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27.12.2013 | 聖誕之後

[Volume 8 Issue 12, #1843]
大家嘅聖誕節點過呀?? 我其實唔係要祝大家聖誕快樂(亦都唔係belated嗰隻), 因為都過咗啦嘛(除非係講緊十二日嘅聖誕就另當別論), 呵呵.. 我其實都冇慶祝聖誕節嘅習慣㗎, 所以聖誕對我嚟講, 係一日假期, 係一個分享喜悅同埋送禮物嘅佳節, 哈哈, 雖然我知道聖誕其實係存在著更深遠嘅意義嘅.. 我都仲有寄賀卡同買禮物俾比較close嘅朋友嘅, 除此之外, 都真係感覺唔到聖誕氣氛, 就連對上一次倒數聖誕都係五年前嘅事喇.. 今時今日, 聖誕節對我嚟講其實都同普通一日相差不遠啦, 就算可以去商場感受一下聖誕氣氛, 我會好盟啲人每移一寸蓮步都掛住影聖誕裝飾而阻住我條路(死喇!! 應該有好多博克會鄙視我囉!!), 我會由等待嗰短短五分鐘「落雪」時間嘅人群中奮力行出嚟(其實都係番梘泡之嘛, 有咩咁興奮??), 我會避免去個個人都蜂擁而去嘅倒數活動地點.. 嘩, 我係唔係有咩問題呀?? 應該係自己已經唔再喜歡熱熱鬧鬧V嘩鬼叫嘅慶祝方式喇.. 又或者自己已經慢慢開始變成一個孤獨老人?? 呵呵.. anyway, 希望大家嘅聖誕都係過得好開心啦~~ :)
how was your christmas day?? well, i am not here to wish you a merry christmas (nor even a belated one), it was already over right (unless we talk about the twelve days of christmastide)?? haha.. i don't celebrate christmas, so christmas to me is a public holiday, a festive to share joy and give presents, haha, though i know the festive has a deeper meaning.. i do send greeting cards and buy presents for close friends, but other than that i don't really feel that "christmasy" at all, even the last countdown i went was like five years ago.. christmas day is nothing more than a normal day for me now.. even when one could feel most "christmasy" in a shopping mall, i was irritated by shoppers who blocked my way because they take photos of the decoration every inch they walk (ooppss!! i guess many bloggers are going to despise me), i forced myself through the crowd who are waiting for that 5-minute "snowing" moment (what's so great about soap foam falling onto you??), i avoid going to places where people are flocking for the countdown activities.. oh, what's wrong with me?? i think i do not like noisy crowd and loud celebrations maybe.. and guess i am slowly becoming a grumpy old man now?? haha!! anyway, hope your christmas was great~~ :)


  1. Morning!!! Morning!!! Everyone and SK!!! =! ₩

    1. Aiyo!!! What grumpy old man!!! People mindset keep changing as age getting bigger!!! Just different point of views only!!!

    2. If friends around, I glad to countdown together, but if alone, countdown alone in crowd is like a bit weird duh!!!

    3. Hi Hi 小影, I thought you're holiday-ing with your family ady?

    4. Before married life, we used to go countdown with friends. But now no more...Stay at home with kids. Rest and go to bed early. Then when the clock strike 12am, I have to awake and aware of the fire crackers bing bang boom loud sound at my Taman area. I was afraid it will disturb my younger daughter... So far, from my observation, both of my kids sleep well and not awake by the fire cracker or even crying of the loud sound.

    5. Just weekend holiday only, not very long one!!! =]

  2. Haha, very funny what you wrote today..

    Agree with you, altho I brought my kids out to "feel" Christmas and took pictures, I too, didn't like the crowd hogging the snowman, the candyhouse or the giant gingerbreadman to take pictures with them..

    1. It's not like the old days anymore, where the company (then located in KL golden triangle area) let us go off at 3pm on Christmas eve, and we didn't go home after that.. We went to Sg. Wang to hang around, then in the evening we sat at Starbucks, then went to Bintang Walk and countdown at 12am.. After that, went to mamak to have supper before heading home..

      Those were the days.. I don't think I can do it now liao.. Like you say, age is catching up and I can't stand any places with crowds and noise, haha.. Yep, cranky dumb old aunty... Hahaha..

    2. Haha, they take pictures of the decoration every inch they walk.. Aiyo, you are so funny la.. Eh, you took photo also wat, but not every inch la.. You somemore "pai-pose-see" with your trademark pose and smile :)

    3. Aiya, not only u la.. I think most of us (read: most) also avoid going to places with countdown activities, due to the jam and all.. After countdown, then "kam yau tim" leh? Ma go home after that, or have supper at mamak, then the next day back to normal day lo..

      My hubby always says if pocket got money, everyday is Christmas, everyday is Valentine's, everyday is CNY, hahaha.. Duh..

    4. Very true, when our pocket got money, everyday is a celebration!

  3. oh, I don't celebrate christmas too but I like the feel of it. It's interesting to see people feeling excited especially the young ones whereby they will receive gifts from their parents, relatives and friends too. I also sent cards and gave presents to friends. And I received cards from them too.I received a christmas card from you too. But I only received a gift from Friso which was way before christmas day. I treated it as a christmas gift for myself. I also had christmas gifts from UK which I got for myself and my family members.

  4. For me, Christmas day is not a holiday for me. I had to wrap lots of hampers. Anyway, Christmas is all about visitation & get-together, food and presents. Here's wishing you Happy new year!

  5. Replies
    1. I came across people who after taking photos still standing there and not moving away for others to take photos...

  6. Such a grumpy SK grinch! LOL

    I myself would try as best as I could not to hit the mall during the festive seasons.

    The crowd give me migraine and I couldn't give an rat's ass now about the decor. *me also grumpy grinch*

    1. Yeah especially those store which their air cond is not cold enough...not only you I think me also feel pening.

    2. I also do my shopping a bit early too. Got sales right? So go early can grab those suitable ones and still have our sizes. Don't have to take a long Q to the fitting room and so on. If last minute one, usually will just grab anything and probably the price also not that cheap. Ended, we realized that it is not the one we wanted or we really like it.

    3. That's what my sis and I do, we just agak-agak the size and grab it, lazy to queue for the fitting room!!! =]

  7. Ho Ho Ho Ho ho ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas in advance for 2014.

    A holy festival like Christmas has been abused by many commercial companies to make money and pubs got people merry and drunk instead of observing it as a holy day.

    1. Ho Ho Ho merry christmas in advance 2014? You're far too early.

      Ya, one of my friend ended at Pub lost his handphone....definitely a jolly merry christmas for him for buying a new handphone for himself.

  8. I think Malaysia is a unique country where all races would rejoice each other's festive seasons in a harmonious and happy spirit. I really love that!

    1. People celebrate their festive season, we joying the holidays too. We live in a harmony country.

  9. This year I am rather fortunate to see the Christmas decorations in China. They do not decorate in a large scale like us but they have their own unique ways after all most folks there do not even have religions or faiths due to the long cultural revolutions.

    1. Posted up yet or not the pic?. Looking forward to seeing it

    2. What nonsense this pussy is purring??? She didn't even visit my blogs yet looking forward to seeing it. Crazy cat.

  10. I do enjoy countdowns in hotel functions though esp during New Year's eve.

  11. Thanks for your Christmas card. Yet to blog about it - coming soon!

    1. So sweet of you to include me in your mailing list!

    2. Ya...it sure sounds like you are slowly but surely becoming like... ME!!!! Hehehehehehe!!!!! Welcome to the club!

  12. I went to KL on Christmas day.. and now home... tomorrow leaving for north... I guess this is a traveling week for me.. !

    1. Happy travelling and hopefuly you'll not meet any crowded places... After all it is still festive season+holiday....

  13. Merry Christmas to you SK and the rest here. Hubby don't like to get near the shopping complex during the festive seasons especially the last two days. Yeah it is normal, people busy with work and bla bla bla so last minute shopping lor. It feels like everyone love to do this way - New Year feel mar or Christmasy feel like you've mentioned.

    1. But once, my hubby asked us to go down to Penang for shopping spree on New Year day. Wah, I was like "hey, that's not your normal or usual pratice wor". For me of course no problem lar, shopping wor, who don't like shopping. If didn't get anything for myself also never mind, I can "cuci mata" a bit.

    2. So when it comes to traffic jam at toll, at the Penang bridge...hubby seems like not grumpy at all. After all, he said wanted to go Penang on that day not me. Hehehehe.... Safe lar tu, or else he'll put the blame on me...

    3. I went to Penang during Christmas day, very heavy traffic (expected la!). But what we din't expect is that we spent more than 40 minutes just to find a parking in Gurney Plaza =_="
      Lots of cars, but the number of people are tolerable, I wonder why? :p

    4. My sis waited for an hour the week before Christmas!!! She complaint non stop!!!

  14. SK, when we were young that time, of course we love to join the crowd, the feel of festive seasons with friends. But when we get older, we intend to settle down somewhere and have a peaceful life. I'm not mentioning we are old and kenot mix around with them, but seems like we already gone through the stages so we don't find it special anymore. It is just normal. I'm fine with that...I feel that we're matured enough to think this way rather than you keep pestering yourself "Is A Must To Go" right?

    1. Probably we love it more to celebrate and get closer with our family members and someone close, which I feel more meaningful to celebrate during festive season. Sometimes, keep it yourself also find and tak payah heboh heboh.

    2. Looks like I'm getting older yeah next year I'll be turning 33yo... Turn the number upside down, front or left also becomes 33...Half of STP age. hehehe

    3. Have a bless weekend everyone and enjoy your festive seasons feel until this New Year Eve.

    4. 放心你非常正常,因爲我同你一樣喺邊度都冇去。

    5. Haha, I know what you're trying to say angeline. Its the 'been there done that' thingy. It's normal for us to feel that way these days, especially after when we have family. No more clubbing/partying now, we prefer somewhere something 'calmer' and most importantly, kids friendly places and activities ;)

    6. And you mentioned about age, haiyah you're still young la! Don't you worry! I always say age is just a number ;) You already have 2 kids at this age, consider very lucky and 'ho mia' lo~
      Half STP's age? Haha, what makes you think of STP in this case? Oh I know, I guess that's because he's the elderly among us the bloggers! Haha xD

    7. Hahaha... . Never mind, hopefully more baking activities will make me happy all the time

    8. One year older….means I'm getting closer to be called as 剩女!!! Argh!!! I don't want le!!! =[

  15. happy holiday! http://sherrylicious7.blogspot.com

  16. Good morning SK, and everyone!!

    Hmm, I went Penang shopping during Christmas, lots of cars and heavy traffic as expected, and we waited for more than 40 mins just to find a parking in Gurney Plaza!! :( Hubby also geram already, we almost went home, but luckily spotted a parking place at the end, phew!

    And, I din't get to buy what I want, cause my naughty Aden wasn't cooperative, keep wanting mummy to carry (poor mummy!), and wanted to run here and there! Arghhhh! End up we left in the evening tired, empty-handed (erm not really empty-handed la, at least got myself an eye cream and a pair of shoes for Aden).

    So, what do you think on how I spent my Christmas? :p

    1. Anyway, 严格来说,I also don't celebrate Christmas. It's just a normal day for me, even Christmas eve is ordinary (so envious seeing friends posted how fun their Christmas eve was, in FB), it's just that hubby is off on Christmas day itself so we can sort of have a family day.

      But I won't ask for more la, at least hubby is around, and I already expected this since I became a mum, son and family always come first these days, no more late night partying liao >.<

    2. Actually Christmas here is not so happening la, unlike those Western countries. But at least there're some nice decorations in the malls/shops, and those in the malls ones consider very grand already! So you can't blame people for blocking you while taking photos with the nice decorations la! Haha xD

      But this year I din't managed to take any photos with those decorations, hur hur...

    3. And speaking about Christmas cards, I too sent some to a few blogger friends, that include you la! =)
      And thanks for your Christmas card too! Appreciate that!

      Soon, another season to give cards, Chinese New Year!! =)
      Here wishing you a happy weekend SK!

  17. Sorry for late comers, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too~

    1. Two more days to New Year!!! Yeah!!! =]

    2. Yeap another two more days to New Year! Happy Advance New Year Mr Lonely...You muct be busy for Christmas shopping right? That is why so late here... Never mind - Touch N Go!

  18. My Christmas was spent shopping! LoL! Just like you I dont celebrate Christmas :)

  19. BAh! HUMBUG!! *scrooge sounding*

    Why sound so down? What happened? Usually shopping complex people also crowded with ppl snapping photos. Why so geram?

    Relax.....take everything in a stride...que sera sera ...

  20. I actually love Christmas, because I find it very romantic and peaceful. This year Christmas I didn't do anything special, except buying Christmas gifts for my kids and my best friend's kids. Surprisingly, Yannie is so blessed to receive a few Christmas presents that Yannie didn't expect to have.

    Other than that, nothing special already, as Yannie didn't roast turkey and didn't go for fine dining and red wine. No count down and no Christmas carol as well.

    But, I love to know that SK sent Christmas greeting cards to some 'close' friends. Hahahahaha! Yannie is laughing at '又或者自己已經慢慢開始變成一個孤獨老人'. Anyway, as long as you are happy, anywhere and anything is fine. Christmas as well, if you are happy, just stay at home also happy. Right?

    1. Yannie still hit the gym like any other day on Christmas eve. By the way, forget to tell you, Yannie was working on Christmas day, how pathetic right?

  21. i like ur new template! I'm also gonna change mine this new year:)
