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2015.08.11 | 是是但但

[Volume 10 Issue 8, #2046]
The Anything-Will-Do Attitude (a.k.a Cincai)
Simple Beehoon Cooked in Office
自從我大多數時候留喺公司自己整午餐後, 我發覺已經開始對午餐食啲咩冇乜要求喇.. 大家都知喺公司入面當然好多限制, 冇可能煮個九大簋出嚟㗎, 所以好多時候係求其有嘢落肚就得啦.. 唔需要諗要去邊度食晏, 唔需要煩要食飯定食麵, 而係自己有咩可以整到咩就食咩, 最緊要方便.. 就好似呢碟睇落「白賴晒淡謀謀」嘅米粉, 十分鐘內煮完五分鐘內食晒, 哈哈!! 味道如何?? 我其實幾鍾意喎, 不過就俾大家知我點整, 咁先可以定奪究竟得唔得嘛~~ :p

將蔬菜及切好嘅杏鮑菇改入微波爐, 高火烚佢4分鐘.. 烚好就將米粉放埋入去浸熟一分鐘, 唔駛再煮.. 飛乾水之後, 將米粉放落碟中.. 放入麻油, 生抽, 同我嘅「秘密武器」橄欖菜.. 撈均之後同蔬菜杏鮑菇一起享用..
ever since i spent most time cooking lunch in office, i realized i am slowly cultivating this anything-will-do attitude when it comes to what to eat for lunch.. you see, many things are rather constrained and of course we can't do anything fancy in the office, hence many times it is like "as long as there is something to eat, then that's it".. there is no decision needed on which place to go, rice or noodles etc but i eat what i can make out of the stuffs i have, and what's most convenient to cook.. for example, this bland-looking beehoon which was done in less than 10 minutes and finished in 5, haha!! was that good?? hmmm, i liked it personally but i shall let you judge if it is good by how i cooked it~~ :p

blanch veggie and sliced eryngii mushrooms in microwave on high power for 4 minutes.. when done, soak beehoon together for another minute (doesn't need to cook).. throw away the water, place soften beehoon onto a plate.. add sesame seed oil, light soya sauce and, my "secret ingredient", preserved "olive vegetable" (those dark bits - i have no idea what this is called in English because it's a very Chinese thing, haha!!).. give it a nice toss, serve with veggie and eryngii mushroom..


  1. Replies
    1. What a lucky day for Zumba Queen for being the FC. I think you have forgotten that being the FC, we must leave a relevant topic to this posting otherwise we kena potong marks or earn nothing. This is the hard truths I have learnt from the earlier HHBC gang of spammers.

      So we should visit SK someday to have lunch inside his office!! He is slowly donning apron like an Aunty Martha Stewart to dish out marvelous meals using his well thought ingredients and utensils. I believe his office pantry has a complete signature kitchen now with all the electrical cookers, woks and microwave to cook anything.

      I might get more shocks when SK tells us that he has started baking upside down pineapple cakes and baked a stuffed Roast Turkey for his Thanksgiving office dinner in November. Wakakakakaka

    2. Yes, SK is very innovasi with his cooking la... Auntie here pun tak tau masak mihoon using microwave! SK, please submit more recipes using MW so that I can do it at home too... my MV is just sitting in the kitchen doing nothing... :)

    3. Congratulation wor, Sharon. get first commenter place for this month hahahaha.

      aiya...i also forgot leh about the being first commenter rule, Anay. Aiyo...probably coz unlikely me dapat be first commenter. Hahaha.

      Ya lor...must have lunch at SK's office for SK to hammer into our head on all the rules how to comment in his blog jor. Me starting to forget. Old kucing liao. Blog name have to change jor call Old kucing.

      Wei you tarak read sk post meh. Mana ada wok..electric cooker and so many things leh. He used only microwave and mini toaster oven leh. Like that in a year or two i think SK can have his own TV show jor. Teach office people to how to cook in the office without all those fancy mancy asparatus leh. Just Microwave and mini toaster oven kau tim.

      Hahaha...Office party in November ah? hahhahahah...maybe SK will bake pie on the car engine leh like one of those ang moh show. Morning while going for meeting with client...put the pie on the egine. Come back office, the pie ngum ngum bake jor. Maybe even can put the whole turkey in leh. Malaysian weather so hot

  2. Today i'm the first, hardly i am the 1st person to comment, hehe...

    1. Got buy lottery or not. It's a once in a bluemoon affair leh. Me also only once or twice be the first commenter here

    2. Me langsung no chance to become FC, haha!

    3. Come, Hayley. Since we dont get chance to be FC...let's ask SK to open one more category. The "last" commenter" of each post. see who wins. KIHKIHKIH,

  3. And also do not have to worry about no seats, as during lunch hours, usually the plae is very crowded....

    1. True also. If go to restaurant or hawker centre sure have to worry about no place to seat or sharing tables. malaysian here lagi teruk. Certain place need to round round a few round to find a parking plus pay parking fees. Guess to save time it is more economical to eat in the office.

      Also less likely to fall sick. Here weather very hot outside at noon. In and oit of office..hot and cold like that senang to fall sick.

  4. aiyo.... Sharon beat me to the FC... hahahaha... Poor me !

    SK seems to ear healthier and healthier while cooking in the office nowadays. Yeah, looks bland to me but then, everybody will likes their own cooking. So, I m sure it's delicious (to you). hahaa

    1. What poor you? Poor us lah dei!! Anyway, I have pointed out that she didn't leave a relevant comment on the first thread so the next lucky guy gets the FC. Is it you or me for posting at the same 11:33am! Kaneeneh! Why you cannot post at 11:34am? Kikikikiki

      SK saves a lot of money and time by eating healthily in the office. He will be able to buy more generous gifts for the Spam Awards prizes. Let's dream on now for a bluetooth with our 10 songs inside!!

    2. muahahahha.... then i beat you to the FC but I think SK, being a nice guy, may give Sharon la...

    3. opps...typo 'eat' not 'ear'

    4. You must be dreaming that SK is a Mr Nice Guy!! I spammed so much comments in his blog to get all the rubbish rating instead for the first spot. He means business and no play-play in his blog chart rules. Thambee won't bend the law like Anay. Even SK cooks bland bee hoon as a flexible person but he won't give you flexi in his blog spamming which I have learnt painful lessons. Now you want to ear or eat healthier? Better follow his do & don'ts to get good ratings.

      I bet Chris does not know how to cook simple meals in the office like SK. You should jot down the Simple -Quickie Meals recipe and surprise your kids with a mighty bland Kurage Bee Hoon.

    5. Chris memang doesnt cook at all.. it runs in the family... macam I.. dont do much cooking... he likes Japanese food and mostly eat out.. Me like chinese food and often on chap farn if alone and chu chow if with a group... *pengsan*

    6. hahaaha...sis reana knows me well. I am too lazy to cook and moreover, I don't like to eat at home as it's too much of a hassle, don't even mentioned about cooking my own lunch in the office!!

      yes, once in a blue moon, I will go for a nice bento or ramen after my workout. That's why I admired SK, he is so patience and hardworking to cook his own lunch, not even just heated up his food but cook from scratch.

    7. Me too, I don't do much cooking at home, don't even mention about cooking in the office. If I cook at home, I will pack to office once in a blue moon, very rare. I will only pack my baking or snack to office only.

    8. Haha poor you ah Chris....need to add bye bye cruel cruel world or not? aiyo...pity Sharon la....Think this is her first time get the First commenter placing la.

      Now two top male biting each other ah? LOL... Anay...must exercise your fingers la. SK already teach how to copy the comment before posting mah. So that you wont be affected by the page cannot be display message.

      You want a bluetooth with your CD ah? Wait ah.... later SK went order a those cartoon tooth and color it blue...nah! Blue Tooth for you

      AT least you have hope for bluetooth with your CD la. This year me no hope liao. Jatuh into longkang liao.

      How can la Chris.... SK very strict one la. He set rules means everyone have to play by the rules la. You tarak comment about his bihun all these comments will masuk tong sampah and tarak marks la. Must comment relevant to the post leh.

      I do agree with Anay la. Must try and cook in the office l. Especially you work in SG. Food price there must cost an arm and a leg especially now our currency is down to 4 already... KNS! who the big mouth who said will not down to 4 punya ah. Now wanna buy bihun also will have to pay more liao.,

      Now wanna eat out also fdarn expensive. Food taste also not that cheap. So many fancy mancy restaurant will charge you a bomb for a plate of plain bihun like what SK have. And wont even give so much ingredient leh. You want eryngii mushroom? wait la...maybe they go pluck from Anay's old mansion leh.

  5. Eh, if you didn't say you cooked this in office, I thought you wana blog about wantan mee today, the one that you eat outside, minus the black sauce and all.. Really la, fuiyoh, your cooking skills getting better & better.. Looks like outside wantan mee minus the black sauce wei, serious, wei..

    1. There's really such thing.. I used to order kosong wantan mee, dont want black sauce (hak yau), only want minced meat and soup wantan.. No char siew or mushrooms or veggies.. Really looks like your picture wor..

    2. Don't say you la, me also sien eating out.. We used to have a cafe downstairs, but now no more.. Everyday eat out, sien jugak.. I also bring food from home jor for lunch, and just "ding" in microwave.. I no cook food like you la, later people say I selamba aje kan, hehehehe.. Then scared got smell..

    3. Wah, if your mee got a bowl of wantan soup and sui kow, ichiban !! I also want..

    4. Nowadays I can save also la for breakfast, since downstairs no more cafe.. I bring my own breakfast to work.. Usually bread with egg mayo, or tuna mayo, or just cheese, sometimes peanut butter & jam.. Sometimes sardines, or chicken mayo (from the ABC soup I boiled the night before).. Rotation lor..

    5. Then I make my own Milo or whatever from the pantry.. Usually Milo la.. And eat with my bread.. That would last me til lunch.. If mouth itchy, got biscuits/crackers in my drawer..

    6. Then for lunch leh, if bring rice, I ma "ding" in the pantry lor.. If no rice, I follow the lunch gang out.. Normal la, eat noodles or rice.. Erm, like that, ok jugak, everyday eat from downstairs cafe also sien jugak kan..

  6. It's true lah, if you prepare your own food, especially at the office you can't be too fussy. You have got to adopt the practical approach. Same for me. In fact I am worse, I eat the same thing for 5 days straight.

    1. Your meehoon looks pretty good. At first I thought the mushroom on top was char siew hah..hah... but upon closer inspection and reading your post, I realized that I was mistaken.

    2. I think I know what is that olive vegetable. I have seen it at the supermarket and it is sold in bottles. I have also eaten dishes which contain this olive vegetable. It tastes quite good.

    3. This meehoon dish is just meehoon, green vege and mushroom plus seasonings. No protein. Maybe next time you can bring hard boiled eggs from home for the protein. Does it keep you full? Or you have to eat something later during tea time?

    4. There are advantages preparing your own lunch. Besides the health factor, like you said, there is no hassle of going out and deciding what to eat. It saves a lot of time. Especially now, the weather is hot. Want to go out also feel very sian.

    5. Then I think I am rather fussy, PH... I cannot eat the same thing for 5 days in a row... So you know what is olive vegetable... OK, let me check it out in supermarket... I can eat kon loe mee or meehoon if the sauce is good.. sometimes just fried garlic or onions with soy sauce also sedap already... best if got lard oil... hehheee..

    6. I am not too fussy for lunch in between work. I can alternate between chicken rice and economic rice daily. To me, lunch during working day is just to fill up the stomach and probably save some money since we have limited time for some grand meals. And, that's also why some restaurants offer cheaper buffet or set meals during weekdays.

      Aiya ... just get fill up and go back to work, if better , for me, once I finished my work I can leave office early.

    7. Phong Hong is so good in baking and cooking, why eating same food for 5 days? I am curious, mind sharing what you eat in the office?

  7. SK is so good lah!

    Not fussy eater.

    And with quick meals in the office, can save money and be healthy also.

    Got lose weight or not?

    1. Yeah, I also agreed with lina that SK is not a fussy eater and also able to save time and money in office. The time saved can be used to do some other personal stuffs or use it to complete the work so that you can leave early. In addition, as what he mentioned, can go for a power nap too!!

      As for me, I can't eat too light for lunch as I will be hungry by 4pm...muahahaha...so, I needed something heavy and pack with carbo and protein, not forgetting kopi too. So, for me, no choice but to eat outside.

    2. If SK is eating this type of meehoon for every day, I am sure he will lose weight. We must ask SK to show us his most recent picture. He sure slimmer than Lee MinHo now.

    3. SK not fussy eater meh? But he gives me the impression that he is a perfectionist eater leh. Must eat the freshest food and helthy food type leh. Dunno la. That is just my impression la.

      If SK loose some more weight he will be a skinny minion liao.

      SK's bihun not really a light meal leh. That plate of bihun will be quite a filling meal leh. Quite big plate too le.

  8. Of course you cannot cook fancy stuffs like beggar chicken wine or drunken prawns in the office else everybody will start making orders from you...muahahaha... The aroma of the delicious food will definitely get to them and before you know it , your boss will give you another portfolio - Chef for the company.

    Anyway, you also need to spend a lot of time dishing out really nice and complicated food and that will take away your lunch break as well as your power nap.

    1. SK is the BOSS la. LOL. Nobody dare to KNS him in the office lo. Hey...good idea also leh asking SK to cook beggar chicken or drunken prawns in the office. Actually beggar chicken is very easy to make leh. Just need the premix powder. Smother all over the chicken. wrap in aluminium foil then stuff into the oven for an hour. Drunken prawns lagi easy. Just prawns and egg. Add a bit of wine. Masuk microwave and 2 minutes it is done. This way, SK can also cook for his staffs.when hire staffs then can say catering for office food provided. Good way to get the staffs not to waste time going out of the office to eat lunch. They can eat and the rest a bit . when lunch hour finish, they can be more productive leh. Healthy food too.

  9. The bee hoon looks like those vegetarian bee hoon that you can find outside the vegetarian stalls. Got mushrooms, vegetables and a simple light sauce colour bee hoon. Wow.. the olive vegetables looks good. Maybe next time you can add some dried abalones, ham and sunny side up egg onto it.

    As for me, I really don't fancy vegetarian bee hoon. I find that it taste very weird without meat , even the oil. In fact, I don't really like chinese vegetarian food unless it's Indian. I just don't like the taste and smell. They seems like taste the same. Anyway, it's healthy!

  10. Very innovative wor... using microwave can do a meal already! The black thing? I also dont know what it is actually... so that is your 'secret weapon?' Then I must also buy if you let me know what it is called... preserved olive vegetable.. hmmm... must check that out...

  11. Anyway, I would like to commend you for your cooking skills especially so for guys! Usually, we guys prefer to have a hassle free lunch by eating outside and once done, we are back to the office or go for a cup of coffee and for some, they may go for a puff. But for you, you needed to at least spent a little time preparing the food and once finished, wash the plate/tupperware and utensils. And, you have been experimenting too with different types of food, like pasta and noodles. For me, I rather wind down and relax with a coffee.

    I guess you will further improved with your simple but healthy dishes and earn yourself more rest time in the office during lunch.

    1. Chris, what you mentioned here is exactly what my male colleagues does. They will eat at the canteen, then they "blow water" until the time is up. If they bring food, those food is packed by their wifey or moms. Not many men is as hardworking as SK to prepare their own food in the canteen.

  12. Maybe you can create a page in your blog on all your recipes of your simple lunch meals. I am sure some of your readers may appreciate it, since you list down the ways on how to cook the dishes in this post and a few posts back. You can add on to it whenever you have a new recipe. :)

  13. Good ah, very good indeed! What's there to be not good about this simple and nice beehoon?

    1. RealGunners is also very hardworking in cooking lazy man recipe food at home. Thumbs up to you and SK. You guys can put many women like Yannie to shame.

  14. Looking at your Chinese title, I thought you are going to talk about the "yes, yes, but, but", I thought the Chinese title should be cin cin cai cai

  15. cooking lunch in office?! such cool statement! hehe. being not fussy is a good thing at times. if eveytime you make a good lunch/dinner, you are gonna eat more! there goes diet.

  16. i thought this is going to be one of your Microwave recipe hehehe

    1. Oh I knew it.. it is also cooked in Microwave.. I should have read the entire article first hahaha but the presentation was really good.. it was like a meal that is being ordered from a resto or food chain

  17. This looks like our "Pancit Bihon" but with less ingredients.. and also this one is microwaved and not stir fried...

  18. I'm impressed how much knowledge you have in cooking.. I never had a chance to look my own lunch and yet you are cooking your lunch everyday at the comfort of your office.. you should start a food blog then....hmmm wonder what the title should be

  19. I actually never tried mushroom (unless those in pizza or spaghetti but the herb ones... nope not yet... i just don't like how they look but what does it really tastes?

  20. Good Morning SK

    D.I.Y bihun ah. Bagus. Now getting more and more expert leh. Soon can do catering for your office mate jor LOL

  21. I tell you honestly, I like SK's bee hoon. Very healthy and good for weight watcher like Yannie. If SK is continue to eat this way, SK will look so fab and no more fat. Yannie just feels so guilty as I just ate ah hua's baked cheese cake. I must thank her for remembering to spare me a piece actually, very nice of her.

    1. I just make drinks and beverages in my office pantry. In my old office, I still managed to toast bread and cook instant noodle. In this new office, I never cook anything at all. Working in new place is really tension and pressure, I am spamming her to relax my mind only.

  22. 有打算要出本吗? 噗~~ :P

  23. Just a microwave, SK is putting it into good use. What if SK is given a rice cooker, bread maker or oven in his office pantry, I am sure SK will invent more ideas in his office lunch.

  24. hmmmm... SK so quiet lately. Must be busy with work or busy working on his new recipes?

  25. Your beehoon looks simple yet delicious looking. I would go for anything simple too.

  26. sedap la ur bihun...got veggies and mushroom, not bad eh..

    1. Bihun is just the base. We just need to pour some kicap and veggies to make it delicious!

  27. Good afternoon SK

    Am surprised wor that you have cultivated a tidak apa close one eye attitute wor.. I thought you are a perfectionist leh. Sure or not close one eye? I see the photos of that plate of bihun not really like close one eye leh. Neatly arranged and got all healthy ingredient like vege...is that chicken slices on the side?

    1. He is still a no nonsense perfectionist and clean freak to this day. I guess the bland looking bihun is actually tasty to max!

    2. he said he added some sauce right. Must be tasty gua with sauce. He had recommended me to buy one brand of sauce last time to cook ramen but i have forgotten the name jor

  28. Now you say no need headache to decide what to eat during lunch. Rice or noodle or whatever but I think after sometime you will also headache what to cook in the office la.

    For me....even sometimes cooking at home also think think what to cook. Daily think eat same thing boring la. Wanna cook a lot also worry about cannot finish.

    1. My mum who was an expert cook also had frequent headaches to think of the menu and meals to cook simple family meals or to host parties. I think you should type out a menu like a restaurant for Kaldip to choose....

    2. hahaha Menu also susah la, How ? Sometime tarak that particular ingredient at home. Then again become pakai hentam recipe lo. Kihkihkih

  29. Oh it's not chicken meat...i thought that is chicken meat. Reading and commenting by paragaraph, Tarak read habis LOL.

    Kira okay la. Ya ...for bihun i would pour hot water over it. Not soak long time wiat for it to soft baru fry the bihun. Me like short cut la. LOL

    Eh an idea....can make kerabu bihun too if you like, Always kicap one will be sien also one day..

    Just pour hot water on the bihun. Let it soften. . Chuck in whatever green vegetables...taugeh...coriander..spring onion...can also get those packet fried onions (if you tarak worry about the rumours that say its' stays crunchy so long dur to they fry with plastic) and also packet of fried bilis. Throw into the bihun. Squeeze lime over the bihun. And if you like it spicy ...put a bit of tomyam paste. kacau rata then can eat liao. 10 mintues kau tim hahahaha

    1. Actually I recall now there is one Thai cooking where the mihun is done like SK's style. Looks like half cooked but it is edible and perfected already. Now Meow wanna teach him to cook pula. Hihihihi

    2. hahaha....so that SK will have more choices mah. if frequently eat this bihun will be bored also leh,. something cold and sourish will be nice when feeling want to change

  30. Eh no need to cook the mihun? You sure? Can digest or not? I have difficulty digesting glass noodles and if mihun is not soft enough oso I will have problem later. You can digest means you have very strong stomach oooo.

    1. I think you are expert in speed readings! LOL
      He got mention being cooked, throw away water and the soften mihun......
      Definitely he will have constipation if he eats them raw. Muahahaha

  31. Aiyo you are so rajin to cook in the office. I am like you, just eat full for lunch sudah but I am not as rajin as you to cook in the office. Do you wash the vege and slice the mushroom in the office too? So much work.

    1. I guess SK had done all the washing and chopping at home before cooking them in the office. He is such a clean freak!

  32. 簡單快捷,賣相睇落唔錯,味道因該都唔會差得去邊挂。

  33. This's a very good recipe for me leh, but I wonder so you also got to be prepare the soy source thing in your office lo?? Coz recently I'm also looking something simple to "cook" in the office, if not I got to eat mamak everyday, goreng goreng everyday, as that's the only restaurant we've...

  34. It looks delicious. Mihun kering

  35. Hmm, indeed quite cincai, but ok la, cannot always eat heavy food, once a while must eat 清淡 to detox our body.. This plate looks ok, got greens, mushrooms and meehoon. Actually I believe sesame oil and soy sauce add so much flavor to the whole plate, so even if without 料 also ok. But ho, if I were to eat this plate of beehoon as lunch, sure not enough, must eat something else as 'dessert', lately very good appetite, haha! Breastfeeding ma, hungry easily :p
