新年前換咗部新手提電腦, 因為要做partition所以將原先裝好嘅嘢, 狠狠咁一嘢format咗.. 結果乜都冇晒, 全部software同driver都要從新裝過.. 搞掂之後發覺少咗個DVD Codec, 結果虛有個DVD-RW但係連舊DVD都睇唔到, 鬼咁激氣.. 於是就好唔憤氣, 上網搵吓有啲咩free software 啦, 結果一路落嚟反反復復咁下載->安裝->唔啱駛->刪除, 至今都成個半月喇.. 今日竟然好出其不意咁畀我喺office度搵到舊CD, 正係我想要架.. 明明係同一個model嘅manufacturer CD set, 但係偏偏我部就係少咗呢一舊.. 是但啦, 求祈畀我搵到一於裝咗先.. 好開心, 終於可以靚靚仔仔咁睇DVD喇部laptop..
好多嘢, 你越係著緊就越係得唔到, 反而有啲嘢你明明已經係死咗條心, 但係偏偏就喺你好無期待望之下, 突然出現眼前.. 都唔知想點??
indeed. i have had a lot of experience like that too. so, nowadays when i lost something, i will just sit down and well, try not to think about it, and sometimes it just suddenly re-appears :D ha ha ha ha say easy lah, but do almost never lah
ReplyDeleteDo you really mean about the DVD driver or something else???? :)
ReplyDeleteThat's life, my friend.
Ooi, when are you arriving?
When are we meeting up?