[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1696] |
大家知唔知每年生產最多電影嘅, 唔係荷里活, 而係印度嘅寶里活?? 你又睇過寶里活嘅「必屬佳品」未?? 點樣為之佳品呢?? 雖然我都唔係睇得多, 但係觀察之下, 可以用以下四個特點嚟到概括寶里活嘅賣座電影橋段.. |
do you know it is not Hollywood that produces the most movies in a year, but India's Bollywood?? have you ever watched any masterpiece from Bollywood then?? how do you regard one as a Bollywood blockbuster?? i rarely watch any but under my observations, they can be generally and classically grouped by the following movie plots.. |
按圖片閱讀個別橋段敘述 | Click picture to read description for each plot ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [俊男美女] 男主角一定要高大威猛兼且英俊瀟灑, 女主角一定要千嬌百媚兼且婀娜多姿.. 呢個就係吸引十二億印度人口入場睇戲嘅先決條件.. [hunk & beauty] the lead actor must be someone handsome and hunky, the lead actress must be someone pretty and elegant.. this is the first most important factor to attract 1.2-billion indian population to watch that movie.. [this interactive post is a re-engineered version of my older post using javascripts] |
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28.03.2013 | 經典劇情
27.03.2013 | 四眼書蟲
26.03.2013 | 不知所謂
25.03.2013 | 隨心小食
[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1693] |
22.03.2013 | 稱呼學問
21.03.2013 | 升呢雞堡
20.03.2013 | 跳出視窗
[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1690] |
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相信大家對hyperlink都相當熟悉啦, 加一兩條link落自己個post係等閑不過嘅事.. 其他嘅blog editor我就唔清楚, blogger就有個好方便嘅button幫大家加條link落個post度.. 不過個問題係, 條link會喺返同一個window出現(即係你個blog), 我自己就唔喜歡咁樣.. 我鐘意條link喺另外一個window跳出嚟而唔影響到原本睇開個page, 因為我覺得大部份讀者睇完條link之後, 會好順手閂咗個window, 之後先死喇, 連個blog都唔見埋!! 咁樣點算呢?? 如果你都鐘意好似我咁條條link都跳出嚟嘅話(當然唔理讀者可能討厭啦, 哈哈!!).. 去"HTML"度搵返你剛剛加嘅link(通常由 <a href= 開始到 </a> 為止), 跟住加返下面highlight嘅字樣.. 搞掂, 就係咁簡單!! :) <a href="網址" target="_blank"/>標題</a> [更新] 多謝博客路人㊣留言提點, 其實大家唔需要郁動HTML, 只需喺加Link嘅時候, 剔【在新窗口中打开此链接】就搞掂.. 更加快捷方便呀!! 唔好意思, 我真係太過習慣用HTML嚟寫blog喇~~ :p |
i believe everyone is familiar with hyperlinks, and adding a couple of links in your posts is so common now.. i'm unsure about other blog editors, but blogger does have this convenient button to add links into your post.. the problem with this however is, the linked website appears within the same window replacing the current page (i.e. your blog), which i do not like at all.. i prefer another pop-up window so that the original page is still there, as i believe most readers just close that window after viewing the linked website, and alas, just to realize your blog is gone too!! how do i go about this?? if you would also like your links to pop-up (ignoring how your readers may hate it, haha!!)... just go to "HTML" mode, find the link you've just added (always start with <a href= and ends with </a>) and add the highlighted text as follow.. voila, it is that simple!! :) <a href="link URL" target="_blank"/>link caption</a> [update] thanks to blogger 路人㊣ who commented that we do not need to touch the HTML code at all, but just to tick the option "open this link in a new window" when you add the link.. even simpler and more convenient!! sorry but i'm too used to HTML mode already~~ :p |
19.03.2013 | 淡淡清香
[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1689] |
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我仲記得自己開始用香水係大學時期, 第一支香水係Tommy Hilfiger.. 之後就有咗用香水嘅習慣(就好似頭髮一定要執執佢咁), 亦都陸陸續續用咗好多唔同品牌嘅香水.. 我喜歡清淡/清新/有個性嘅味道, 熱買品牌或者果香/花香/粉香嗰啲我絕對唔會有興趣.. 仲有, 因為市面上實在太多選擇, 所以我習慣用完一支就轉其他牌子, 因此就通常都唔會買大支嘅香水.. 除非自己真係好鐘意個味道, 我先會考慮用第二次, 印象中用過兩次或以上嘅香水都唔係多嘅.. 其實我就話香水係好個人嘅, 有人認為用香水係一種禮貌, 有人覺得香水多餘又嘥錢, 有人認為香水可以增加魅力, 有人認為用香水係掩飾自己缺乏信心.. 你又點睇呢?? :) |
i still remember i started to use fragrance during my uni days, my very first perfume was Tommy Hilfiger.. i have since then the habit of wearing perfume (like i must have my hair styled) and have tried numerous brands of perfumes in the market.. i always prefer those fresh and subtle scent, and never am i interested in those hot-selling or flowery/fruity/powdery type of fragrances.. also due to the many choices available, i usually change to new brand one after another, hence i rarely buy myself the large bottles.. unless i love the scent so much, i will consider using the same brand for the second time, there aren't much in my list though .. actually fragrance is very subjective and personal, some think it's a courtesy, some think it's a waste of money, some think it adds charm to a person, some thinks it's just to hide your lack of confidence.. so what do you think about fragrances?? :) |
18.03.2013 | 馬騮吉祥
[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1688] |
新年期間睇電視, 玲玲話今年屬蛇嘅朋友犯太歲, 可以佩戴一啲猴子飾物嚟到趨吉避凶.. 講到生肖運程, 我其實都唔係好信嘅, 不過我一向來都已經有隻fing-fing喺身邊, 難道佢係我福星?? 所以一時貪爽, 我又整多隻馬騮喺我張wallpaper度, 夠晒殺氣呀呢個, 趕得走啲牛鬼蛇神呀, 哈哈!! 咁我之後都有諗過, 一不做二不休, 不如我再去買多幾件猴子飾物, 例如鎖匙扣同電話殼咁.. 老實講啦, 我自己其實都幾鐘意啲馬騮玩意嘅, 好得意嘛, 你唔覺得咩?? :p [更新] 其實寫咗呢篇post之後, 我真係去買咗啲猴子飾物, 哈哈!! |
on the TV program during CNY, fengshui master ling-ling mentioned that those born in the year of snakes are against the annual deity this year, and wearing accessories with monkey can bring good luck.. i don't quite believe when it comes to such fortune-telling, but since i always have fing-fing with me, is he actually my lucky star?? and out of fun, i made this chimp as my wallpaper, scary enough to ward off all bad elements huh?? haha!! i am actually thinking, since i've got it started, perhaps i might as well go get some more accessories, like a keychain and a new case for my phone all with the monkey theme.. hmmm, actually i do find those monkey/chimp toys quite adorable, don't you think so?? :p [update] after writing this post, i really went to buy something, haha!! |
15.03.2013 | 因為我藍
13.03.2013 | 七年之仰
[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1686] |
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回想當初柴娃娃學人寫blog, 寫咗幾個月之後, 曾經出現面臨放棄嘅情況.. 幸好到緊急關頭我話俾自己聽, 唔可以咁輕易放棄嘅!! 所以當我其他朋友都已經陸陸續續放棄寫blog嘅時候, 我仍然堅持住呢一份熱誠, 其實就係一路咁繼續寫, 從來冇諗過寫到今日, 已經係滿七年!! 第八年喇, 暫時都未有意思退下嘅, 哈哈!! 其實真係要認真多謝各位讀者對我嘅支持, 呢個blog先可以捱到今日!! 七年來一共1686篇post, 雖然比上不足, 我都要喺度同大家分享我嘅驕傲.. 長寫長有!! 話是話, 鐘唔鐘意我上面個色彩繽紛嘅bloggoversary banner?? :p |
i remember i started blogging just for fun because friends around were doing it, after a few months of blogging, i was on the verge of giving up.. luckily at the critical moment, i told myself i cannot give up just like that!! hence while all my friends slowly gave up their blogs, i am still keeping that promise to myself, i just continue to blog and i never have expected it has been a good 7 years to date!! the coming 8th year, well i still have no intention to stop yet at least, haha!! seriously i would want to thank all my readers for the support all these while, without that i don't think my blog will last!! with a total of 1686 posts in 7 years, though still incomparable to some super blogs, i guess i would want to share this glory of mine with everyone.. more seven years to come!! BTW how do you like my colorful bloggoversary banner above?? :p |
12.03.2013 | 中六風波
11.03.2013 | 隨遇而安
08.03.2013 | 氹氹轉圈
[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1683] |
大家估下包得咁骨子係咩呢?? | guess what is so nicely wrapped up?? |
我七歲開始就識咗我呢位朋友, 成卅年後嘅今日都仍然好老友.. 呢位老友記算係唔話得喇, 周不時由倫敦寄嘢俾我之外, 每次返嚟馬來西亞都肯定唔會兩手空空嘅!! 今次除咗例牌嘅香腸, 仲有上面相片包得好骨子嘅禮物.. 究竟係咩咁神秘, click一click上面張相片就自然有所揭曉啦.. :)
i knew this friend of mine since age 7 and we are still close after almost 30 years later today.. this old friend always sends me something from London, and everytime she comes back home, she will definitely buy me something!! this time besides the de facto sausages, she also gives me something so nicely wrapped as you can see in the photo above.. guess what's inside there?? just click the photo above to unveil..
07.03.2013 | 有益檸水
06.03.2013 | 一馬書券
04.03.2013 | 二月金榜
[Volume 8 Issue 3, #1680] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
話咁快又一個月過去喇, 係唔係因為有農曆新年嘅關係, 所以二月份過得特別快?? 定係每個月過咗去, 我哋都係咁認為呢?? 哈哈!! 好喇, 我哋嚟睇一睇上個月嘅留言走勢.. 二月份我哋有全新冠軍以狂風掃落葉姿態登上寶座, 同時都有全新嘅三甲人馬.. 見到位置升落參半, 唔知今個月會唔會又戰爭激烈呢?? 拭目以待呀.. 多謝晒各位鼎力支持, 恭喜晒各位榜上題名嘅朋友, 祝大家有個充實嘅一週!! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
time flies and another month has gone, was it because of the CNY that we feel that february slipped off so quickly?? or is it just ourselves who think so whenever one month has gone?? haha!! well, let's see the commenting trend for the previous month.. we have a brand new champion for the month of february shot right up to the throne, at the same time we have also a brand new top three.. seeing the mixture of rise and fall in the ranking, i wonder if the competition is going to be intense again this month?? it's a no-holiday month, we shall see.. thank you everyone for your support, and congratulations to all who have made it into the chart, have a great week ahead!! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
01.03.2013 | 標準體重
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