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01.02.2009 | 海闊天空

當大家正在猜測我噚日一輪「人在做, 天在看」嘅發表之時, 可以話畀大家知, 當時我都係有感而發啫, 事情未去到最壞嘅結局.. 除非真係離譜到冇彎可轉, 好多時我都會選擇息事寧人.. 忍一時風平浪靜, 退一步海闊天空, 以後要相處要嘅日子仲有好長, 我選擇將呢件事忘記, 就當係畀次機會自己又好, 畀次機會對方又好..

發泄之後啖氣消咗, 見整件事情如果無傷大雅, 就當對方真係隱瞞成功囉(不過係我成全), 我都冇眼屎乾淨盲.. 為咗以後維持良好關係, 我可以用我超高EQ看待呢件事, 我係要顧全大局, 我仲有前路要行, 實在不必要因為呢件事而費心.. :)while everyone is still guessing what actually happened to me after reading my "when you are doing, heaven is watching" post yesterday, i can tell everyone that i was just expressing myself, things have not gone to the worst situation.. most of the time, unless things had gone to a dead end, i would rather choose to pacify things and people.. like the chinese say, hold back and you can be calm, step back and you are relief of the burden, you see the clear sky out of it.. there is still a long way to go, i would choose to forget (might not be forgive anyway), make it a chance for myself, or even for the other party..

after expressing myself and cooling down, if things are not that bad, i could actually see that as white lies (but of course, thank me for that), just no point to drill into the issue anymore.. for the sake of future relationship, i can use my highest EQ to treat the story, i am not a petty person, i still have a long bright future, it is just not worth being shattered by this incident, yeah?? :)


  1. Drop it and move on ... :)

  2. 講易做難

  3. at the end of the day is us who decide whether to live our life perfectly horrible... OR horribly perfect...:)
    EQ EQ

  4. Letting go is always the best way but not always the easiest. Good for you.

  5. Good to hear this. I totally agreed with Danny on this. It's all by ourselves.

  6. 傑士:
    哈哈, 朋友你過奬了.. 希望大人有大量也會有大財囉, 呵呵!!

    haha, already dropped and moved lor dude.. thanks!! :)

    鐵兄,現在終於看到小弟的厲害了吧?? 我們都是作大事的人嘛, 大局比較重要~~

  7. Danny:
    hmmm, very true, that's what EQ are for.. i love that perfectly horrible and horribly perfect!! that make me a day really, hehe :p

    hehe, but this time around i have let go it quite easily.. anyway it's just something minor, at least i have convinced myself that this is something minor.. :)

    yes, impressed by what Danny has mentioned above.. hmmm, next time we could consult him on the philosophy of life.. :p

  8. Just a small bump on the road on this long journey of life, I reckon. The resilience in you and how you view life as a whole dictates how you manouevre through this journey and yes, it's true our conscience should be clear at the end of the day regardless. Cheers!

  9. Yes yes, we shall get his consultation next time since he has the most experiences. Hehe, not to say Danny is old la. Hopefully he won't charge us. :)

  10. nase:
    well it could be a big one or it could be a small one, depending on how you actually view it.. anyway, you have got a great point there, i agree it's all about our own conscience and EQ to handle the matter :)

    haha, of course Danny is not old!! he is just experienced and wise, and of course he won't (dare to) charge us on the consultation, right?? :p

  11. sk & keenyee... thankyou you for looking me so up high... me feel like flying in the sky....i just try to do things which are correct, despite the wrong things that i'm doing now...

  12. Ya, sometimes it's better to let go and continue with the life, as long as we can still feel the happiness together..

  13. Danny:
    we always pay respect to those smart people, not only you laa, we are humble and willing to learn from others maa.. then you eat two more bowls of yee sang later laa, hahaha!!!

    you are right, in the end it just depend how we loook at things, what we choose to be.. quote from Danny: perfectly horrible or horribly perfect, hehe :p

  14. 我是小妹妹来的(不要脸到!)
