[Volume 10 Issue 8, #2045] |
I Am Looking Down (At My Phone) |
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我諗大家見到上面張圖, 應該都唔知佢係乜喇.. 其實係我部手機內, 我比較經常用開嘅幾個程式啫.. 我記得曾經有提及過自己撘車返工放工嘅時侯, 一定係把握時間盡情用手機, 所以上一篇貼先會話咩「唔好去話人哋成日低頭玩電話等等」.. 最近就好似每日指定動作咁, 由左至右, 首先我會喺個語言學習程式繼續學三至四個法文module(我仲堅持緊, 唔係三分鐘熱度㗎!!), 之後就當然去睇blog兼留言啦, 跟住呢就會入whatsapp睇及回message, 最後如果仲有時間嘅話, 就玩一陣間游戲咁啦!! 嘻嘻.. 或者大家會覺得我實在係太過於「低頭」喇, 不過我想話都係以上搭緊車嗰段時間啫.. 事關我一到公司, 部手機就一定擺喺檯上一二角之後我就專心做嘢喇.. 又或者返到屋企, 我部手機就肯定留喺間房度.. 在室內, 我唔周圍去都帶住部手機嘅, 而且我係將所有聊天程式較靜音嘅(一直響其實好鬼煩), 間中記得「係噃, 我有部電話噃」時, 我先會睇下咋.. 所以呢, 如果我喺幾個鐘之後先回你嘅message, 就多多包涵喇, 因為我真係唔係每分每秒都check住部手機嘛!!! :D |
okay, i guess you have no idea what the picture above is about.. it's actually a collage of the apps on my phone that i use more frequently.. i remember i mentioned before i fully utilise the time on my phone when i am in the train commuting to and from work, that was why in my previous post i said something like "let's not comment about people who keep looking at their phone blah blah blah", haha.. it's like a daily routine to me now that, from left to right, i'll first continue learning 3 to 4 modules of French on the app (surprise surprise i am still hanging on!!), then blog hop and spam comments, then read and reply my whatsapp messages and if i still have time, i'll go for some games!! hihihi.. well, if you think i'm too engrossed in my phone, i would say probably just throughout those commuting hours.. because once in office, my phone lies coldly on my desk while i focus on work.. or when at home, the phone is ditched at the corner of my room.. when indoor, i don't bring my phone around and i mute all the chat apps (to keep myself peaceful from all the annoying beeps), i only check my phone occasionaly when i remember "oh, i have a phone".. hence, please pardon me if i take hours to read and reply your message, especially during working hours or at night, because i don't look at my phone every minute and second!! :D |
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2015.08.07 | 我在低頭
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Wow! So early post! SK Thambee's clock gone haywire!
ReplyDeleteI am engrossed to my phone and this post seems to click with my bad behaviour that I cannot live with my mobile phone to be connected to everyone.
Deletethat I cannot live WITHOUT my mobile phone to be connected to everyone.
So Thambee is hooked to the apps on learning foreign language. That is a wise idea to keep yourself busy while commuting on the LRT everyday which could be quite boring. I thought you would prefer to watch people and their dressings.
Hahaha.... early meh SK posting? I thought lastb time he posting 8am was early leh
Deleteterrible la you Anay. You scold me say don;t glue to the phone., Don;t read using phone. All those electric wave or what ever thingy will fry my old kucing brain out like banana fritters and now you sendiri admit say you cannot live WITHOUT your phone pulak. How la? Not copying that Mr 2 Billion dollar all talk no action gua?
Hahaha Thanmbee is using his phone in a good way la. Educational and also entertaining. Not like that pervert in MidValley using phone to record girls buttock going up the escalator. Hmmm...I wonder what he meant by he just "cari makan". Means he was going to sell those video online ka? Pervert. Maybe inside LRT will have these type of pervert recording girls upskirts too,
I think in your like of work, Anay ..it is pulsable la that you have to stay connected with everyone at all times. Clients have to be able to find you. And even after office hours you will still need to stay connected considering that you need to monitor your dad. If not mistaken youi mentioned before that you use phone that link to a camera to monitor your mom when she was critically ill that time.
My previous mobile phone had too many apps which I never used esp all the games that I thought I would be playing someday. That 'someday' never came! When I was bored, I read all the blogs instead to learn something new instead of getting addicted to games. The only game that I was addicted until there was 'no tomorrow' in my life was that stupid Angry Birds! I played all day till I reached their top level until I had to wait for new season of birds to fly inside the phone. That's when I told myself 'enough is enough' of the bad habits and better go get a life to smell the fresh air outside and hear real birds chirping instead of the Angry Birds squeaking inside my phone. Adoi!!!
ReplyDeleteNow I have a new mobile phone and swore not to download the games again as I know about my own addiction like drugs. I remembered this Yannie and Letchumy who played Candy Crush until they had to play inside the car, toilets and even before sleep. The jewels continued to drop down in their dreams!!! Muahahahaha
DeleteI also do not want to install all those language dictionaries and speaking guides for Mandarin & Thai languages again as I rarely used them. All the unused apps ate up the life of my batteries everyday. I should have learned this long ago.
Now I will wait for the next blogger to come in to share his/her owes with too many phone apps. I know this Thambee is a big boss and won't layan any watsaps nonsense when he has millions of ringgit business to handle. Next time I will send him emails instead!
DeleteBonne Journée & Joyeux Vendredi to every one!!!
Me too. Same case la. I tarak play games but kept the games just in case, There are some preloaded games by the phone company when I bought the phone. So kinda sayang to delete them and download again.
DeleteMe too kept thinking maybe someday I would play the games or at least my son will play but always never find time to play. Maybe if am commuting in LRT like Thambee then I might find time to play the games la.
One thing i dont like about that phone is the battery drained very fast if i play games and also if I access the internet. I wonder if this happens to you guys punya phones or not? Even after I changed the battery it still like that. Entah something wrong with my phone or what.
I think the most I use my phone is reading . When travelling I would use phone to read my books, Yea...now am converted to e-book reader. I love physical book but also love e-books too as they are more portable.
But if traveling in bus or in LRT it is kind of hard to concerntrate one what am reading. Most likely will be keep reading the same paragraph and take masuk otak.
Hahaha...about the too many phone apps ah...now my phone also too many phones apps leh that I never download. The existing phone apps that comes with the phone i tarak use all. Maybe if SK, he will find a way to fully utilise all the apps la. Me lazy to go explore
这样很好啊,我和老公是无时无克刻在玩手机的,尤其是他,好像几百万生意上下酱,机不离手 >_<
ReplyDeleteGood lah to know that you are not one of those people who have their eyes on their phone all the time. During commuting it is OK because there is nothing else to do. Instead of staring into space, might as well play with the phone :)
ReplyDeleteSo how far are you with your French, huh? Can speak simple sentences already and understand when the Frenchie reply you back? I find that it is quite hard to pronounce some of the words.
DeleteWhen I am outside, my phone will be sleeping in my handbag. Sometimes, I don't even hear it ringing. In the office, I leave it beside my desk and I only check when I have time. I assign different tones to Whatsapp group and individuals. Usually I tend to ignore the group but the individual ones could be important.
DeleteI am still very jakun when it comes to apps. I don't even know how to play games hah..hah... I only do blog hopping and browse the news aje.
DeleteI find my watsap group chats a bit irritating sometimes as some fellas could not stop talking whole day. My ex school mates still talk hamsap things until today and post all their vulgar no-no photos blackmailing each other like small kids! That one I muted them and once left their group but they dragged me back inside!!
DeleteAnother is a group of ex-bank staff who all have become seniors and VPs in different banks today. The funny thing is that I never ever worked in a bank but joined their staff activities 20 years ago. They never forget Anay cos they said I am nuts. ..... So sad to remember me like this hor. I muted them too.
Now I am thinking that I should install the language apps to speak french and tamil with SK. He is such a famous Sherman Khan today and need to give French speeches at red carpets in Cannes and in Tamil at the banana leaf catwalks.
me too find whatapps group cometimes very irritating. If in groups I would usually mute the sound. So that it wont keep beeping everytime. If the topic ngum then I baru join in., Aduui.,..sometimes they talk about poo topic...just imagine la...tengah makan the see whatapps message comes up in the whatapps of poo pic and everyone analyse why the poo look like that. Adui......I wanna exit that group also cannot as am the admin. Stupid me. \
DeleteHahaha...anay is a well rounder la. Banking group also drag you in.
ya wor. I also kena before. Ex-collegue out of no where drag me into a whatapps group coz he turn in selling insurance. Pengsan. Invented the whatapps group but everyone silent. So I also left that group la.
Me ...I installed Google translate and Pleco coz need that to "help" so to do homework. Paiseh me...baru discovered that with googkle translate i can snap photo of a page and it will help to translate whatever written there. Not 100% accurate but at least I have the head and tail on what that page means la.
When I see your post, I also faster look at my phone to see my apps.. Then got things to write ma.. Camera also I have a few apps already, I have Camera 360, Candy Camera, Line Camera.. Then I have YouTube, CIMB clicks, WhatsApp, WeChat, FB, Blogger and lastly games.. That's all.. My games all cooking games, chefs games, no candy crush please..
ReplyDeleteLastime, before smartphone, if wana change phone, senang.. After change phone, insert sim card, then can use already.. But now, after smartphone, have to install all over the apps again.. Kan?
DeleteOh yes, I remember that French language thingy.. So how's your French? Can speak in sentences jor I think.. But you must also got those French punyer style la, baru sepadan, hehe..
DeleteEh, that Garfield game nice ahh? I see so cute, but I always install the game, play a while, then uninstall it.. Play until boring or I feel not interested, just terus uninstall.. But if play until addicted, and cannot pass the stage, I also geram until uninstall ger wor..
DeleteMuahahahaha!!! This girl was like me. I also quickly scanned through my phone to see all the rubbish apps I have inside. I just realised it is so neat and almost original inside this new phone. I installed too many games, nonsense and what nots in my old mobile until it always hanged everyday!!! LOL
DeleteNow I am smarter dei. No more games!! Hey, what Garfield????? Let me go and check now! Meow.....
No candy crush for me too
DeleteI prefer play those games that not so stress, those cooking games need to finish cooking within a certain time frame, I also don't play, too stressful for me
DeleteI don't get addicted to games so easily, usually after playing for a while, I would stop and lift up my head and look look see see around
DeleteMuhahahaha now we know which bank you are banking with...can send spam to your email liao. Joking la
DeleteI dont instal banking apps on my handphone coz am still very old fashion. worry that in case i lost my handphone then the hackers maybe able to get my banking information from the phone. No money in the bank but then if they steal the ID also "cukyup me die" lo.,
Apa pulak you meow meow the ANay. I thought that is my department. That garfield games looks like one of the cooking games that I installed in the Tablet for my son to play with leh. Now google Play have a lot of games la. Very irritating too coz it always ask to update the games . It takes up the space of my phone and tablet leh. Now my new phone i dont install any games. Kacau only. I only install apps for the book reading.
Oh ya...the new model now is like SK's phone liao. The antivirus already pre-installed. No need to download a junk of antivirus like previous model
I am a 低头族 also lah... I used to be like you, maximize phone usage when on trains and buses, but because I drive 100% and take public transport 0% nowadays, can't do that while driving. Nowadays I use my phone when I am having dinner outside alone and sometimes with friends who are not talkative.
ReplyDeleteI have also got used to not replying Whatsapp messages immediately. There was a transition period where the talkative ones will feel depressed and anxious and mad that I did not reply immediately, but after awhile they got used to it, then life goes on as usual.
Not only you does that. Many people does that too when having dinner alone or while waiting for friend. Browse/play the phone.
DeleteI wont expect people to immeditely reply the message la. But with whatapps at least I would know whether the message have been read or not. Means message received by the reciepient and up to him or her to reply la. If urgent then just give a call la.
It's good to keep yourself occupied when commuting to and fro work. Phone is the best that become our companion.
ReplyDeleteMake sure you don't miss the stop when you are so engrossed in your phone haha
ReplyDeleteI usually reply my Whatsapp messages immediately unless I am in a class or going up a bus
DeleteDepends if i am tired, i will catch a short nap in the bus, if not will be looking at my phone, hehe...
ReplyDeleteYou are undeniably an organized guy and I admire for that kind of time management you hvae.. I can hardly schedule my time and despite of having a planner with me, i always end up ruining them all because I often let myself being procrastinated by other things LOL... blame Facebook, Instagram and Streaming sites haha
ReplyDeleteoh good, you are still using that up.. so what part of module are you know... I bet you can now speak French fluently... are you planning to visit France or any nearby country soon??? I'm sure you can use all the things you have learn from this module and you can communicate with French people with no ease
ReplyDeleteYour blog hopping routine is very impressive too.. i hope I can do it on a daily basis too but I'm happy I can still catch up hehehe...
ReplyDeleteSo are you doing these while at work??? wow so lucky of you.. when I was working on a company, we are not allowed to use phones inside the office.. our supervisor was freaking strict
ReplyDeleteoh wait what... during commuting hours? how long is that? wow.. I assure you, you cannot do it here in my country lol.. even though there is a huge traffic, the buses and other commuting vehicles are always full and sometimes you have to stand the whole ride
Deletenot to mention the holdapers and snatchers who will surely keep an eye on your phone.. so scary..
DeleteI'm not a phone addict too..I hate texting or calling and the only purpose of my phone is when I want to take photos, listen to music or play games and that's all.. I think it's because I had my first cp when I was only first year highschool (i think I got that epic 5110 Nokia phone) and as I grow up .. I find it less appealing already hehe
ReplyDeletewhat game app are you currently engaged in by the way? Clash of Clans? My siblings were all into it.. I haven't tried that game yet but I'm pretty sure it is highly addictive... it might be another procrastinator for me haha
ReplyDeleteHahaha..... We seems share the same routine. I am also busy with phone during commuting hours especially in the morning. The phone will be so busy multitasking from one app to another. I listen online to the radio, check my fb, emails, read the Bible, comments on blogs and replying to my boss messages.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, sometimes I do take a break and nap while listening the music and put it in silent mode. I do this most of the time.
My phones battery level will always highly utilised in the morning as well as evening during commuting hours. Then in between, during office hours, it's very low activity as I also just put it aside while waiting for some whatapps messages. You know la... Everyone using whatapps in work nowadays. Lots of groups are created for different projects or tasks.
ReplyDeleteAt home, my phone also very quiet and I will leave it for charging while I surf on the tablet. Anyway, if I go for a run or in the gym running on the treadmill, I will start the run keeper app to track my run, either via GPS or stopwatch.
ReplyDeleteI also track my weight and stepper by syncing my pedometer with my phone. You can see that my phone is one useful companion for me.
I think it's OK to depends on our phones to keep us company during our lonely hours like travelling alone or commuting or running. However most importantly is the phone is stable with the apps. I always encountered the apps hanging while on an android phone for years especially after an update. This can be real frustrating when for a long time you have been using the app without any issues then suddenly it fails on you as well as the app was a useful one.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we should cultivate a new habit which might be healthier like reading small books, play sudoku or meditate inside the bus or trains instead of being addicted to glue to all the games and nonsense in the small screen. One optician told me that many people have developed bad eyesight nowadays after staring at the small screen of their phones for many hours daily. I could only guess that our eye muscles wore off faster besides the harmful light rays from the screen which would harm our retinas slowly.
DeleteI agree with Anay, we should encourage and cultivate habit such as reading. Meow is a very good example to us, we should spend time on reading books more. Most people read Facebook on their phone more than any book.
DeleteWhen our eyesight is spoiled, we need to spend money buying blueberries to eat. Blueberries are very expensive. Therefore, we have to let our eyes rest instead of looking at the phone for too long period.
DeleteYou are right, Chris. It's okay la to play with the phone while traveling in bus or LRT. At least at this moment of time la. No case of handphone snatcher yet in the LRT or bus. But dont use while waiting for bus or taxi coz got incident of snatch handphone .
Deleteat least like SK he is using handphone in a good way la while traveling in LRT. Tarak waste time.
Me too encounter this. After update the apps kept crashing. Auto close by itself. Also phone hang. Did al factory reset still like that. Read in forum somewhere that typical lifetime for android phone is 2 years before it start to slow or have problem
Hmm... reading small book in LRT or bus ah? Not everyone can do that. some will feel dizzy when reading in the LRT and bus.
Reading in LRT using phone should be okay la coz usually will be bright light. Then in LRT you are forced to loom up ever now and then so that you wont miss your station or stop. Expert says when looking at handphone or computer on and off we have to look up and look at something far away mah. So in this case, it is much better to do reading in the LRT or Bus leh. If do it in your own home or office, you might feel too comfortable and safe so you will tend to stare longer on the screen rather that look uo and look at your surrounding
Oh... BTW we cannot live without our mobile phones nowadays and it's seems a habit to keep checking on our phones all the time, which means looking at the phone frequently whenever we have free time. When I am at work, due to the workload, the phone will have some rest time... Hahaha..
ReplyDeleteAnyway, sometimes I still can't resist to check out the fb, whatapps and any other notifications during meetings or when at work. That's a good way too to kill boredom the or relax from work a bit.
I just had this horrible experience last week! I forgot to bring my personal phone to office and was suffering from withdrawal symptoms for the whole day. My whole body and brains felt so uneasy like missing a limb or leg. When I reached home at night, I saw over 200 watsap messages and 10 missed calls. So scary! I should do something and not be so dependent on the phone. I guess time has changed and the phone becomes a necessity to be connected.
Deletenow if tarak bring phone out is like missing one important piece of accessory or clothing.
DeleteNot only youngster like that but old folks too.
cheh 10 missed call only ka? So little. I thought it would be much more than 10 missed calls leh.
I wonder when SK chuck his phone aside while working, how many missed cll or whatapps message will be bombard into his phone. while traveling sure he had to reply till all his fingers ketot liao. Good training. Now he can type fast.
I do enjoyed playing games on my phone but I find it it took too much of my time away. Well, games usually are addictive and that will keep us glued to it all the time, even during evenings at home. I remembered I was playing games find my water 2 and I stick to my phone day and night and I was so relived I finished it. Then, worst still they have this competition between your friends, which makes you more eager to beat them to finish the game faster and more points. Hahaha...
ReplyDeleteI have stopped playing games and try not to start any games now. If I am really bored during commuting with nothing to do with my apps , I will just nap. Else I can still check out twitter for news especially on soccer.
Oh dear!!! Talking about my friends who pleaded with me to join them in the games. They sent me so many hundreds of irritating requests until I scolded them. I deleted them from my Facebook and they didn;t even realise it. Later I discovered they don't even read Facebook but used all their time to play the games apps etc. Geeez! Crazy people who need to get a life!
DeleteCrazy Anay... LOL, Me too received many games request. Some even create 2-3 FB ID just to play games. The worstr was during the time ...Farmville ah? Adui...daily receive games request.
DeleteNot sure about the Garfield game in SK phone., But some games that we downloaded from Google Apps STores seems to automatically send games request to your friends list if you link your FB .
You are very hard working in commenting on others blogs and you also gave more than one comments as well as long comments. I guess that's where you find the time to comment which is while commuting. I used to do that but I'm getting lazy and I usually leave it to the evening to do the job. It's also difficult to comment on the small screen as well as some areas have poor network coverage.
ReplyDeleteWow.... You still doing your French course.... Keep it up. Maybe once done, you can do other languages. Hahaha...
Are you sure this SK leaves long comments using his phone on the LRT trains?? You must have stalked his recorded time or comments! I thought he would only leave comments for me just before he sleeps! Let me go and see his time in your blog now.
DeleteYou are absolutely correct. SK often leaves comments in your blog posts early in the mornings before work, probably in the trains or toilets! Now I know his pattern. I am his midnight choice, probably he had to crack his big head to find right words to jibe me!!! LOL
Deleteam puzzle too la at SK how he manage to comment long long comments in various blog during his LRT travel. What network is he using. Mine always have line drop. wanna load a page also slow. For a blog at least takes me 3-4 minutes to load and to leave a comment. How SK managed to have such a stable line to comment on blog.
DeleteSome more travelling in LRT maxi time how long ya? 30 mins? Can learn french, bloghop, playgames some more.
Anay, he also leaves long comments in my blog leh during evening. My guess is that is the time he traveling home. Aiyo...sometimes his comments comes in so late. Must be working very late la this SK. Must feed him makan more. else he become tulang liao
Anyway I really appreciate smartphone and the apps. It really served me well as a great companion while commuting long hours in the public transports. Before that, I used to buy a newspaper and read from top to end while in the bus. Those were the days when I was still using the Nokia phones. Or I simply listen to the mp3 players or radio which received the stations.
ReplyDeleteI can say my commuting experience are better now and I can make used of the time better by doing things on my mobile. Sometimes I do learn a thing or two while checking out something on my phone.
I can see how well and useful all these smartphone apps and games would benefit users like you & SK who often commute on public transports! In Japan, I saw many folks read small books and newspapers instead of using the phones. They are probably sick of playing games or shy to play games while putting on their business suits.
DeleteFor SK her knows how to put his phone in good use la. At least he stay connected and gets things done la. Not like those pervert who use their phone to record girls upskirts in the LRT or escalator.
DeleteI never know how important my phone is to me until I lost it. 2 years ago, my 8 months old Samsung S3 dropped inside toilet bowl. I needed to do without phone for a few days until I got a new one. I used Samsung tab 2 for temporary usage that time. But, I missed my own phone so much. Since then, I am very careful with my phone already.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, the apps that i use the most frequent is FB, Whatsapp, WeChat, Line and Chrome. That are all. I stopped playing games already. The last game i played is Candy Crush. I thought no one know how suffered I was that time, only Anay remembered it. Thanks Anay. I suffered from lack of sleep, lack of sex, lack of love, lack of care, lack of exercise, lack of time and lack of mood too. Therefore, I swear to myself that I am no longer want to install any game in my phone. I forbid my two girls to install any game apps in my phone too.
DeleteI checked at FB the most often, because FB got lots of interesting news and messages. I am being very busy body in FB. I will use youtube to find old videos or songs that i love too. Other apps, like pinterest, intalgram and all, sorry to say that I have no time to browse already. I don't take public transport often, I seldom have luxury free time to kill too. We are living in small town, there is no traffic jam, so I have no wait time in my car too.
DeleteThe only time I look at my phone for longer period is when I am about o sleep. That is the time I check my FB, reply to Whatsapp and all. Other than that time, I just check my Whatsapp, Wechat, and Line on and off. I don't look at FB at all day time when I am at work. On weekends, I will check FB more often.
DeleteI don't use my phone for blog hopping or commenting in blogs at all. I am not used to type with my phone still. Besides, I don't want to spoil my eye sight. Looking at phone for too long, eye sight is going to deteriorated.
DeleteI almost forgot about another function of my phone. I use my phone to take pictures a lot, hahaha! I believe everyone is doing that too, right. Surprisingly, I don't use my phone to listen to radio or watch movie. May be I am too busy to use all these.
DeleteBut, when my husband and my daughters are with me, I don't even need to carry my phone when I go out. I leave it at home
DeleteI don't play game, I don't learn language, I don't read blog or leave comment on blog with my phone, I only reply whatsapp and check FB with my phone.
DeleteI wanna have a good laugh at Yannie's honesty about how the candy crush took her quality life away. I didn;t want to say a word when my wife was too addicted to the games she enjoyed as I thought it was on addiction level. I let her hit the wall when she had sleeping nightmares over the crystal jewels dropping in her sleep. It took her own self realization to stop right away as the only remedy. We would say that one should play on the moderate and safe number of times but no way one could do so. These popular games are so well designed that could draw players to become hard core addicts besides making the creators richer each day!!!
DeleteYannie has got the best family members who could be her play mates to joke, sing and laugh!! That's better than the apps in the phones! The family members and friends are real, alive and give quality happiness!!
I thought only my wife's iPhone fell inside the toilet bowl. This Yannie also got same story! Muahahaha
I thought Yannie should install the Nihon Go language inside the apps since you are surrounded by so many samurai warlords at work. Every time you reply and greet them in Japanese, I am sure they will be pleased & remember to promote your ranks with hefty increments!
DeleteAnay, you are so right that Candy Crush had stolen away my quality life just like what happened to Letchumy. I took my phone into jamban, I went up many levels in my jamban visits. Anytime, any place, I could play Candy Crush until I could dream of those jewels falling down in my brain and crushing and saying "Delicious". Then only I realized I had got over addicted. Since then, I say no thanks to any game apps.
DeleteYea i still remember the time your phone drop into the jamban. Adui...
DeleteMe too . Earlier this year my phone had sudden dead syndrome. No joke leh. there is really such syndrome going around S3 phone. I googled. Many also kena like that.
Anyway....that few days tarak the phone really tak senang. Moreover the tablet cannot whatapps leh. felt so disconnected,
But me was more worried about my e-books., I have many e-books in the phone and tarak back up ., adui. lucky managed to retrieve else cry lo, .
I like to read my ebooks when I am traveling instead of playing games coz my old phone battery cannot tahan long. Reading doesnt takes up a lot of battery.
wah.....that bad ah the addition to candy crush. am so glad i was not hook on that last time.
Yes, me too when traveling will tend to check FB when i get notification of any reply to my post. Otherwise I lazy to cleck. LOL...even own blog I also malas go and click publish the comments
So kwai to put the phone away while at work! I remember I didn't do that at all when in the office... the phone will be on my table cos once too engrossed in my work, I couldn't even hear the phone ring if it is in my drawer... and I like to read my messages while working, at least can distract me from my work and relax and not stressed over work... now I am not working the phone is beside me all the time... I don't watsapp much, just a few friends and family so they won't distract me from anything.... no work ma.. now want to recruit more friends to watsapp instead.. hahaha...
ReplyDeleteWhat a happy retired mama! You are now an exception and should install all the games you wish since you have a long infinite holiday. You also sell things online using your phone to make money!
Deletewhen working my phone will be in my pocket. Coz the place i work is public place. Dare not put on the desk like SK or put inside the drawers. Anyone can just walk in and take away the phone.
DeleteNow in some office i see many people will just put their handphone on the desk. Many case handphone hilang because of outsider come in and took the phone. Too late already when the time to view CCTV. But I guess SK office is safe la. Only clients walk in. No outside salesman or public walk in
Seems like I've been to your blog since beginning of August, don't even notice you've change a new template...means is already a new month started! My apps everyday now I think is 動新聞, Facebook, Kim Kardashian Game, then HayDay. I tried to do commenting on phone also, but don't know why the comment disappear ....so I better use laptop or pc comment, pretty sure no one likes to re-comment the same thing ya!! =]
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon SK
ReplyDeleteaiks...I tarak comment this post ah? Lost liao hahaha
Okay la okay la....You had me worried there with your post on bluetooth and wearing it sometimes at home and in the gym too. Okay la this post clarified that you are not glued to the phone. Bagus like that la
Ya me scratching head what the heack is that photo above there. Thought it's some new games you invented for us to play with. By the way...long time you tarak invent games for us to play with . Ya i know i make noise when you give brain teaser but now you stopped jor...kinda missed it pulak. Human is like that la...will only miss when it's gone.
LOL...now we know la why some people keep looking at their phone. Multi tasking and all . Not all negative punya. As .long as not walking also looking at the phone la...unless they are using waze or google map to walk to some place that they are looking/heading for.
ReplyDeleteYou really have good discipline ya. It's like you have step 1 step 2 step 3 and etc.
ReplyDeletedaily doing and learning French. paiseh...me still tarak download the apps and try to learn any language yet. So how is the progress? can fly to Paris and talk " mi amor" with the girls there yet or not. Wondering how long you spend to learn the words there and the phrase too daily. Maybe 10minutes?
Bloghop...wah lau eh...like that you data plan tarak meletup ka daily? Me using Ma Si. If I bloghop using my phone, half a month my 1Gb data plan will be gone luiao. Then will have to suffer turtle line crawling like now. Adui...wanna load one pic also darn slow leh. I would have thought you only bloghop when you arrive home use the home unlimited wifi instead of phone data .
i think for those who whatapps , viber, wechat or whatever should not expect immediate reply from the recipient la. It is understandable that you wont be replying message so fast. If anything urgent can call instead of message la
ReplyDeleteMe too like you don't always check my message. Or sometimes after reading the message I wont immediately reply as have things to do.
I am very curious leh. How long is your travel time? How can you do so many things during your travel time?
ReplyDeleteFor me blog hop would takes about 1 hour leh. And I see you leaveing so many comments in so many blogs. How to cater for that? You type very fast or open multiple windows in your phone. Even if open multi windows, from your comments, you seems to have read throughly each blog post instead of just leaving generic comment leh. Am very curious how you do it in such short time. One blog you visit and type comments will at least minimum takes 3minutes lor. How? How? How to make it so fast?
Some more have time to play games. Really salute you la. Aiyo....you human or superman dei.... I think the multi tasking Anay also kalah against you la
ReplyDeleteHUh? once in office your phone will lies coldly on your desk?But office hour tarak off the volume hor? otherwise how customer going to contact you., Nowadays people will call handphone instead of calling office phone knowing the office phone is less likely to be pick up and when calls being transferred will usually get cut off *angry mode*
ReplyDeleteWakakakak....who KNS you about not answering your message? If urgent then call la instead of Smsm whatapps viber or whatever.
ReplyDeleteYou at least go turn on the volume of your phone. Mine 24 hours mute. Occassionally will check the phone for message or calls. Seldom get calls la. even calls pun will be those telemarketing calls.
if ngum ngum lucky then the message come in when i am reading a book on the phone then i might reply immediately la...provided the book not tengah suspense
I like how you use your phone. I don't expect people to answer whataps and sms immediately. If i need immediate answer I call them instead. all the best to you for learning french.
ReplyDeleteYes I remember, you always said you utilise the commuting time to blog hop and surf net, very good la, don't waste time ma! But must be alert to the surroundings at the same time... Don't too obsessed with the phone also, no good, lots of accidents can happen.
ReplyDeleteI just realize too many of us are like that these days, I mean 低着头,even when walking, very dangerous leh. And my BIL also same already now, he is too obsessed with his iPhone that his eyes can't move away from the phone even when walking... He is playing games, then that games, you must go buy/win something within the time frame one.
Ok come back to the topic. So still learning French huh? Good good, how good are you already? Come teach us some basic French la, hehe!
You can blog hop using phone, salute salute. In fact I salute those who can, for me, I just don't feel comfortable about it, I mean the screen is so small, and the keyboard also, hard to type leh! May be type 1-2 lines can la, but still I will prefer to blog hop using desktop/laptop, can type so much faster and less typo errors too! Erm with iPad still ok la, at least screen and keyboard is bigger, but it'll tired carrying the iPad around too, haha!
Using phone to just surt net (without much typing) still ok for me, like FB. WeChat/Whatsapp ok ok also la, at least the space to type is bigger a bit.
For me, the blogger comment box got a bit sot sot la, don't know is it Blogger issue or what, say if I am in the middle of typing comment, then I scroll up/down to view the page (sometimes forget the content of the post so have to scroll back to read again in order to comment), then I come back to continue typing my comment, huh here things will go haywire, comments will gone missing, I mean even though I am typing but those words cannot be seen one, haiz~ So means if I am typing comment, I must not leave that comment box.
So this is one of the reason why I don't like commenting using phone.
Oh that Garfield game you playing, ok ar? Nice? Cooking games I like, haha! Like I got installed Pizza and Burgers cooking in my iPad, Happy Chef. Everytime will try to beat my own scores to earn stars :p
Eh you really can ignore your phone when working or at home? I cannot lo, cham la I think I am so addicted to my phone these days, of course not to the extend that I walk also must look at my phone la, hehe, I still know safety comes first, and that some things can wait.
But when I am nursing Toby, or playing with him, I must have my phone standby. I check on my phone very regularly, especially once I hear the sounds of notification (either is WeChat or Whatsapp), as for sms, hmm not so kan cheong about it, cause I hardly get important sms these days, a lot are those promotion notifications, or from banks one, haiya hate la, so irritating!
Then last time when I was working, even though I may be busy with works, but after few minutes sure will go browse my phone a while one, haha! Tak boleh tahan la if keep on looking at the monitor, boring ma, need to take a short break also one, like look at phone a while, or go toilet/pantry.
But but again, I know the limits la, sure I will go settle important stuff first before picking up that phone. One thing I still insist doing is, to keep my phone away from my bed every night before sleeping. The farther the better, away from radiation also ma, bad for me and my family :p