[Volume 8 Issue 6, #1745] |
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月頭嘅時候, 我寫過小學時期成績, 就有讀者挑戰我俾中學成績佢睇.. 換著以前, 成績冊係私隱, 當然唔可以俾任何人睇啦.. 不過都畢咗業N年啦, 與大家分享下又何妨?? 就當係「兒時記趣」, 俾大家睇下咩叫做小時了了, 大未必佳啦, 哈哈!! 中學成績冊係回憶一部份, 我都仲收得好好㗎.. 雖然成績冇小學時期咁標青, 而且仲每況愈下, 不過都叫做從來未肥老過(合格分數為60).. 最差都係音樂科嘅63分, 我記得好似係考唱歌, 呵呵!! 喺一個高學業水平嘅學校, 算係難能可貴呀.. 當年嘅分數, 除咗考試, 平時嘅功課同測驗都佔若干百分比㗎, 所以無時無刻都要保持努力!! 中學時期嘅總分數有一套好繁複嘅計算方法, 而且遲到/病假/事假都會由呢個總分數按節數直接扣分, 總分不達60就要留級一年㗎喇!! 幸好我每年都高調過關, 如果唔係就肯定係校內老學生啦~~ 其實大專同大學成績我都仲有, 邊個想睇?? 哈哈 :D |
early this month i blogged about my primary school results and a blogger challenged me to show my high school results.. given back then, results were treated with strict confidence and no one could ever see each other's results if not given the permission.. well, it's a gazillion years since i graduated from high school, no harm to share my results now really, it's indeed just sharing some good childhood memories i'll rather say, that is why i still keep the record book perfectly.. though not as outstanding as my primary school results and yet showing signs of getting worse, at least i did not fail any subject (passing mark was 60).. the worst i realized was 63 for music, i remember it was rated on singing skills, hehe!! in such a school with high academic standards, i would say that was rather good!! the marks besides the exams, took accounts of homework and tests as well, hence we really had to work hard all the time back then.. calculation of the final score was also based on a complex method, also any late to school or leave would caused marks deducted directly from the final score based on the number of periods, failing to achieve 60 and students were detained to repeat the same year again!! lucky was that i completed each year successfully and promoted to the next, else i would have been one of the old students in school~~ BTW, i still keep my college and university results, anyone interested?? haha :D |
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27.06.2013 | 大未必佳
26.06.2013 | 特大優惠
[Volume 8 Issue 6, #1744] |
我喜歡逛超級市場, 因為見到有咁多食物包圍住你係一件好開心嘅事, 哈哈.. 而去親超市我就好少會空手而歸嘅, 因為通常都「唔覺意」至少會買啲零食咁囉, 啊, 罪過罪過!! 某日等緊朋友嘅時候, 見有時間就去超市行一圈, 結果敗咗三包零食返去.. 睇返張收據, 先發覺原來包crispy nugget有成一仙咁多嘅優惠, 最後圍起嚟又咪係返回原價?? 真係慷慨囉咁嘅優惠!! 上面個卅一仙優惠我都算啦, 至少都有送個精美儲藏盒, 但係呢一個一仙優惠, 的確係好無聊.. 大家都應該知道我嘅師奶仔性格, 分分鐘係因為要贈品又或者因為平啲(係平啲但係都未算平)而買某樣嘢㗎啦.. 各位係唔係都同樣有呢一種態度呢?? 哈哈!! :D |
i love going to supermarkets as it's such a happy thing to see food all around you, haha.. whenever i go to a supermarket, it's rare that i will leave empty handed, as anyhow i will still "accidentally" buy at least some snacks, ah, my ugly sin!! the other day while waiting for a friend, there was still time and hence i went lingering in the supermarket in the mall, in the end bought home three packets of snacks.. checked the receipt and only to find out the crispy nugget on promotion was given a huge ONE-SEN discount.. after the rounding, it still went back to the original price, how generous!! the one above with 31-sen discount, i was fine with it since it came with a free container, but this 1-sen discount was really a nonsense.. everyone should have known that my auntie attitude has always got my buying things for the freebies or because they are cheaper (cheaper but still not cheap).. do you also have the same attitude?? hahaha!! :D |
25.06.2013 | 印度神遊
[Volume 8 Issue 6, #1743] |
印度神遊 @ 2006 | Incredible India Trip @ 2006 點擊以下按鈕瀏覽照片 | Click buttons below to browse photos | | « » 已看過最尾照片, 再由首張照片繼續瀏覽.. last photo viewed, browsing from first photo again.. 點擊圖片觀賞全套相片 | Click image to view full set of photos |
記得2006年公司送我去某個training, 當時有香港同印度兩個地方選擇, 最後我選擇咗去印度.. 因為我知道印度呢個地方, 冇咩事都唔會特別諗到要去㗎喇, 既然機會就在眼前, 何不順水推舟呢?? training結束後, 我自己只身逗留多三日, 請咗一個當地司機兼導遊, 喺印度金三角(阿格拉-齋爾浦-德里)神遊一番..
it was 2006 when my company sent me to a training, i was given those choice between HK and India, i chose India in the end.. because i know i may not likely go to India purposely and since the chance was given right away to me, why not then?? after the training, i extended my stay there for another three days, hired a personal driver cum local guide to bring me around the Indian Golden Triangle (Agra-Jaipur-Delhi)..
24.06.2013 | 無水日子
[Volume 8 Issue 6, #1742] |
上個星期又再一次制水, 仲係一連六十個小時咁耐!! 算啦, 我都冇力氣再去埋怨喇, 反正個水泵整咗九千幾次都仲係未整好, 下一次再制水都會係俾同樣一個理由.. 反而呢一次制水成三日, 就親身見證到原來左鄰右里都相處得好和睦喎.. 派水車嚟嘅時候大家自動排隊, 絕對冇爭先恐後, 而且每人自動自覺每次最多取兩桶水.. 排隊等取水嘅時候, 除咗互相幫忙托水, 大家仲閒話家常.. 呢三日內, 大家沖涼都要就住嚟沖, 連去個廁所都要三思, 一桶水可以多個用途, 實在係無所不節省其極!! 所以話, 我哋平時睇落係彼此冷漠相待互不相干, 但係一有咩事發生, 就往往可以好團結好和睦咁相處.. 這就是我們馬來西亞人的態度喇~~ :) |
we experienced yet another water disruption last week, for as long as 60 continuous hours!! sigh, but i am already sick of making a fuss out of it, afterall the water pump has been repaired for 9000-over times and still repairing, if there is another water disruption, likely they will give the same reason again.. instead within that three days of water disruption, i realized people in the neighborhood can actually be quite harmonious.. when the water truck arrived, everyone lined up automatically and there was no fighting for water, besides everyone deliberately limited themselves to take two buckets of water.. while waiting for turns, people didn't mind helping each other to carry the buckets, and of course people started to chat.. within those three days, taking shower has to be brief, even when there's an urge to tinkle or poop we think if that's necessary, and one pail of water can be used for many purposes, so long as to save water anything could be done!! hence i say, we may seem to be only minding our own businesses, but when some things happened, many times the people would easily unite and stay together harmoniously.. ah, that's the malaysian attitude i guess?? :) |
21.06.2013 | 青蔥外游
[Volume 8 Issue 6, #1741] |
青蔥歲月外游篇 | High School Memories @ Trips 點擊以下按鈕瀏覽照片 | Click buttons below to browse photos | | « » 已看過最尾照片, 再由首張照片繼續瀏覽.. last photo viewed, browsing from first photo again.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 點擊圖片觀賞全套相片 | Click image to view full set of photos |
中學時期雖然話課業繁重考試頻密, 但係每逢學校假期, 我哋一班合得來嘅同學, 通常都會搞下外游.. 我記得最喪嘅嗰一兩年, 我哋係每個學校假期都必定去雲頂高原住個三日兩夜, 而且每次都係浩浩蕩蕩十數人!! 哈哈, 其實雲頂高原有咩咁好玩呢?? 相當年又唔入得賭場, 不過此情此景, 確實非常之令人難忘呀.. 當然, 當年都仲係學生, 就梗係限制於區域性旅遊啦.. 雖然比唔起有父母帶出國旅行嘅朋友(尤其今時今日嘅小朋友就更加幸福啦), 但係我覺得一班同學仔齊齊旅行, 確實係更加開心囉.. 所以各位父母呀, 當你啲子女請願賣甩你都要同朋友出街, 其實只不過係成長中嘅一個階段啫.. 跡象顯示子女大個喇, 係時候放手俾佢哋更多自由, 係唔值得閉翳嘅其實.. :) |
though studies was heavy and exams were frequent during high school days, whenever it came to school holidays, a gang of the closer schoolmates would usually organize group outings.. i still remember the craziest thing we have done, was to go to Genting Highlands for a 3D2N stay during each school holidays, and everytime it would be a group of close to 20!! haha, i now wonder what's actually so great about the place, since we were not allowed in the casino those days.. anyway, still that was something i cherish a lot until today.. of course we were still students back then, and really were limited to travel within the region.. though less lucky that those who followed their parents to travel overseas (especially kids nowadays are even more lucky), i think it was actually more fun to be able to travel with mates in a group.. therefore parents, when your kids would rather ditch you and hang out with their mates, it's really just part of their growing-up routines.. this shows that your kids had already grown up, and it's time to let go them for more freedom, there's nothing really needs to be sighed about.. :) |
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20.06.2013 | 生日禮物
[Volume 8 Issue 6, #1740] |
生日禮物 | BIRTHDAY PRESENTS 點擊以下按鈕瀏覽照片 | Click buttons below to browse photos | | « » 已看過最尾照片, 再由首張照片繼續瀏覽.. last photo viewed, browsing from first photo again.. ![]() 點擊圖片觀賞全套相片 | Click image to view full set of photos |
今年生日與朋友聚餐飯局睇戲, 同時都有朋友透過facebook及whatsapp留言祝賀, 特別借呢個機會再次多謝大家嘅祝賀.. 今年可算係非常幸福, 本以為「年事已高」就唔會點收到禮物啦, 誰不知竟然陸續收到多份驚喜!! 雖然話心意最重要, 禮物都係其次, 但係能夠實實在在有份生日禮物喺你手上, 個感覺係更加窩心.. 以上生日禮物確實令我既開心又感動, 當然我係依慣例不便公開送禮者係邊位啦, 不過內心係非常之感謝同珍惜嘅!! 多謝晒各位親愛嘅朋友, 令我再有多個愉快難忘嘅生日~~ :) |
the birthday this year i gathered with friends for food and movie, and at the same time received greetings from friends through faceboook and whatsapp, i would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone again for the birthday greetings.. i regard myself to be very blessed this year, while i did not expect presents due to my old age, there came surprises one after another!! though we often say the heart is more important than the presents, to have a real birthday present on our hands somehow makes us feel more warmth in heart.. all the presents above surely make me happy and moved me, as usual i am not going to reveal who are the givers but deep in my heart i truly appreciate everything given!! thank you so much my beloved friends for making yet another birthday so unforgettable~~ :) |
19.06.2013 | 生日飯局
[Volume 8 Issue 6, #1739] |
生日飯局 | BIRTHDAY DINNER 點擊以下按鈕瀏覽照片 | Click buttons below to browse photos | | « » 已看過最尾照片, 再由首張照片繼續瀏覽.. last photo viewed, browsing from first photo again.. ![]() 點擊圖片觀賞全套相片 | Click image to view full set of photos |
自從舊年經歷過某朋友購買嘅groupon所引起嘅不愉快事件之後, 我對於裡面所謂令人咋舌嘅大優惠都存在住重重疑慮.. 直至多日前無意中見到呢一個意大利品嘗式任食晚餐, 我分析後認為, 折扣算係合理, 再者酒店餐廳點都唔會差到邊啩.. 而且我好喜歡佢哋呢個品嘗式(degustation)嘅概念, 所以就孤註一擲, 一於買佢作為我嘅生日飯局!! 阿彌陀佛, 結果食物同服務都真係好唔錯, 冇令到我失望連連, 甚至偶有驚喜添.. 慶幸呀, 我呢個處女團購未算失敗之作, 最重要係生日飯局繼續開心, 哈哈!! 至於品嘗式任食晚餐係咩一回事呢?? 嗯, 雖然我食得出唔係正宗意大利餐, 但係十道好精緻好的骰嘅菜一個跟住一個上桌, 感覺有啲似係食緊西式懷石料理, 哈哈!! 都好啦, 至少今年嘅生日飯局有啲唔同~~ :) ■ [後註] 為照片質素抱歉, 因為以手機拍攝, 而且餐廳環境昏暗.. |
after since the bad experience we had with a groupon one friend bought last year, i was rather skeptical about all the unbelievable attractive offers.. until i saw this Italian Degustation A La Carte Buffet Dinner the other day, i kind of analyzed and thought to myself, justifiable discounts and hotel restaurant won't be too bad right?? and i quite like their idea of having the main dishes in degustation buffet style.. hence, i placed a bet and bought it for my birthday dinner.. thank god, food wise and service wise, it turned out to be quite good and didn't disappoint me at all, instead surprises at times.. glad, my virgin groupon purchase wasn't a failure, most importantly the bet didn't spoil my birthday, haha!! so, degustation a la carte buffet, how was it like?? errr, though not authentically italian i tasted, but having 10 delicate-looking bite-size courses served one at a time, it somehow felt like some down-to-earth haute cuisine, haha!! well, at least something different this year~~ :) ■ [note] apologize for the photo quality, as they were taken using my phone and the restaurant was quite dim.. |
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