[Volume 7 Issue 3, #1370] |
它由一個概念開始, 由概念演變成訊息, 由訊息演變成行動, 一個團結人類保護我們地球的行動.. 135個國家和地域, 5251個城市和鄉鎮, 18億個人口.. 我們可以一起跨越這個小時, 每個人都有能力改變這個我們共同生存的世界.. 2012地球一小時.. 3月31日星期六, 晚上8時30分至9時30分.. 大家一起關燈, 我們都能夠做到一些改變.. |
it started with an idea, an idea that became a symbol, a symbol that became a movement, a movement that unites people to protect our planet.. 135 countries and territories, 5251 cities and towns, reaching 1.8 billion people.. together everyone of us can go beyond that hour, everyone has the power to change the world we live in.. EARTH HOUR 2012.. Saturday 31st March, 8:30pm to 9:30pm.. switch your lights OFF and we can make a difference.. |
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31.03.2012 | 地球小時
30.03.2012 | 社交網路
29.03.2012 | 昇降機內
28.03.2012 | 不如咁樣
27.03.2012 | 大未必佳
26.03.2012 | 大玩即興
25.03.2012 | 週日早上
24.03.2012 | 有血有汗
[Volume 7 Issue 3, #1363] |
![]() 按圖中每一冊上, 睇下我讀過啲咩科目??
click on each booklet and see what subject i've done?? |
剛剛遞交咗再兩份嘅assignments, 意思即係話已經完成全部八份喇!! 四個學期讀晒, 淨低最後一份重量級嘅畢業論文要做.. 尚未有頭緒要做邊一方面嘅題材, 呢幾日趕到無日無夜, 好攰呀!! 唔想諗咁多住, 或者大家有咩提議咁呢?? 我習慣將做好嘅assignment放入自己部電話, 紀念自己所付出過嘅血汗.. |
just submitted yet another two assignments, meaning i've finally completed all 8 assignments!! done with four semester already and now left with the heavy-duty final dissertation.. still have no idea what topic to pursue, but after these few days of rushing, i am very exhausted!! don't want to think about it first, or maybe you have something constructive to suggest?? i like to load all assignments i've completed into my phone to appreciate all my sweat and blood.. |
23.03.2012 | 童話故事
22.03.2012 | 頭髮濕了
21.03.2012 | 畫啲嘢啦
20.03.2012 | 牛仔穿窿
19.03.2012 | 不捨得睡
18.03.2012 | 摩登之符
17.03.2012 | 神乎其技
[Volume 7 Issue 3, #1356] |
我記得之前已經貼過呢條短片, 不過近日再睇返我都依然係要笑到碌地.. 所以真係不得不再次同各位親愛嘅讀者分享一下, 祝各位有個愉快的週末!! :)
i think i've shown this video clips before, but watching it again from youtube, i really had a great laugh so i am going to share this again with all my readers.. have an enjoyable weekend everyone!! :)
16.03.2012 | 新舊比拼
15.03.2012 | 無所遁形
14.03.2012 | 減用膠袋
13.03.2012 | 六六無窮
12.03.2012 | 互動發貼
11.03.2012 | 我鐘意大
10.03.2012 | 腦袋空白
[Volume 7 Issue 3, #1349] |
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最近習慣前一日將今日嘅貼寫好然之後schedule第二朝publish, 但係依家已經凌晨一點鐘, 腦袋一片空白.. 剛做完一部份嘅paper, 之後慢慢回應前一篇貼嘅留言.. 承蒙各位讀者嘅努力, 昨日一篇貼沖破200條留言大關!! 好驚人, 從來都未試過!! 頭先卯盡腦汁做完功課, 再被呢百余條留言榨干榨淨, 難怪我依家好似感覺唔到自己個腦咁啦~~ @_@" |
recently i'm used to write my posts the night before and then schedule it to publish early next morning, but it's already 1:00am now and my mind is blank.. just done with a part of my paper, and then replying the comments on the previous post.. thanks to the everyone's effort in leaving comments, the post yesterday breakthrough the 200-comments line!! a very impressive figure i've never encountered before!! have been using too much brain juice on my paper, and the 150 over comments further drain it out, no wonder i don't seem to feel my brain at all now~~ @_@" |
09.03.2012 | 我愛喬裝
[Volume 7 Issue 3, #1348] |
其實我覺得自己有啲大細路, 好多時候會被麥當當啲玩具吸引.. 當然佢都偶有佳作嘅, 所以噚日就(同小朋友爭)買咗隻玩具嚟玩.. 好的骰好趣緻, 仲可以發光添㗎, 呵呵!! 估唔估到係咩?? 按上邊個紅色三角自有分曉, 祝大家週末愉快~~ :) |
i think i am actually a kid inside me, many times i would be attracted by McD's toys.. of course McD does come out with nice toys occassionally, hence i (compete with other kids and) bought a little toy from them yesterday.. very cute and adorable, and can even glow in the dark, hehe!! can you guess who it is?? click on the red triangle above and you'll know, happy weekend everyone~~ :) |
08.03.2012 | 艾瘋牆紙
07.03.2012 | 每月啤嗱
[Volume 7 Issue 3, #1346] |
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唔知幾時開始, 我習慣將自己個樣擺入個blog嘅header banner.. 又唔知幾時開始, 我習慣每個月都換banner.. 所以就有讀者問我(嗱, 我有睇留言㗎!!)係用咩軟件?? 冇㗎其實, 網上大把呢啲網站可以幫你張相擺入不同背景㗎喎.. 其中我幫襯開嘅係呢個網站囉, 好多有趣背景, 唔錯㗎.. 至於相片修改, 我係用呢個免費軟件嘅, 都有齊晒好多功能㗎, 美中不足係唔支援中文輸入.. |
i don't recall since when i start to put my face in my blog's header banner, and i don't also recall sicne when i change my banner every month.. so there are readers who ask (i do read the comments ok??) what software i use for the banner.. none i say, because there are lots of websites that can do that and the one i frequent most is this website.. there are lots of nice backgrounds and it's very user friendly.. as for the photo editing tools, i am using this freeware, lots of nice features just one imperfection it doesn't support chinese input.. |
06.03.2012 | 阻頭阻勢
[Volume 7 Issue 3, #1345] |
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睇咗呢位朋友嘅一篇貼之後, 我有感而發.. 係喇, 閣下嘅blog係唔係有呢個word verification㗎?? 我知你嘅用意, 不過其實對於你親愛嘅讀者嚟講, 呢個項目一啲都唔型, 要留言係一種不便囉.. 而且blogger仲改用captcha, 依家要打兩個字, 更加係雪上加霜啦.. 查實blogger內設spam detection功能, 我覺得work喎, 所以我一路以嚟都唔用word verification而且仲相安無事.. 如果唔係邊得嚟咁多讀者可以開開心心喺我地盤灌水呢?? 呵呵~~ :p |
after reading a post from this friend, i have something to say.. so did you turn on work verification in your blog?? i know your intention but think about it, it's actually not cool at all but so inconvenient for your fellow readers who want to comment.. furthermore blogger has changed to captcha which is now making things worse.. do you know blogger has built in its spam detection feature?? i turned that on and get away with word verification and it works well for me, no garbage spams at all!! else where do you think i can have my readers happily spamming *meaningful* comments here in my blog?? hehehe~~ :p |
05.03.2012 | 邊忽雞肉
04.03.2012 | 坐好啲嚟
03.03.2012 | 濕威曲奇
02.03.2012 | 二月留言
[Volume 7 Issue 3, #1341] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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話咁快二月又悄悄地過去喇, 二月果然係競爭激烈呀, 不過見到有幾位常客喺我地盤度結交朋友, 我覺得係一件好事喎, 邊個夠膽話我啲讀者咁樣灌水法係無聊??!! 我就話係交流!! 呵呵~~ 恭喜晒各位榜上有名嘅讀者, 溫馨提示呢個月尾就係本季結算喇, 唔好鬆懈落嚟呀!! :D | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
february has just gone away quietly, it was such an intense month for the commenters huh?? but i am happy to see some readers making "virtual friends" with each other through commenting in my blog, now who say spamming is nonsense?? i say spamming is interaction!! haha~~ many congratulations to those on the chart, gentle reminder that end of the month will conclude the quarterly results, don't you dare to relax!! :D |
01.03.2012 | 啡哩姑特
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