[Volume 10 Issue 7, #2041] |
Cooking Pasta In Office, Using Microwave |
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如果大家好奇嘅話, 係呀, 我仲係大部份時間都留喺公司自己煮午餐㗎.. 咁話晒有咗多次經驗, 啲嘢就當然越煮就越複雜啦, 哈哈!! 今日同大家分享用公司部微波爐煮出嚟嘅鏍絲粉, 睇落真係很唔錯呀呵?? 嘻嘻.. 我係得呢張相咋, 所以唔好旨意我有多幾張相你欣賞呀.. 事關本人近年都已甚少影食物照啦, 更加唔好expect我每個烹煮過程都要影相, 我真係唔會咁做囉, 更重要嘅係, 我冇能力做到!! 呵呵.. 當然呢一兜鏍絲粉唔係咩大工程啦, 大家冇可能要我去煮啲有難度嘅嘢啩?? 哈哈.. 食材準備及煮食大概15分鐘, 干掉碗粉只須5分鐘, 清理及清洗10分鐘, 仲有30分鐘食飯時間淨, 可以瞓番個power nap!! :p |
just in case you wonder, yes, i am still cooking lunch in office most of the time.. and of course the cooking goes more "sophisticated" since i am more "experienced" now, hahaha!! i'll share with you this fusilli that i cooked using the microwave in my office, looking not bad at all huh?? hehehe.. i just took this one photo, so please don't expect me to show more since i don't really take food photos nowadays, and definitely not taking photos for every step in the cooking process, that is just not something i will do, and more importantly, can't afford to do!! haha.. of course this was something simple, you cannot expect me to cook something that is even a little challenging, right?? hehe.. preparation and cooking around 15 minutes, finishing the bowl of pasta in less than 5 minutes, washing up 10 minutes, so i still have 30 minutes lunch time left for a power nap!! :p |
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2015.07.23 | 辦公意粉
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I say, a cooking post from SK!
ReplyDeleteIt looks good, wor! Very vibrant colors some more. Mmm...for something made at the office using microwave, this is very impressive. I can see the pasta, mushroom, cucumbers, asparagus and yes, bacon!!!
DeleteNow you have more variety in addition to the Grilled Cheese and Tomato Sandwich and Beehoon Soup.
DeleteSo how often do you do this? Every day? Or just certain days only?
DeleteComments from the cooking expert! Hehe!
DeleteSo you bought your ingredients - the cucumber, tomatoes, mushrooms, asparagus, bacon and then took them to your office and keep in the fridge. Pasta is easy to store, just chuck in an airtight container. The when when it is lunchtime you masak-masak in the pantry.On site cooking, man! Fresh and hot from the microwave. Sure better than my pre-cooked food from home.
ReplyDeleteSo you bring your raw materials to the office once a week? Or is there a supermarket nearby where you can buy and keep in the office fridge?
DeleteBut quite honestly, for me, I will still stick to my pre-cook from home. In the office, takder mood lah. But that's just me. Since you can cook in the office, all the better. Fresh and hot and definitely tasty though it is a simple dish.
DeleteHmm actually if SK intends to do this often, he can stocks up those ingredients in the fridge, then anytime he wanna eat can go and prepare already. But provided his superior is ok with it la, I mean will your boss come spot check ar SK?
DeleteOf course lah, we are not expecting step-by-step photos from you. Cooking in the office pantry during lunch time mana ada time to snap-snap photos, betul tak? After all this is not a cooking blog. You want to get things done quickly because your colleagues may want to use the facilities as well.
ReplyDeletePrep and cooking at 15 minutes is pretty fast. Eating in 5 minutes and washing in 10. All done in 30 minutes. Sounds very good. And notice that no matter how simple a dish, the eating time is always the fastest hee..hee...
DeleteLet me study your method. I must learn also lah because this is also very useful for at home if I want to cook something super quick.
DeleteAh, put the pasta and asparagus sekali gus into hot water and zap for 3 minutes. So clever! I would have thought we cook the pasta separately. In fact I have seen some recipes where the raw pasta is cooked all in one pot with the sauce. Really save time and washing up too.
DeleteSo you heated some olive oil on a plate. That's a creative substitute for a pan. Once heated, you tossed the diced tomato and herbs and zap some more. Then you added the mushrooms and cucumbers, seasoned and zap again. And that's your "sauteed" vegetables done!
DeleteWhile all that is going on, you grilled the bacon in the toaster oven. This is multi-tasking lah. Sure lah must have bacon, it makes the delicious paste even more delicious.
DeleteAnd then you just put the strained pasta/aparagus with the zapped vegetable in a bowl and topped with the crispy bacon. Voila! Lunch is served!
DeleteSo now we cannot say that SK tau makan aje, correct? Sekarang masak pun dah pandai!
DeleteYa, SK now tahu masak jugak! Hehe, don't know la I realize people who likes to eat also likes to cook one, may be not often but once a while la~ Like me, I love to eat, love to try all sorts of food, and once a while I will cook too, but more to baking la, hehe, I prefer baking than cooking :p
DeleteAnyway, these days hard to find time to bake/cook liao, my Tesco bread maker has been sitting in the cabinet for months liao, haih~ Wish to bake again but just don't have the time, erm may be the mojo is not here also la.
Whoaaaa! Chef Diva PH grabbed the first essence from Thambee's wok today.
ReplyDeleteI am not a cook so I can only hurl sarcasm after I have tasted his food. All looks good and colourful but not micro waves cooking! So typical of bachelor's cooking style like a clone of lazy man RG! Muahahaha Sorry my.mouth damn itchy today.
DeleteSk will dish out great dishes for his dream girl in a romantic moonlight or candlelight setting, while making lucky origami stars and put in a decorative bottle!
DeleteLazy man RG, LOL!
DeleteSo SK, what's next in your list? hehe...
ReplyDeletewow ... like great taste ^^ can try it at office next time...
ReplyDeleteYes, it seems like a recipe with steps by steps instructions. I think for a dummy like me can also follow the steps...muahahahaha... but make sure the microwave don't explode when I do it!
DeleteFirst of all, I want to praise for your hard work spent in cooking in the office by using the microwave. So many ingredients you put in your pasta. Meaning, you have diced all the ingredients into smaller pieces, for eg the tomatoes, cucumber, bacon, asparagus, and mushrooms. Honestly, Yannie is just plain lazy to get all these ready, be it in advance at home or on the spot in the office.
ReplyDeleteYour steps by steps of instruction isn’t sounded easy to me too. You have to put in and out microwave for at least 4 times, right? Some more have to toast bacon in the toaster. Aiyoyo! Yannie will just mix a cup of Milo to eat cream crackers. Shame on Yannie!
DeleteBy just looking at the picture, your pasta looked good and colourful. I like. Now I recall, I seldom take any food to office, except the overnight oats. I never prepare any food in the office, except cup noodles. Shame on Yannie again!
DeleteToday is a bit different, I didn’t prepare my overnight oat yesterday night, therefore I boiled some purple Japanese potatoes and took 5 purple Japanese potatoes to office as my breakfast and tea time.
DeleteSo good that SK has 1 hour lunch break. I only have 45 minutes lunch break. Right after lunch at the cafeteria, I will return to my cubicle with a cup of coffee. I read email, blog hop and surf net a little while.
DeleteTaking power nap during lunch break is very good, but we are not allowed to do so in my company. Why oh why?
DeleteI can see that SK is improving a lot in cooking his own lunch, at the same time, good to see him putting in lots of healthy vegetable in his meal.
DeleteYour pasta isn’t simple, in fact it is very sophisticated like you say.
As for my lunch, it is healthy at all, I eat in the cafetaria, the food sold there is very oily, spicy, high salt and high sugar. No wonder Yannie runs like a cow everyday, also doesn't seem to be effective for weight management.
DeleteI normally eat noodle or rice. I always share my portion with my colleagues who are slimmer than me. Hehehe!
When I am sicked of rice and noodle, I will buy bread to eat. If i have lost interest on everything, I will eat fruit only. Why Yannie never thought of making my own lunch, one word "Lazy". boo hoo!
Deleteerr... for me, well it's always the same food for brekkie, lunch and dinner with some slight variations. Breakfast always toast and kopi or economic bee hoon, lunch - chicken rice or economical rice, dinner - slightly better , either Japanese ramen , bento or past and sometimes, ordered from the zhi char.
DeleteThus, I am also poor in weight management. No matter how much I run, still the same weight as I ate a lot of unhealthy food too due to convenience sake. hahahaha..
SK is indeed one of the few guy I know who will really get the hands dirty in cooking. Most guys lazy one ma, prefer to eat out, or waiting for food to be served/fed. Hehe!
DeleteYannie lazy to get all these ready? But Yannie, you still got cook dessert (tongshui) once a while I see, I love tong shui! Basically any types of tong shui also I like =)
ReplyDeleteWahhhh... SK... not bad ah... the dish looks healthy wor.. ever think of starting a food blog? :)
ReplyDeleteCan consider hor, Claire? Hehe. But I think Sk will answer differently like he haven't reach that stage yet, etc etc :p
DeleteSpent half an hour for lunch hour on food cooked by yourself and another half for power nap is simply amazing. You are becoming a good cook. Save time and money too.
ReplyDeleteHe sure has good time management! Actually preparing own food is always healthier, save money too, like you wenn, I can see you always share your cooking in FB ;)
DeleteEating out can be a hassle so I rather cook simply. Save my time too.
DeleteTrue, but sometimes eating out too often also boring. Cause don't know where else to eat....
DeleteI have a microwave at home but I hardly use it for cooking. I still prefer to use the wok.
ReplyDeleteI only use microwave for defrosting, reheating purpose and quick cooking oats for my daughters.
DeleteI use microwave only for baking. I'm still not good at using it to cook food.
Deletewah...wah... SK getting better and better in cooking. aiya... since you are so meticulous and neat, its just a matter of time that you pick up cooking. The pasta seems simple but there's still lots of efforts around. There's a few every 2 minutes steps to cook the ingredients and not just eat the pasta plain like instant noodles.
ReplyDeleteI would say it's not that simple leh ... though the pasta looks simple. So, how was it? Did you cook for your colleagues too or share share? LOL ...
Well, it's good to save some time to do your personal stuffs during lunch or simply a power nap. That's nice , you will feel fresh after that. I love extra lunch time but since I am in flexi hours, there's no free time. Just do and finish my work and go home, regardless of the time.
Microwave is very convenient too and it's getting cheaper. My wifey also use microwave all the time to heat up food that she packet outside. However, she seldom cook with it, as she's still prefer to cook with the pots and grill. hahahaha...
ReplyDeleteTh microwaves in my office are mostly used to warm food up especially for the foreign talents who still can't get used to the local food.
I also see my colleagues to reheat food that they packed from outside. Our pantry is shared by many people, it is convenient to use it for cooking our own food there. People will complain we spend too long time in the pantry too.
DeleteI love asparagus. It's delicious and healthy! However, I seldom see asparagus added into pastas or I just didn't ate enough pastas around town... muahahaha... as I always go to Pasta mania. Usually, thy will put brocolli, onions, some dry vegetables like you mentioned, prawns, bacons and etc.
ReplyDeleteWell, maybe you can be more adventurous next time by cooking creamy pastas or beef bolognese. Or can buy an instant pizza and mak everybody in the office smell the fragrant of it when its being cooked, You can add more stuffs to the pizza.
High 5! I love asparagus too! But it's not cheap~
DeleteSpeaking of asparagus, there was once I bought a pack of asparagus from Tesco and I put it together with something else (forgot what), and when I got home I terus put that bag in the cabinet, totally forgot about the asparagus.
Few days later, when I went and take out that bag, then only I saw this asparagus, and guess what? Of course that asparagus went rotten already, and smelly, LOL! Yaicks!
When I read thru all your steps , I also felt hungry. Maybe I just ran 10KM just now...muahahahaha.. And, you even put some special mushroom somemore. I love mushrooms and love all sorts of mushrooms especially those dark big ones as well as shiitake.
ReplyDeleteIt's really not easy to prepare such a dish though again it looks simple. As for me, well, I probably settled for a plate of chicken rice. hahaha
I also used to take power naps before my company go for flexi-hours. Just a 15 mins nap can be very refreshing and it last throughout the day. Anyway, since we do not have a fixed cubicles anymore , it's difficult to nap and I gotta do it in the bus - when I go to work and go home.
ReplyDeleteI am just curious if your colleagues got ask you to cook for them or ask to taste you cooking since you cooked in the office most of the time ? hahha... Usually, most folks just eat outside or bring their food and warm it up in the microwave, which is typical in everyday office life. So, when we see someone who tried to cook and especially with so much work involved in the preparation, I wonder you got their attention during lunch time? hahah...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, well done and keep it up! Show us more food in the future!
If I am SK's colleague, I will get so jealous seeing him having his own cooked pasta. So yummy looking one. I will sure nice nice to him and I hope he will cook more and share with me his pasta, his sandwich, his salad and his meehun soup.
DeleteI have never tried cooking in office, the only food I eat in office are biscuits and instant noodles provided there is hot water
ReplyDeleteHaha same here LIbby .. i never had done that yet and like you, those are my usual meal in the office when I was still working hehe
DeleteI also took nap during my lunch hour after having my lunch when I used to work in office
ReplyDeleteLooking at your pasta pic, I am hungry now, can imagine how nice it is especially with bacon in it
ReplyDeleteGasp! Where is the pasta? ....oh I only saw 2 strands! Wakakaka
DeleteIf for me, I may add chicken breast meat, broccoli and crab stick
ReplyDeleteI would game for pork, fish, chicken and lamb to be thrown inside to make my bowl blast!! Wakakaka
DeleteWhy do you like to eat crab sticks when they actually contain 90% fish?
I think you could try cooking at home too, it is very therapeutic, trust me, I love cooking simple meals once in a while at home too.
ReplyDeleteI must heed your advice that cooking at home can be therapeutic.... Can cooking instant noodles be counted too?
DeleteWhen I see your picture, I think of Phong Hong jor, haha.. Coz I see tomatoes and bacon, and it looks very much like her lunch box meals.. Oh yes, cooking in a microwave can be very convenient.. As long as the person is not yimyim jimjim or yim3 yim4 la.. Lastime my sitaupoh always say loud loud anti microwave, coz of the rays and what-not, not good for health, etc.. She prefers steaming than microwave (prefer "jing" than "ding").. "Ding" as in the "ding" sound after the food is done in the microwave..
ReplyDeleteWah, lei tu kei yau sum gei... Boil pasta that time, put olive oil and salt.. Ok, I know that's what most people do, even cooks in Food Network, but I tell you la, when I boil my pasta hor, I just boil with tap water.. No add salt and oil.. Then after done, I put aside.. Then I go do my chores, etc.. Later, I cook the sauce.. When wana serve that time, rendam rendam or basuhkan with hot/warm water, the pasta is as fresh as new.. Ok jugak.. Hehe, malas people is like that..
DeleteI very agree and like the way you cook your pasta in office.. Can have good food too in office using microwave, better than cooking instant noodles hor.. Pasta with bacon and tomatoes, and good stuff like olive oil, wa sukak !!
DeleteAfter lunch, still early, can read paper, take power naps timmm.. Nobody's looking, so what, kan?
DeleteMeh, you saw his food and thought of Phong Hong? I would say I saw his food and thought of Martha Stewart making her meaty salads.
DeleteI realized that I love to eat often and try exotic food but I am so lazy to cook. What is happening to me now?
Walao! This is NOT simple at all! I don't know, but I still can't wrap my head around how to cook with microwave oven. To me microwave oven is just for heating food, or cooking frozen food packs. So for you to figure out how to cook real food with a microwave is mind blowing for me!
ReplyDeleteHey we forgot that SK is actually Sherman Khan, the famous Chennai slum boy who made it big in Bollywood! There is no stunt or HTML disappearing acts that he cannot do. He can even fry eggs on top of a fast moving train! What is microwave cooking to SK? So easy like digging his nose while eating them like peanuts!
You always say something simple something simple, but actually not really that simple la! You are just being too humble, quite geng also ma you, hehe! I think this thing somehow will get addicted one hor? Like once you started cooking there, you will automatically want more, want to cook something much harder already, so after a while, the food you prepare is actually not THAT simple jo lo, may be you din't realize la, haha xD
ReplyDeleteBut good la, make full use of the microwave in the pantry!
My friend brought her bread maker to the office and can say she will bake at least one bread/cake every week, each week the recipe will gets more complicated one, hehe!
Anyway, this bowl of fusilli looks quite appetizing and presentable. I would say quite balance in nutrient, got greens got meat, not bad at all!
You don't really take food photos these days? Hmm I don't think so... I think you still take, but you won't show it like one shot. Then out of sudden, one day, you will compile these food photos altogether in a post! Haha, macam lah I know you so well hor? No la no la, I am definitely not a worm in your stomach :p Just saying based on what I see all this while :p
Spot on. Thambee always say his HTML for his blogs also simple while we all cracked our coconuts in disbelief. So many buttons and comings to set to make his blog the best in the world.
DeleteNow comes to his cooking, also simple simple la. Yet he chops and cuts so many ingredients to cook them together! You should see his office pantry which is almost the size of a Tai Thong's restaurant kitchen but without a wok only. Muahahahaha
i agree with that HTML thing hehe... he's really good at it and he keeps on showing us different things right? Gosh.. he is so talented ^_^
DeleteHaha, I think what SK means is that those things are common and can be easy to find... But lots of works need to be done, like all those chopping... But sometimes if we wanna eat good food, sure must sacrifice a bit la! And eating the food we prepare ourselves tend to be so much yummier and it feels good also, haha!
DeleteWah! So syiok lah.
ReplyDeleteGood food cooked by yourself, and even still have time for a nap.
Now that's a lunch time well spent. Hihihi
SK sure knows how to enjoy a balanced lifestyle with good fatty food, movies, gyms and naps! His office is so big with so many hiding corners for him to take naps.
DeleteSo SK now eat healthily and clean.
ReplyDeleteWith hours at the gym also, sure will see a buff looking SK pretty soon!
I think you have not seen him for a long time now. When he rip his shirt apart, his muscles would make Jordan Chan dropped his jaws in disbelief!
ReplyDeleteWow! wow! wow! I am speechless! Must give you an e-award for being an expert in cooking with microwave. Your office microwave no need to be halal one ah? Can cook bacon inside? or you mean halal beef bacon?
ReplyDeleteI was also kinda shocked that he cooked with a microwave oven! Someday this Thanbee can publish his own SK Microwave Recipe book to teach people how to make cheesy mutton curry!
DeleteHis office all one race party!
haha Agree.. SK is showing us a talent that no one else can master.. he is the first ever Super Microwave Chef.. he might soon release a cook book for this hhaha
Deletehaha good to know that you are still cooking your own meal at the comfort of your office LOl.. well the dish you have shared seems like a meal that can be ordered somewhere and it is really surprising that you have done that using the microwave
ReplyDeleteso usually, are you cooking it just for yourself or you cook it in many servings so you can share it with your officemates? I was trying to figure out what was fusilli is... I just learned that it is a kind of pasta hehe.
ReplyDeleteoh so if I started a food blog, you may not consider visiting me then.. I used to take photos from one step to another LOL... anyway, don't worry it's not gonna happened, I know nothing about cooking... just eating
ReplyDeletethat's very simple indeed.. you have probably mastered this dish so well as you know how much time they should be placed in the oven huh.. it looks really good so kudos for you SK.. you might be the next Microwave Chef in the making hihihi
ReplyDeleteGood morning SK
ReplyDeleteWah still cooking lunch in office ah. Not just a passing fad ya . I thought you will "new toilet" and "3 minutes heat" only when comes to cooking lunch in office.
Wondering what you cook now.
I think in Facebook and various site have a lot of idea on how /what people cook for lunch in the office.Can get a lot of inspiration. You office have mini fridge ka? can also store up some fresh vege to cook there too
DeleteThis morning I just dropped by RG's blog before coming here. saw he cook the Miso noodle. wah look a bit like yours though yours is dry version. A lot of vegetable and meat leh. Very healthy eat
ReplyDeleteOnly one photo but people say one photo speaks all leh. No need step by step la. Yours not a cooking blog mah. Can google the method to cook this . Unless, yours is a cooking blog and need to give recipe and method to the readers la.
ReplyDeleteBut I tak faham is why "can't afford to do". Meaning what ya? Too busy and not enough time to snap all the photos and edit them or meaning that you worry that too much information will scare off readers?
can agak agak see la what ingredients you put in there.
Eh you so small eater ah? I see the spoon/fork as compared to the bowl..it's like very small portion only wor you cooking . Or maybe this smaller portion "for illustration only".
ReplyDelete15minutes kau tim.,... as fast as fast food restaurant leh and even healthier food leh. 30 minutes makan and clean up jor. Woi...you superman ah? now am imagining you working super fast. Some more have time for a nap. Hahaha... salute you la
ReplyDeleteoh ...got continue on with Method ya.
ReplyDeletehahaha...me pandai pandai. I see from the photo i thought you put kacang panjang. rupa rupa it is asparagus.
Oil in Microwave? Hmm...no splatter everywhere ka? I have not tried putting oil in Microwave.
Grilled bacon...now you are talking my language. super love that. Your office sure full of the scent
SK, are you the only one cooking your own food in your office? I am sure your colleagues will be inspired by your own cook food, they will soon follow your way to make their own lunch in the office.
ReplyDeleteOr you are actually inspired by someone in the office to cook your own food? Sometimes, we tend to follow what our colleagues do in the office. Am not sure right or not? Just curious.
I finally find the Microwave in my pantry useful this morning. I boiled some sweet potatoes to office today. I was in a rush, therefore I didn't check before I left home. The sweet potatoes weren't cooked properly. I took them to pantry and put in the microwave. I pressed the "Grilled Fish" button. My sweet potatoes were finally fully cooked after 20minutes in the microwave, but my whole pantry now smelt like BBQ sweet potatoes. Hehehe! I will not visit pantry for the next few hours, I scared people scolding me for almost burning the pantry. Kekeke
DeleteAgain, today I am using the Microwave in my office. I heat up packed food from outside. I am still not so keen in cooking my own lunch in the office. I am not only not keen in cooking in the office, I am not keen in cooking at home and then bringing to office too, kekekek! What a lazy bum you would think right? I love having food cooked and eaten instantly. What kind of excuse I give right?
DeleteAiyo, this is so tasty, can be my next try one, since my boss just brought a microwave back last Monday so I can have a try, last time my office microwave also don't have, only have hot water, so what can I think of is...instant noodle...argh? Don't want le.