needless to say any more, you will understand what is stunning after watching the following two clips.. don't they have to breath when they read that minutes long script?? i am really curious about how many times they have to practise before they can have that perfect take?? i kept watching repeatedly, after a few rounds of watching, i still find them hilarious, haha..
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28.02.2009 | 甘拜下風
唔駛多講, 大家睇咗以下兩個短片之後, 就會明白咩叫做甘拜下風架喇.. 佢哋兩個讀水蛇春咁長嘅對白, 難道真係唔駛抖氣架咩?? 我非常好奇佢哋究竟需要NG幾多次之後先可以成功囉?? 我睇咗又再睇, 睇咗幾輪之後都係覺得好搞笑, 哈哈..
needless to say any more, you will understand what is stunning after watching the following two clips.. don't they have to breath when they read that minutes long script?? i am really curious about how many times they have to practise before they can have that perfect take?? i kept watching repeatedly, after a few rounds of watching, i still find them hilarious, haha..
needless to say any more, you will understand what is stunning after watching the following two clips.. don't they have to breath when they read that minutes long script?? i am really curious about how many times they have to practise before they can have that perfect take?? i kept watching repeatedly, after a few rounds of watching, i still find them hilarious, haha..
27.02.2009 | 我的作品
當我仲係學生一名嘅時候, 我有個習慣就係自己親手做生日卡畀朋友.. 唔記得幾時開始洗手唔做喇, 不過咁多年累積送出嘅生日卡應該不少于200張.. 親手做係一種心意, 每次整完一張都會好有成就感, 見到朋友收到嘅喜悅, 自己會更加開心..
噚晚發現21歲時做嘅一系列生日卡(其實應該算係簿仔)存底, 10年後就連我自己都覺得好靚囉, 唔知有收過呢個系列嘅朋友們覺得如何呢?? 我唔識得用啲咩美術設計軟件, 當時全部都係手工製作, 剪剪貼貼寫寫畫畫咁, 我覺得我以前都幾叻囉, 哈哈!!
when i was still a student back in the good old days, i used to hand-make birthday cards for all my friends.. could not remember since when i stopped doing that, but i would say i have given out not less than 200 pieces in accumulation for all those years.. to hand-make is a kind of sincerity, i always felt proud of myself when i got one done, and even felt happier when i see surprises from the birthday friend’s face..
digged out a series of birthday cards (actually i made them as booklets) when i was 21, after 10 years even myself think they still look impressive, i wonder what all my friends thought about it when they received that.. i never know how to use designing software, all i did back then were cut and paste and write and draw, totally with my bare hands, i suddenly think i was rather professional back then huh, haha!!
噚晚發現21歲時做嘅一系列生日卡(其實應該算係簿仔)存底, 10年後就連我自己都覺得好靚囉, 唔知有收過呢個系列嘅朋友們覺得如何呢?? 我唔識得用啲咩美術設計軟件, 當時全部都係手工製作, 剪剪貼貼寫寫畫畫咁, 我覺得我以前都幾叻囉, 哈哈!!

digged out a series of birthday cards (actually i made them as booklets) when i was 21, after 10 years even myself think they still look impressive, i wonder what all my friends thought about it when they received that.. i never know how to use designing software, all i did back then were cut and paste and write and draw, totally with my bare hands, i suddenly think i was rather professional back then huh, haha!!
26.02.2009 | 音樂年代
我記得好細個嘅時候, 因為眾多兄姐嘅關係, 就開始聽時下流行歌曲.. 聽得比較多嘅係中文歌, 我嘅中文樂壇世界大致上可以分成四個年代, 你又屬於邊一個年代呢??
70年代中文樂壇應該係華語民歌稱霸囉, 當時屋企有舊好笨重嘅黑膠片唱機, 播嘅係相當純品嘅歌(好似冇乜情情塔塔架喎嗰時).. 有聽過劉文正, 鳳飛飛, 甄妮, 費玉清, 銀霞呢啲歌手嘛??
80年代轉聽香港樂壇流行曲, 記得家姐買咗部當時好流行嘅mini-compo唱機(因為可以放卡帶兼收聽電台), 因為攜帶方便, 每次去短途旅行帶住都相當架勢堂架.. 嗰陣時係聽邊個唱歌呢?? 咪就係譚詠麟, 張國榮, 梅艷芳, 陳百強囉..
90年代繼續香港, 仍然係mini-compo當道(不過當然係進化到CD+卡帶+電台三合一啦).. 唔駛講, 大家都知呢個年代必定係四大天王同天后當道啦.. 呢個年代讀緊中學, 係成長年代, 當時中文樂壇可以話係百花齊放, 去到最鼎盛時期..
去到而家千禧年代, 隨著資訊科技嘅發達, 音樂就好似無邊界咁隨手可得.. 各式各樣嘅音樂格式同類型, 可以講係花多眼亂.. 就係因為咁, 我覺得而家新歌推出市場之快速, 係你拍馬都永遠冇可能追最得上架囉..
i remember i started to listen to pop songs since i was just a kid, thanks to my elder brothers and sisters for that.. more exposed to chinese music, i can roughly categorise the industry into the following four era.. which one did you belong to??
mandarin folk songs can be regarded as the main stream for the chinese music industry in the 70s, i still remember we had a white-elephant vinyl player at home, playing songs that were quite innocent (i mean back then the songs were all meant be bring simple message).. anyway, have you ever heard of singers like Liu Wen Zheng, Feng Fei Fei, Zhen Ni, Fei Yu Qing, Yin Xia?? haha..
switched to listening to HK cantonese music in the 80s, i remember my sister bought a mini-compo player, which was quite an innovative product back then, so-called because it plays both cassette and radio.. because of the mobility, we sometimes bring it along for short trips and actually caught the eyes of many passer-by.. and guess who did we listen to back then?? undoubtedly Alan Tam, Leslie Cheung, Anita Mui, Danny Chan..
[compact disc]
still HK cantonese music in the 90s, still that trendy mini-compo player (but of course more evolved to be 3-in-1 CD+cassette+radio player), needless to say the industry was totally anchored by the Heavenly Kings and Heavenly Queens.. was in high school back then, the years of growing up, i remember the music industry was just so rich and i supposed at it's peak..
come to the 21st century, and thank to the advancing information technology, songs are just everywhere at your fingertips, unlimited and boundary-less, you can get music in any format and any genre you like.. and because of this, i think the rate of new songs being released to the market, is far higher than the speed you can digest a song, you just cannot catch up with it no matter how..
70年代中文樂壇應該係華語民歌稱霸囉, 當時屋企有舊好笨重嘅黑膠片唱機, 播嘅係相當純品嘅歌(好似冇乜情情塔塔架喎嗰時).. 有聽過劉文正, 鳳飛飛, 甄妮, 費玉清, 銀霞呢啲歌手嘛??
80年代轉聽香港樂壇流行曲, 記得家姐買咗部當時好流行嘅mini-compo唱機(因為可以放卡帶兼收聽電台), 因為攜帶方便, 每次去短途旅行帶住都相當架勢堂架.. 嗰陣時係聽邊個唱歌呢?? 咪就係譚詠麟, 張國榮, 梅艷芳, 陳百強囉..
90年代繼續香港, 仍然係mini-compo當道(不過當然係進化到CD+卡帶+電台三合一啦).. 唔駛講, 大家都知呢個年代必定係四大天王同天后當道啦.. 呢個年代讀緊中學, 係成長年代, 當時中文樂壇可以話係百花齊放, 去到最鼎盛時期..
去到而家千禧年代, 隨著資訊科技嘅發達, 音樂就好似無邊界咁隨手可得.. 各式各樣嘅音樂格式同類型, 可以講係花多眼亂.. 就係因為咁, 我覺得而家新歌推出市場之快速, 係你拍馬都永遠冇可能追最得上架囉..

mandarin folk songs can be regarded as the main stream for the chinese music industry in the 70s, i still remember we had a white-elephant vinyl player at home, playing songs that were quite innocent (i mean back then the songs were all meant be bring simple message).. anyway, have you ever heard of singers like Liu Wen Zheng, Feng Fei Fei, Zhen Ni, Fei Yu Qing, Yin Xia?? haha..
switched to listening to HK cantonese music in the 80s, i remember my sister bought a mini-compo player, which was quite an innovative product back then, so-called because it plays both cassette and radio.. because of the mobility, we sometimes bring it along for short trips and actually caught the eyes of many passer-by.. and guess who did we listen to back then?? undoubtedly Alan Tam, Leslie Cheung, Anita Mui, Danny Chan..
[compact disc]
still HK cantonese music in the 90s, still that trendy mini-compo player (but of course more evolved to be 3-in-1 CD+cassette+radio player), needless to say the industry was totally anchored by the Heavenly Kings and Heavenly Queens.. was in high school back then, the years of growing up, i remember the music industry was just so rich and i supposed at it's peak..
come to the 21st century, and thank to the advancing information technology, songs are just everywhere at your fingertips, unlimited and boundary-less, you can get music in any format and any genre you like.. and because of this, i think the rate of new songs being released to the market, is far higher than the speed you can digest a song, you just cannot catch up with it no matter how..
25.02.2009 | 生意庸才
今日用咗好多精神去搞幾份report, 一個如此technical背景嘅我, 本來天生就對錢銀數目毫無知覺性, 而家霎時間要接觸咁多數目字, 對我嚟講確實係非常之有難度.. 我知道自己一直都唔係一個做生意嘅材料, 唔蝕錢已經可以偷笑, 真係唔好旨意要我去賺大錢囉.. 我絕對唔係個開口埋口都講錢, 滿身銅臭嘅一個人喎.. :p
spent quite some effort in preparing a few reports today, for such a technical background me, i am already born to be so insensitive towards figures and monies, what's more to say that i have to deal with all the numbers now, it's just something so impossible for me.. i know myself that i always am not capable of running business, perhaps i should already feel blessed for not loosing money, but just never expect me to earn big profit to be frank.. i am for sure not somebody who only talks about money and business anyway.. :p

24.02.2009 | 望塵莫及
我除咗每日寫blog之外, 都鐘意去睇人家啲blog, 跟住留言捧場.. 發現有幾個blog係特別受歡迎, 每貼不少于50個留言, 呢個「天文」數字簡直就係令我望塵莫及.. 真係好鬼羨慕人家嘅blog可以引起咁多人共鳴, 可以有咁多互動..
喺度諗哩, 究竟用咩方法去到呢個位架?? 頭先某個blog友話, 換個張靚仔啲嘅profile相, 應該可以吸引多啲人捧場嘅.. 好啦, 至靚嗰張都出埋嚟啦, 反應仲係咁慘淡嘅?? 都呃人嘅, 哈哈.. 應該係我寫得太悶, 唔夠生動啩??
點都好啦, 都要多謝每日嚟睇我嘅blog啲朋友.. 特別要感謝其中不辭辛苦, 經常留言捧我場嗰啲囉.. 多謝大家支持.. :)
besides blogging everyday, i do spend time to read other people's blogs and leave some comments.. found out a few rather popular blogs, there are always not less than 50 comments for each of the post, to me this astrological number is forever so far away.. really feel envious on how their blogs can create such overwhelming response and interaction from the readers..
i was thinking about how to promote my blog to that level actually?? a blogger friend told me just now, perhaps using a more good looking profile photo could attract more people to come visit my blog.. and so i did, even with the best looking photo i ever had, there is just no better improvement, that's cheating, hahaha!! maybe my blog is dull and not interesting enough i supposed??
anyway, still want to thank those who spend time to visit my blog everyday, and especially to those who don't mind constantly leaving me comments.. that's for the support, muacks :)
喺度諗哩, 究竟用咩方法去到呢個位架?? 頭先某個blog友話, 換個張靚仔啲嘅profile相, 應該可以吸引多啲人捧場嘅.. 好啦, 至靚嗰張都出埋嚟啦, 反應仲係咁慘淡嘅?? 都呃人嘅, 哈哈.. 應該係我寫得太悶, 唔夠生動啩??
點都好啦, 都要多謝每日嚟睇我嘅blog啲朋友.. 特別要感謝其中不辭辛苦, 經常留言捧我場嗰啲囉.. 多謝大家支持.. :)

i was thinking about how to promote my blog to that level actually?? a blogger friend told me just now, perhaps using a more good looking profile photo could attract more people to come visit my blog.. and so i did, even with the best looking photo i ever had, there is just no better improvement, that's cheating, hahaha!! maybe my blog is dull and not interesting enough i supposed??
anyway, still want to thank those who spend time to visit my blog everyday, and especially to those who don't mind constantly leaving me comments.. that's for the support, muacks :)
23.02.2009 | 陸陸續續
上個星期一連三日嘅全天候閉門會議之後, 傾咗好多嘢, 所以有好多嘢需要跟進.. 今日一返到公司, 就好似未停過咁, 又講電話, 又回電郵, 又做文件, 又搵同事傾嘢.. 不過都叫做OK噃, 因為唔會立立亂, 可以先做完一樣再去做第二樣..
雖然話有好多嘢做, 但係都唔會覺得週身唔得閑, 陸陸續續咁樣感覺都唔錯囉其實.. 所以今日時間過得特別快, 好似一眨眼就到放工時間, 同友人去食晚飯之後返到屋子, 忽然覺得又過咗一日, 毫無monday blues, 有啲成就感咁話囉~~ :p
後記: 有時候多嘢要做會唔記得食嘢又唔會覺得肚餓, 唔錯喎, 可以幫助減肥, 呵呵!!
three days of consecutive all-day closed-door meeting last week, we have discussed and planned quite a lot of things, and so it's now time to follow up.. back to office this morning, and as if non-stop talking over the phone, reading and replying emails, doing documentations, discussion with colleagues.. but still quite OK, since things come one after another and not all at once, so i have the luxury to settle one thing before attending to another..
though quite some load, but i didn't feel busy at all, really appreciate this kind of one-after-another work actually.. hence it felt like today ends up rather quickly, it's already knock-off time when i next look at the clock.. had dinner with a friend after work, back home and suddenly realised another day has passed, no monday blues today, quite a "successful" day for me huh?? :p
p/s: sometimes when there's a lot to be done, i'll forget to eat but yet don't feel any hungry, not bad huh, at least can help on my diet plan, hahaha!!
雖然話有好多嘢做, 但係都唔會覺得週身唔得閑, 陸陸續續咁樣感覺都唔錯囉其實.. 所以今日時間過得特別快, 好似一眨眼就到放工時間, 同友人去食晚飯之後返到屋子, 忽然覺得又過咗一日, 毫無monday blues, 有啲成就感咁話囉~~ :p
後記: 有時候多嘢要做會唔記得食嘢又唔會覺得肚餓, 唔錯喎, 可以幫助減肥, 呵呵!!

though quite some load, but i didn't feel busy at all, really appreciate this kind of one-after-another work actually.. hence it felt like today ends up rather quickly, it's already knock-off time when i next look at the clock.. had dinner with a friend after work, back home and suddenly realised another day has passed, no monday blues today, quite a "successful" day for me huh?? :p
p/s: sometimes when there's a lot to be done, i'll forget to eat but yet don't feel any hungry, not bad huh, at least can help on my diet plan, hahaha!!
22.02.2009 | 奇幻逆緣
早前幫某位同事買老翻(呵呵!!), 佢個list入邊有呢一齣《奇幻逆緣》, 本來就想話寄畀佢之前自己頭頭拆開嚟睇, 不過後來都係去咗戲院睇, 166分鐘都算值回票價囉.. 個故事好簡單不過就幾唔錯, 就係話主角逆生長, 一出世係個80歲老人, 但係後來就越活就越後生, 到最後變成嬰兒一個「老死」而去..
成齣戲其實都幾緩慢, 但係呢近三小時嘅戲感覺又冇咁長嘅.. 導演好細膩咁描畫主角嘅一生, 用第三者敘述交替帶出主角故事.. 我覺得齣係有點偏向文藝, 但係又唔係悶嗰挺, Pitt生到最後個後生look真係令人嘩然架(60歲人25歲外表, 當然唔係話倫伯啦, 呵呵!!).. 我都幾enjoy架其實, 值得一睇喎..
i helped a friend to buy some pi**ted DVDs last week and from her list i saw this "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", wanted to secretly borrow the DVD from her and watch it myself before sending over to her, but end up watching this in the cinema instead, the 166 minutes long movie anyway did worth the money back.. simple storyline but i personally think it's a good one, telling the story of a reverse-aging guy, born as a 80 year-old but as he grows "older" he actually becomes "younger", and end up passing away as a baby in his beloved embrace..
it was actually quite a slow movie, near 3-hour long but didn't feel that long actually.. the director has been quite detailed in plotting the life of Benjamin, using a third person to tell the story interchangingly.. a bit inclined to artistic movie (or whatever you call that) but certainly not the boring type, Mr Pitt was undoubtedly wow-able with his younger look when he was older in the movie (i mean imagine a 60 year-old man with a 25 year-old outlook).. i actually enjoyed the movie very much, it's worth a watch i would say..
成齣戲其實都幾緩慢, 但係呢近三小時嘅戲感覺又冇咁長嘅.. 導演好細膩咁描畫主角嘅一生, 用第三者敘述交替帶出主角故事.. 我覺得齣係有點偏向文藝, 但係又唔係悶嗰挺, Pitt生到最後個後生look真係令人嘩然架(60歲人25歲外表, 當然唔係話倫伯啦, 呵呵!!).. 我都幾enjoy架其實, 值得一睇喎..

it was actually quite a slow movie, near 3-hour long but didn't feel that long actually.. the director has been quite detailed in plotting the life of Benjamin, using a third person to tell the story interchangingly.. a bit inclined to artistic movie (or whatever you call that) but certainly not the boring type, Mr Pitt was undoubtedly wow-able with his younger look when he was older in the movie (i mean imagine a 60 year-old man with a 25 year-old outlook).. i actually enjoyed the movie very much, it's worth a watch i would say..
21.02.2009 | 畸歌之王
好似係因為之前曾經留言畀個blog友, 話搵日同佢合唱《帝女花之香夭》(當然係純屬開玩笑啦), 結果另一位blog友睇到, 就建議話不如就約出嚟去唱K啦.. 結果一呼百應, 今晚就一行六支棍去咗Neway唱好K喇..
因為大家都係第一次出嚟唱K, 之前個個都扮晒謙虛咁話自己唔識唱歌.. 不過當支咪傳到手中, 再扭擰片刻之後, 即刻聽得出大家原來都有幾錢斤兩喎!! 大家熱身之後, 當然就係越唱越強, 越唱越high啦, 仲有人規定九點鐘之後一定要唱快歌, 唔可以唱慘情歌添!! 哈哈, 我覺得好玩喎其實.. 哈哈!! probably because i have left a comment in a blogger friend post, that we should duet a chinese opera song on a fine sweet day (of course this is more on joking), another blogger friend saw that and immediately he MSN us to suggest going to karaoke together.. and so we have got very good response and finally we were there tonight, a gang of 6 blogger friends singing like wild in Neway Karaoke..
this is the first time we meet up for a karaoke session, and maybe because of this, everyone seems to be quite reserved and act modestly pre-empting that they cannot sing any well.. but when the microphone was passed to our hands, maybe after a few seconds of pretending, everyone just happily sing and there was when i realised everyone can actually sing pretty well indeed!! of course after some warm-up, all of us get wilder as we sing along, someone even set the rule that only fast beat songs allowed and no more sentimental songs after 9pm, well i personally think that was actually fun.. haha!!
因為大家都係第一次出嚟唱K, 之前個個都扮晒謙虛咁話自己唔識唱歌.. 不過當支咪傳到手中, 再扭擰片刻之後, 即刻聽得出大家原來都有幾錢斤兩喎!! 大家熱身之後, 當然就係越唱越強, 越唱越high啦, 仲有人規定九點鐘之後一定要唱快歌, 唔可以唱慘情歌添!! 哈哈, 我覺得好玩喎其實.. 哈哈!! probably because i have left a comment in a blogger friend post, that we should duet a chinese opera song on a fine sweet day (of course this is more on joking), another blogger friend saw that and immediately he MSN us to suggest going to karaoke together.. and so we have got very good response and finally we were there tonight, a gang of 6 blogger friends singing like wild in Neway Karaoke..
this is the first time we meet up for a karaoke session, and maybe because of this, everyone seems to be quite reserved and act modestly pre-empting that they cannot sing any well.. but when the microphone was passed to our hands, maybe after a few seconds of pretending, everyone just happily sing and there was when i realised everyone can actually sing pretty well indeed!! of course after some warm-up, all of us get wilder as we sing along, someone even set the rule that only fast beat songs allowed and no more sentimental songs after 9pm, well i personally think that was actually fun.. haha!!
20.02.2009 | 燙衫之王
我而家流晒大汗, 覺得好鬼熱, 因為啱啱燙完衫嚟.. 係架, 我啲返工恤衫全部都係自己燙架, 每星期一次, 一次燙晒一個星期要著啲衫.. 其實讀書嘅時候就已經自己燙校服架喇, 大大話話十幾年燙衫經驗, 夠晒資格做燙衫之王啦, 哈哈!!
好憎燙衫架我, 不過呢個世界上都應該冇乜人會鐘意燙衫架喇, 因為真係件苦差(求其都可以講出十個理由啦係嘛), 而且每次都係汗流浹背收場, 好似焗完桑那咁, 非常之唔舒服.. 所以我每次都要等個mood到先會行動, 而且盡量喺早上(因為唔會咁熱), 咁先可以將個討厭感降至最低, 唔係點樣堅持咁多年啊?? 你話啱唔啱??
i am sweating like hell and feeling very warm now, because i have just finished doing my ironing.. yes, i do my own ironing, once a week, for all clothes i need to wear for the whole week.. actually i have already started to iron my uniform during school time, with more than 10 years of experience, i am really qualified to become the king of ironing yeah?? haha!!
i hate doing ironing, anyway i think nobody in this earth will ever like ironing actually.. i would say ironing is just a tough job (simple you can raise out 10 reasons for that right??), and everytime i end up sweating like hell as if i just came out from the sauna, really feel uncomfortable about it.. that is why i always have to wait for the mood to come before i do my ironing, and try to do it in the morning (as it is more cooling).. only with this i can reduce the fed-up on ironing to the lowest level, or else how could i sustain doing this for so many years??
好憎燙衫架我, 不過呢個世界上都應該冇乜人會鐘意燙衫架喇, 因為真係件苦差(求其都可以講出十個理由啦係嘛), 而且每次都係汗流浹背收場, 好似焗完桑那咁, 非常之唔舒服.. 所以我每次都要等個mood到先會行動, 而且盡量喺早上(因為唔會咁熱), 咁先可以將個討厭感降至最低, 唔係點樣堅持咁多年啊?? 你話啱唔啱??

i hate doing ironing, anyway i think nobody in this earth will ever like ironing actually.. i would say ironing is just a tough job (simple you can raise out 10 reasons for that right??), and everytime i end up sweating like hell as if i just came out from the sauna, really feel uncomfortable about it.. that is why i always have to wait for the mood to come before i do my ironing, and try to do it in the morning (as it is more cooling).. only with this i can reduce the fed-up on ironing to the lowest level, or else how could i sustain doing this for so many years??
19.02.2009 | 裙帶關係
今日出咗去開會唔喺公司, 同事話我知公司個寬頻終於upgraded咗喇!!! 真係喜出望外, 仲以為聽日要再打電話去投訴添.. 如果你記得, 之前咪話因為呢件事, 間電訊公司遲遲未有行動, 搞到我扯衡晒火嘅??
咁我上星期同一位喺嗰間公司做嘢嘅朋友傾偈, (唔覺意)反映咗呢件事, 仲叫佢去睇我個blog.. 佢拍爛心口話幫我做啲嘢, 結果第二朝就即刻見到佢嘅email, 先知呢個朋友原來都幾有power(應該係高層人士)喎.. 兩個小時之後, 即刻有人打電話過嚟同我跟進事情, 仲好有禮貌添喎.. 有個強人喺背後幫手, 成件事咪就係三兩日就擺平囉.. 如果唔係靠呢啲「裙帶關係」, 我諗兩個月都未搞得掂囉.. 所以喎, 識得人多真係好辦事囉.. :)
was out of office attending a meeting today, my colleague called and told me our broadband services has finally been upgraded!! i was really overwhelmed by the news, as it just come unexpected, i have even planned to call up tomorrow to complain again actually.. if you can remember, i have blogged about how inefficient the telco company has been for this upgrading exercise, till i really got pissed off??
well, i was chatting with a friend working in that company, (and unintentionally) i mentioned to him about this case, even get him to go and read my blog.. he ensured me that he will do something to help, and much to my surprise he saw his email to his colleague, only i realised he is actually quite powerful (must be one of those senior management).. immediately after two hours, i got a call from that telco company to follow up things with me, and he has been very polite too.. so i really gotta say, with some relationship connection (or more grossly, lobang) help, i got the thing to settle in just few days, else i would expect it to be still pending for two months.. don't you think it's just nice to know more people that can actually help you out?? :)
咁我上星期同一位喺嗰間公司做嘢嘅朋友傾偈, (唔覺意)反映咗呢件事, 仲叫佢去睇我個blog.. 佢拍爛心口話幫我做啲嘢, 結果第二朝就即刻見到佢嘅email, 先知呢個朋友原來都幾有power(應該係高層人士)喎.. 兩個小時之後, 即刻有人打電話過嚟同我跟進事情, 仲好有禮貌添喎.. 有個強人喺背後幫手, 成件事咪就係三兩日就擺平囉.. 如果唔係靠呢啲「裙帶關係」, 我諗兩個月都未搞得掂囉.. 所以喎, 識得人多真係好辦事囉.. :)

well, i was chatting with a friend working in that company, (and unintentionally) i mentioned to him about this case, even get him to go and read my blog.. he ensured me that he will do something to help, and much to my surprise he saw his email to his colleague, only i realised he is actually quite powerful (must be one of those senior management).. immediately after two hours, i got a call from that telco company to follow up things with me, and he has been very polite too.. so i really gotta say, with some relationship connection (or more grossly, lobang) help, i got the thing to settle in just few days, else i would expect it to be still pending for two months.. don't you think it's just nice to know more people that can actually help you out?? :)
18.02.2009 | 四字箴言
唔知大家有冇留意到呢?? 如果你眼利嘅話, 應該會發現到我每日嘅標題都係有一個共通點, 又或者可以講係有一個特定嘅格式.. 撇開由第一日開始就已經存在嘅日期格式, 幾個月前突然間有個四字標題嘅念頭, 一直保持到而家, 我覺得都算係我呢個blog嘅另一小小特色啦..
其實我對於自己個blog都越嚟越多要求喇噃, 我偶然都可以算係個完美主義者, 話唔定遲下又失驚無神咁有啲咩新搞作架喎, 哈哈~~
wonder if you have ever noticed something.. if you are observant enough, you should have noticed that the is a similarity for the title of my post everyday, or perhaps i should say a fixed format for the post titles.. apart from the prefixing date that was already there since day one, few months ago i suddenly had an idea to set all my post title (starting that day) to four chinese words.. since then till now, i supposed this is one little signature feature of my blog huh??
i realised i started to become a little more demanding on my own blog here, i can sometimes be regarded as a perfectionist, hence it is no surprise that i might come out with something impressively creative one day soon, hehehe~~
其實我對於自己個blog都越嚟越多要求喇噃, 我偶然都可以算係個完美主義者, 話唔定遲下又失驚無神咁有啲咩新搞作架喎, 哈哈~~

i realised i started to become a little more demanding on my own blog here, i can sometimes be regarded as a perfectionist, hence it is no surprise that i might come out with something impressively creative one day soon, hehehe~~
17.02.2009 | 小事兩則
早幾日喺公司匆匆忙忙執嘢嘅時候, 唔小心跌咗一毫子, 週圍搵極都搵唔返.. 頭先無意中見到佢就喺個檯腳邊, 清潔阿嬸咁多日嚟果然係冇吸塵啊吓.. 嗱嗱嗱, 我知你諗緊咩架, 一毫子都係錢啫, 嗰種失而復得嘅感覺係非常之好嘅噃~~
頭先返上樓嘅時候見到lift門正在閂緊, 於是即刻飛速去摁個上樓掣, lift門又再開返.. 我知咁樣做係好乞人憎, 明明上緊又有個人阻住晒(好似聽到有人「即即」聲咁囉).. 不過我今日衰犯賤啊, 入到去又摁錯樓, 結果自己出咗去之後, 要入邊其他人白白咁停多一層樓添.. 真係罪過罪過~~
[lost and found]
dropped my 10 cent coin while tidying my desk in a rush in the office few days ago, tried to look for it almost everywhere but still could not find it.. saw it accidentally by the leg of my desk just now, hmmm i supposed the cleaner must have skipped vacuuming the carpet for this many days.. well, i know what you are thinking, but 10 cent is still money ok, and that feeling to have lost and found is just superb, agree??
[i'm a sinner]
saw the lift doors closing while i was to go up to office after lunch, as quickly as i could, i pressed the up button so that the door would open again.. errr i know i know, this is rather irritating, while people are expecting to go up, i just come to disturb (i heard people tsskk at me behind actually).. but i was rather evil to give more trouble, i pressed the wrong number, and after i reached my floor, i kind of made the passengers inside wasting time to stop at another unnecessary floor.. oh my, i was such a sinner~~
早幾日喺公司匆匆忙忙執嘢嘅時候, 唔小心跌咗一毫子, 週圍搵極都搵唔返.. 頭先無意中見到佢就喺個檯腳邊, 清潔阿嬸咁多日嚟果然係冇吸塵啊吓.. 嗱嗱嗱, 我知你諗緊咩架, 一毫子都係錢啫, 嗰種失而復得嘅感覺係非常之好嘅噃~~
頭先返上樓嘅時候見到lift門正在閂緊, 於是即刻飛速去摁個上樓掣, lift門又再開返.. 我知咁樣做係好乞人憎, 明明上緊又有個人阻住晒(好似聽到有人「即即」聲咁囉).. 不過我今日衰犯賤啊, 入到去又摁錯樓, 結果自己出咗去之後, 要入邊其他人白白咁停多一層樓添.. 真係罪過罪過~~

dropped my 10 cent coin while tidying my desk in a rush in the office few days ago, tried to look for it almost everywhere but still could not find it.. saw it accidentally by the leg of my desk just now, hmmm i supposed the cleaner must have skipped vacuuming the carpet for this many days.. well, i know what you are thinking, but 10 cent is still money ok, and that feeling to have lost and found is just superb, agree??
[i'm a sinner]
saw the lift doors closing while i was to go up to office after lunch, as quickly as i could, i pressed the up button so that the door would open again.. errr i know i know, this is rather irritating, while people are expecting to go up, i just come to disturb (i heard people tsskk at me behind actually).. but i was rather evil to give more trouble, i pressed the wrong number, and after i reached my floor, i kind of made the passengers inside wasting time to stop at another unnecessary floor.. oh my, i was such a sinner~~
16.02.2009 | 藍色週一
上兩個星期連續兩個長週末之後, 今日又返去星期一返工喇.. 今朝真係好唔想返工, 其實噚晚就已經開始有呢種感覺囉.. 硬係認住認住有好多嘢要跟, 好似有幾千斤重量壓喺我一對單薄嘅肩膊上咁..
其實有好多事情我係唔想做, 但係而家呢個事勢之下又被迫要做喎.. 我都係要搵兩餐溫飽架, 真係人在江湖身不由己.. 同自己講工作還工作, 不過有時候個情況並唔係想像中咁理想咁簡單囉.. 有時真係好想唔駛做, 可以un un腳嘆世界, 不如搵個有錢人包起我算喇, 呵呵~~
after two consecutive long weekends for the past two weeks, it's back to monday to kick-off the week again.. really not feeling like going to work this morning, precisely the feeling has already started last night actually.. kind of feel like there are loads of things to follow up, like tons and tons of weights being pressed onto my pair of weak shoulders..
actually there are a lot of things i don't feel like doing, but under the current circumstances i just gotta do them.. anyway i still need a job to sustain myself, this is what the Chinese said as "when you are put into the situation, you just gotta do it no matter how".. i always try to tell myself work is work, but most of the time things are not as ideal and as simple as we though.. sometimes i really dream of having no need to work, just shake my legs and enjoy life, perhaps i can just go get somebody rich to take care of me?? hahaha :p
其實有好多事情我係唔想做, 但係而家呢個事勢之下又被迫要做喎.. 我都係要搵兩餐溫飽架, 真係人在江湖身不由己.. 同自己講工作還工作, 不過有時候個情況並唔係想像中咁理想咁簡單囉.. 有時真係好想唔駛做, 可以un un腳嘆世界, 不如搵個有錢人包起我算喇, 呵呵~~

actually there are a lot of things i don't feel like doing, but under the current circumstances i just gotta do them.. anyway i still need a job to sustain myself, this is what the Chinese said as "when you are put into the situation, you just gotta do it no matter how".. i always try to tell myself work is work, but most of the time things are not as ideal and as simple as we though.. sometimes i really dream of having no need to work, just shake my legs and enjoy life, perhaps i can just go get somebody rich to take care of me?? hahaha :p
15.02.2009 | 談情人節
噚日係情人節, 見到週圍都係雙雙對對嘅情侶.. 我覺得情人節其實係個開銷頗大嘅日子, 尤其係男方, 幾乎可以損手爛腳.. 除咗無價嘅「我愛你」之外, 以下情人節三大必要項目, 加埋你睇吓係唔係要洗好多錢吖??
it was Valentines' Day yesterday, saw lots of loving couples on the street.. that actually make me realised that this is the day in the year that couples need to spend a lot, especially for guys, it could most probably be his savings for a whole month.. apart from the priceless "i love you", i've listed down the three major compulsory items for valentines' day, adding them up together and don't you think it's actually a expensive celebration??
- [鮮花] 情人節一定要送花, 而且情人節送花要比平時付出10倍血汗錢.. 花店一年只有呢一日可以獅子開大口, 賺到見牙唔見眼.. 粗略估計: RM100
- [禮物] 過時過節送禮物就係必然架啦, 情人節送禮物應該只係亞於生日, 出手都要好重而且又要有心思.. 粗略估計: RM200
- [晚餐] 唔理係唔係燭光啦, 總之情人晚餐就梗係少不了架喇.. 週圍餐廳全部爆棚, 最好賣嘅就梗係個餐廳趁你病攞你命嘅「浪漫浪漫我愛你情人節二人特別套餐」啦.. 粗略估計: 二人消費RM200

- [flowers] this is a must unless she is alergic to flowers, and to get a bouquet of flowers during the V day is almost 10 times more expensive.. florist has only this day in a year to mark up the price as high as the heaven, earning the remarkable margin.. approximate estimation: RM100
- [present] whenever there is a day to celebrate, present is of course not to be missed out.. most probably second to birthday presents, V day presents are indeed expected to be more pricy and more valuable, and not to mention with hearts.. approxiate estimation: RM200
- [dinner] whether it's a candle-light dinner or not, a basic V day dinner is a must for the couple for the day.. restaurants are normally full on this day, the the best selling item, needless to say, must be the "romantic romantic i love u special valentine day set dinner".. approximate estimation: RM200 for two
14.02.2009 | 終成眷屬
今日係情人節, 唔知大家有咩搞作咁呢?? 甜蜜慶祝定係黯淡渡過, 出雙入對定係形單隻影, 燭光晚餐定係大被蓋頭瞓, 春風滿面定係垂頭喪氣, 重大日子定係普通一日?? 點都好啦, 願祝天下有情人終成眷屬.. 喺度特別點兩首超級「正斗」嘅情歌過大家聽, 祝大家情人節快樂~~
it's valentines' day, wonder what are you planning to do today?? sweet celebration or just another boring day, hanging out coupled or just being alone, candle-light dinner or just getting to bed earlier, happiness seen on the face or just down with a gloom, a big day or just an ordinary day?? no matter how no matter what, love will come to tie the two who are destined to be together.. here's two absolutely nice songs that i've picked for everyone, HAPPY VALENTINES' DAY to all~~
13.02.2009 | 黑色週五
你可能冇發覺到, 今日係13號星期五, 係俗稱嘅黑色星期五.. 其實有冇人知道呢個黑色星期五嘅原由啊?? 點解13係不詳, 點解13號如果係星期五就係唔好呢?? 係唔係同聖經有關嘅呢其實??
咁多年嚟, 好似都冇乜記得有幾多個黑色星期五(今年就有3個), 醒唔起固然就相安無事, 不過醒起嘅話又會認住認住喎.. 就好似你信唔信有鬼呢樣嘢, 信輒有不信輒無.. 其實我話呢, 人都係往好方面諗, 唔好成日諗埋晒啲衰嘢搞到自己精神分裂囉, 啱唔啱聽先?? 嘿嘿~~
you might not have noticed that it's friday the 13th today, commonly known as the black friday.. actually is there anyone out there who knows the origin of this?? why is 13 not a good number, and why friday the 13th is never a good day?? has it something to do with the bible??
cannot remember how many black fridays i have been through all these years, but 3 for this year.. having not realised about it, it's just like an ordinary day.. however having realised about it, there is just something you might feel uneasy about.. just like whether you believe about ghost and life after death, there is if you believe, there isn't if you don't.. anyway i would say, just look at the better side, avoid to keep thinking on the dark side and make yourself miserable, do you agree with me?? hehe~~
咁多年嚟, 好似都冇乜記得有幾多個黑色星期五(今年就有3個), 醒唔起固然就相安無事, 不過醒起嘅話又會認住認住喎.. 就好似你信唔信有鬼呢樣嘢, 信輒有不信輒無.. 其實我話呢, 人都係往好方面諗, 唔好成日諗埋晒啲衰嘢搞到自己精神分裂囉, 啱唔啱聽先?? 嘿嘿~~

cannot remember how many black fridays i have been through all these years, but 3 for this year.. having not realised about it, it's just like an ordinary day.. however having realised about it, there is just something you might feel uneasy about.. just like whether you believe about ghost and life after death, there is if you believe, there isn't if you don't.. anyway i would say, just look at the better side, avoid to keep thinking on the dark side and make yourself miserable, do you agree with me?? hehe~~
12.02.2009 | 就係咁啦
其實我好想寫呢一篇嘢好耐架喇, 請大家今日容許我放肆一下.. 就係話畀各位讀者知, 我今日好懶, 唔想寫嘢, 亦都冇乜特別嘢可以寫.. 所以今日就係咁啦, 唔好意思喎, 大家將就一下, 下回再見.. 祝大家有個愉快嘅一日啦, 哈哈~~ :p
i actually wanted to have this entry since long ago, please allow me to fulfill my wish today.. that is to tell my readers that, i am lazy today, don't feel like writing anything, and furthermore there is just nothing much special to blog about.. hence, that's it for today, please excuse me, will come back with a new post tomorrow.. have a nice day ahead, hehe~~ :p

11.02.2009 | 溫室效應
窗外現正灰矇矇一片, 出邊而家正在落大雨.. 印象中農曆新年期間係唔會落雨, 而係好乾燥嘅氣候, 烈日高掛同埋間歇性吹大風.. 曾經同某位朋友拍爛胸口話過新年一定唔會落雨, 不過而家好似自打嘴巴, 年卅晚開始到而家元宵都過埋, 都仲係晚晚有雨落..
應該係溫室效應嘅問題啦, 氣候好似遲來兩個月咁.. 本來係雨季嘅年尾, 竟然變成而家主宰天氣.. 咁多兩個月本應係雨季嘅, 咪豈不是日日都風和日麗?? 氣候變得莫測, 全球經濟又大衰退, 就連我國某個州屬都可以一夜之間政治變天, 呢個世界都好似好恐怖咁喎~~
it's looking grayish and blurry from the window, and it's raining heavily out there.. if i am not mistaken it is not supposed to rain during the lunar new year period, but instead should be very dry, sunny and strong wind blowing occassionally.. remember having told a friend, very firmly, that i will never be raining during CNY, but now seems that i have to keep the words back, since from the CNY eve till the Chap Goh Meh (the 15th day of the CNY) was over, there has been rain every night instead..
it's global warming effect i supposed, climate is like two months late.. supposed to be rainy season end of last year, but turn out to be the weather now.. in that case two more months later, which is supposed to be rainy, will be dry and sunny instead?? climate become unpredictable, economy become gloomy, and even one of our state government can totally change over one night, don't you think this world is actually getting a bit scary??
應該係溫室效應嘅問題啦, 氣候好似遲來兩個月咁.. 本來係雨季嘅年尾, 竟然變成而家主宰天氣.. 咁多兩個月本應係雨季嘅, 咪豈不是日日都風和日麗?? 氣候變得莫測, 全球經濟又大衰退, 就連我國某個州屬都可以一夜之間政治變天, 呢個世界都好似好恐怖咁喎~~

it's global warming effect i supposed, climate is like two months late.. supposed to be rainy season end of last year, but turn out to be the weather now.. in that case two more months later, which is supposed to be rainy, will be dry and sunny instead?? climate become unpredictable, economy become gloomy, and even one of our state government can totally change over one night, don't you think this world is actually getting a bit scary??
10.02.2009 | 發火病貓
最近因為要upgrade公司嘅寬頻, 畀我見到嗰間「綠色波波」電訊公司嘅客戶服務係幾咁低劣.. 最後搞到我扯晒火(我咁好脾氣都要扯火, 你話事態係幾咁嚴重??), 上個星期鬧完佢哋一輪之後, 頭先即刻有個人主動打電話同我跟進.. 我而家就要數數佢哋嘅罪狀:
am working on the company's broadband upgrade recently, and from there i realised how bad the customer services is from that so-called market leader "green ball" telco company.. and not until i finally got pissed off (yeah, i'm always very soft tempered, and you know how serious things have gone when i got pissed off), getting harsh on the phone while talking to the customer service rep last week, and immediately there's someone calling me up to follow up with things just now.. let me list down what they have did to get me pissed off:
- 服務熱線打幾廿次都冇人接, 仲要係連續打咗三日先有人頂唔順接聽!!
- 每次打去問一個問題, 就要我hold住電話等五分鐘, 大佬, 你唔識就唔好做客戶服務啦!!
- 完全畀錯information, 上次講係咁樣, 頭先又話第樣嘢!! 我信邊個好啊?? 唔好擾亂你啲顧客喎真係..
- 親手上門交低表格同授權書, 好似整唔見埋喎.. 之後要我重新fax去呢都又fax去嗰度, 大老你咁樣老點你嘅顧客做嘢架咩?? 我睬你都傻, 信就已經交咗, 話知你翻天覆地去幫我摷返出嚟啦!!

- there is never anyone picking up the phone at the customer service hotline, have been calling for three consecutive days before there is someone attending to my call..
- i asked few product related questions over the phone, and each questions i asked i was made to hold for 5 minutes before she could give me an answer.. hello if you are that ignorant about your company's product, just don't stand on the frontline!!
- giving wrong information.. was told about this arrangement then, and was informed about another different arrangement just now.. whom should i listen to in the end?? don't confused your customers!!
- submitted the request form and authorisation letter by hand two weeks ago, and when i called up to check with them, looks like they have misplaced the documents!! requesting me to re-fax to here, and fax again to another department, hello is this the way you instruct your customer?? you think i am dumb?? i don't give you a f*ck, you just go and dig your company upside down for the original letter and form!!
09.02.2009 | 巴殺馬欖
我哋嘅露天夜市場叫做巴殺馬欖(Pasar Malam), 喺呢度可以買到各式各樣嘅嘢, 不過最吸引我去嘅當然係小食啦.. 上一次去夜市好似係五年以上嘅歷史, 呢個週末就一連兩日去咗兩次, 好似報仇咁, 哈哈!! 噚日去嗰個規模較細, 所以未能盡興.. 頭先嗰個就大規模喇, 見到好多懷舊小食, 真係十分之興奮, 不過見就快落雨, 所以嗱嗱聲買啲嘢就滾水淥腳走人喇..
呢兩日收獲甚豐嘅巴殺馬欖之旅, 食咗炒蘿蔔糕, 亞三叻沙, 冬陰米粉, 酥炸雞扒, 粟米, 茶葉蛋, 魚旦, 大舊麵, 香蕉片, 魚片, 等等等等.. 係, 我知, 我知我係成日嗌減肥, 不過美食當前, 我其實已經忍手控制自己架喇, 至少我唔係暴飲暴食囉.. :p
our local open air night market is more commonly known as Pasar Malam, you can just get almost everything you wanted to get here, but i would say the only reason that attracts me to the night market is FOOD.. the last time i visited Pasar Malam was a history more than five years ago, went for two consecutive days this weekend, as if i have nowhere else better to go, haha!! the one i went yesterday was rather small scale, hence did not enjoy it that much.. the one i went just now was indeed bigger scale, and saw a lot of food that could bring back lots of childhood memories.. was very excited about that, but since it was about to rain, i just quickly bought something and left the place in a rush..
a rather fruitful two-day Pasar Malam trip, i had fried carrot cake, assam laksa, tomyam beehoon, fried chicken chop, corn, herbal tea boiled egg, fish balls, apong, banana chips, fish crackers, and many more.. well i know, i know i've been yelling about going on diet, but looking at delicious food surrounding every corner, i have actually controlled myself to a certain degree, at least i did not have excessive and terribly stuffed myself with food.. :p
呢兩日收獲甚豐嘅巴殺馬欖之旅, 食咗炒蘿蔔糕, 亞三叻沙, 冬陰米粉, 酥炸雞扒, 粟米, 茶葉蛋, 魚旦, 大舊麵, 香蕉片, 魚片, 等等等等.. 係, 我知, 我知我係成日嗌減肥, 不過美食當前, 我其實已經忍手控制自己架喇, 至少我唔係暴飲暴食囉.. :p

a rather fruitful two-day Pasar Malam trip, i had fried carrot cake, assam laksa, tomyam beehoon, fried chicken chop, corn, herbal tea boiled egg, fish balls, apong, banana chips, fish crackers, and many more.. well i know, i know i've been yelling about going on diet, but looking at delicious food surrounding every corner, i have actually controlled myself to a certain degree, at least i did not have excessive and terribly stuffed myself with food.. :p
08.02.2009 | 戲院進化
仲記唔記得自己細個嘅時候, 啲戲院係點樣架?? 頭先同位朋友講返起, 佢話一定要我今日blog一blog佢, 唔係嘅話佢會嬲喎, 哈哈!! 好啦好啦, 見係你咋.. 大家有冇咩想補充咁啊?? :p
do you still remember the cinemas during your childhood?? was talking about this with a friend just now, and he wanted me to blog about this topic today else he wanted to get angry, hahaha!! okay okay, i'll just do it this time for him then.. anything that i have missed out that you wanted to add on?? :p
- 以前啲戲院係自己一個獨立建築物, 唔似而家通通都係商場裡邊..
- 以前啲戲院會分上下兩層, 下層係普通座, 上層係特別座, 所以熒幕會大好多..
- 以前一間戲院同一時期只會上映一齣戲, 唔似得而家咁有得你選擇..
- 以前啲戲院一日限定四場戲(下晝一點同三點, 夜晚七點同九點), 唔似得而家咁一定要先check定個時間..
- 廿幾年前啲戲飛應該係少於而家嘅五份一, 最前幾排仲會係平啲添架喎..
- 以前啲院線係冇自己嘅食品部, 所以食物全部任由觀眾自己外帶, 無任歡迎..
- 而家睇戲不外乎爆谷/汽水/薯片/熱狗, 同以前啲瓜子/蝦片/栗子/生果/魚旦/漢堡包/甘蔗/蕃薯(等等等等)相比, 實在係小巫見大巫..
- 以前戲院坐嘅係可折式木板凳, 邊有而家啲梳化咁舒服啊..

- unlike the cineplexes that are all inside shopping malls now, the cinemas back then were all setup in their own building..
- the cinemas back then have bigger screen, to cater for the two storeys of seats, lower storey for normal fees and the upper storey for special fees..
- the cinemas back then show only one movie at a time and almost nationwide, unlike the cineplexes now giving you choices that is up to your own preference..
- unlike the need to check the showtime in cineplexes now, the cinemas back then had fixed schedules for only 4 shows daily (1pm, 3pm, 7pm and 9pm)..
- more than 20 years ago, the ticket for a movie is less than one fifth you need to pay now, and the front rows were even selling at cheaper rates..
- the cinemas back then does not have their own food and beverage counters, patrons were allowed to bring in any kind of food they like from outside, no restrictions at all..
- you are having limited choices of popcorn/softdrinks/hotdogs/chips in cinemas now, this is just so "deprived" from the wide range of kuaci/prawn crackers/chestnuts/fruits/fishballs/burgers/sugarcane/sweet potatoes (and many many more) that we could get in the good old days..
- the cinemas only provide foldable wooden chairs in those good old days, never as comfortable as the sofas we have now in the cineplexes..
07.02.2009 | 純粹個人
好多朋友都覺得我好犀利, 犀利喺邊哩?? 咪就係犀利到每日都可以有嘢post上個blog度, 好似源源不絕咁, 仲唔止咁樣噃, 而且一寫就係中英文打孖上喎!! 其實除咗覺得我犀利之外, 更多人會覺得我好鬼得閑, 究竟係唔係冇嘢做, 成日對住個電腦喺度寫嘢啊??
其實我想同大家講, 係大家嘅時間花在唔同嘅活動上, 同埋大家興致所在有所不同, 係純粹個人喜好咁簡單嘅道理啫嘛.. 唔好將別人就咁擺入你自己原汁原味嘅思考裡邊, 搞到自己好似好驚訝咁樣.. 掉返轉頭, 你何尚唔係每日都做咗啲人哋平時唔會去做嘅嘢啊?? 事情本來就唔係咁複雜, 冇得問點解架喎.. :)
many friends think that i am very bionic, but bionic in which sense?? to be able to have a new post in my blog for ever single day, and not only that, i double that up with both chinese and english versions of the same post!! and frankly besides thinking i am bionic, i think more people will think that i have too much time, wonder if i really have nothing else to do other than just facing my computer every minute to write something for my blog..
well, i just gotta say, it's about the different activities that we have spent time on, and also the different interests that we have chosen, it's just something as simple as personal preference.. try not to put other people that you see in your eyes directly into your own perception, it just make you feel confused because that is not what you are.. think it this way, don't you al so do something that other people might not have been doing daily too?? things are just not complicated at all, there is no reason actually.. :)
其實我想同大家講, 係大家嘅時間花在唔同嘅活動上, 同埋大家興致所在有所不同, 係純粹個人喜好咁簡單嘅道理啫嘛.. 唔好將別人就咁擺入你自己原汁原味嘅思考裡邊, 搞到自己好似好驚訝咁樣.. 掉返轉頭, 你何尚唔係每日都做咗啲人哋平時唔會去做嘅嘢啊?? 事情本來就唔係咁複雜, 冇得問點解架喎.. :)

well, i just gotta say, it's about the different activities that we have spent time on, and also the different interests that we have chosen, it's just something as simple as personal preference.. try not to put other people that you see in your eyes directly into your own perception, it just make you feel confused because that is not what you are.. think it this way, don't you al so do something that other people might not have been doing daily too?? things are just not complicated at all, there is no reason actually.. :)
06.02.2009 | 盤滿缽滿
好似由舊年講到今年, 呢一次開工要搞個盆菜甸那.. MY姐果然言出必行, 摷衡晒大江南北終於都扑鎚呢間文良港六福酒家.. 放工後一眾同事千山萬水咁趕到, 先係例牌撈生(齋嘅), 跟住就係主角盆菜出場, 之後再整多兩碟炒粉麵加個雜菜撐尾.. 我不嬲都唔係盆菜fans, 因為覺得太多樣嘢撈埋一兜全部一個味道, 而且九成係肉類, 滯死, 不過每樣都有試件嘅..
整體上嚟講, 呢餐都叫做可以啦, 不過最緊要係大家可以一路食一路傾, 食完之後又影吓相咁, 難得可以工作之外輕鬆一下聯絡感情吖嘛.. 結果梗又係個個食到飽上心口, 今次大家仲唔係盤滿缽滿, 年年有餘?? :p
it seems like we have been planning to go for pun choi for the CNY dinner since last year, and finally after the remarkable effort of MY to search from north to south and back to central, we finally decided this six happiness restaurant at setapak.. get ourselves all ready after work and went to the restaurant which is quite far away from office, we started off with the ritual CNY lou sang, followed by the main dish pun choi, and wrapped up with some fried rice, noodles and vege just in case some colleagues are not stuffed up enough.. i am always not a fans of pun choi because i think there are just too many things that taste just the same to me when they were placed in the same pot, furthermore about 90% of meat makes me feel a bit appetite-suppressed.. anyway, i did try a piece of two for each of the variety..
overall i can say this is a doable one, but more importantly is that we get to chat while eating and camwhore after eating, it just get quite rare that we can all sit down and have a relax gathering together, i do appreciate such bonding.. and what's the ending?? everyone was super stuffed with food in stomach, so this is call bountiful abundance, one kind of auspiciousness that is~~ :p
整體上嚟講, 呢餐都叫做可以啦, 不過最緊要係大家可以一路食一路傾, 食完之後又影吓相咁, 難得可以工作之外輕鬆一下聯絡感情吖嘛.. 結果梗又係個個食到飽上心口, 今次大家仲唔係盤滿缽滿, 年年有餘?? :p

overall i can say this is a doable one, but more importantly is that we get to chat while eating and camwhore after eating, it just get quite rare that we can all sit down and have a relax gathering together, i do appreciate such bonding.. and what's the ending?? everyone was super stuffed with food in stomach, so this is call bountiful abundance, one kind of auspiciousness that is~~ :p
05.02.2009 | 放眼向前
今日應該算係我工作咁多年以嚟, 最晴天霹靂, 最沉重嘅一日.. 呢件事情嘅發生, 對我嚟講, 都有一定程度嘅影響.. 不過眼前仲有好長一段路要行, 應該要學識向前看呢個道理..
某同事同我講咗一番話: 「人去得越高, 就會見得越多睇得越遠, 高處不勝寒, 點樣都要做好本份, 懂得去保護自己」.. 另外, 某個朋友同樣忠告我話: 「工作同生活要識得分開處理, 唔好將彼此融入彼此之間, 糾纏不清係一個好難解嘅困局」.. 多謝佢哋嘅忠言..
i can say that ever since i started to work, today is the most shocking and most upset day for me indeed.. the incident that happened, to me, did bring me a certain degree of impact.. anyway, i still have a long way in front of me, the most important thing now is to look ahead..
a colleague of mine told me: "the higher you go, the wider and the more you will see, at this position you just gotta do the right things first, and also learn to protect yourself".. also, another friend of mine advised: "life and work must be separated and never be mingled together, if they do then it would be a tough strand".. thanks them for the sincere and wise advices..
某同事同我講咗一番話: 「人去得越高, 就會見得越多睇得越遠, 高處不勝寒, 點樣都要做好本份, 懂得去保護自己」.. 另外, 某個朋友同樣忠告我話: 「工作同生活要識得分開處理, 唔好將彼此融入彼此之間, 糾纏不清係一個好難解嘅困局」.. 多謝佢哋嘅忠言..

a colleague of mine told me: "the higher you go, the wider and the more you will see, at this position you just gotta do the right things first, and also learn to protect yourself".. also, another friend of mine advised: "life and work must be separated and never be mingled together, if they do then it would be a tough strand".. thanks them for the sincere and wise advices..
04.02.2009 | 搵食艱難
噚日放工之後覺得唔舒服, 去睇咗醫生, 診斷發燒+頭痛+喉嚨發炎, 所以今日請咗病假喺屋企休息.. 追溯病發原因, 應該係:
wasn't feeling well after work yesterday, went to see doctor and gotta know that i had fever, headache and swollen throat.. hence took a day sick leave and rest at home today.. am thinking the reason that caused me to fall asick, could be:
- 前晚對面屋企初九拜天工, 大事燒砲仗, 個細路又成晚喺度鬼揸咁叫(其實叫得好心煩, 好鬼想過去星佢兩巴!!).. 結果搞到我冇覺好瞓, 第二朝又要晨吉起身返工..
- 下晝出去見客, 可能天氣關係, 一時艷陽高照, 一時傾盆大雨.. 之前瞓得唔好已經頭赤赤, 就咁出出入入, 室內冷氣又凍, 於是就感親啦我諗..

- the Bai Tian Gong (thanks giving prayers to the Emperor of Heaven) ceremony at the neighbour opposite, a very big event that they kept burning firecrackers, and the kid shouting like hell for the whole night (i was so irritated that i really wanted to go over and slap her hard on her face).. and so i could not sleep well for the whole night, more over to get up early to work the next morning..
- went to meet customer in the afternoon, might be because of the changing weather, suddenly sunny and suddenly raining.. already had a headache because of the sleepless night, plus getting in and out of offices, and the always powerful air-conditioning indoor, i caught a cold while meeting with customer..
03.02.2009 | 究竟想點
嗱嗱嗱, 你話有咩法子唔肥先得架?? 我個位呀, 求其就咁一藐咋, 就已經影低以下咁多食糧喇, 真係坐喺公司寸步不離一個星期都唔會餓死囉.. 有個同事擔心我成日唔去食lunch會餓壞個身子, 其實真係毋需擔心, 見唔見我個位成個糧倉咁啊?? 試過一次有朋友到訪, 我慇懃到問佢要唔要食呢樣要唔要食嗰樣, 好似士多咁, 搞到人哋啼笑皆非.. 哈哈!! 其實我好鐘意買嘢食囉, 但係自己又食唔晒, 搞到好似屯糧咁尷尬.. 要收下手喇應該.. :p
so look.. how could i not gain weight?? i just barely loook around my seat, and then i managed to snap photos of that much of food above, if i would have to stay in the office without stepping out a single step, for a week perhaps, i think i wouldn't anyhow get hungry at all.. i have a colleague who always worry about me not going out for lunch, well looking at how much food i have with me, she just does not have to worry a single bit.. also there was once when a friend visited me in office, i offered him this and that, really made him feel so welcomed in a "convenience store", that was just so funny, haha!! frankly, i like to buy all these things, but just could not manage to finish them quickly, till i am seen as saving food for reserve.. should stop my itchy hand from stocking up so much already.. :p

02.02.2009 | 家有囍事
已經唔記得幾耐冇睇過賀歲片喇, 今年好似得呢一齣碩果僅存嘅《家有囍事2009》.. 因為真係太鐘意1992年幕幕經典嘅《家有囍事》, 所以就嗱嗱聲趁仲係新年期間, 捧下場應下景.. 其實一早唔期望太多, 少咗之前幾位巨星, 感覺已經係少咗忽肉咁, 但係睇完覺得都幾OK喎.. 大致上全部演員都演得稱職, 不過要數最出位就當然係吳小姐啦, 尤其食住之前程大嫂個生鬚邋遢煮飯婆卷發筒夾頭髮look(我好掛住佢囉老實講), 嗰一幕成五分鐘長, 我真係全程笑到必晒眼淚囉..
比較起上嚟, 係唔及17年前嗰部咁出色咁深入民心架喇, 但係又勝過1997年部喎.. anyway睇賀歲片都係求個開心啫, 呢一方面絕對係交足貨嘅.. 我仲要講多句, 吳小姐演得好, 我鐘意!! :p
can't remember since when i last watched a CNY-celebration themed movie, but i supposed this "All's Well End's Well 2009" is the only one in cinema this year.. because of it's classic 1992 precede which i hilariously lurve even till now, i decided to watch this movie while it's still the CNY period.. didn't expect much though, because of the slash of some big stars who acted in the 1992 precede this actually means a big minus already, but came out i actually enjoyed this 2009 sequel quite much.. all casts acted quite well in general, but the most outstanding would be Miss Ng without fail, i have been laughing with tears for the entire 5-minute scene of that greasy-faced-housewife-with-growing-moustache-and-curling-clips-on-hair classic image of Cheng Dai So (ooh, i really miss this actually)..
to compare, of course the 1992 precede was still better and more impressive, but this 2009 sequel is instead better than the 1997 one.. anyway, the main purpose of watching such a CNY-celebration themed movie is to just laugh all the way and be happy, i would frankly say this movie has done a good job on this.. and one more thing, Miss Ng rocks, she is the best and i really like her!! :p
比較起上嚟, 係唔及17年前嗰部咁出色咁深入民心架喇, 但係又勝過1997年部喎.. anyway睇賀歲片都係求個開心啫, 呢一方面絕對係交足貨嘅.. 我仲要講多句, 吳小姐演得好, 我鐘意!! :p

to compare, of course the 1992 precede was still better and more impressive, but this 2009 sequel is instead better than the 1997 one.. anyway, the main purpose of watching such a CNY-celebration themed movie is to just laugh all the way and be happy, i would frankly say this movie has done a good job on this.. and one more thing, Miss Ng rocks, she is the best and i really like her!! :p
01.02.2009 | 海闊天空
當大家正在猜測我噚日一輪「人在做, 天在看」嘅發表之時, 可以話畀大家知, 當時我都係有感而發啫, 事情未去到最壞嘅結局.. 除非真係離譜到冇彎可轉, 好多時我都會選擇息事寧人.. 忍一時風平浪靜, 退一步海闊天空, 以後要相處要嘅日子仲有好長, 我選擇將呢件事忘記, 就當係畀次機會自己又好, 畀次機會對方又好..
發泄之後啖氣消咗, 見整件事情如果無傷大雅, 就當對方真係隱瞞成功囉(不過係我成全), 我都冇眼屎乾淨盲.. 為咗以後維持良好關係, 我可以用我超高EQ看待呢件事, 我係要顧全大局, 我仲有前路要行, 實在不必要因為呢件事而費心.. :)
while everyone is still guessing what actually happened to me after reading my "when you are doing, heaven is watching" post yesterday, i can tell everyone that i was just expressing myself, things have not gone to the worst situation.. most of the time, unless things had gone to a dead end, i would rather choose to pacify things and people.. like the chinese say, hold back and you can be calm, step back and you are relief of the burden, you see the clear sky out of it.. there is still a long way to go, i would choose to forget (might not be forgive anyway), make it a chance for myself, or even for the other party..
after expressing myself and cooling down, if things are not that bad, i could actually see that as white lies (but of course, thank me for that), just no point to drill into the issue anymore.. for the sake of future relationship, i can use my highest EQ to treat the story, i am not a petty person, i still have a long bright future, it is just not worth being shattered by this incident, yeah?? :)
發泄之後啖氣消咗, 見整件事情如果無傷大雅, 就當對方真係隱瞞成功囉(不過係我成全), 我都冇眼屎乾淨盲.. 為咗以後維持良好關係, 我可以用我超高EQ看待呢件事, 我係要顧全大局, 我仲有前路要行, 實在不必要因為呢件事而費心.. :)

after expressing myself and cooling down, if things are not that bad, i could actually see that as white lies (but of course, thank me for that), just no point to drill into the issue anymore.. for the sake of future relationship, i can use my highest EQ to treat the story, i am not a petty person, i still have a long bright future, it is just not worth being shattered by this incident, yeah?? :)
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