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23.08.2013 | 農曆七月

[Volume 8 Issue 8, #1775]
唔知大家見到呢張相之後, 會因為個色調而覺得佢恐怖, 定係因為個卡通主角而覺得佢可愛呢?? 點都好, 依家係農曆七月嘛, 我原本就係要佢有個恐怖feel嘅, 所以請大家都覺得佢恐怖啦, 呵呵!! 農曆七月喺華人嘅傳統裡面, 又俗稱為「鬼月」, 相信呢一個月內, 地府鬼門關打開, 孤魂野鬼可以喺人間四處遊蕩.. 細個嘅時候對呢一個月, 尤其係七月十四呢一日, 特別有份畏懼.. 不過大大下就其實覺得冇咩點啦, 都係介於信同唔信之間, 唔好疑神疑鬼就唔會自己嚇自己, 但係一啲禁忌我就覺得唔好忽略囉.. 老實講一句, 就當呢個世界有鬼魂呢回事, 大家生存喺唔同嘅空間, 互不干擾嘅話就肯定可以安然共存.. 無論係人係鬼, 呢個世界呢個空間唔係淨係圍繞你一個而存在, 所以個人認為大家都互相尊重係最重要嘅關鍵.. :)
wonder if you will find this photo spooky because of the color, or cute because of the cartoon character?? anyway, since this is the seventh month of the chinese calendar, i actually wanted it to look spooky, so please think it is spooky, haha!! it is also know as the "hungry ghost month" in the chinese tradition, where it is believed that during this month, the gates of hell are opened and hungry ghosts are free to roam the earth.. when i was a kid, i was kind of scared of this month especially on the 14th day itself.. but when i slowly grow older, i thought that was actually nothing much and i placed myself in between believing and disbelieving.. just refrain from thinking about ghosts all the time and i shall not frighten myself, but i still think that traditional practices and taboos shall not be neglected.. frankly speaking, let's just treat there are ghosts, but we are existing in different dimensions, if we do not disturb each other i guess probably we co-exist naturally.. be it human or ghost, the world or the dimension we are living in does not only run around you alone, hence mutual respect is what i personally think describes the prime importance..


  1. Replies
    1. Good morning HS! You got the first sip!!

    2. Hello Hayley, I was just lucky. :D

    3. wow, HappySurfer is making a major comeback for the first commenter?? :p

  2. Ok, it is spooky first and then cute. And blue.

    1. For small children, best not to venture out to unusual places. Street corners or junctions to be avoided which means, e.g., parents who often take their children out to the playground may want to go home earlier than their usual time. Sometimes it's not a matter of not disturbing 'them' but more of them disturbing the child and the child may end up crying all night, many nights until some divine intervention happens. For non-believers or people who have not experienced these happenings, they may scoff at it but it happens. Nuff said.

      I'm looking forward to a more cheerful, Yang 8th month. I was at Intercontinental Hotel, formerly Nikko Hotel, last night and noticed they already have mooncakes for sale and I noticed one type going for RM25 each! Hmm.. we were able to buy 4 mooncakes for that price once upon a time.

    2. haha, it actually look cute if not in the total darkness.. got it from McD Happy Meal the other day.. RM25 for a mooncake??!! wow, that's unbelievable!! it's getting more and more expensive, and the profit margin is so high.. yet, people still buy because it's a must for the mid-autumn festival.. sigh~~

      oh yeah, i guess rather choose to follow what the elderly advised, i am sure they did not just warn out of nothing at all but definitely the experience taught them so..

    3. Yea ghost festival month not advisable to bring kids go playground evening. Some times they "touched" kid and they fall sick.

      Very good..this year very early have mooncakes. I started makan mooncakes early this month liao lol

    4. i think every year mooncakes are being sold like two months before the mid-autumn festival right?? hahaha, but i have not had any mooncake yet, not specifically craving for it actually :p

  3. Replies
    1. oh uncle sayang, don't scared don't scared~~

  4. Good morning, SK and all!
    Oh, that's not scary enough!
    Those days, I love ghost stories. Not the chinese style but the western ones.

    1. true, we need to heed the elderly's advice. Respect and don't talk nonsense about this month. Just live like any other months.

    2. My mum always refrained us from visiting places during this month when we were younger. She said it's best to stay back so that we don't disturb those spirits wandering away in some places.

    3. One of my Korean friend who slept in the next room at the boarding school in US was awakened by a female ghost standing by his bed. She started talking to him but he was frozen in fear like a piece of dead wood staring at her. After a while the ghost shook her head and left him because he could not understand English.

    4. oh, i actually prefer the chinese ghost stories more than the western ones, maybe because i grown up in an environment that exposed me more to the chinese tradition and culture.. but you are very true, it's better to heed the elderly's advices, they won't simply say something if not out of their experiences.. :)

      hahaha, at first TM's story sounded eerie but ended up in a very hilarious situation.. the ghost gave up because your friend could not understand English!! :D

  5. Replies
    1. For me, i just live like any other month...

    2. yeah, last time i was scared but now i just live like any other days :)

  6. Pray each morning and night.. pray for protection against all harm and danger..

    1. i do pray every morning before i leave home.. just a habit lah.. :)

  7. I terkejut lah when I see your smurf!!! >_<

    1. hahahaha!! you memang hilarious lah Merryn :D

  8. Good morning everyone and morning SK too.

    1. That smurf still ok lar. It doesn't look spooky at all. Maybe I look it during the day. At night I'm not sure lar...If got also terkejut abit. hehehe

    2. Dun worry it almost coming to an end. Looking forward for Moonckae Festival. I wanted to get Minions lantern this time.

    3. When we were younger last time, my parents also advice us not to go other places and less going out at night. yeap it is better to stay indoor the house.

    4. During this month, I dun dare to watch spooky movies too. I hate it totally. Scary. But I seldom wtahc this kind of movie too.

    5. SK, this post suppose to schedule yesterday or a day before right? But last two days you post about ice cream and doraemon - Wanna have a reason and try to forget about the scary things is it? Hehehe....

    6. hahaha, just pretend that this photo is scary for the sake of the 7th lunar month wokay?? hehehehe.. i am not worry lah, it's actually just another month for me.. used to be a little afraid when i was young lah.. haha, no special reasons to post this on any day lah, just running out of topic and this came to my mind, so just blog lor, still 7th lunar month mah right??

      oh, mid-autumn coming soon.. already see mooncakes and lanterns being sold.. minions lantern ah?? don't think i've seen any, but the oppa gangnam PSY got lah, can dance and sing somemore~~ :D

    7. I say Psy's lantern doing the horse dance.



    8. yes, the dancing and singing PSY lantern.. i saw it in AEON Big in MV, you might want to find it out during your lunch later, haha!! :D

  9. Wooooo hoooooo! What a scary post! I would never dare to blog this kind of topic this month cos it might invite spooky readers to come. They are also curious to hear what humans are talking about them. They will spread the news to their comrades to read too.

    1. I cannot wait for the Mooncake Festivals to come too and eat my favourites. I am not taking chances this month although the myths of gates being opened may not be................!!!!

    2. Morning TM, last time people will only sell mooncakes after the 7th month - for good reasons. But now no more. They sell it earlier to earn more.

    3. TM oh really was thinking to blog about the ghost movies now scared already..

    4. Anay,
      Please share any nutty mooncakes that you don't want to eat with me.

      I only had two mooncakes so far and both are lotus paste. huhuhu

    5. Mak Glam you forgot that only you and i love to eat the nuts!!!

    6. Tumpang here, SK - wanna say thank you to TM for his postcard from Thailand. So thoughtful of him to always remember me. Thank you, TM! :D

    7. hey Anay TM, i was actually expecting this post to instigate you to tell us some ghost stories.. you have not done that for a very very long time!! kind of miss those ghost stories post you did dei..

      oh, now everyone is looking forward to the mid-autumn festival huh?? hahaha, but i think i've slowly feel nothing about it already now, just another day for me.. and i don't really look forward to eating mooncake also.. and mind you, mooncakes are getting more and more expensive, really not worth buying anymore.. we all must learn to make our own mooncake!!!

    8. Anay is in contemplative mood la...

      No scary stories or even mushroom posts lately la.

    9. Ah boy, that is why your blog so special. When you blog about one topic then the readers and commenters can sparks off other topic.

      Like now your blog aabout ghost festival. Then come out mooncakes festival topic. But mooncakes festival topic is much happier la.

      After all people say "yat tao moh kong yan, yeh man moe kong gwai" ( day time don't talk about people night tine don't talk about ghost). Best avoid topic.

    10. yalah, we miss Anay's stories so much but i think he is not going to write those anymore, how disappointing~~

      hahaha!! not because of me i guess, the credit goes to the readers really for their very imaginative minds!! one topic can sparks off three different topics, and yet very related also, that's the fun of having interactive comments right?? eih, this post was published early in the morning lah, so considered okay?? haha~~

  10. Pixz is real cute not spooky at all hehe

    1. it's the 7th lunar month lah, just think it's spooky wokay?? hahahaha~~

  11. Ello ello SK ah boy and everyone!

    Friday already! Time really flies right??

    1. After the previous minions attack, now it's Smurfs pula! But I foresee Smurfs won't be so popular like minions la!
      But no doubt Smurfs also are very cute. I actually hear people commented than Smurfs II is better than Despicable Me II wo!

    2. When I first look at the photo, I thought it's cute and nice!! Blue is my favorite color, so I won't think of spooky! But if you insisted it looks spooky, then ok lo, it does looks spooky at some points! *blek*

    3. Yea, I used to scare of lunar July when I was younger. And ever since I got Aden, I became more worry, you know last year this time I din't bring Aden out at night for the whole month cause he was still very young back then (about 2 months plus only). Me very kiasi, 我担心他会被‘好兄弟’犯到!

    4. But like you said, as I grow older, I realize there's nothing much to be scared of, as long as we din't do anything wrong on purpose, 所谓平时不做亏心事,半夜敲门也不惊嘛~
      Anyway, now if I bring Aden out at night, I'll make sure he has his 平安符 on~

    5. But do you really believe in the existence of ghosts? To me, half half la! I believe there's a 'boundary' one, again, as long as we don't 'interfere' them, they also won't interfere us.

    6. the Smurfs are really not popular at all, no need to queue up for them like the Minions, can get them anytime anywhere even for the old ones, i see the McD has lots of stock there.. i just get two this time 意思意思 only~~ :D

      actually i also half half lah, all these supernatural things are kind of difficult to judge and explain.. so rather be neutral lah, if it's advices from the elderly, i guess it's good to heed, because they won't just simply say but definitely out of their own experiences.. actually just 平常心 lor, like you say, it's mutual respect.. we don't interfere with them and they won't interfere with us, just co-exist in harmony.. :)

  12. No leh? So cute that one!!!

    1. I thought chit guek pua, they've all gone home already....will have to wait till next year 7th Month before coming out again?

    2. STP its the whole 7th lunar month

    3. hahaha, just see it as spooky to match the month lah!! nope, it's the whole 7th lunar month, not just that one or two days..

  13. OK! OK! It's spooky!


    Had any spooky encounters yet?

    Panda Foong seems to be relishing in all things haunted and haunting lately. ;)

    1. hahaha, yeah, good girl you think it's spooky!! errr, i didn't really had any, thank god and i don't need any also!! yeah, this Panda Foong, surely relishing the 7th month of the chinese calendar.. every year he will have one post about being haunted~~ :D

  14. Hi SK, do you collect postcards? I will like to send you a Singapore postcard as a gift, kindly leave your mailing address in my email lilian_fu2002@yahoo.com and I will mail it to you. Hope you will like the postcard and do not mind it is just a small gift, cheers, Libby.

  15. I believe in the existence of ghosts as it is one of the 三恶道,those wtih阴阳眼 will be able to see them.

    1. yeah, whether we believe it or not, i still think we should respect each other and heed to the advices from the elderly :)

  16. well here in our place august is just one of the
    common month coz we scare each other during novemebr or late october for halloween

    1. hahaha, and we actually called Halloween as the foreigner's month of ghost!! the chinese have this in the 7th month of the lunar calendar~~ :p

  17. but there are some people like blue
    who believes on superstitions during this month

    1. oh really?? where did he heard about all this thing?? from his chinese friends?? :)

  18. they said that we have to minimize the noise
    postpone any construction project coz such
    noise can disturb ghost

    1. yeah, in chinese tradition, activities are avoided during this month.. it's believed to be a not so good month..

  19. I personally haven't seen any paranormal
    stuffs ever, but i can't help but to believe
    in such myth

    1. well, it's actually something very mythical.. we feel like seeing (because of curiosity) and yet afraid to see.. haha!!

  20. have a great and god blessed day sk
    take the best of care and enjoy blogging

    1. same to you Melvin.. have a great day and may god bless you :)

  21. cute ghost smurf you having there~ =D

    1. haha, that is not ghost smurf lah.. just a smurf with blue light that i shot in the dark~~ :D

  22. But I found it's very cute ooo!!! Hahaha!!! =]

    1. Is like people putting it at their backyard as garden decorations!!! =]

    2. ghost month mah, so pretend that it's spooky okay?? haha, it's actually a McD toy i got recently lah~~ :D

    3. Mcd got Smurf??? I thought only the minions!!! Still have the promotion now?

  23. I wasn't that scared for this month since last time, but still will try to go back earlier!!! =]

    1. 正所谓,天地有正气,不好疑神疑鬼就ok啦!!! =]

    2. very true, i think as we grow older we are not really that afraid of this month lah.. yet, it's still wise to be careful and heed to the advices from the elderly.. 不要自己嚇自己就好 :)

    3. 平时不做亏心事,半夜敲门也不怕!!! =]

  24. Good morning sk and everyone. Today out of jungle can blog hop a bit.

    Ya lor ghost festival month. So many people dropping dead and falling sick leh...duno la..it seems each year ghost festival many will ahem ahem...and also just before Chinese New year. Chinese say cannot " lam kor lin" ( cross over new year)

    Ghost this thing I think if you don't kacau it , they won't kacau u la.

    Haiz....ghost month kaldip also want to move house. Dunno la. Maybe coZ of that so many nasty stuffs crop up? Burst pipe la. This la yhat la. But then again could be said it's due to contractor sloppy work. Rushing to move in. Never check properly and contractor mong cha cha simply pasang the piping...

    1. yeah, it's rather mythical and sometimes we may not be able to explain these supernatural things huh?? just like the recent tragedy in Genting Highlands.. aiyah, just don't think yang bukan-bukan about the house lah, just treat that you have not officially moved in lah, next Thursday will be 8th lunar month already, only then baru you do some little "ceremony" to signal your official move in lah.. good idea also hor?? like that you avoided the hungry ghost month lor, the chinese tradition can be flexible also one, hehe~~

  25. Funny... when I was small , I always fall sick during the ghost festival month. But touch wood I never saw ghost before.

    Suddenly will fever punya and always night time. Not day time.

    1. maybe just coincidence lah, cos that month the weather sure hot mah.. i also fell sick yesterday, guess in in out out air-cond places and hot weather outside, plus dunno what i have eaten that caused the minor food poisoning.. eih BTW i thought Christians tarak believe all these things one?? hehe :p

  26. 呢個月的確好邪,另到我都做錯嘢。

    1. 見你最近都好似心事重重咁, 冇事吖嘛?? 七月就快過喇, 希望你雨過天晴啦 :)

  27. I always feel uneasy in this month, I will reduce to go out at night. I will chant more amitoufo. By the way, I will beware of my words too, I am trying to say anything bad this month.

    One thing I always believe, this month of Chinese lunar seven is the month of higest death rate.

    1. Still have a few days to go, we can bring kids to park and play lanterns, how nice right? I love mooncakes too, but not those with nuts like what Anay and lina like. I like lotus paste with yolk only.

    2. yeah, sometimes it's not the matter of whether we believe or not, but it's always good to be cautious and heed to the advices from the elderly right?? their experiences sure are priceless.. haha, everyone is so looking forward to the mid-autumn festival huh?? great, and are you baking your own mooncakes??
