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26.04.2007 | 尋找平衡

喺KL Office返工第三日果然係非同凡響, 點解咁講咧? 因為返咗多年嘅工, 真係第一次啲appointment同meeting係排到全日full晒嘅.. 話說今日一早九點鐘開始就開會啦面試啦, 到食晏可以休息一個小時, 然後就繼續開會啊面試啊直到放工時間.. 好唔明白, 點解喺KL竟然會係忙過喺香港架? 今日總共開咗三個會, 面試咗三個人.. 不過可能因為咁, 所以感覺上今日好似眨吓眼就過咗喇, 渾渾噩噩咁都唔知發生咗咩事就快放工喇.. 剩餘一個小時時間哪哪臨做吓自己啲份內嘢, 知道唔會做得晒, 但係暫且求個心安理得, 至少都有做啲嘢啦.. 有時因為工作太忙碌所以會希望唔駛做可以「韌韌腳」, 有時又因為冇乜嘢做所以會覺得好悶想搵多啲嘢嚟做.. 咁其實係自相矛盾多啲, 定係姑且想尋找個平衡點多啲呢?

[後記To我的老細: 請放心, 到今時今日我永遠都係有好多嘢排住隊等住做架, 哈哈!!]


  1. i used to have an experience like that in netherlands :) i had 2 telephone conference, 2 meetings, and then before i realized it it was already the end of the day, and this schedule was like for at least 2-3 weeks as far as i can remember :)

  2. for at least 2-3 weeks?? that is crazy.. haha!! well, then i should say i am lucky that it's only a day.. but this day does happen quite oftenly..
