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11.02.2009 | 溫室效應

窗外現正灰矇矇一片, 出邊而家正在落大雨.. 印象中農曆新年期間係唔會落雨, 而係好乾燥嘅氣候, 烈日高掛同埋間歇性吹大風.. 曾經同某位朋友拍爛胸口話過新年一定唔會落雨, 不過而家好似自打嘴巴, 年卅晚開始到而家元宵都過埋, 都仲係晚晚有雨落..

應該係溫室效應嘅問題啦, 氣候好似遲來兩個月咁.. 本來係雨季嘅年尾, 竟然變成而家主宰天氣.. 咁多兩個月本應係雨季嘅, 咪豈不是日日都風和日麗?? 氣候變得莫測, 全球經濟又大衰退, 就連我國某個州屬都可以一夜之間政治變天, 呢個世界都好似好恐怖咁喎~~it's looking grayish and blurry from the window, and it's raining heavily out there.. if i am not mistaken it is not supposed to rain during the lunar new year period, but instead should be very dry, sunny and strong wind blowing occassionally.. remember having told a friend, very firmly, that i will never be raining during CNY, but now seems that i have to keep the words back, since from the CNY eve till the Chap Goh Meh (the 15th day of the CNY) was over, there has been rain every night instead..

it's global warming effect i supposed, climate is like two months late.. supposed to be rainy season end of last year, but turn out to be the weather now.. in that case two more months later, which is supposed to be rainy, will be dry and sunny instead?? climate become unpredictable, economy become gloomy, and even one of our state government can totally change over one night, don't you think this world is actually getting a bit scary??


  1. not scary, it's a disaster lolx

  2. Malaysia will have 4 seasons weather soon. Trust me it will happen! Start buying your Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter outfits now. Maybe buy ski equipments too! Yennga Porreng Ngeh!

  3. world has changed alot ya

  4. 好像每年的新年都会下雨,尤其是年初二。

  5. vincent:
    err, you are kind of right also, it's not scary but already disastrous!! haha..

    Twilight Zone:
    haha, maybe 50 years later i think.. tropical countries will have 4 seasons, and those with 4 seasons will turn into tropical huh?? so Twilight no need to go switzerland to ski already, can ski in bukit antarabangsa, hahaha!!

    yeah, sometimes changing too fast that we just could not cope with.. :)

    Chin Weng:
    是嗎?? 我印象中過年是不會下雨的喎.. 你甚麼鄉下的?? :p

  6. Chinese believes that raining during CNY will bring more fortune and wealth.. Hope it's true :). However, Singapore is so dry during CNY..

  7. 变天? 咪多得啲贱人许月凤啰..

  8. everything is possible nowadays...
    i just do whatever i can, to save the earth and to make myself happy..World Peace ( sorry, possessed by Ms World again ;p )

  9. 在拯救地球之于,不如也日行一善,拯救败坏的人性吧。。

  10. wat to do? human beings is the one who make our earth from bad become worse...
    jst hope our Ms World (Big Mouth) to save our earth la~

  11. snow will come soon...... hanoi is already having cold wheather liao lo... who knows one day when u wake up outside is snowing... hehehhee...

  12. Vincent:
    hmmm, why is it so much different between MY and SG?? i thot the weather should be the same.. anyway, just like what you said, rain in CNY means prosperity and wealth, haha!! :p

    errmm, 其實我都唔係好清楚啲來龍去脈囉 得閑你講我聽啦.. :p

    save the earth ah?? so you should drive less and eat less yee sang lor.. go for the Mr World laa, i nominate you, hahaha!! :p

    拯救地球還可以喇, 要拯救敗壞的人性就很困難囉, 因為我沒有那種控制別人的能力啊..

    .. and you are one of them too!! hahaha.. so let's see what our Miss World can do to help preserve the earth, at least not exceeding the worst case :p

    haha, i am actually quite looking forward for that.. next time you don't have to go switzerland, but can go skiing in gunung ledang already lor.. hahaha :p

  13. ... hmm climate is so messed up, heavy snow in london in 18 yrs, honestly you can't expect anything now when it comes to the weather, our daffodils are barely surviving :( but well it's a treat for us here in South England to have such a beautiful snow day geh, so just treasure what we have now lor!

  14. 知否~世事常變~~ 變幻原是永恆~~~ (多謝大家 請卑掌聲)

  15. csws:
    haha, true also laa, just treasure what you are having now.. who knows in another 20 years time, UK will change to a tropical climate?? that is interesting huh?? haha.. :p

