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25.02.2013 | 新年利是
22.02.2013 | 酸溜溜的
21.02.2013 | 孰真孰假
20.02.2013 | 圖片大小
19.02.2013 | 精明消費
18.02.2013 | 如斯田地
15.02.2013 | 標誌游戲
[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1670] | ||||||||||||||||||||
又係星期五喇!! 唔理你已經返工定繼續放緊假, 今日呢個post都要係輕輕鬆鬆㗎喇, 新年期間, 唔好顧慮咁多啦, 啱唔啱先?? 就同大家玩個認標誌游戲啦, 有冇留意到全部標誌都係紅色呢?? 新年期間更係要紅彤彤, 取其喜氣洋洋如意吉祥之意嘛, 哈哈.. 玩法非常簡單, 於標誌下空格填上你嘅答案, 然後按標誌檢查, 綠色表示正確, 紅色表示錯誤.. 如果需要提示, 請將鼠標置於標誌上.. 慢慢玩喇!! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||
it's friday again!! no matter you have already gone back to work or still enjoying your CNY holidays, this post is gonna be a light one, it's CNY, so we don't wanna create worries right?? we shall have this logo quiz today, have you noticed all logos comes in red?? well, the chinese believes that red is auspicious and so i used this color theme, hehe.. just a very simple game, type your answer in the box under each logo, then click on the logo to verify your answer, green for a correct answer and red for a wrong answer.. if you need hints, just roll your mouse pointer over the logo itself.. have fun!! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||
13.02.2013 | 老虎馬騮
10.02.2013 | 恭喜發財
[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1668] |
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今日係癸巳年大年初一, 喺度同大家拜個年先.. 祝大家萬事如意, 心想事成, 身體健康, 恭喜發大財!! 喺度為大家送上經典新年歌一首, 按上面懷舊圖片個play就可以啟播喇, 慢慢欣賞啦.. :) 恭喜恭喜 恭喜發大財!! |
it's the very first day of CNY 2013, so let me wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year with lots of health and wealth!! at the same time i'll like to dedicate a classic CNY song to everyone, just click the "play" button in the retro photo above to listen to the audio clip, enjoy.. :) gong-xi gong-xi!! |
07.02.2013 | 更衣文化
06.02.2013 | 超市促銷
[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1666] |
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噚日提到超市試食, 不知好笑定好嬲, 今日延續個勢, 講下超市入面啲促銷員啦.. 本人曾經親眼目睹, 亦都曾經領教過, 在此同大家分享一下.. 第一, 遠遠見到啲三寸不爛之舌嘅hard-sell促銷員, 我兜路都要迴避佢哋, 因為我買嘢喜歡有自己嘅空間.. 第二, 手上已經拎住打算買嘅嘢, hard-sell促銷員可以行埋嚟同你講「先生, 你手上呢個品牌唔係咁好喎.. 我呢個就肯定好十倍, 不如買呢個啦~~」.. 一聽佢咁講, 就肯定佢係賣花贊花香啦, 我真係唔嚟呢一套喎.. 更何況我通常都好知道我自己要乜, 如果你個品牌係好嘢嘅話, 正所謂*有麝自然香*, 根本都輪唔到需要喺超市做hard-sell促銷啦, 係唔係先?? |
i blogged about food sampling in supermarkets yesterday, something that can trap you between laughs and angers, i thought why not to talk about those promoters?? i have personally seen and even encountered hard-sell promoters in supermarkets before (i think quite inevitable for everyone), so i'd like to share this here today.. first, if i see such hard-sell promoters from far, i will definitely avoid them even if i need to route to another aisle, because i really require my personal space when i go shopping.. second, even if i am already holding my items, they could just approach and tell you "sir, i think this brand you are going to buy isn't that good.. this one i'm having is much better, you should buy this one instead~~".. of course i know what's the story behind that talk, but sorry that will never mess my decision.. because i always know what i wanted to buy, and if your brand is that good i guess you don't even need to hard-sell in a supermarket right?? *good wine needs no bush*, agree?? |
05.02.2013 | 超市試食
04.02.2013 | 一月金榜
[Volume 8 Issue 2, #1664] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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成個月都冇見到留言週榜, 大家會唔會以為我今年可能唔再搞個博客大賞呢?? 當然唔會啦, 呢個博客大賞咁好玩, 梗係要繼續啦!! 之不過呢一年因為減產, 唔會日日都有新post, 因此週榜就好似變得冇咩意義.. 所以就決定每個月一個金榜已經足夠喇, 唔好搞到個氣氛咁緊張嘛, 呵呵~~ 多謝咁多位讀者呢一個月來嘅支持, 恭喜晒所有榜上留名嘅朋友!! 你們是最好的!!! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
there has been no weekly chart for the past month, and have you wondered if the blogger awards is still going on?? definitely it will, it is such an interesting activity and of course we must not let it stop right?? however because i will not have posts everyday this year, hence the weekly charts do not seem appropriate.. as a result, i have decided that have only one chart every month, also this kind of reduce the competition tension huh?? hehe~~ thank you so much to every reader for the support over the past month and most importantly, congratulations to all who has made it to the january chart!! you are all the best!! :) |
01.02.2013 | 二月來臨
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