[Volume 10 Issue 8, #2044] |
DO NOT All The Time Wear Ear/Head-phone |
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我哋先唔好談論去到邊都低頭睇住部手機, 因為我自已有時都係咁, 所以無謂自打嘴巴啦, 哈哈!! 今日呢篇係上一篇關於我隻藍牙耳機嘅延續, 我話我經常喺搭車或喺gym內會戴住聽歌, 有時喺屋企都會.. 我係講真㗎, 因為一喺(甚至未到)室外我就會即刻除落嚟㗎喇.. 經常都會見到街上有人戴住手機喺度享受聽歌嘅樂趣, 有啲更加係開大聲到連我都聽到佢喺度聽緊咩, 不過我唔會咁做.. 大家諗下, 我哋身在室外其實更加容易遇到意外, 譬如話有車honk你, 或者有人嗌你, 又或者後面有架搶匪坐住電單車殺到埋嚟.. 就因為對耳塞住耳機所以聽唔到呢啲預警聲, 而冇提起防備, 其實都幾危險囉!! 我就覺得唔好同自身安危搏過喇, 況且我對耳都需要休息嘅.. :) |
let's not talk about how unsafe it is to keep looking at your phone wherever you go, because i sometimes do that, so better not slap on my own face, haha!! today's post is a follow-up to my previous post on the bluetooth earphone i bought about a week ago, i mentioned i always wear the earphone when i'm in the LRT and in the gym (and sometimes at home too).. yes, i really mean that because once, or even before, i am outdoor i will immediately take off my earphone.. while i can see many people enjoying their music through their earphones or even bulky headphones while walking outdoor (some even so loud i could hear what they are listening), i won't actually want to do so.. you see, we are more prone accidents outdoor, for example a car honks in emergency or somebody is shouting at you or a snatcher motorcycle is approaching, but because our ears are stuffed with a blasting device, we can't here all these alarms and did not stay alert!! it definitely is not safe and i don't think i want to take any risk, anyway my ears need some rests too.. :) |
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2015.08.04 | 避隨身聽
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Oh...I wore earphone almost daily, twice a day when I commute between work and home. Maybe I should try to cut down but sometimes it can be boring without the music or radio....Hahaha...
ReplyDeleteNot forgetting that I also wore it while at the gym. Anyway, I usually don't blast it unless I am in the bus. Well, once a while blast your music is OK la....feel more shiok and lift of your moods.
DeleteAnyway, when I am running outdoors, I usually keep it to a minimum volume. Like what you said, in case I can't hear what's happening around me and got myself into trouble.
You are FC today! You must be having a day off from work.
DeleteI think when you wear too often, you sound like a lonely man being away from friends. Instead of listening to the birds chirping and girls giggling beside, you are listening into your own world too often. Anyway it is normal and common to do so. Just my 2 cents after giving random thoughts about you using it so often. Who knows, you wear it during meals alone, taking a poop and a shower too! Wakakakaka
TM - Hahaha...I was surprise too when I check my blog roll and saw no comments here so I chop chop....Hahaha..
DeleteYeah I agree with you that we will be like anti social in the gym. In fact I ws trying to make new friends in the gym but seems like everyone also wearing earphones. It's like I do mine and you do yours....don't disturb me. Sigh....so sian...
Yes I also need to cut down but usually I only use it for temp period when I am running on the treadmill. During workouts,I never wear it as I don't feel comfy.
I agree with you, Chris, it is so boring if everyone is engaged in their own gadget in the gym. I saw that is happening in the gym too. Luckily I still can make a bunch of friends who love chatting with human.
DeleteYannie - How nice! I am always a lone ranger in my gym. Thus, my earphone is my companion especially when it comes to running.
DeleteI seldom use earphones when outside, last time yes, but not now anymore cos I feel more peaceful without earphones
DeleteToday I must be jinxed by this wireless and bluetooth topic! I totally forgot to bring my phone to work and I am so helpless & restless like a headless chicken! I hope no one watsaps or calls me today! I realised I am too dependent and cannot live without my phone! Luckily I still have my office mobile phone for wifey to reach me.
DeleteSome earphones like those in-car type can be dangerous though it served a good purpose for filtering the noise so that it won't affect the music. However,because of that, we are more 'deaf' to the outside surroundings and if it keep too loud, we will be in our own world.
ReplyDeleteIn SG, if you run outdoors, there are always bicycles behind you and it's better to keep the volume to a minimum especially if you wore the in ear type. I'm waring these.
I have read articles before about the dangers of listening to songs using bluetooth while driving over a long period of time which cut them out from the car horns that could be warning us from possible collisions. I myself became a victim when I was using handsfree wire and yakked away on the mobile phone during a long traffic jam, going to attend a wedding dinner. A friend overtook me and casually horned at me but I was too engrossed into my phone conversation! I didn't hear the horn so I just ignored but my friend horned so many times until he swerved into my path to stop me! That was when I came to my sense that the ear plugs prevented me from hearing his car horn. He tried to call my phone many times but it was engaged. He got down to tell me that the wedding dinner's venue was printed at the wrong venue as both has similar names.
DeleteOops.... Typo. I mean in ear type.
DeleteAnay, this friend of yours is indeed good. He risked his life and safety just to inform you about the change of wedding venue. You ignored him as you were yakking non-stop and you were wearing ear phone that time. This incident is a good reminder to everyone, it is so dangerous to shut off all the noise, warning and signal outside the world. Using earphone is still dangerous while on the road.
DeleteYeah I so very kam siah to my friend lah. Luckily it was along the wide Kesas highway and I was driving on the slow lane. That was not the first case of friends telling me that they saw me talking while driving, using the hands free of course. I noticed that I often drove into wrong streets because my concentration was not on the road!!! Terror!!
DeleteMak Yannie! I just checked your current score for topping the chart and Thambee says you borak nonsense!!! Muahahahahahaha
Anay earned a "Like" for once! So shiok! A Goo Goo!!!
If I borak nonsense here, also because of you lead me to Holland .
DeleteBy the way, Anay, you terror! You drove also could drive to wrong lane because of you yakking non-stop with your hand free and earphone thingy.
I swam in the pool without using any bluetooth earphone also, I could swim to wrong lane. One uncle shouted at me when I hit his backside twice. "Halo, you are lane 4, I am lane 5." I wanted to scold him "@#$%^&*" Because of my good parentage, I apologized to him instead. But in my heart, I scolded "Bad uncle, KNNCCB."
So, you drove to wrong street, no one scolded you "Uncle, drive carefully lah! Stop talking to your earphone lah!"
Then, you know how I feel that day.
Wakakakakaka!!! How would I believe that you really swam into wrong lane?? That handsome uncle must be a Muscle Mary with tree chunk arms and elephant stumpy legs!! The collision was deliberate! I thought only sotongs would swim in wrong directions coz their antennae is sot plug one. Fulamak! Your mouth was also like the octopus black ink!!! LOL Wakakakaka
DeleteI am sure someday the bluetooth will become water proof since cameras & mobile phone can go underwater now. Nothing is impossible nowadays since man has landed on the moon!
Anay, I was not blur like sotong or did it deliberately by creating the collision with this bad uncle. Swimming pool has 6 lanes, 20 people swim in the pool, how can everyone occupy one lane for themselves? Two person sharing a lane is pretty normal wert!
DeleteHow I wish I have a waterproof bluetooth and headset that time, I could just ignore him and enjoy my swim with some nice songs.
Call me jakun, I don’t fancy earphones like in your picture, nor any bluetooth earphones.. Lastime, years ago, when still very “hing” the Bluetooth earphone, wah, I see most people especially guys wearing it on their ears.. Everywhere can see them.. In office, in food court, everywhere, and they look like they are talking to themselves, but actually they are talking on the phone via the bluetooth earphones.. That “piece of thing” there, errr, I’m not a fan la..
ReplyDeleteBack to your picture, we call it what? Earphones also? Or Music earphones? I’ve seen people walking in shopping malls, and they put this thing over their head.. Actually is what har? They connect wirelessly to their handphone, put their handphone in bag/pocket, then listen to MP3/music using this big chunk of earphone over their head? Errr, wana walk+shop, don’t listen music la, somemore so big chunk, not “chor teng” meh? Sorry ahh, jakun here.. From a jakun’s perspective.. Just my honest opinion..
DeleteThere’s a colleague in my office also who brings this kinda chunky earphones to work.. In the morning before 8.30am and during lunch time, I’ll see her listening to music/watching youtube using this big chunky.. Errr, I wana ask, can’t she just use small earphones, like those handsfree punyer? Then it’s not so obvious ma, boss walking in out up down wor, you will feel comfortable meh using this chunky thing? Ok la, maybe ada gaya, and music/sound quality better kua, but again, sorry har, jakun here, not a fan..
DeleteI only use one thing – normal handsfree/small earphones to connect to my phone while driving (coz I talk in the phone while driving almost everyday), and in office, I connect my earphones to my phone too, but I only put the speaker on one side of my ear, covered by my long hair.. Another ear still can listen if just in case got boss or colleagues calling me.. One ear listen to songs, one ear still can do office work.. Like that only.. Yeah, I know I’m old fashioned la..
DeleteSo, ok, back to your picture (again), why would people wana buy such a huge chunky earphone ahh? Ok, put at home and listen at home ok la.. But if use it while shopping/walking in the mall, or during office hours, errrr, not “chor teng” meh?
DeleteNever mind Princess Ribbon, I lagi jakun here. After reading your comment, I put my hand into my handbag to find whether I take along my earphone which I got as a package of my mobile phone. To my surprise, it was in my bag, so it must be still at home and may be still inside the box. So, I never use any earphone too. I didn't store any song in my mobile phone too. My mobile phone has too many pictures or videos which occupied most of the storage. I can't download any more songs inside already. My mobile has one song only now, "See you again" because my girls like it.
DeletePrincess Ribbon, at least you still use handsfree while driving, me don't have that habits even though all phones come with handsfree these days *blek*
DeleteI know it's dangerous but what to do, I just don't like using it, but if I am going to use the phone when driving, I will use the speaker mode la, at least still safer than using the phone to answer call :p
Same here, Hayley, I don't use too, I will use speaker mode too. Hahaha! May be we are living in small town, no traffic jam and traffic is also less hectic. We are not so keen on using earphone or handsfree gadget. It is still dangerous. It is better not to looking at phone or talking to phone while driving within the town.
DeleteHaha high 5 Yannie!
DeleteErm may be lo... We live in 'kampung style', hardly feel the need to use those gadgets, plus it's not that we are that 'busy' la, who need to attend to calls even during driving, you know what I mean? =)
Anyway, I memang no use phone while driving these days, especially when the kids are in the car, double the danger! Plus what if kena road block? Need to waste money leh! So definitely a wiser choice not to use phone at all during driving, unless if incoming calls from someone we know la, then have to switch on speaker mode, that also I will tell that person I am driving, and ask him/her to call back later, or I call him/her back when I am free.
I used to wear the headset on even when outdoors when I still had that discman. But I would turn the music off. I thought it was nice to pretend that I could not hear but actually could and sometimes I overheard some juicy salacious gossip as I passed by or even sit close to strangers.
ReplyDeleteRG, why you want to do that? Why you want to listen to people gossip discreetly by putting on the headset, but you actually "pasang telinga". Sound so bizarre to me.
DeleteAhaha, that's a very naughty and weird act la! :p
DeleteWhy? Because "I thought it was nice" to do that hahaha! I didn't purposely go and stalk strangers then sit near them with my headset on lah, I just went on about with my life, just with that "camouflage" on.
DeleteYou know, sometimes the best way to learn new information and knowledge is from strangers saying things (they thought) discreetly. And I did not cause them any harm so I figured there should be no problem. :P
Hmm well, as long as not causing danger and is not harmful to yourself and others, then go ahead and do :p :p
DeleteYes, I always believe that it's better to be aware of our surroundings - car honkings, people following us, etc so it's best not to shut off sounds when we are outdoors.
ReplyDeleteYes, because when we are listening to earphones, we tend to not focus and alert of the surroundings, for me it feels insecure. That's why I never like to use earphones, only during certain circumstances, like when I am in the plane watching movie, have to use earphones in this case, haha xD
DeleteThis only time I shut off sounds is when I sleep. Since many yeas ago, ear plug is one of my sleeping kits. I am still using ear plug now. I am a very light sleeper, dog barking noise can easily wake me up mid of the night. During my first pregnancy, I always encountered insomnia, and I had problem to sleep back when I woke up earlier than the pre-set time. My husband gave me the ear plugs from his office safety kits. Since then, I wear ear plugs to sleep. I can't sleep if I don't wear ear plug. What a bad habit right? Day time, I don't stuck anything in my ears at all. But at night, I must put ear plug to sleep.
DeleteI once was like you Yannie, spare ear plugs by the bed cause my hubby snores so loud! And I am a light sleeper as well, especially when I am pregnant, I must have total silence when I sleep, so ear plug is my only choice. People advice me to sleep separately but too bad there's no empty room in the house.
DeleteSo to help me sleep better (pregnant time is worse cause I had insomnia very often), I must have ear plugs. A bit uncomfortable in the beginning, but slowly get used to it already.
Then after becoming a mum, I can't wear ear plugs anymore, cause what if my child cries? Haha xD
But now I can sleep better la, in fact I crave to sleep more, looking after a toddler and a baby is not easy, I think I sleep no more than 5 hours every night since Toby is born *yawn*
I know it's just a phase, hopefully can train Toby to wean off midnight feeding soon, so I can get my beauty sleep back!!
Very timely advice! For me it is a no no to wear earphones and listen to music when on the streets. You are distracted by the music and will not be alert to oncoming traffic or hear warnings. This can prove to be fatal!
ReplyDeleteIt is the same thing for checking and looking at your phone. I see many people walking with their head down and eyes glued to the phones. This is also a distraction that can be dangerous especially when you are walking along the street or crossing the road. One slip second of distraction can bring a lifetime of regret.
DeleteActually it has been some time since I used headphones/earphones. That was back in the days of the walkman. Do you even know what that is or is it already ancient during your time? hah..hah...
DeleteI used to listen to music full blast and raawwkk!!! But my advice is not to do what I do because I dis suffer from slight hearing loss hah..hah...
DeleteTrue, while we say eat everything in moderation, we should also do everything in moderation.
ReplyDeleteCannot always cover our ears with earphones, our ears also need to 'breath'. Most importantly, never listen to earphones while plugging into the phone, and charge it at the same time, read a lot of article of people losing their lives doing this..
Oh by the way congratulations to the top 5 readers! Me not bad also, still can squeeze into top 10, LOL!
ReplyDeleteAnd nice template SK, lighter color, feels more 'normal' and nice to look at, kekek!
Usually i don't wear earphone and enjoy music when i am on the bus/MRT, as i tried to have some res...
ReplyDeleteGood choice also, take the chance to 养神 a bit... But be careful don't fall asleep, later miss the station! :p
ReplyDeleteAgree with you, I don't check my mobile phone when I am crossing the road though the traffic light is in my favour
ReplyDeleteSafety first
DeleteYea, lots of accidents happen because of this act, and our carelessness.
DeleteYes, it is indeed very risky to put on headphones especially when we are walking on the streets... unless the volume is not so high but then if not high, the music pun tak shiok, right? so better wear it only in safer environment like in the gym, polo ground, where there is no vehicles around... actually I dont like to wear headphone because I feel my brain cannot "tolerate" it ... hahaha.. old people like me is like that, I guess..
ReplyDeleteI same as you, my brain sometimes cannot "tolerate", without headphones feel more peaceful
DeleteI can imagine the world now with this headset and earphone thingy. When you go out having dinner with friends or family, every one is busy with their own phone, everyone is putting on earphone or headset, enjoying the movie, video, song and so on. No conversation between people, no interaction between people. The table is so quiet. Where got meaning already?
ReplyDeleteAfter wearing those headset and ear phone, people says HI or HELLO to you, you cannot hear, people screams HELP or FIRE, you also cannot hear. The world will become so cold and dead.
DeleteThis is so true about people being too engrossed into their headsets! A very good example you can see nightly is at the Internet Cafes!! It would be packed with so many young teens with headsets and noisy PC games shooting and killing each other!!
DeleteThis actually happened to my wife's former student who always ponteng his tuition and used the money to play games. His mother found out and stormed into the internet cafe in Taman Desa and screamed at the son! He kept playing and glued to the PC screen while his opponents all seated across saw his mum with scary eyes!!! They signaled to him many times while he ignored them and banged the keyboard like a raging warrior. The mother smack his head and he swung a fist blow unknowingly onto his mother's face!!! FULAMAK!!!! He continued playing not knowing his victim was not his friends. His mother rained blows onto his head and grabbed his hair like a crazy woman! Wakakakakaka
DeleteHe was dragged out of his seat while his HKG mother cursed him vulgarities. This boy stands at 6 feet tall while his mum is around 5 feet and everything was recorded in the CCTV. So many people laughed instead when the supervisor replayed the CCTV to show people.
Yannie, actually alot of people also like that now.. The whole family is 低头族, even the daddy and mummy. Busy check in la, FB la, playing games and so on. Worse, some even continue engage with the phone while eating! Haih, sad but that's what happening these days. Of course not all la!
DeleteHaha, I am so agree to this 'After wearing those headset and ear phone, people says HI or HELLO to you, you cannot hear, people screams HELP or FIRE, you also cannot hear. The world will become so cold and dead. '
Good morning SK.
ReplyDeletewah very bright template wor. hahaha.... no scary template ka ..ghost month leh this month.
argh...the header pic...the lime tree at the side...reminds me of the expandable pot being sold online. It expand as the tree grows. How i wish to have one but super pricy
Congratulations to all chart winners. Uiks...me still in the chart ah. This month tarak spam much. sorry ya. Hahaha...this old cat slowing down . soon masuk longkang liao.
Congratulation Anay . ! Once more King of the Chart :)
Thanks! You old pussy cat need to boil your Friskies with Red Bull for extra power to spam! I am waiting for you to scratch me with your claws and spit your hair balls at me. Muahahahaha
DeleteCongratulations to me for the blabber mouthed with most nonsense 153 comments!!! Others got a "Like" while I got ticked off for talking non relevant topics! Hey man! Some blogs are like boring circus and need a clown like me to entertain mah! Why didn't I get a "Like" and extra marks for being funny? Next time, I will talk lesser lah and dumb a bit. I will cover my head with my own under wear!
Mamarazzi getting busier and busier! Hehe! But glad to see you are still in the chart! =) Yaya, congrats Mr TM! Sitting there steadily!
DeleteSnore snore snore.....dont wanna fight with you la Anay. I still remember you wanna grab my tail and throw me into the longkang leh when I was spamming a lot back in 2013. A cat also have an elephant memory leh muhahahaha...
Deletenow slow down a bit la. old already and fingers all ketot already
mana ada LIKE here. SK too busy la to invent LIKE comment. Now SK wanna berak also no time lo. Lucky the chart is automated now. If not maybe the chart would be gone too liao due to work and time constraint
Do not wear earphone/headphone all the time? Hmm....I seldom wear leh. Only wear when wanna listen to songs or watching movies on the laptop. Otherwise tarak wear.
ReplyDeleteLast time when working then got wear la. Those time wear when the "walkman" or "disc man" still in use la. Wear it when traveling to and fro from work. That time was either walking or naik bus. Boring if just sit there and do nothing. Hard to concerntrate on reading too coz inside the bus also very noisy.
with headphone or earphone on, it can be a device from being chatted up by strangers in the buses.
You are not alone when comes to looking at phone while walking sometimes. I do that to. But of course we had good reasons for walking and looking at handphone a the same time right? right? right? wink wink...LOL.
ReplyDeleteLooking at phone while walking is dangerous, looking at phone while not walking also dangerous. For example, looking at phone on escalator, now taking escalator is no longer safe dei! So, please focus on your step when you stand on escalator, be it kids or adults. So many cases of tragic were happened on escalator.
DeleteIf put on ear phone, people want to signal to you or warn you , you also can't hear. Not to say any announcement on faulty escalator, you sure can't hear.
These escalator case seems to surface so suddenly ...like lately so many cases. Makes me wonder is there a sinister plot about that. Those cases they tarak looking at the phone also will kena. So far tarak saw people looking at the phone while on escalator la. In Lift got la.
DeleteSometimes need to look at the phone when walking coz could be looking at an address of a place also
Yes, I still remembers your last week post. About purchase of your new "gigi Biru" ear set. Still laughing at the image of the before you get the Bluetooth thingy. Hahaha....earphone expected to be attached to the watch
ReplyDeleteWei...the way you said it , ....it';s like not very good thing to do la. Please reduce the usage of the device la. In LRT..is okay la... gym also ok-ok la though gym you have those TV thingy right? I understand that when you work out you need to have own music better la but then also kira not so good . Like I have said before , when phone comes in then it disturb your training.
Should listen to Anay la... all those wave going here and there not good la. ya la...me nagging aunty la. I don't know how to present the pro and con properly. Maybe Anay can help out la.,
aiyo...at home sometimes also wear ah. have to stop it la. calls are important but doesnt mean you 24/7 have to be available on the phone leh. Half hour check your phone one time good enough la.
Aiyoo this nagging aunty dunno how to explain pulak. I am not a nagging uncle but I can share its scientific pros and cons about that Gigi-Biru you just mentioned.
DeleteWe all live in this universe that is evolved by all types of frequency where we should only indulge and bathe under the good frequencies! It may not be easy as the world has changed and all the very harmful frequencies tend to attract the humans to make their lives easier! A good example of the most harmful frequency waves are from the microwave ovens... Period.
All the wireless gadgets and remote controls are less harmful but would still contribute to brain damages over a period of time. That is why feng shui is such a clever method of calculations to detect on ways to tap or ward off the particular frequencies. We should try to sleep inside the bedroom without any electrical appliances running or charging!!
Wait a minute, what am I talking? I always put my phones charging during sleep. Heh heh... I just try to cheat myself by putting them on the floor instead so that it will not affect my sweet dreams.
aiyoyo this anay bravo so scientific..apasal you still so attached to your phone la..harmful frequency...then put in the living room la.
Deleteplease dont disconnect when outdoor only but also must disconnect when indoor like when in office or when at home. Traveling in LRT or gym okay la.
ReplyDeleteAlso may not be good for your eardrums . Yes, music can be soft but being bombard long time then will spoilt our hearing.
Wearing headset or earphone for too long, it really will affect the hearing. After taking off the headset or earphone, you can still hear the sound playing at your eardrums. Some people love turning to high volume until the person next to them can hear clearly like what SK mentioned in this post.
DeleteI agree that when you remove the headsets, the music will replay in your ear drums until one might start hallucinating. This is the same as how karma works, when one dies and all his actions & speech will replay to haunt him till many lives! So we need to do meditation correctly and empty our trash bins everyday!
DeleteNamo Namo Namo
Yeah, I saw lots of folks turning on to high volume while commuting. Anyway, I think that's still allright though it can be damaging to the eardrums. But once a while to lift up the mood is ok la... I also did that while commuting in public transport.
DeleteYeah! Sometime, we need to listen to uplifting music/song to lift up our mood, sometime we need to listen to slow chanting of Namo Namo to calm our mind and cleanse our soul. All we need is just a piece of bluetooh earphone or headset. Do I sound like doing advertisement of bluetooth headset/earphone? I just try to relate to the topic, otherwise SK will deduct my point. I learn from Anay one.
DeleteYeah, good gurl Yannie! You are a fast learner always. I always kena potong markah from SK who doubles as a Hell's Blog Officer! Niak Niak Niak!
DeleteIt is wise to listen to soothing and soft music to calm our senses! Now I suspect that all the TOP 10 Winners of SK's blog spamming this year will win a bluetooth each with all our 10 favourite songs inside! Hope it will come true! Yay! Hip Hip Hooray!
Don't hope for bluetooth or earphone as gift from SK. I just hope for free personalized CD, bluetooth, earphone or headset, we have to fork out money to buy ourselves. I have started to think of the song list I want,kekekek!
DeleteLOL...maybe SK will buy those bluetooth , earphone or headset from Tabao at an economical price to give to his top spammer leh. Hahaha..mana tau. One can always hope.
Deleteerrrr...gua tarak listen to Namo Namo but sometimes listen to music depending to mood la.
after reading SK's post...i wonder how his handphone battery can tahan so ong with so many task that he is using his handphone for. Listening to music can takes up a lot of battery leh
one thing makes me wonder...what about those driving with earphone on? Yes, I have seen it before. I was wondering whether they are listening to music or just as a hands free set. Even as a hand free set wont that some how affect ones hearing when there are cars or motorbike honking...especially motorbike as their honk sound not that loud. Moreover the car's radio maybe turn on too.,
ReplyDeleteI wonder wouldnt it be better for them to sync their phone to their car's bluetooth.. Okay not all cars have it la . That way no need to bother about earphone. Can straight makes all or receive calls with a touch of button in the car.
Meow, you so clever le! Think of this bluetooth thingy in the car, then driver no need to wear earphone, the sound can turn to low volume, At least, it won't totally shut all the sound from outside. Great idea, Meow!
DeleteYeah this Meow got brilliant idea to turn on the car's bluetooth and let all the passengers hear every hamsap topics that you borak! No thanks! It won't work for me this way. What happens if your secret BF calls and your MIL is sitting inside? There will be tsunami dei.
DeleteI think theirs are those single hands-free earpiece, meant for talking and not listening to music. Thus, it's perfectly ok la but of course, if they listen to music then they are asking for troubles as well as endangered other road users.
DeleteOn the other hand, not just earphone but talking on the phone can be a great hindrance to driving. I am sure all of us encountered these drivers or we also did that too. I think that's extremely dangerous especially in emergency situation, like when a speeding vehicle suddenly came out or a kid ran out to the road.
I would say that danger lurks everywhere at any time of the day. The best solution and preventive steps are not to talk at all while driving whether through mobile phones or with fellow passengers inside the car. The driver needs to have the fullest concentration on the road ahead. The safety of many lives would be in the driver's hands sometimes.
Deleteaiyo....how many la when driving have car full of people. Unless you drive taxi la. Mostly now see cars in malaysia all single driver one leh. Maybe they should do like Jakarta where during peak hours , cars with 4 passengers baru allow into the city. Then our city maybe less jam up la
Deleteya lor...like Chris say. Having a headphone stuck in the ear while driving can be a hindrance leh.
I saw some folks especially the teens and young adults who always have their earpieces dangle around their neck almost 12 hours a day. They wore their earphones to work while commuting, wore it while working especially programmers, then when they walked out for lunch or head for home, they also wearing it or sometimes, they dangle it again around their neck and etc. In other words, they seems can't do without the earphones and I saw a lot of these folks in SG.
ReplyDeleteWell, they seems very much in their own world and probably muted to the outside world.
I also saw such funny peeps with wires dangling. I thought it was easier for their partners to drag them like a dog leash! Muahahaha
Deletewakakaka.....funny la ANay ni....drag them like dog. You and SK really good pals. Makes me laugh non stop ler
Deletetouch wood...so far tarak such species of people walking around Malaysia yet......or maybe I have not encounter before. Their ear not painful one meh? Once I sat listening to music with headphone on and spamming for 2-3 hours, my ear felt so painful jor. Not because of loud music but because of the uncomfortable earphone
On the other hand, headphones can be handy and a great companion at times, especially when you are alone commuting and most importantly, when you are jogging for long distance. Running is a very lonely activity though you may have friends who ran with you but it's still yourself who did the run. So, with some music, that can help to kill the boredom as well as lift you up for the run with some uplifting music.
ReplyDeleteOf course, try to keep the volume low so that you know what's happening around. There was once when I was running around the carpark area with a headphone. There was a car which was coming out from the parking lot and didn't see me as a big MPV was blocking the sight. It almost knocked onto me when I passed by! Luckily, the car was coming out very slowly. I never wore my headphones after that while running at the carpark. phew!
Your comments always tickle me with your innocence! How could running be a lonely activity unless you are running inside a cemetery !!! You should run along East Coast Park where you might see other bikini runners that could send your hearts beating faster. We should actually run freely without any gadgets wired up to appreciate the natural surroundings and fresh air.
DeleteNext time you need to wear neon coloured shocking pink jerseys when running so that drivers could spot you like 2 kilometres away! Maybe it was your fault to run at carparks when it is meant for cars to move around instead! You seem to aim for carparks and lonely spots! Hey, you need to ask Lina where to run.
Perhaps the most dangerous situation was when folks listening to music on their earphones and looking at their phones while crossing the road, Of course, they cross the road or zebra crossing when there are no vehicles but who knows, accidents will still happens and due to deafening situation from the pedestrian, the next thing he/she knows was awake at the hospital.
ReplyDeleteIt's better to be aware of the surroundings especially when crossing the roads.
This is very true as we have seen viral YouTubes showing users who had accidents while talking and walking aimlessly before falling inside the uncovered manhole covers! I think Mr. Bean was a victim too! Muahahaha
DeleteIt is really not safe to wear earphone and listen to it all the time.. I have read before that you must give your ears some break like an hour or so before wearing it again to protect your eardrums
ReplyDeleteOh dear, I think it makes logic sense that our ears need a break. In fact, every part of your body and organs need a break to sleep and rejuvenate too. Guess what? Our skin is the largest organ on our bodies!!! We always overlooked this matter.
Deleteindeed.. but how can we give our skins a break? by going to a relaxing spa?
DeleteAnd like you said one of the disadvantages of this is you can barely hear the person talking to you.. someone might approach you and ask you some important question yet you might not be able to hear them... they might even think you are so snobbish
ReplyDeleteIt is very true that the public might not see you wearing the partially hidden bluetooth and conclude you must be arrogant. That would be good prey for robbers to pound on such unsuspecting bluetooth users who are too engrossed into their conversation. We need to be alert and mindful at all times, in life.
Deleteso true.. you might even know that a danger will soon approach.. a speeding vehicle for an instance will tend to blow horns but if you got the player on, you might not be able to hear it and it would only end up in such fatal accident
Deletebluetooth earphones might be very comfortable to wear compare to those with wires yet it still has the same effect right?
ReplyDeleteBluetooth is heavier than those flimsy wired earphones which are smaller and lighter.
DeleteAs for me, i only use earphones when I am about to sleep or when I was in a passenger bus and got stuck in a traffic..
ReplyDeleteBluedreamer, yesterday night, i saw one very scary picture in my FB wall. A person put on earphone and wore it to sleep. I didn't read what actually happened, explosion happened, that person got burned whole face and body. So scary scene.
Deleteomg, this is scary...I used to do that, but somehow halfway asleep I would sometimes half-consciously woke up to switch it off.
DeleteWhoooaaa! How could such a mini sized earphone explode while in use?? I thought if the bluetooth exploded, I might believe a bit. I better examine my pariah earphone inside my car otherwise you might see anay perish in car fire!!! Choi Choi Choi!!!
Deletereally... waah... i used to have this habit since I always find it hard to get asleep at night but i might refrain myself from doing it from now... the phone however is placed on the table next to my bed and not under my pillow or anything
Deleteagree, when we r outdoor we must always be alert of our surrounding. I dun put on earphone or talk on the phone when walking on streets, especially in our beloved country here, haha!
ReplyDeleteMy only fear of using mobile phone or even bluetooth in public areas is the snatch thefts which is so rampant these days. With the ailing economy, the thieves would steal anything and they are so daring nowadays.
DeleteTrue, anything also can be stolen these days, regardless of what. See even bras and undies also people can steal, yaicks!
DeleteSo with gadgets like this, sure people wanna steal also, then they sell it off, few ringgits also never mind, some people are just desperate in need of money~
I don't like to wear ear phone. I prefer to listen to music as it is. I don't need to hear music right to my ears. Provided I need to play a certain game which might be noisy to the other people, then I might consider wearing one. Definitely I have to wear an ear phone when I watch movies in the plane.
ReplyDeleteIndeed it's risky to wear ear phones when we are outdoor. Like you said, anything could have happen. Better stay safe than be sorry.
DeleteI dont even like using ear phone. I find it annoying and 'painful'.
ReplyDeletevery true. people outside should not use these distractive divices. it is for the sake of other peoples safety too.
ReplyDeleteI agree that it is dangerous to walk around and drive with your headset or earphone on. Better not do it. One may not hear people shouting out warning.
ReplyDeleteHahaha, I always dislike people looking at their phone while having meal together, especially when I talking to her, I'm so not sure whether she heard it or not, even worst said that I feel like I was talking to the air.
ReplyDeleteTalking about the earphone or headphone, actually I found it very conflict, like when I go for a solo trip, I feel like is very enjoying listen to the song while walking, but at the same time I will miss out those sound around us, like people talking, announcements, and little some some...
And also in the car that one, as I've bought a headphone but hardly use it, was thinking maybe can wear it in the car, but then if anything happened outside then I don't know, how...??
Yah, you're absolutely right! Our ears need some rest, so as like our eyes, should take a few minutes away from the screen to see some green stuffs to refresh it...