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21.02.2009 | 畸歌之王

好似係因為之前曾經留言畀個blog友, 話搵日同佢合唱《帝女花之香夭》(當然係純屬開玩笑啦), 結果另一位blog友睇到, 就建議話不如就約出嚟去唱K啦.. 結果一呼百應, 今晚就一行六支棍去咗Neway唱好K喇..

因為大家都係第一次出嚟唱K, 之前個個都扮晒謙虛咁話自己唔識唱歌.. 不過當支咪傳到手中, 再扭擰片刻之後, 即刻聽得出大家原來都有幾錢斤兩喎!! 大家熱身之後, 當然就係越唱越強, 越唱越high啦, 仲有人規定九點鐘之後一定要唱快歌, 唔可以唱慘情歌添!! 哈哈, 我覺得好玩喎其實.. 哈哈!!
probably because i have left a comment in a blogger friend post, that we should duet a chinese opera song on a fine sweet day (of course this is more on joking), another blogger friend saw that and immediately he MSN us to suggest going to karaoke together.. and so we have got very good response and finally we were there tonight, a gang of 6 blogger friends singing like wild in Neway Karaoke..

this is the first time we meet up for a karaoke session, and maybe because of this, everyone seems to be quite reserved and act modestly pre-empting that they cannot sing any well.. but when the microphone was passed to our hands, maybe after a few seconds of pretending, everyone just happily sing and there was when i realised everyone can actually sing pretty well indeed!! of course after some warm-up, all of us get wilder as we sing along, someone even set the rule that only fast beat songs allowed and no more sentimental songs after 9pm, well i personally think that was actually fun.. haha!!


  1. 走雞啦 我冇去 哈哈...

  2. dont really sing K coz i enjoy listening more

  3. so syiok ah (>_<)
    haha, been red box, the garden, on friday night after work with colleagues too =D

    very fun ..

  4. Sk Thamby deh, you sing Tamil together next time hokay. I love to go to Karaoke to listen only but not to sing.

  5. Haha, gotta be humble a bit ma. Cannot simply self declare good singer. Think you can sing very well also hor.

  6. iCroak.

    'nuff said. haha

  7. tagnan:
    係啦, 你簡直就係走雞走到唪唪聲啦~~

    hmmm, i enjoy listening to songs ah, and equally enjoy singing too.. don't you?? hehe :)

    haha, i think you have been more shyok enjoying your time with your colleagues there huh?? so you are a good singer?? :)

    Twilight Zone:
    haha, i know why Arumugam Twilight Borrengeh doesn't like to go karaoke.. because you need an open space so that you can run and hide behind bushes while you sing.. hahaha!! :p

  8. K|E|E|N|Y|E|E:
    haha, no laa, i cannot sing well at all.. you pretended cannot sing but then actually can sing so well.. since you do not know chinese, how come you didn't choose some english songs to sing??

    haha, maybe croaking is just your own perception on how you sing?? who knows you might be just acting humble?? :p

    哈哈, 不就是六個畸(K)歌之王囉~~ :p

  9. Haha, I normally listen to chinese song ma. I have yet started singing english and malay songs le...next time la..

  10. haha, yes, i enjoying to listening their singing...

    i not a good singer lah =P

  11. 昨天我也去唱k!


  12. K|E|E|N|Y|E|E:
    haha, you get quite quiet since the bottom half of the session woh, didn't see you selecting songs to sing at all.. so next time you can sing english and malay songs, sure none from us will share the mic with you, then you can solo and show your talent already.. hehe :)

    hehe, i enjoy listening to people singing too, and will also sing along if i know the songs.. you are just so humble, maybe you just want to set people's expectation low.. haha~~ :p

    哈哈, 沒有問題.. 不過我是屬於斯文型的, 沒有你那麼狂野喎~~ :p

  13. haha, no idea....
    because i am a banana...
    so, only can memorize the lyric of chinese song and usually i know how the chorus part are ....that why some time i just sing during the chorus part only =D

  14. Nkw@i:
    haha, some of my friends are banana too, but they can memorize and sing in solo with confidence the entire song from start to end in the karaoke, really salute them actually..

  15. yeah hahah, i only can sing zuì jìn from sam lee =D
    only that i can memorize whole song =X
    other need to rely on lyric that i convert =D

  16. Nkw@i:
    oh?? have not heard about that song before.. must be a nice song, if not then you wouldn't even bother to memorise right?? kekeke :p
