy gadget which I really admire and impressed by its additional monitoring functions for sports enthusiasts. Now Letchumy is also interested in wearing one that helps runners to monitor and improve themselves.
DeleteThis smart watch is new to me too. I mostly run indoor. The machine in the gym tracks everything for me, therefore I didn't invest in any new gadget to help me monitor my exercise.
DeleteDepends on requirements lor... For me, my stepper is good enough now. maybe later I get a smart watch or a running watch if needed.
DeleteOld news but something new as SK bought a new BT headset. I think this post is about wireless earpeice la.
I love latest gadgets and new things but I have reached this age where I keep comparing the money to be spent with my overseas vacation trips. I always put more priority for my trips which is most important for me in my life. Like Yannie has pointed out, I am also enjoying my runs indoor and use all the machines which come with all the monitoring timers and even heartbeat counts! This year I have cut my unnecessary costs drastically after working out the money saved that could bring me to travel. I changed my gym too because FF is wasting my money now with the toll and RM4 parking fees. The new gym I go has no toll, free parking and 24 hours with Internet tablets on the treadmills plus all the tracking gadgets like SK's Bluetooth.
DeleteCongrats on getting a smart watch and that nifty wireless earphone.
ReplyDeleteNow SK can also listen to music while running.
Jom! :P
Yeah....Nandri.... Would you believe that Thambee runs and listens to Hindi songs from Bollywood dramas! He might fall inside the longkang instead. Wakakaka
DeleteI am talking nonsense and risked kena potong markah but I hear my heart telling me to consider buying one since it has functions that could benefit me easier than using my clumsy mobile phone.
lol! Anay, you kena potong markah, I am very happy one. By the way, you may be right, SK uses his smart watch listening to Hindi songs from Bollywood dramas while running. He won't fall from the treadmill or longkang, people will think he is an professional belly dancer only, because he is running like a belly dancer, shaking bums and twisting waist at the same time. Che wah!
DeleteCheh!!! I knew this Mak Yannie sure happy to see Anay kena potong markah! I better talk some sense.
DeleteNow you call him belly dancer on tread mills. Muahahahaha!! He will give you potong 100% markah.
The wireless earphone will help him to be on guard if some enemies are behind. It might also alert him when beautiful girls are in his 10 feet radius. Does this gadget give such services?
Anay, your idea is very brilliant, if beautiful girls are in his 10 feet radius behind SK, what kind of service you expect his new gadget will give? Whistling automatically would be great right?
DeleteI am just worrying that SK would get a tight slap from her on his cute round face.
Anay is lady-killer .. all aunties like him! And with his gadget that can whistle now.. he lagi superb! :D
DeleteFulamak! Anay is a lady killer and you are pulling my legs and pants down too! Muahahahaha
DeleteSure it would be wonderful that SK's gadget could whistle at the ladies regardless of age and size. They won't slap his cute face but wrap themselves around him like a cheesy tosai!
But eh, how come the Bluetooth was delivered later than the rest of the item?
ReplyDeleteI was waiting for days for Thambee to reply but he is so lazy to reply! His blogging spirit must be affected by the current issues of 1 MDB. tsk! Tsk!
DeleteSo I read over his above grandma ramblings and concluded that he bout his smart watch that came with a fat ugly and suicidal wire which looks dated! SK being a celebrity blogger wants to be seen in the LRT and gym as a latest hip hop teen running like Usain Bolt wearing nothing and hands free except a tiny Bluetooth that beeps, whistles and blinks colored lights like the street traffic lights.
So that explains why he ordered the Bluetooth later and in separate gunny sack of Bombay onions.
Call me jakun, I find it too canggih.. I stopped wearing a watch many many years ago.. I only wear watch when I was in primary school.. Halfway in secondary school.. After that, no more.. Lastime ahh, we very hing that Swatch watch.. I was crazy over that only.. Many many designs too..
ReplyDeleteI'm a bit confused on that earphone part.. I've never heard of earphones connected to watch one.. I have to read 2-3 times, then only I understand.. Oohh, can pair with 2 devices.. Can pause somemore if got call come in.. Walauweyyy..
DeleteI agree with you, will look weird if cucuk that earphone direct to the watch.. But me kiamsap, won't purposely spend money to buy another wireless earphones.. Maybe will just make-do with the original earphones, hehe..
DeleteIf this watch can blog also, lagi canggih.. Imagine SK tuk-tuk in LRT replying comments in blogs using watch, kakakakakakaa..
DeleteOh my goodness! This Princess stopped wearing watch since long time ago! So what does Princess wear now to see the time? Maybe you have a gifted clock inside your head that could sense the time or maybe you monitor the sun and moon to agak agak the time?? Muahahaha
DeleteI believe this Princess is wearing a 20 carat diamond bracelet and a watch on the other wrist might spoil her elegance!
Me too, a jakun, but I am wearing watch every day to work.All my watch are given by my jin jin. He bought what, I wear what lo! Now, i am wearing a white sporty digital CASIO watch to work. I love it, it makes me look very sporty, suits my style so well. Kekeke!
DeleteWei, TM, I look at my hp la when I wana know the time, hehe..
DeletePrincess, even go to work also no wear watch?
DeleteYaya that Swatch brand, very popular once, I also crazy about it, bought one which is super thin one, that time also need few hundreds leh, now a bit left behind already, now very heng Daniel Wellington la right?
It is a trend now where office staff wears no watch to work. Sometimes my male despatch also wears no underwear to work! No kidding! Then my stupid accountant brings no wallet to office and expects me to belanja him Makan. Cheapskate accountant!
DeleteAnyway the idea of earphone being plugged to smart watches are not a smart invention as it is really clumsy and often tangled with our hands and neck.
Maybe you will attracts 美女 looking at you, hehe...
ReplyDeleteHe better not wear anything and he can attract flies, old ladies and men as well... lol
DeleteCome on! SK no need to wear smart watch to attract ladies and men. His six packs and two tree trunk arms are enough to lure people from all walks of life.
DeleteWhat?? I didn't know that SK got tree trunk arms!! When did Yannie see or feel them? Next time I will ask Thambee rip off his shirt to let Anay snap photos. I thought he had elephant stumps only! Muahahaha
DeleteHalo Anay! Tree trunk arms are good enough already, if SK's arms are as huge as elephant stumps, he may outgrow his new smart watch, then he will wrap it as a gift to hand down to Anay on January 2016. Anay sure happys.
DeleteLol muahahaha!
DeleteIf SK really has elephant stumps on his arms, he just need to upgrade to jumbo sized smart watches that look as big as metal dustbin covers! Wakakakakaka
I have been waiting for my birthday gift from Thambee since our days living in the slums of Chennai. He pretends to forget my birthday.,
oh I remember this smart watch you brought for your birthday
ReplyDeleteIt is nice of you to remember that he bought a smart watch on his birthday.
DeleteHow about you remember my birthday which is coming in January??
I want my present!
oh wait I think my birthday comes first.. mine will be this December haha
DeleteI am telling you to remember my coming birthday so please don't change topic to tell me yours is December! That month is Christmas and you can ask the Santa Claus to get you a present. In case you dunno where Santa lives, you can visit Sibu and the fatso Santa who eats kampua noodles everyday will give you his recycled pressies collected from worldwide. I am just pulling your legs. Muahahahaha
Deletewow.. i never thought that this small gadget has so many features to offer
ReplyDeletecalls, music player and even Camera??? wow how many megapixel it has?
Next time OSIM might sell this too with a vibrating massager for the ears with music! Who knows they will add a cotton bud attached to swirl and dig out the ear wax too!!! Wakakakaka
Deletei think the pedometer feature looks cool too... because you do not have to buy a separate one when running right
ReplyDeletealthough can a pedometer function while you listen to music.. coz when I run, i used to turn my music player on... makes me more energized that way
DeleteWhen you feel that the right music could boost up your mood to run, it clearly shows the mind power that helps humans to get into the right mood for anything. That means the runners should also be listening to upbeat tempo music to run faster and not those slow ballads that lull you to sleep. Maybe you need to upload the sound of ferocious dogs barking into your ears, so that you will run even faster for your life! Wakakakaka
Deletelol! Anay. It is true that upbeat tempo music will have me to run faster. I remember on 25 June, one day before MJ's death anniversary. I heard all MJ's hits songs from the radio. I really enjoyed my run that evening. Too bad the radio was playing his songs for 1 hour only. I ran about 2 hours that evening. How nice if every evening I can hear 80s pop songs and I am sure I can perform so much better in my run.
DeleteI didn;t know that this young generation Mak Yannie listens to MJ songs. That was her mother's era music lah. We should listen to K-pops hot music better! They are good to make your heart beat like drums!
DeleteLOL.. that would be weird if a runner listens to a ballad while running... I can't imagine running while listening to "You Raise Me Up" song LOL.. upbeat is really good... the song "Eye of the Tiger" makes me energized too.. I feel like Rocky on training ^_^
DeleteAnay, I was growing up in MJ's song, not those K Pop's song. Call me auntie, never mind. I still don't know how to appreciate K Pop's song. Only uncles like you know how. Kekeke!
DeleteNow I think of it, what songs actually SK listens through his new gadgets to when exercising?
Bluedreamer- the runner will definitely fall asleep ..hahaha.. For me, I will listen to loud music , regardless of old or new. Eyes of the tiger is one of my favourite while running. I try to look for those motivation songs ... it helps.
DeleteWe need to learn to get used to the new trend of K-POP music and latest US music charts otherwise we will be sent to Old Folks Home! It is easy to join in with your kids and listen with them their choice to appreciate their taste otherwise how to interact with them if we always stick to our lame choice and old fashioned ideas. The new generations are fast learners and are well updated compared to us. Just like the Flight Tracking apps which almost all my readers had never heard of this including myself. It was a 14 year old boy who taught me to use that when I have every reason to use it often now whereas that boy has no use for it yet he knows about this apps.
DeleteNow the pedometer functions have been modified to give the runners better mileage as well to select the functions that suit your individual needs!
I really the concept of wireless earphone... i tried it once from a friend and it's really more comfortable ... I hate it when the wires are going around my body when I run.. yes.. this one is definitely tangled free.. how much does it cost there by the way?
ReplyDeleteHoii!!! I noticed you always typed "Speed Hand" in most of your comments with missing words. LOL Muahahahaha
DeleteYes the wires are nuisance now and might accidentally strangle our necks to kill us on the road. Ever seen a runner suddenly dropped dead in the middle of the track and got killed by his own earphone?
yikes... i'm rechecking my comments and yeah you're right... sorry my bad LOL.. hahaha well, if I see one, I don't know if I am going to laugh or not (typing my comment slowly this time LOL)
DeleteSomeone was asking for smart phone when I was in US.. perhaps Chris will love to know more about this! hahahaa... he asked me to get one for him... and I don't know what it is till you post this up, SK.... too late to get for him.. he better get it online as you did... hahaha..
ReplyDeleteYou are very smart and blessed not to buy it from US. It is not cheaper or better and perhaps they are made in China too, just like iPhone.
DeleteYes, he should buy like SK online. Cheaper and more reliable. I hate people who always look down on China's goods. They might have shoddy products but that's only minor cases that being blown big just like the escalator cases. So many countries also had similar mishaps that went unreported.
We must remember that China built so many palaces and Great Walls that are still standing strong today. Could even be viewed from the Moon!
I saw my friend wearing a smart watch and I thought it's really smart. She got it as a gift from her hubby since she always didn't pick up her phone. In this way, she has no choice but to receive calls from her hubby.
ReplyDeleteLOL. That is funny and I should buy for my wife too. I hope she didn;t read this comment here.
DeleteBluetooth earphones sounds great as you get to use it without any nuisance from the wire. You must be enjoying listening to music very much.
ReplyDeleteI am sure all your grown up kids are into these kinda latest trendy gadgets and stuffs. You should also post in your blog to share with us new things.
DeleteWah, cool product you got, and very convenient to use right? I love music and songs, how nice you got yourself this product
ReplyDeleteThis product is not new now but Thambee just got himself updated to be precise! I always see that new stuffs come to Singapore ahead of us in Malaysia. You should check it out often and share with us in your blog just like the useful template you just used.
DeleteAnd you can move freely with wireless earphone, how cool!
ReplyDeleteYeah this SK is so huge that he better not get tangled by the earplug wires until he might fall down to create a sink hole. Muahahaha
Deletegood morning SK. Oh so this is the mysterious watch cum SD card that you bought from Taobao which guarded by the Minion Queen LOL.
ReplyDeletewah lau eh...I see the feature so many leh. something like Samsung watch ka? Guess this one will have more feature from the samsung leh. Much improved
Am still blur as in pairing with phone thingy to make and receive phone calls and messages. Hm...things are getting more and more hi tech that hard for this dinosaur to follow LOL
Insert SIM card then become phone? Like that cool leh. Can be like James Bond talking tthrough the watch.
Camera too? Mana button. Alamak....bahaya jugak ni. If you go to the gym bathroom you better open eyes big big see whether got people wearing this in the bathroom or not. Otherwise might become unexpected film star leh.
Battery life how? No point if the battery only last 2-3 hours if when a user is using all the function. Mana old smartphone have short battery life when we use it.
Meow, you are so right, now watch has become camera, dangerous la! When people twisting their wrists, we have to start suspecting video camera is following us. Fulamak! Scary leh! Auntie Yannie has no fan, but our Ah Boy, SK, many people stalk him one. Luckily, SK also has one smart phone for himself, those people who stalk him sure knows he has one too.
DeleteAiyo this outdated news lah. So many G bloggers have stalked people inside the gym's shower stalls and changing areas and posted them to their blogs for the world to see. I think SK needs to be on his guard always as he is now a Celebrity Blogger today. Muahahaha
DeleteRemember that Anay bought a spy pen camera to used in overseas museums but never used it. Wakakaka
Yes, smart watch cn be a spying device since there's camera built in. And, who knows, maybe some other smart watches has other spying capabilities built in. Gyms and swimming pools should ban it, lik cameras and smartphones.
DeleteChris you are so unfair and ask the gyms and swimming pools management to ban the use of cameras! If your body is nice and muscular with admirers, why not flaunt it??? You should strip and let the camera bugs to snap you lah!! Wakakaka
DeleteI think this SK's smart watch has all the functions like the Samsung brand! Just the difference is the price only. Give it a few months and the smart watch will roll out another Smarter Watch, so no point throwing money into a branded item which is so costly.
LOL...why la this watch maker company or vendor so darn funny one. They purposely wanna make you laugh is it? They came up with so many features and they sell you that watch with normal plugged in earphone? Am imagining you wearing that with a wire attached to your wrist . People will thing this guy is mad or so blur sotong doesn't know how to use the earphone properly. Then video of you running in gym with that will go viral in FB . kakaka...No worries. I will help you to like the video .*evil laugh*
ReplyDeletehahaha... sorry to SK .. but I guess those China-made are like that la. On the other hand, it's cost v quality. For example, I don't think Apple Watch has these issues. I also bought some china products and also encountered the same issues. Last time, almost years ago, they hav a phone which supports front camera but the camera is at the back. Thus when I do face-talk, I gotta look at the back of the phone instad of front. ..hahaha..
DeleteI notice many people like to look down and poke fun on China made goods. Just like the Hwawei phone that I carry now which is a present given to me. Some illiterate fellas laughed and felt that brand does not tally with my status nonsense. I thought the Hwawei phone is wonderful for its cheap price and is a nice change for me to get away from Samsung for once. Oh well, I told them to remember that China made the best bullets and guns besides building the longest & strongest great walls that lasted for centuries. The ruins in Europe would need to shy away and they could not be seen from the moon too!
DeleteSo we should not look down on these China made smart watches but I would be very curious to feel it and see its durability.
I never had a bluetooth earphone before so no experience on what is the difference between the two of them .
ReplyDeleteSport ones have more features ke? For sport i think most important is that it wont drop easily coz when you running or do training in gym, you will no want ear piece to drop la.
hahaha...you are a object of envy la.
I won an expensive bluetooth once during a company's lucky draw as First prize. I did not use it and gave away to a friend. Now I regret pula.
DeleteSports one helps to prevent falling while running as it has a stronger hook and most importantly it also prevents your sweat from going in the device, compare to those non-sports type. I spoilt my bt earpiece just because I used it for sports which is not meant to me. sigh... lesson learnt!
DeleteMeow would never use a blue tooth unless it could speak out gardening tips and detect the worms in her garden! She is not a sports lady lah.
Deletepersonally i think if use that to play music and to judge the speed or number of steps that you have done is okay la . also to measure heart beat when you are in gym. But I hope there is a way to disable the function of receiving calls.
ReplyDeleteWei. You go to gym to exercise and train leh. Also as a form of relaxation. Getting calls from office or from customers might be an added stress ;leh. . Not very good la. You will lose concentration and then will keep worry about what problem that crop up. Do take care ya.
I so agree with you , meow, I love the features that can help calculating my calories burn on running, the distance of my run, the speed of my run, tell the time/date, alarm and flashlight, that is all i need. I don't check my phone when I work out.
DeleteWait! 1 more feature I may like to have. I can selfie in the gym with the smart phone. I would love to have that. Kekekek!
I find that whatever gadgets and health supplements are available out there, we humans tend to have this hangat tahi ayam attitude that cannot be maintained. Look at Thambee and His Olive Oil theory... ahem.
DeleteHope this gadget of calculating calories or burning fats could keep users on the move always to make changes to improve their well being and health. I have seen so many failures in a person's will power. If only we could be well disciplined always with strong mind power, we can achieve anything goals in life.
TM -Spot on! For me, my gadget of step tracker motivated me to run farther. I used to run 2 km only at a slow pace but somehow after wearing my tracker, it gave me a goal to complete daily and I ended up started running more and in the end, I didn't dream of running marathons.
DeleteSmart watches, steps trackers and etc...all these can be very good motivators to work out. Of course, you also need to have discipline like what you said. And with a wireless earpiece, it complement your workout and you can only go ahead and not looking back!
This meow is so funny to say that the gadget will need to have function to disable in coming calls!!!!! Just shut down the phone and you free from calls lah!!! No need a special function dei.
DeleteOf course we all know that Yannie is a selfie queen inside the gym! All your albums of Pink Panther are being admired by many fatties like us.
Good afternoon bloggers!
ReplyDeleteHmm, actually guys are more into gadgets like this ho? For me, I memang no 'heng' gadgets one, for me, one phone one normal watch is good enough. I know these days we have lots of cool and useful gadgets but don't know la, may be I just don't have the interest in investing those gadgets... Unless got people sponsor me la wahahah! (But I will prefer cash lo xD xD) Hmm I am more into shopping for clothes and shoes :D But now also seldom jo la, if compare to last time, cause being a mum for 2 liao, where got extra time to explore gadgets?
Anyway, I think guys are more into these types of things but also depends on individual. Like my husband for example, he is uncle lai eh, haha, won't have interest in this kinda things also. Like me, he can be satisfied with just one normal watch and one normal phone. And erm, his iPad. Last time still addicted to PS games, but already stopped buying and playing since Aden was born. May be this is the 'pattern' and changes after having kids? Or because he is 'growing' older? :p
Playing music, hmm, not my thing anymore, I mean like purposely listen to earphone la... But when driving, yes, I will play the mp3 or tune in to radio.
DeleteLooks like you are very satisfied with your new loves, good to know that! Definitely worth the money ho? ^^
DeleteHayley - maybe it's the company he mixed with. Try to bring to your yoga classes and run together at the treadmill. Maybe he will get addicted to exercise and started buying smart watches and other gadgets.
DeleteYou mean ask my hubby to go Yoga classes with me? Or...?
DeleteAnyway the yoga class I attend don't allow men, hehe, plus, I still have not resume my yoga lessons, no time yet :p
Erm that's impossible, at least for now, my hubby memang no interest in exercise at all, hoho! He said he already exercise daily during his working hours, haha!
This is the first time I hear that Yoga classes forbid men inside! I am wondering what the ladies wore or did that hamsap men has to be out of sight! Oh well, next time there would be Yoga classes strictly for men too. Muahahahaha I wish I am skinny and fit like Hayley's hubby. He doesn;t need to exercise lah nanti become another Taiping Pink Panther. Just kidding.
DeleteI believe this smart watch with bluetooth is suitable for all occasions whether you are doing marathon runs or slow yoga pilates! It is a innovative gadget invented for the convenience of all humans!
hahaha... when it comes to bluetooth earpiece, I think I have a lot to share. Overall, I have tried 5 BT earpieces and now happily settle with Sony, but all in all I spent a fortune on these little stuffs.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely, its very convenient to wear a wireless earphone. The wire won't dangle around especially when you run. While on the public transport, it seems like you are so carefree while listening to music. I just love wireless earpieces.
Anyway, the downside is you gotta charge it and it's not cheap. And, the sound quality still may not be as good a wired, unless you go for the high-end ones but then, it's also difficult to test the earpiece via BT, unlike wired.
I think Chris has psycho me already to check out on this SONY brand to make comparisons. Still undecided what to buy for Letchumy's birthday!
DeleteIt seems that nowadays wireless bluetooth earphones are becoming more common and somewhat of a trend. 10 years ago if I see someone talking or singing along to a song without any wires hanging down from his ears, I would think he is a mad person hahaha! :D
ReplyDeleteLOL... I agree that statement. In fact when the Bluetooth first came out, I saw many retarded people talking to themselves with both hands waving & pointing like the conductor of a big orchestra! It took me a while to notice the hidden tiny bluetooth esp when it was being worn by ladies with long hair covering their ears!
DeleteWhat smart watch did you buy that gave you such a lousy earphone ? hahaha... It defnitely looks odd with a wired earpiece connected to your phone. I wonder how to run with that? But then, how come the design is so weird? Earpiece by right complement the 'hands-free' of a phone feature. And , by connecting a hand-free device into another hands-free device, doesn't it looks odd? To me, a earpiece should rightfully connect to a phone. hahaha...
ReplyDeleteHow could you judge that smart watch for giving a lousy ear phone dei? That gadget came with attractive price to attract buyers who have limited budget but we are free to upgrade with a wireless bluetooth like what SK just did. If they sold the smart watch with bluetooth together, the price could reach the skies and will loose the market share. I would say the distributors are smart sellers nowadays to package them that way.
DeleteGood that you got one that is meant for sports. Those that not meant for sports and if you used it for sports, it will easily spoil as it is not water proof. The sweat will go into the usb port and when you charge it, the device will short-circuit.
ReplyDeleteI had this experience before when I use my Jabra wireless step+ and Jabra wireless Rox for sports. It works well for a few sessions but after a while, it was not charging. Checked with Jabra is that I used it for Sports which spoilt the device. Even you use it for sports, let it dry for a day before charging.
Anyway, the earpiece can easily fall off after a long jog due to sweat as it is not designed for outdoors activities. I always have to adjust my earpiece when I have ran for 30 mins.
I wanted to laugh at your non water proof gadget. I had long suspected that you sweat like rain showers or you took showers with the smart watch and blamed them for not being water proof enough!! Wakakakaaka
DeleteNext time wrap them with cling wraps for extra water proofing and plug your mouth too with a giant cork so that you won't spill out too much saliva. Muahahahaha
Yes, you do looks good without the wired compare to folks who still used the wired earpiece. It's also very convenient for you to move around. That's what I love about wireless earpieces. But once you forgot to charge it , then sorry lor... Usually, BT earpieces have to b charge daily if you are a normal user, who use it every day.
ReplyDeleteI also notice BT earpieces tend to spoil very fast, compared to those wired ones. I still have my wired earphones for 5-6 years with me.. hahaha... tahan lasak!
Most things also go wireless these days, look better and more convenient la, and I believe in the near future, gadgets like this will become smaller and smaller, but still packed with functions!
DeleteHayley - yeah, you are right. Wireless, mobile, portable and compact...thats the way to go nowadays. Gone are the wired, big , and clumsy devices.
DeleteI think these days all the wireless gadgets are very lasting and it solely depends on the users. I find the wired items very nuisance and easily get tangled. Aha!! You must be sweating a lot until it soaked your ear pieces. Maybe you need to wear swimming caps so that it would hold your sweat well. Muahahaha
DeleteTrue, and everything is getting lighter, smaller.
DeleteLast time those wired microphones are so inconvenient to use, like when we go singing at KTV, some people even tripped and fell because of the wires on the floor. Now, all cordless, so much convenient, and quality is there also, nice ya?
Nothing is actually wrong with having wires all over the place. That was how our house telephones used to be and it could serve the world for many decades. Humans have short memory and their taste change so fast. We tend to be conscious with our outlook and well being these days, wanting to look good and being seen too as the fashionista!
DeleteThe good BT usually cost you from RM300+ onwards. I have tried several brands like Jabra, JBL and Sony, and I find Jabra provided good after sales service but Sony has the best sound quality. I got three Jabra earpieces, where one has spoilt. The other two were ok but I dislikes the sound quality. The Jabra Sports sound quality is very flat while Rox is slightly better but not to my expectations yet. I kept in my drawer now.
ReplyDeleteJBL has a new earpiece released few months ago and the sound quality was very good. However, it spoils very fast and I had to replacements made. Whenever I charged it, it didn't reach the max and then after a few usage, it cannot be charge.
I asked for a replacement and I got a Jabra Rox, which is more realiable but still lacking in the sound quality department.
I ended up with the Sony MDR-AS800BT which I am currently using and it's the best so far. Reliable and good sound quality and can be use fr Sports. I ran my half marathon for 3 hours using this device and the batt still not flat yet. Loving it!
Wah! You bought so many sound pieces and they failed you until you had to settle for SONY. Oh well, that depends on luck sometimes. Did you do any research on the Jabra and JBL sets?? You should not wear them while taking shower and swimming in the pool lah, no wonder kaput dei.
Deletehahaha....your BT can paired with two devices, not bad! But then, you only use one device at a time right, so not really needed la but its nice to have. With that, you can use it for running at the gym and looking good and atas with a BT earpiece...muahahaha ...
ReplyDeleteMaybe you can considered invest in Sony which gave a good quality sound for your music.
Only kiasu people lah must buy branded ones for better sound. This one he bought gives him crystal music sound quality. Ask him to let you try and you will be impressed with dropped jaws.
DeleteAnyway, my advice in buying a earpiece is to do some research first as they are not cheap and the price we pay doesn't equal to quality. Moreover, we cannot test the bt piece unlike wired where there are samples dangling around for you to plug in. Even some blogs reviews can be bias (as you know, there are so many paid bloggers nowadays).
ReplyDeleteI learnt a hard lesson on getting the best earpiece and also thinking of blogging it. hahaa...
I agree there are many paid bloggers nowadays with biased reviews that could be deceiving! You know them too!
DeleteAnyway, just an ear piece la, no need to do so much investigations and research dei. It won't explode into your ear drums. Kikikikiki
SK Thambee ordered this online and the minimal risks is always there but he got a good deal even before trying it.
I very jeles now!!! my colleague has one of this smart watch too! I want it! I want it!
ReplyDeleteYo! You can well afford it now as buying online is good deal. Ask Thambee buy for you as a prize once you win the top chart award in his blog!
ReplyDeleteI love the new August look in your blog, nice!
ReplyDeleteI agree that his blog looks more alive and the colour is pleasing now.
DeleteGone are the yellows and banana colours that were killing my poor eye balls.
I agree too, plain color is nicer, not so 'stressful' to the eyes also, haha!
DeleteWhat a nice way to pamper yourself for yourbirthday! Very useful gadgets.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why I never thought of pampering myself on my birthdays?? I was always waiting for presents to pour down from the skies. Now I think I know what I want for my next birthday! A trip!!
Deletewow .. kewl bd gift....
ReplyDeletemy bluetooth can only pair with one device only .. and my phone can play music..
OMG!!! This kukubird SP is back! My bluetooth will explode in shock! Wakakaka
DeleteI am sure SP's bluetooth can act hamsap like him and detect all the China Dolls from a mile away!
Yesterday I off and I went to gym to do workout with my jin jin in the new club that I joined. One lady came in after I ran for an hour, I saw her taking out her IPad and put on the treadmill monitor screen, then she put earphone which connected to her IPad. Then, she jogged vigorously. I was just afraid that her IPad would fall down from treadmill monitor screen. Some more, she tried to adjust her running posture to avoid any possible fall her IPad and earphone. She looked so weirdo to me. Sorry to have said that. If I am going to run vigorously, I will ditch all clumsy gadgets away and just concentrate on the run.
ReplyDeleteI want to praise your smart watch and bluetooth device, at least you no need to adjust yourself so uncomfortably when you do your workout. At the same time, you look so stylo in the gym. Phewiit!
This is a common sight where people squeezed their iPads to stand and play in the limited space on the treadmills. I have seen iPads crashing onto the rubber belts but no damage! That made me think that iPads have strong materials and durability. Only when runners fell onto the treadmills, we saw bruises and twisted ankles because humans are too fragile!!!!
DeleteYannie is an expert runner now who was recently crowned as Queen Of Bukit Larut so she knows how to run vigorously without any clumsy gadgets and ipads that could be distracting.
I am sure if can run naked & lighter, that would be a welcome choice too!! Muahahaha
so nice of you to buy yourself a birthday gift! i think i need to learn to treat myself better haha! i always wanted to smartwatch. gotta think about it.
ReplyDelete什么智能手表都可以配用吗? 好像蛮厉害的
ReplyDeleteSmart watch ya? When first glance through the picture, I thought is iWatch, then see carefully the icons on the watch then obviously it's not! I recently also bought something like this, but not very advanced like yours, mine is just to track my daily track. I know I know iPhone have the apps, but my phone not with me all the time, especially go for a run. Fortunately one day my sister send me a picture ask me whether I want to buy the pen drive from the book fest, then I spotted that besides the pen drive is a tracking band which is only sell rm99, super cheap yeah! So far I've try it for more than two weeks, it works okay, also via bluetooth send data to the phone, but it isn't waterproof, it also means even I watch dishes also can masuk water...yah! Maybe wait until it has broken then I will switch to a better one! =]