[Volume 10 Issue 7, #2037] |
I Bought Birthday Presents (for Myself) |
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大家睇咗我生日收到咩禮物之後, 我就想問大家, 會唔會買生日禮物俾自己?? 或者我應該咁問, 會唔會用生日做籍囗乘機買嘢俾自己?? 我要承認我的確會, why not?? 我哋應該經常都愛鍚自己, 尤其大時大節嘅時候, 大家認同嗎?? 呵呵.. 好喇, 大家睇到上面張相中嘅巨型麻包袋未(可與張椅作比較)?? 其實係我同幾位朋友, 大家各自網上購物, 然之後將貨物由中國各地齊集於一個臨時貨倉, 最後合併全部一齊運嚟吉隆坡(呢個係「寶寶」網購以減低運送費用嘅運作模式).. 呢一袋嘢足足有15.7kg重, 不過我啲嘢只佔一成.. 想唔想知我買咗啲咩?? click入張相就自有分曉~~ :) |
after reading about what i received for my birthday in the previous post, may i ask, do you buy birthday presents for yourself?? or rather i shall ask, do you take excuse of your birthday to buy presents for yourself?? i confess i definitely do, why not?? we should often love and pamper ourselves, especially on special days, don't you agree?? hehe.. now, you see that huge gunny bag (compare it to the chair) in the photo above?? well, it happened that a few of us brought things from an online store, gathered our goodies from all over China to a central warehouse and finally shipped them all together back to KL (this is the working model of "Baobao" to keep shipping cost at the lowest).. this bag is 15.7kg in total weight, but mine is just 10% of it, wonder what i bought?? click on the photo above to unveil~~ :) |
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2015.07.07 | 生日寶貝
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Macbook, hehe!! I like the case, red color very sharp color, usually I thought guys would choose dimmer color. But now I think guys wear red shoes also not bad...
ReplyDeleteWah, so big bag, I was thinking clothes inside, like I shop at Taobao, it always come like this.
Talking about buy present for myself, actually I haven't decide leh, last year mine was Stefanie Sun VVIP concert ticket, this really haven't thought so...how about some luxury flight tickets? If those do count, hehe!! Actually not luxury, just that the price is slightly higher than the average, hehe!
DeleteI think you need to hang out at Pavilion more often to watch the fashionista guys parade in shocking and vibrant colours. Don't get shock to see Thambee in shocking pink short and yellow polka dots Tees. The trend has changed after the guys emerged from stone aged caves. We like vibrant and kinky colours nowadays for our bags, underwears and lap top covers!
DeleteI was wondering, what is that sack of potatoes doing in your post? After reading, the I realised bukan ubi kentang lah. Got goodies which you and your friend bought from China!
ReplyDeleteYes, yes, I do buy birthday presents for myself. In fact I buy it even before or after my birthday. It would be something more extravagant than usual and since it is for my birthday, it justifies the spending.
DeleteI mean, why not right? It's your birthday and who says you can't give yourself a birthday present? Provided it fits into your budget and you can afford it.
DeleteOh, you bought so many presents for yourself. I thought just one present per birthday hee..hee.. I see your bought 4 things but considered OK lah since these are small items - belts (3 wor), smart watch, leather bag and laptop protective case. All useful items, so it is money well spent.
DeleteHahaha, I got the same thought also when I first see the picture, I mean the packaging, when first see something like this was when I bought something from Taobao. But since I've experienced with that already, so when I saw his picture, I wasn't though of that.
DeletePH made me laugh! If the sack has potatoes, it should be delivered to Chef Diva PH's kitchen to make pies and curry chicken. Muahahaha
DeleteWho would buy a sack of potatoes for his birthday??? Sibu Food Mayor!!! Wakakakakaaka *evil laughs* just kidding okay but you laughed!
Next year, I must try to buy 4 items for my birthday too! I wanna experience that.
So this online shopping has a facility for you to kumpul all your purchases to be shipped together sekali gus ya? Good idea instead of having it shipped on piecemeal basis. It does save on shipping. Also you get everything all at once instead of waiting and keeping track of individual purchases.
ReplyDeleteIt is packed in this huge gunny bag instead of a box. That's quite heavy 15.7kg (approx 34lbs+). Your items are very light and I wonder what was the other 90% content.
DeleteSo canggih! Click on the photo and another 4 photos datang melayang. Then click close, they go back and disappear.
DeleteI was trying hard to think how much they could have saved the shipping charges but SK never want to show us all the other kinky stuffs he and his buddies bought to share the freight. It made my thoughts run wild for a moment that these cheeky fellas had bought dildos, noisy dolls and what nots. Wakakakaka
DeleteSo you were not wrong to wonder what were the other contents of 15.7kg when Thambee's barang-barang weighed like peacok feathers from the Himalayas!
alo SK
ReplyDeleteWah really big Bao Bao there wor. Good idea to collect together and sekaligus buy with a few friends and colleague la. This way shipping mightbbe cheaper leh.
But why they bungkus like that ya? The things wont be spoilt meh? penyet, kemek or something like that. You know the postal service la. Where got think fragile stuffs or not inside there. Will simply balik one la. Some more in the airport luggage they will also simply baling liao
Sure the items were non breakable stuffs otherwise it would have been shipped in hard boxes with FRAGILE stickers pasted all over. They bought men's toys lah!! Sssssh! Don't ask so much.
Deleteaye aye captain.... oh,.... men toys ya. hahaha.. I thought the name "Taobao" so all they use is gunny sacks instead of boxes or crates. hehehe.... me ulu la. seldom buy online.
DeleteSk...when i click for more details, it only show items #3 and item #4. Tarak show item 1 and item 2.
ReplyDeleteFor info, am using FF on laptop. Please check ya
Yes, I do buy birthday pressie for myself. sometimes it's a book that I have been eyeing but the price still very mahal or have not arrive Booxcess or Big Bad Wolf Sale. I buy as a treat lo.
ReplyDeletehahaha ya lor am one of those who give excuse to ownself to buy birthday gift for ownself ..like you la.
Once a year ma. Nevermind lo. Betul tak?
Oh this Pussy Mamarazzi is so easily contented with just books for her birthdays! I would be happy to have books, makan, movies, cake and clothes! That's a perfect combo.
Deleteom...simple cat need simple book ....live a simple life no need headache lor...hmm..yesterday saw people comment that they bought books from taobao....uh-oh....habis la...sure mamarazzi after spammming here will go taobao to "see" maybe get birthday present, deepavali present, merdeka day pressent, Christmas present and what not for herself liao in terms of books. opefully it will come in boxes not gunny sack :p
Delete15kgs? mak oi...it is heavier than a bag of rice la. what your friends buy oh so many .
ReplyDeleteBut still am very curious la. The barang got pecah or not?
Let's have a look at your nice self bought birthday presents. I actually like to buy a few small items too because feel so happy mah when they arrive and you see a few things for you to enjoy.
ReplyDelete#1 Smart Watch with SIM/SD. Canggih lah this one. Sorry ah, this auntie is not in keeping with the times so dunno what does a smart watch do. Don't laugh ah if I ask stupid question. Does it function macam smartphone? From the screen I can see that it has audio player, video player and anothet 2 functions. Can make phone calls ke? Adoi malunya ask this type of question!
DeleteThe screen is quite small, so is it very practical to watch video or listen to songs from this watch? This auntie ah, the smartphone pun sudah pening if pakai smart watch, wanna tell the time pun belum tentu boleh.
DeleteI suppose it is very fashionable to wear this smart watch. Got many functions and someone like you would know how to fully utilize the capacity to the max. If me, I just want to be able to tell the time only, so this watch would be wasted on me.
Deleteeh mana itu smart watch with SIM /SD ah? tarak pun in the photo/ i only see the minion, belts, folder and the bag. background have a few stationeries stuffs leh
ReplyDeleteor is it inside the yellow color box ah the smart watch. apa pasal tarak open up to let us see?
DeleteKesian Meow. tarak nampak the watch.
DeleteI scanned the big photo again after clicked that gunny sack to find his Roleks watch but tarak pun. I suspect that Queen's Guard Minions is standing on guard and watching the precious watch below inside the box he is standing on. That guard Minions so pandai yeah!
DeleteOh looks like Phong Hong see the watch wor. Hahaha Anay also tarak saw the watch, Confirmed Mamarazzi no lou fah ngan.
DeleteMust be la SK ask Minion to guard the watch. Wondering how the watch and SD card function. Is it like one of Lina's running watch.
Hahaha the weaven canverse belt looks like Kaldip punya belts. Only his not dual color. His is plain black and beige.
ReplyDeleteToo bad i dont read chinese else will go Tabao there and see if they have any extra long belt for him or not. hard to find in malaysia leh this belt.
Hey Mama Kucing this taobao has some English version sites where you could roughly get through and buy. I dare not shop there cos the catalogue is too huge and buy too much. I also worry that I might be conned again as it happened in another China site. If SK is shopping there, means it is safe and good as this Thambee is a fussy shopping queen.
DeleteI heard there is a shop in KL where they sell extra long belts. I forgot where I saw them. Maybe I should start selling stuffs for the bigger earthlings. Good money like Ms Read's boutique who so thoughtfully catered for this niche market.
DeleteGot english ah? good good... can go there and see.
DeleteYou always shop online also dare not simply go any website to shop ah. Mamarazzi so chicken lagi teruk la. She will stick to buying birthday present for herself from normal shop la.
Ya anything SK recommend punya can be trusted. He pandai analyse punya. If got risk he wont buy from there.
Boss shop have those belts. Only found the one same as SK punya once at that shop. The rest are leather belt. Not lasting . The leather not good. Only these weaven belts are lasting
#2. Weaved Canvas Belts. Stylo milo ni! It is quite nice, something different from the usual leather belts. I see three designs, one is just one colour while the other two has 3 colors each.
ReplyDeleteQuite frankly from far if did not see the belt buckle it looks like those nylon rope that is used for hanging clothes. I have not seen these belt designs before so maybe that's why got it online.
Deleteweir wei.... please please be very careful when you using that sling bag ah. Bad mouth but have to say now snatch thief likes to snatch sling bag. If the tali tak putus they will drag the person along.
ReplyDeleteNow i dare not use sling bag if i can. Moreover they see the size know it must have laptop. . Do take care ya SK
I am not worried about Thambee using the sling bag at all. Just look at both his arms after pumping so much heavy weight irons at that CilakaFitness Gym! He is strong like ox and could toss that Rosmama Badak in the air anytime! If a snatch thief comes along in a bike, he would be sorry and get thrown off his bike into the ditch.
DeleteLOL...sorry can't help laughing at the image. Some more ter-imagine SK like Kelvin turned into super big minions in the minion movie throwing the bad guys around.
DeleteSometimes have to be prepared also la. Scary how snatch thieves thrives nowadays. Theif become hero. Ordinary people pulak end up in hospital.
Maybe for christmas have to order pepper spray and steering wheels lock from Taobao.
I didnt know can change baju punya for laptop. Good leh. Lovely red and the other black color. Yeah...can protect the laptop from scratches .
ReplyDelete#3. Handheld/Sling Leather Bag. I have seen a few guys use this type of bag. It is very useful to carry stuff like documents etc. I would say that this bag is a worthwhile purchase since you can use this everyday to office. Now you know why we ladies like to carry handbag hee..hee..
ReplyDeleteSome more you model it with your smart watch for us to see. Very stylish. But have to be careful lah when carrying bag like that. Usually I will make sure my handbag is kepit tightly under my arm or if got long sling, it is put in front. Scared mah if people snatch. Nowadays, have to be extra careful.
Delete#4. Laptop Protective Case. I did not know laptop pun got protective case. I though only for phones hee..hee.. Quite nice the red one. The other one look like sliver in the main photo. So you can change it to suit your mood huh? Or change when the current one need to be cleaned.
ReplyDeleteAll this time I have never used a lapotop because can't quite get used to it. I still prefer desktop, Very old fashioned one this auntie.
DeleteOh My God! I am floored and shocked with dropped jaws to hear that this Kitchen Diva Chef does not use a lap top all her life!!! **Slaps my face!** .... **Slaps My Face Again***..... Wake up Anay!!
DeleteHey, this lap top is easy to use and carry about when we have no PC to browse or spam Thambee's blog posts. It has nothing to do with your aunty status as I have seen so many grandmas who are using smart phones and tablets to surf gossip news and recipes. Even grandpas use tablets and lappies to surf porn sites! Muahahaha
Now I am thinking nonsense whether you could bake cakes with the wok or steam them?? Kikikikiki
So we should hope that you go for holidays more often when you are away from your PC!!! As for me, I would still spam from my phones no matter which corner of the earth I went to from high up the mountains to the basement's onsen spa pool. Aiyor talk so much off topic liao, kena potong markah!
Okay back to his gunny sack, I must start pampering myself on my birthdays with some gifts!! I have never done such a treat except to eat yummy food with birthday cakes.
Woiii Thambee changed the time again for your posts? Now you change your timing more frequently than you change your under wears!!! Dei, I sure will miss out the posts lah unless got blog notification apps in my phone.
ReplyDeleteWhat is that sack? It looked like some Muthu and Sangkachee sent you a sack of Bombay Onions and Potatoes from Chennai. They sent you for your birthday ka? Muahahahaha
Oh no, now I read further and it's Thambee who sent himself the sack of bog onions and potatoes to cook the cheesy mutton curry. Voila! Nandri! Vanakam!
Thambee wants to make the competition more interesting mah ... hahaha
DeleteLol to that under wear thing.. I guess Chris is right.. SK is making the FC competition more interesting LOL... eerrr but I don't think I can have FC here anymore LOL always late commenter
DeleteAiya, if happy and got money in bank account ahh, everyday is birthday wor.. Can buy everyday.. Me ahh, lastime leh, everyday online shopping.. At one time, giler kena racun until every week buy online.. Online dresses mostly.. Buy from FB got, buy from onlibne websites also got.. Then at one time, giler buy baby stuffs from online shops.. After a while, no more until now..
ReplyDeleteThen recently, I would say, started last this year, I started buying from Groupon la.. Also will kena racun one.. Groupon stuffs are really cheap.. Some are good deals.. I see good, I click buy, no think of other things.. But of course I don't buy too expensive punyer stuffs la..
DeleteMe terbalik.. On normal days, I'll buy stuffs online.. But on my birthday or what, terbalik no buy.. Just go makan, huhuhu.. Boring hor..
DeleteWah, your loot of goodies look so big and juicy.. Like big Santa Clause bag but in paper form, kakakakaka..
DeleteUikks, you only showcase your barang ahh? What about your friend's punyer barang? I'm also interested in your friend's barang wor, hehehehe..
DeleteOh yes, sekali pandang, I can see the leather bag.. Now a lot of guys "hing" take this kinda sling bag.. Yau yong lor.. Protective case for laptops, errr, I no laptop, so no need protective case la, wakakakakaka.. Your loot looks good too, most important you hep-pee, satisfied, hor..
I also wondered why the gunny sack was so big yet the barang-barangs were so little that could easily be stuffed inside the envelope!
DeleteI think his friends shared the loot and bought some male kinky toys and stuffs that is a taboo to show here. Nanti cannot kena 4D tomorrow.
Hey I am also being poisoned by the website sales and Groopons! I think I bought good and useful deals esp gifts for others besides my dinner vouchers.
The 1st thing that comes into my mind when i see the huge gunny bag is rice, hehe...
ReplyDeleteMuahahaha... This Zumba Queen is really a rice pot queen too. Always chicken rice, fried rice, duck rice and rice dumplings!! So naturally you would think of a gunny sack of rice when most people might think of big potatoes inside.
DeleteActually, I always read news which often reported about dead corpses being found inside gunny sacks and luggage which floated in rivers. I think Singapore has fished out few times.
So far, i do not have the habit of buying present for myself during my birthday, hehe...
ReplyDeleteYou sound so pitiful there. Come to KL and SK Thambee will treat you birthday dinner and take you shopping in all the malls. You can choose any birthday presents but you need to pay the bill lah. Wakakaaka
DeleteThe #1 and #2, i can only see half of the picture :(
ReplyDeleteWahh... What a treat!
ReplyDeleteI will also get something special for my coming birthday.
ReplyDeleteIt's not material though. But an experience to treasure. :)
I think anyone could easily make guesses what are the most special gifts that could please this femes Mak Glam.
Delete1st guess - Running shoes
2nd guess - Running shoes
3rd guess - Running shoes
Running shoes have plenty already la. Now is the gadget to go with running.,
DeleteGood presents you bought for yourself! Very useful. The leather sling bag looks good on you - I am guessing you are the model in the photo with the sling bag on you. Red is my favourite colour so I like your laptop protective cover!
ReplyDeleteNice stuffs you have there! Yes, I am also like you , I do buy myself birthday gifts. This is especially so my wifey is not working and no point she used her own money to buy stuffs for me or rather use the maintenance money I gave her for the family usage. Furthermore, I can also buy something I needed and wanted, as well as expensive but affordable.
ReplyDeleteFor example, I got myself a mini tablet two years ago, change my car three years ago, a Samsung Galaxy S3 phone 4 years ago and last year, a few items like a running watch and a new specs. Ok la, can take it as an excuse to pamper myself.
Wah! Wah! Wah! I just read all the list of luxury items this loaded Chris has bought for himself! Wifey no need to work some more and he is the walking ATM at home. How nice. You really earn a fat pay check every month. Please adopt me to be your god son.
DeleteIt seems like you bought all these stuffs online! Well, that really save you some money and using Baobao to ship your stuffs over where you shared with your friends, means you can saved even more compared to those established ones. How long does it takes for the shipping ?
ReplyDeletehahah...the sack really looks big and initially, I thought you are moving house or dumping something massive out from your home.
Online shopping is really convenient now, even the elderly also can get addicted, haha!
DeleteYour smart watch looks like those Samsung smart watches, judging from the wallpaper. Was it ? Good la, having a smart watch means you can secretly take pixs of others...muahahahha..... joking only. Anyway, can get notifications over your watch while your phone is in your pocket or the best usage is ,can use it for running and detect how many steps you have run, how fast your heart beats, GPS for your running and etc.
ReplyDeleteI also thought of getting one and tempted to go for Apple Watch, which is on sale in SG now. Maybe wait for my birthday perhaps ?
Oh...your smart watch got SIM card ? I wonder how it works? No need bluetooth to connect to your phone ? And, memory card too ... this doesn't sounds like a Samsung then! Canggih!
DeleteI am also surprised.. dont't have a smart watch so I didn't know it works with sim cards too.. i wonder how it works...
DeleteThose weaved canvas belt really looks good. Initially I was wondering what was it till I clicked on the details. Very nice looking! Why you buy three? Was it comes in 3 as a pack?
ReplyDeleteAh.... the laptop protective case!! I saw my colleague uses it and asked him where he bought it and he mentioned online. Since I don't want to pay extra for the shipping fees,I searched around but cannot find the cases around the malls.
ReplyDeleteI like it as it came with a stand which makes typing easier as well as making the laptop looks good. Anyway, the bad news was my colleagues case damaged easily , thus it's best you take good care of it. It seems fragile.
You certainly looks cool on that sling leather bag! I am sure a lot of Malaysians uses that to carry laptop as well as some documents. It's a bit rare in SG to see people carry these type of bag since most of the folks here don't drive. We usually carry huge backpack which are laptop friendly as well as umbrellas and probably other gears for after work activities. For me, I carried my running shoes and sports apparels and not forgetting my water bottle.
ReplyDeleteI love the leather bag but too bad, no chance to use it here. :)
Ok la...maybe you can consider getting your top 10 readers during year end here each a smart watch by ordering online via Baobei. No need to spend so much time burning us the CD... good idea right ? :D
ReplyDeleteI always buy things to pamper myself one, but I never wait until special occasions like my birthday lah, because I never take note of when my birthday is pun.
ReplyDeleteI'm excited to look at that big ass karung guni. Maybe I should go and surf Baobao and see what I can buy there just so I can get my own gunny sack.. :D
You must be such a delicate and detailed man, using protective case for laptop. My laptop, after 2 weeks automatically becomes dirt infestation..
Wow, i never thought of pampering myself with gifts for my birthday... ALWays want to be pampered instead..hahaha... You really canngih, do online shopping and shipped to,a warehouse to collect... Must be a lot you and your friends bought....
ReplyDeleteI always buy things for myself, as long as I see something I really like then I buy, I don’t specially buy anything on my birthday. May be I take every day as my birthday. Online shopping, I like. I just spent RM400+ from Mango.com. Why RM400? Because RM400 and above has free delivery. The good is delivered from Spain. I got my things in less than a week. I bought clothes for my family. MBO gave me free voucher of RM35 to shop at Zalora. I just utilized it last week to buy a dress for April.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I never try buying anything from China, BoaBoa. May be I will try in future.
Delete1. Smart watch eh! What is the function of your smart watch? Taking picture, listening to songs, Whatsapping, Instagram and telling the time. I am sure that the features are more than what I can tell here.
2. Three weaved canvas belts. That’s a lot. You use it yourself to tie your loose pants or you use it for other purpose? Some people like to use belt for nighttime activity. I heard Meow mentioned that her Kaldip has those belts too. Ouch! Yannie being hamsap again. Oops!
Delete3. Nice handheld/sling leather bag. It looks stylo on you, SK, nice pick! I hope the quality of the bag is good.
Delete4. Two protective cases for your laptop. SK loves changing laptop cover. He must be switching from red to grey every alternate day.
DeleteSo far, Yannie bought photobooks, clothes, shoes, bags, swimwear, skincare and books online. Nowadays, we can buy all sort of things and service online. But, just have to be careful which website to buy.
DeleteNow I recalled, if I wanted to buy something and it was my birthday month, I would ask Jin Jin to buy for me. If cheap one, I would ask my daughters to buy for me. I would not use my own money for myself on my birthday month. Muahahah!
DeleteSometimes depends on luck also, some sellers will just take your money then disappear. My friend kena before, luckily it wasn't something too expensive, else really 哭都没眼泪...
Delete我很久没收淘淘包裹了。。。 :(
DeleteShopping is indeed therapeutic right?
ReplyDeleteIt is a good idea to buy something for yourself during your birthday, learn to pamper yourself wor
DeleteIs the smart watch the one from Apple?
DeleteI thought you kidnap someone with that sack, muahaha
DeleteI agree.. no matter it's your birthday or not.. it is absolutely therapeutic
DeleteNowadays not only girls addicted to online shopping, guys also getting more and more liao, heheh! And our wallets go thinner day by day >.<
DeleteOh I sure do... it is really nice to give yourself a treat for so many reasons...First, it is your way to appreciate all the efforts you did to earn money... you worked hard for that money so why not give yourself a reward right?
ReplyDeleteIf it is not about money then consider all the time and hardwork you offer for your job... you definitely need some sort of incentive for it and if the company doesn't provide such, then you can give your own some sort of a token of hardwork
ReplyDeleteEven if its not your birthday , I guess it's just right to give yourself a treat cheers! I actually do it for myself whenever I accomplished something hehe.. So yeah, that is a great way to pamper yourself...Cheers!
ReplyDeleteHeck yeah, that's one big sack of items you got there... considering that it weighs 15.7kg.. there must be a lot of items inside the bag.. but what really makes me eager are the items inside.. must be interesting
ReplyDeleteBut I wouldn't be surprised to see a minion or a doraemon item inside LOL
ReplyDeleteblue, I don't think minion and doraemon items are not bought online. SK placed it there for display purpose only. I spotted fing fing was chucked at the back also. Poor fing fing. This daddy simply chucked him when he found new loves online.
Deletehaha i think you're right ...
Deleteoooh a smart watch.. i didn't see that coming LOL... good thing is was delivered safely... I also like the red case for laptop.. simple and neat
ReplyDeleteIt is true, when purchasing online, we just pray and hope that our purchase would reach us safely, timely and in good condition. I did have a few bad experiences before, such as losing an item, item isn't in good condition, size is too big for me, extra custom tax and taking too long to reach me.
DeleteI think when you order online and you know that the value is not that small.. I think it is wise to pick a trusted courier.. quite pricey yet your item will be delivered safe right
DeleteI usually buy things for myself but not only for my birthday. I like the laptop protective case. Such nice red color.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good way to pamper and reward ourselves wenn! I wish to do so if financial permits, haha!
DeleteRed is a nice colour and one of my favourite colours too, nice leather bag too, simple and nice
ReplyDeleteYoung time, when my friend birthday, me and my friends would all contribute money to buy a gift, that time, we bought our friend a pager
DeleteYa red can be a very chio color, but as I know lots of aunties love red, red bag, red clothes, red nails and etc, hehe, but most Chinese love red also la :p
Delete仲以爲成袋都喺你嘅戰利品,都還算“正常”, 哈哈哈~~
ReplyDeleteErm, to answer your question... It depends, but mostly I don't buy presents for myself during birthday, it just sound weird, haha.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it depends on timing also, if say I already eyeing on something, then so coincidentally my birthday is coming and there's an offer, I will buy it and consider it as a birthday pressie. Or claim the money from my 'boss' and consider it as pressie given by him, kekeke :p
But I do agree with your statement, we should always love ourselves. As for pampering, it depends on individual's definition of pamper, some people won't buy anything, just chilling out watching movie at home can be a type of pampering also, not necessarily must be an item, right? ;)
So, that watch, have you started using? Practical? What's it for actually?
Then the canvas belts, why you need so many? Or you share with friends?
Next the laptop case, I would say it's useful, nice color too!
Lastly the bag, looks not bad wo, simple and nice, hopefully it can last long too.