[Volume 10 Issue 8, #2050] |
Fruits Infused Solarized Water |
睇咗Twilight Anay嘅呢一篇貼, 話佢飲咗所謂嘅陽光水(solarized water)之後, 成個人都精神爽利.. 於是我就蠢蠢欲動, 第二日就即刻去買咗兩個玻璃樽返嚟自己整陽光水飲.. 不過就買唔到有色玻璃樽, 得呢啲透明無色嘅.. 唔緊要, 到時可以用各種唔同顏色嘅透光紙包住, 仲過flexible啦!! 好喇, 乜嘢陽光水呀你問?? 其實就係將你支(一定要玻璃, 唔可以用塑膠)樽入滿水, 再放喺太陽下曬佢兩個鐘, 就係咁簡單.. 呢度我就無謂囉嗦喇, 閣下若有興趣知多啲, 可以上網搜尋關於solarized water color therapy呢個古老治療, 睇睇各種顏色嘅不同效益.. :) |
i read this post from Twilight Anay that he consumes solarized water daily and feels recharged and energetic all day long.. i was very excited about this therapy and the next day, i immediately went to buy two glass bottles and started making my own solarized water.. too bad, i could only get these transparent bottles since colored ones were unavailable.. never mind, in this case i can always wrap them up using different color films, even more flexible this way!! what solarized water you wonder?? simply expose your (glass only, not plastic) bottle of water under sunlight for a couple of hours and that it is!! anyway, i'm not going to be redundant here, if you are interested to know more, just google solarized water color therapy and read the benefits of this very ancient wisdom.. :) |
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最近喺網上睇到有人飲呢個生果泡水(fruits infused water), 雖然唔係新聞, 但係我覺得幾有趣噃, 一試無妨.. 於是靈機一觸, 我將兩者二合為一, 產生咗我嘅生果泡陽光水(fruits infused solarized water)嚟.. 就希望兩者嘅效益唔會相撞之余, 其實可以互補互惠啦, 呵呵!! 以下係試過嘅兩款, (1)醒神: 檸檬, 青檸同桔仔, (2)沁涼: 靑蘋果, 青瓜及薄苛葉..飲前我會加冰塊, 凍冰冰易入口, 再加半茶匙鹽(係鹽, 唔係糖!!)俾佢更加清涼.. 飲後感:- 靑蘋果, 青瓜及薄苛葉如果直接打成汁會好味啲嘅; 檸桔嗰個呢, 其實幾適合咁整而且好好飲喎, 我鍾意呀.. 拋開你嘅汽水同所有加工嘢飲,嚟試下呢個健康啲嘅啦!! :) |
lately, i have also read about people drinking fruits infused water, likely an old story but i find it interesting that i would want to try too.. and so, i combined both ideas and came out with my fruits infused solarized water, with a hope that their benefits won't clash but rather complement each other, haha!! here were two that i tried, (1) invigorating: lemon, lime and calamansi on the left, (2) cooling: green apple, cucumber and mint on the right.. i would add ice-cubes to serve them chilled, and also half a teaspoon of salt (no, not any sugar!!) to make them taste even more refreshing.. my verdict, probably it's nicer to just blend apple, cucumber and mint into juice; as for the citrus one, i find it suitable for and taste good this infused-water way, i like it!! ditch your soda and all processed beverages, try this healthier one!! :) |
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2015.08.25 | 陽光水果
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Good Morning Bloggers! Wow! Today is a healthy topic and Thambee is bragging about the longevity nectar! So this is finally another health freak drinking solarized water.
ReplyDeleteYou have just shared very brilliant ideas to add some fruits into the solarized water for better boosting and tasting! Yums! Yums!
DeleteI like it. I will try it right away!
I am amazed and salute your innovative ideas again for using the coloured films to wrap the bottles! Anay never thought of that and spent donkey weeks looking for coloured bottles. I will go to the nearest stationery shops to get the films to try other colours to test the results. I am not kidding that I hardly feel tired anymore unlike before when I would be K.O. after a hard day's work. I still could spend the nights spamming all the blogs on most days as I was wide awake at night. I found it interesting to know how the sunlight and water could help us grow well like the big trees! When I climbed the mountain tops in China, I saw many ancient pine trees still growing well. They all survived the harsh summer sun and cold winters. They just needed sufficient water and minimal 2-3 sunlight each day. That applies the same way to us human beings.
DeleteAnay is no good, Anay didn't share the benefit of taking this colour therapy solarized water to us. Anay stays wide awake spamming blogs eh! I thought Anay whole night grrr.grrr.grrr because of taking too much this uplifting energy water.
DeleteSorry Anay, now I read carefully again then I know Anay was the one sharing the tips and benefits of solarized water. My apology for not reading that post of Anay. Thanks SK for sharing again. Very interesting, I will go back to hunt for glass bottles and wrap it with color paper. I prefer indigo and blue solarised water.
Deleteyou have made another health freak monster, anay. LOL
Deletewah so that is your secret all of staying awake middle of the night spamming till day time and even office hours. I thought you taken tongkat ali or what no need to sleep at all. I know some bloggers cannot sleep at night so stay up spamming blog la. I thought your are one of those leh. So now we know the secret la
Patutlah 2 months ago always see Anay is the first commenter in sk blog when he publish at midnight but in my blog when i publish at midnight anay no come and comment. Maybe that time havent start drinking solarised water ya.
Yannie, actuall this anay had blogged about this solarised water and its benefit before. I also got buta buta go commented. But I commented was about the olive oil. I never connected the dots that anay's super spamming power is due to his solarised water. can zoom zoom so fast and so high the.
I wonder hor...if we used mineral water and pour into the glass jar would it work better than normal filter water? coz got mineral mah.
I love your first photo. Thambee pandai snap the bottle with miniature city inside!
ReplyDeleteSK have always been have a good eye for design. see he use his ciplak photo...which he used to claim la ...also can take very good photo. no need buy expensive camera.
DeleteThis solarized water is interesting.. But hor, no need purposely do, coz indirectly, we do everyday, but we don’t realize only.. We only need a glass bottle, that’s all, instead of plastic water bottle hehe.. Coz for those who always travel, they usually will bring water bottle put in car, everyday pun indirectly kena sunlight ma, hehe..
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, this reminds me of another canggih water, call what already ahh.. Imuzio, or something like that.. Cost hundreds of ringgit for a few packs of water.. Anyone tried it?
Fruits infused water looks good.. It’s good for our body too.. If wana jimat, can infuse fruits with water, put in fridge, and drink it just like that.. If wana be more expensive or canggih, nowaday’s “hing” cold pressed juice.. Not cheap.. Gotta invest in a good quality slow juicer, then everyday buy so much fruits and vegetables to make just 1 cup/bottle.. So, yeah, I still prefer your fruits infused water.. Simple, delicious and healthy..
but not many will wanna bring glass bottle when travelling as it is easy to break....unless it is the avent baby milk bottle la. hmmmm....can hor....put water into the avent bottle and bring it around. can feed water to baby if they thirsty. solarised water wor...maybe will be better leh.
DeleteHave heard of that branded water but tarak buy. too kedekut to buy.
infused water already old story lo. I tried to make before...but sometimes put in the fridge forgot to drink ...adui...a few days later baru teringat...basi liao. hahaha...looks like me hangat hangat tahi ayam...3 minute heatness
I still prefer fresh fruit juice than fruits infused water. Your fruits infused solarized water sounds good.
ReplyDeleteFresh fruit juices are definitely more delicious and richer than fruits infused solarized water but we cannot drink over 8 glasses of fruit juices daily. Our toilets will explode!
DeleteI can only take a glass or two of fruit juice. The rest would be just plain water.
DeleteI preferred fresh juice too but most of the time lazy to make. Only when hubby asked then i baru get off my lazy chair and make.
DeleteI have to find some glass bottles first. then maybe blend the fruit with the solarised water.
8 glass of fruit juice...toilet explode tak apa but i lazy to clean the blender leh
SK knows a lot about 养生之道. Already starts to make your own infused solarized water with fresh fruit. Thumbs up to you. I only make lemon soaked with honey in grass bottle also. Then, I stored it in fridge. everyday take a spoonful of lemon with honey to mix with water then drink straight away.
ReplyDeleteSK is so hardworking to make his own infused solarized water. Do you also eat the lemon, lime, apple, cucumber and those green after you finish the water?
SK must be slim and healthy now. SK has been having healthy diet. SK eats so light and drink so healthy everyday. Good for you, SK. Keep it up.
You are what you eat, as long as you on healthy diet, you will be paid off. Those infused solarized water with fresh fruit sure can help to eliminate all the toxic and wash away oil.
DeleteBesides, those fruits will provide you the vitamins that make you having strong immune system. SK, if you can put in some apple cider vinegar, it will be even better for your overall well being.
Delete喝了陽光水果, 就变成阳光男孩,充满朝气和正能量。 加油了。
DeleteDid I hear wash away oils?? I think Anay and Thambee need to be roasted over the slow fire to eliminate the stubborn fats and oils. Look at the Borneo Elephant as example. Nothing can wash the stubborness and oils. It is there to stay forever. Sometimes I often wondered how the folks always suggested drinking Pu Erh Tea to wash away our fats. I have tried and my belly still wobbles lah! Muahahahaha
DeleteWhy Yannie is not drinking solarized water? It is so easy like just filling up the drinking bottles at home. You should make them for your Hunky Jin Jin so that he would be strong and healthy to take good care of his Queen & 2 Princesses at home until old age. Just try it and you will be amazed by his restored energy! Grrrrrrr grrrrrr grrrrr!!!
DeleteI google solarized water, it is actually referring to add colour into the water. Using colourful glass bottle to store water and leaving it under sun-charged, this method can absorb colour and sun energy into the drinking water.
DeleteYeah! I should have tried to make few bottles of solarized water for my Jin Jin, and test him to see whether really full of energy grrrr....grrrr....grrrr.
wakakaka...no need to test on Jin jIn lo. You see anay after drinking solarised water he got so much energy to spam at midnight leh.
DeleteIf Jin Jin drinks ah...you also must drink leh...otherwise if not balance grr grr not satisfying lo kihkihkih
I ever came across something like the below picture, ever try before, but lazy, never do liao...
ReplyDeleteAiyo! This Zumba Queen always prance about the floor but lazy to make healthy water to drink. If you start drinking the solarized fruity water, you will attracted the whole village to see you zumba the streets non stop with your new incredible energy. It helps to build metabolism too.
DeleteA whole lot of water option now.
ReplyDeleteAnd as usual, I am so lazy to follow. Hahaha
Good for Ah Boy to try this healthy options.
Why Mak Glam is lazy to follow? You have the most motivation to scale all the hill runs and jungle trackings. This Thambee's fruity solarized water would give you infinite energy to run from KL to Singapore!
DeleteI only put lemons in my water at home. That's all. Hihihi
ReplyDeleteThis is also good enough to make water tasty and increase alkaline in our body.
DeleteSame here, I also put lemon + honey that I soaked together for a week in fridge into my glass of plain water only. Some said lemon helps in weight loss and complexion.Therefore I like.
Deleteat least you take the time to slice lemon la. Most of the time i lazy o do. hahaha. gotta kick my arse to be more healthy instead of an arm chair readers la. But since joining gardening groups...now learning more about benefits of some of the plants . Maybe can incorporate them into the solarise drink
Deleteahemmm i wonder hor...if i dont have colors jar or bottles,,....can i use tomato sauce, olive oil, or soy sauce bottles ah. Coz tomato sauce bottle is always clear color ma. olive oil bottles is greenish and some soy sauce bottle is brown color leh. Hmm...i wonder....
hmmmm..now I am confused. muhahahahaha. Well, to make the story long, I always bring my water bottle in those plastic bpa free which I bought from the malls, whenever I go. Most of the time , I do it in SG since I am taking public transport. I do also did that in JB and there were times where I forgot to take the water bottle back home and leave in the car under the sunlight.
ReplyDeleteNow, lots of folks including my wifey told me not to drink the water after its been exposed to sunlight for fear it will caused cancer. It also didn't taste well. I wonder is it because I used a plastic bottle which makes it unhealthy instead of glass ?
I haven't did any research yet on solarized water but I am sure you must be use glass instead of other materials and place under the sunlight for some x hours. Will it have to be the morning sun or any time of the day ? hahahha...
ReplyDeleteit's just like exposing a baby to sunlight due to jaundice. It must be the early early morning sunlight and exposed for a short while only else the baby will burn.
...and the glass must have color punya or like what sk suggested to put different color wrappers on the glass. coz want to harvest the sun color power. My science kaput la....but if not mistaken the sunlight have 7 colors ma....so each color brigs different benefit. seems that people saying blue is the best wor.
DeleteAnyway, it's always good to make some efforts in making ourselves healthy. For me, I took lots of supplements and workout to keep myself well. I don't think I have the time as well as patience to create the solarized water ...haahaha... Unless its weekend, I will wake up and with limited time, I rushed for my breakkie and then to work.
ReplyDeleteI compliment you for being so discipline and hardworking in doing little things for the good of your health. Yeah, as what some of the readers mentioned here, the most I can do is sliced a lemon onto my water but that I also lazy to do it. Aiya....just take vitamins la...
Oh.... this post makes me thought of getting those water filtered products especially the good ones or from MLM. My Amway friend always recommend me to buy their eSpring product , which is a water filtered distribute by Amway.
ReplyDeleteI wonder maybe filtering the water my also bring benefits to our body which rids all the chemicals , germs and impurities from the water source. of course, there is no energy elements here like the solarised water.
I also read that post about solarized water and I checked the link. It is rather interesting but so far I have not tried making this energizing water. So how? Do you feel the healing and energizing benefits?
ReplyDeleteWhere did you buy those glass bottles? They are just like the ones used at Epicuro. When you ask for plain water, the server will bring you the whole bottle. I was so jakun, don't know how to open the bottle and had to get the server to open for me. So shy!
DeleteYou know, your fruit infused water look very attractive. Decorative lah just like those bottles with soft toy inside that you are selling. Maybe can also extend to sell fruit infused water hee..hee...
DeleteIt's a brilliant idea to combine the solarized water with fruits. You get two benefits in one. I think the lemon/lime/calamansi infused water should be very pleasant to drink. Some restaurants put lemon slices into the plain drinking water and it is lemony and nice.
DeleteBut the apple, cucumber and mint is a bit weird for me lah. Apple and mint Ok but cucumber err.... better to make salad or kerabu with these 3 ingredients.
Deletehmmm...adding salt is a god idea. Somehow the saltiness makes things taste better. I like to add salt to fruits like pineapples and mangoes. It really enhances the taste and flavor of the fruits.
DeleteHow about infusing your water with watermelon chunks and lime? I think this is a nice combination. And oh, add some mint too.
DeleteYou are right that we should ditch soda and processed beverages. These contain too much sugar and additives. Best to stick to plain water or fruit infused water!
DeleteI just thought about it, put passion fruit hee..hee... That would be good, no? The pulp will make your water into passion fruit juice. Wah, add ice cubes, so refreshing!
DeleteYou seems very much into these energy producing practice which I don't know whats the term for it. Like that titanium wearable on my neck which I wore for 5 years, there's no scientific evidence behind it but I am not sure about this one but as long as it don't pose health issues, then I think it's fine plus the good benefits that it believe to produce. Oh....btw, I think I am a scientific guy when it comes to medical. Thus, I also don't believe in traditional medicines so much but not too extreme la.
ReplyDeleteI do believe it's good to drink lemon treated water as it makes it alkali which is good for the stomach. To certain extents lor... I will do a google on solarised water as well as the fruits treated water. It sounds and looks tasty anyway, better than an acidic fizzy drinks like what you mentioned,
I saw an experiment on coke and it's ph2.... which is very acidic, and not forgetting the gas, though I can't help drink 100+ after each workout almost daily...hahaha.. There are folks who asked me to cut down on carbonated drinks like 100+ which I think it's impossible as I needed the hydration minerals and salts.
ReplyDeleteThe peel fruits treated drinks seems good and great tasting too with some salt... hahaha.. Did you make this in office too together with your office-meals ?
Someone gave me some bamboo salts which was produce in Korea. It helps to reduce the acid in the body and all you needed to do is to a very little bit each day, probably 2-3 grains. I am not sure it works yet but I still got my gastric or bloatedness problems...muahahahh... However, the salt taste good and I got addicted to it too. hahahah...
ReplyDeleteIt's also believe these salt can prevent cancer. Well, maybe this explained why there are less cancer affecting folks in the past (or maybe not recorded) , due to all these natural remedies as well as eat boiled and fresh food, and fresh air. Its so hazy now in SG and JB....sigh..
You only needed to eat very little of it.
Deleteeh....how about some lemon-sour plum ice blended drink ? muahahahaha... That's my favourite besides coffee but the next thing is I find my stomach very bloated or I ate too much la.
ReplyDeleteOverall, I believe fruit juice is good and mix it with some sparkling treated water and you get an improvised water to drink! Of course, not all fruit juices la...
Referring to the above comments, I have something to share. I heard from the expert nutritionists that fresh fruit juice and the fruits infused water works differently for the benefits of the human beings.
ReplyDeleteA very easy example is that we should drink fruit juices in the mornings when we wake up. The fruit juices would work directly to help clear toxins and discharge them from our bodily systems. They would replenish the body with all the minerals and supplements right away before we start the day. That's a perfect healing procedure too.
We need to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily to survive and give us the energy. It is not advisable to drink 8 glasses of fruit juices as we might suffer from severe diarrhea and it is too costly to blend so much fruits daily. Besides that, if we drink overdosed supplement intake, we might also suffer from unknown list of side effects. We are advised to drink clear plain water all day to flush and moisturize our cells. These days our water are not very clean anymore and might contain harsh metals & acidic minerals. This is when the experts would advise us to add cut fruits inside to make the drinks tastier, alkaline and healthy!!
That i why it's better to invest in a water filter to remove all the unhealthy particles especially water in Malaysia. The white cloth that we use to purify the water turns black in a few days. That shows how clean the tap water is. Even if you solarised it or add fruit peels to it, the water still unclean with particles.
ReplyDeleteGood evening sk
ReplyDeleteHahaha saw anay blogged about this not long ago. Wah you really guai guai go and buy and make wor. Salute.
Me still kura kura here not yet start work. Hahah
Not oly that, you even improved his version ya. Adding fruits into it. Ya i saw a lot of mummies in several Facebook group doesbthis. Said very good and refreshing. Better than coffee. Okay gotta go. Be back later.today touch and go like what anay blogged about
ReplyDeleteBut you did not share how effective they are leh, you just said they taste good. How long have you been drinking this? Really got rejuvenating effect?
ReplyDeleteYes, please let us know whether it works or not. If you do these two together and you feel rejuvenated, you won't know which one is it that is working. If you want to know better do one for a few months and then change to the other for another few months.
ReplyDeleteI seldom eat fruits, maybe juice would be a good idea
ReplyDeleteThis is interesting. I do not know about solarized water but I do know infused water. I like making infused water and chill it. So refreshing on a hot day.
ReplyDeleteIf I put my water under the sunlight to get solarised water and my mother saw she sure says I am "crazy", old folks don't believe in such things
ReplyDeleteI google about it and it stated different colour films and filters got different health benefits
ReplyDeletewahhhh... SK! Very healthy ah!! I didn't know that we can drink solarised water by putting out the water under the sun.. :) Now I know... good knowledge! I haven't google about the benefits yet... but I am sure it has some good points... Let us know what they do to your body, SK? :)
ReplyDeleteYou know, even from young I've been told to avoid leaving or eating food exposure to sunlight but this solarised theory is interesting. Of late, I've switched to glass bottles instead of plastic bottles.
ReplyDeleteI read that colours do affect health and each colour serves a different purpose so this colour therapy I believe.
Those are interesting drinks you have there, SK, but I think eating the fruits is more beneficial or like you said making juice out of them. For extra benefit I'd put back some of the fruit pulp into the juice - for roughage.
Thanks for sharing.
Good morning clean and healthy SK
ReplyDeleteAiyoyo...paiseh paiseh I got go to anay post about this but you know la.....i sini masuk sana keluar. Never take heart what he said leh. Now baru agaian enlighted by you and anay.
Was wondering what the heck is solarised water. At first i thought maybe one of those water filter thingy kind of water. You know la...every now and then there is advertisement about one water filter or what ma.
now i read your post very malu liao. sure anay going to ketuk my head for not paying attention 100% to what he writing. Lucky anay's heart very big. Won't be angry about small stuff like this hor...anay hor....sorry ah.
you make it sound so simple. Just put water under the sun....or not really under the sun right? Just by the window also can liao right. A few hours ah...can la no problem > My side here got sunlight.can put in my garden also leh...garden solarised infused water muhahaha...lagi glamer leh. betul tak?
now i just have to find the jar. don;t have such big jug. Kaldip wanted to buy last time in IKEA to put in the fridge. I pulak gatal told him no coz later the boy make pecah.... now seems like good idea pulak. I wonder would it work if i oput under the sun then baru put into the fridge coz kaldip only drinks cold water. warm water he will bising. aduihai....now j also follow suit. In the house only i drink warm tea
The fruit infused drink already old news lor. Last year many bloggers blogged about it and Facebook full of that news and photos. After that no more sound liao and it was followed by the overnighted oat. Dunno whether all these are just a passing fad. You still having your overnight oats ka?
ReplyDeleteYou so creative la adding so much things into it.
No sugar ah. Wait...I will try and propagate stevia plant for you. Just add 2-3 leaves of stevia into the solarised water. I find that if put too much will cause adverse reaction.
Yesterday i put a handful of stevia leaves into the hotwater with telang. then drink liao got headache. Must be the blood pressure suddenly too low jor.
I think if add into solarise water should be okay la provided you dont out too much. You wn mint or not. can also propagate that for you. i think mint and stevia can plant in same pot and put by your office windows as they dont need direct sun. Just need a lot of water enough liao
you say bend ah...i heard from people say these fruit or vegetable cannot simply blend wor. Need to use something called slow juicer wor. Say if simply blend like this all the vitamins or whatever will hilang.I dunno how far it is true la. So far i use my pakai hentam way la. I use ice blender. put ice in and the fruits in and terus blend. if drink straight should be okay gua.
ReplyDeletehmmmm maybe your solarised water can make into ice cubes and put into ice blender and blend
Got such thing like this ya?? Seems like I really out date a lot! Those glass bottle you shown, I only see them serve in the restaurant, but first time see buy home for personal use. I remember last time got a fruit juice brand, they serve it in the glass bottle, the thing attract me to buy isn't the juice but the bottle. Finish the juice I will watch the bottle then keep it. And some time I even put some little wishes note inside like wishing bottle...hahaha...
ReplyDeletePeople think this is weird, but I like it very much, as I don't like to have other drinks, every time outside my first choice and best choice is plain water (guess I lazy to think of what to drink maybe)
Fruit infused water, this one I've heard a lot but haven't try it, usually I drink just drink the one with fresh that I self made at home like lemon juice, don't get wrong, is not lemon with water juice, is just lemon! It's very sour indeed, but mom said is good for health so I got to force myself to drink. And in the weekend, Saturday, my mom also will make apple juice for us, not the simple one just with apple juice, but is with green apple, green bell pepper, celery, bitter melon and cucumber.
oh I wanna try this one.. i have seen many pictures of this regimen online and I am very eager to try it myself.. the citrus one is probably what I like to try the most.. lemon is a good way to balance your ph... ideal for an acidic guy like me
ReplyDeletei love this to be served chilled... and it is indeed very refreshing
DeleteWah, you also make this kinda drinks ya? Hehe, I made before, for detox and slimming, some even say can slim different parts of the body, depends on what kinda fruits/vegetables you used... A bit skeptical at first, cause don't know the truth about it, and how effective it is, can really slim or not also don't know, but since we also need to drink water everyday, why not just add a bit more fun into it?
ReplyDeleteActually most of them (I bet yours too) taste just like water also la, right? May be a bit of lemon taste only.. What I enjoy is the cooling sensation, but I usually take out from the fridge few hours in advance before drinking. Cannot drink too cold, not good for the body.
This kinda drink actually got pros and cons also la, the fruits right, did you consume in the end? For me, I will just throw them away which I think quite wasteful... If ask me to eat them, I will feel a bit gerli cause being soaked with water liao ma, the meat also become soft already... So I also hardly make this kinda drink anymore, cause really wasteful, once a while ok la. I rather blend them into real fruit juice, or eat them on their own, or drink plain water instead.