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30.05.2012 | 又再十年
[Volume 7 Issue 5, #1430] |
我仲記得我人生中第一次睇嘅演唱會, 係十年前誤打誤撞之下,喺香港紅磡體育館睇嘅《林憶蓮2002演唱會》.. 十年後嘅今日, 我喺馬來西亞第一次俾錢買飛睇演唱會(當然都有睇過其他演唱會, 不過啲飛都係唔駛錢嘅), 咁啱又係同一個歌手嘅《林憶蓮演唱會MMXII》.. 上星期六演唱會首賣會, 我仲晨早去排隊撲飛, 生平第一次做咁嘅事, 都有點緊張, 哈哈!! 嚟緊嘅7月28日, 熱切期待同其他粉絲一齊玩樂於呢個我哋心目中嘅一個音樂盛事!! :) |
i still remember the very first time in my life watching a concert was 10 years ago, under no intention plan, "Sandy Lam Concert 2002" at HK Coliseum.. 10 years later today, this is my very first time buying tickets for a concert in Malaysia (of course i've watched a few other concerts, just that i got free tickets), and it is coincidently for the same artist with her "Sandy Lam Concert MMXII".. went to queue up for the tickets last saturday on the sales premiere, that was my very first time doing so and i was actually a little nervous, haha!! coming 28th July, looking forward to enjoy this big musical event together with other fans of hers!! :) |
29.05.2012 | 我愛西瓜
28.05.2012 | 純屬意外
27.05.2012 | 私家重地
[Volume 7 Issue 5, #1427] |
我呢個住宅區嘅泊車位係一個嚴重嘅問題.. 除咗區內嘅居民, 由外面嚟搭LRT嘅乘客更加令到泊車位短缺.. 所以如果見到馬路上[註]有好多物品擺住喺度霸位嘅情景係見怪不怪㗎, 好似個位係佢個私家重地咁!! 我其實非常不憤呢啲行為囉, 如果係你屋企門前或範圍內我冇說話好講, 不過條馬路係公用地方, 你有咩特權咁樣做法先??!! 好明顯, 啲物品係附近幾個自私屋住㗎囉.. 真係『馬來西亞樣樣得』囉, 無言!! [註: 真係馬路上㗎, 因為泊車位短缺, 所以大家都係沿路泊車㗎..] |
the availability of car park is really an issue in my neighbourhood.. besides residents of the neighbourhood, the LRT passengers are also fighting for space to park their cars.. as such, it is so common that you see people placing all kinds of objects on the road [NB] to "reserve" their private parking space!! i totally condemn such act, i'm fine if you do this in front of your house or within your own compound, but this road is public and you just have no rights to do so!! and obviously those objects belong to the selfish owners of the nearby houses.. really Malaysia Boleh, speechless!! [NB: yes, it's not a proper parking bay but due to the lack of parking all just park along the road..] |
26.05.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 5, #1426] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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又係星期六喇, 呢個星期嘅留言幫繼續有驚喜喎.. 除咗全新面孔嘅冠軍得主, 仲有大躍進飛入十大嘅朋友, 為留言榜注入新鮮空氣, 呵呵!! 過去一個星期見到「戰況」激烈, 尤其五強讀者都志在必得, 將每篇貼嘅留言數目推至過百!! 其實見到咁多留言我有點壓力同腳軟, 我點樣一一回覆呢?? 哈哈, 不過能夠得到大家鼎力支持, 確實係非常感激嘅~~ 恭喜晒榜上留名嘅讀者, 祝大家週末愉快!! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
it's saturday again and the chart this week continues to give surprises.. besides the brand new weekly #1, we also have new faces soaring into top 10, pumping the chart with a breeze of fresh air, haha!! the past week sees quite an intense competition, especially among the top 5 who were so determined to protest their ranking, pushing the total number of comments for each post beyond 100!! well, i feel pressured and soft-legged seeing so many comments, how am i able to reply to each of them?? haha, anyway i am so grateful to have all your dedicated support, it's something to appreciate~~ congratulations to all who have made it to the chart, and have a great weekend everyone!! :) |
25.05.2012 | 互動一貼
[Volume 7 Issue 5, #1425] | |
話咁快又星期五喇, 我知大家肯定set晒週末心情, 冇心機做嘢啦係嘛?? 咁就俾你兩樣嘢做, 等你老闆以為你鬼咁唔得閑, 就瞞天過海等收工, 哈哈!!
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so fast it's friday again, i know you're already set to weekend mode and don't have the mood to work.. so let me give you two tasks here, so that your boss will think you are super busy, hence you can happily wait for the weekend to come, haha!! so come play a super simple game here..
24.05.2012 | 我是米奇
23.05.2012 | 口味會變
[Volume 7 Issue 5, #1423] |
如果你將呢碟青BB嘅菜俾廿年前嘅我食, 我寧願挨餓都唔掂佢一嘢.. 依家雖然唔係話非常喜歡食蔬菜(因為我始終係個食肉獸), 但係都不至於絕情拒絕嘅.. 人哋話年紀大咗, 口味都會跟住改變, 以前唔食嘅依家會食, 以前食嘅依家可能唔食.. 最好嘅一個例子就係苦瓜喇, 你開始覺得苦瓜唔苦嘅時候, 就係你已經長大嘅時候.. 相信各位都應該係啃得落苦苦嘅苦瓜而面不改容嘅「老人家」啦, 哈哈!! :p |
if you give this plate of greens to me 20 years ago, i'd rather choose to starve myself than to eat it.. of course now it's different, not that i like vegetables so much (because i'm still a carnivore anyway) at least i don't just reject eating.. people say as you grow your taste changes, you now eat what you didn't like to eat, you now don't eat what you liked to eat.. one good example is bittergourd, the moment you found bittergourd is actually not at all bitter, was the moment you have grown up.. and i believe everyone here is some "old f*rt" who can still smile happily while eating the bitter bittergourd right?? hahaha!! :p |
22.05.2012 | 小巫大巫
21.05.2012 | 重逢馬騮
20.05.2012 | 一疊膠咭
19.05.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 5, #1419] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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呢個星期嘅留言榜都可謂係空前, 第一次冇人停留上週位置, 全部都有昇降, 哈哈!! 連續六個星期之後, 榜首位置終於都換人喇, 而且有人跌出榜外, 有人由榜外回歸榜內, 都叫做幾有趣.. 唔知下星期又會有咩驚人變動呢?? 熱切期待, 大家仍要繼續努力, 呵呵!! 祝大家有個愉快週末~~ :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
i guess the chart for this week is rather unprecedented, for this is the first time no one stays at the same position, everyone either rise or fall, haha!! after six consecutive weeks, the leader finally changes to someone not the de facto person, furthermore some dropped out of the chart and some came back into the chart, now i can call this interesting.. wonder if we'll continue to see surprise changes next week?? looking forward to that and let's work harder to spam more, haha!! wishing everyone a happy weekend~~ :) |
18.05.2012 | 開心樂園
[Volume 7 Issue 5, #1418] | |
我覺得我應該係卅十幾歲人都仍然同小朋友爭買麥當當玩具嘅其中1%顧客嘅其中一個, 哈哈!! 不過有時候啲玩具真係好正, 好難抗拒嘅.. 今日星期五, 我知道你一定係週末心情喇, 冇心機做嘢就玩下一個好簡單嘅游戲啦.. 估下以上四個玩具人物係乜水?? 按細圖可揭曉, 再按大圖返回.. 祝大家週五愉快!! :) | |
i think i should be one of the 1% customers that are still fighting for the McD toys with kids at an age of 30 something, haha!! but there are times that those toys are so nice that i cannot resist to buy.. it's friday and i know you're already in the weekend mode, no mood to work so come play a super simple game here.. guess who are the four characters above?? click on the thumbnail to reveal, click again on the larger photo to return.. have a happy friday peeps!! :) |
17.05.2012 | 遲晒大到
[Volume 7 Issue 5, #1417] |
收到呢封稅務局嘅信, 我有點不知所措.. 退款已經於一個月前靜雞雞入咗我個銀行戶口啦, 唔明點解通知信會係回水之後發出, 仲要遲成個月咁耐.. 係稅務局過份有效率, 導致郵政局應付唔嚟?? 其實經歷多次郵政局嘅所謂服務之後, 有理由相信呢一個假設, 哈哈!! 點都好, 始終都係回水緊要啲, 封信睇完揦手就可以擗咗啦.. :p |
when i received this letter from the inland revenue board, i was a little helpless.. the overpaid tax has already been refunded and secretly banked in to my account in april, i wonder why the notification comes after the refund and is one month late.. perhaps the IRB is too efficient for POS Malaysia to cope with?? actually from my experience with POS's services, i am convinced to buy-in this assumption, haha!! anyway, still the refund is more important than the notification, i just dumped the letter so worrilessly after reading it.. :p |
16.05.2012 | 今非昔比
15.05.2012 | 就地兜炒
14.05.2012 | 昂山素姬
13.05.2012 | 香腸火腿
12.05.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 5, #1412] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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我啲貼其實都係前一晚預先寫好嘅, 不過逢星期六因為要揭曉每週金榜, 所以唔可以預先寫起喇.. 一定要星期六早上等齊全部人留晒言之後, 先可以統計作金榜.. 本來週末可以瞓晏啲, 不過為咗呢個每週金榜, 冇法子啦, 呵呵!! 呢個星期變動唔大, 當然又係循例恭喜榜上提名嘅讀者啦, 最後祝天下間所有媽媽--母親節快樂!! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
i write my post a day earlier and schedule them to publish each morning, but comes saturday because of the weekly chart, i cannot write a scheduled post.. have to wait till everyone comes leave their comment by saturday morning before i can do the statistics for the chart.. could have slept more on a saturday but for the weekly chart i couldn't have done so, haha!! anyway there isn't much changes to the chart this week, congratulations to all those who made it to top 10 (like i always do), and to all mommies out there - a happy mother's day!! :) |
11.05.2012 | 大小問題
[Volume 7 Issue 5, #1411] |
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噚日寫咗長短問題, 有讀者建議我寫大小問題, 就寫大小問題啦今日!! 其實我要講嘅係上載圖片嘅大小.. 雖然我啲貼通常都係得一張圖, 不過我一定會先處理過, 將相片整細(至100KB左右).. 如果將啲相原原本本貼上去(通常有2MB咁大), 一定要用更多時間load, 更何況如果貼上多張相, loading時間就相對增加.. 我諗大家都唔希望你嘅讀者要等成分鐘先成功load完你個blog㗎?? 我就係用呢個免費軟件嚟處理我啲相㗎喇, 有好多功能, 非常之好用~~ :) |
wrote about length yesterday and someone suggested me to write about size, so why not "goreng" size today then?? i actually want to talk about the size of photos posted on blogs.. though my posts usually have only one photo, i always do some editing beforehand to reduce the size (to around 100KB).. if i were to upload the raw photo (normally as big as 2MB), it will definitely take longer time to load, what's more with multiple photos in a post?? i believe we do not want readers to wait for minutes to get our blog successfully loaded right?? i use this freeware to edit my photos, lots of features and i find it rather useful~~ :) |
10.05.2012 | 長短問題
09.05.2012 | 認字識字
08.05.2012 | 㩒邊個掣
07.05.2012 | 復仇聯盟
[Volume 7 Issue 5, #1407] |
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近期城中熱門電影非呢齣《復仇者聯盟》莫屬喇, 噚日帶著期待已久嘅心情入場.. 係期望過高, 定還是部電影太大野心呢?? 就係覺得太多英雄齊集一片, 戲份要平均分配, 顯得力不從心.. 開始廿分鐘有點沉悶, 之後雖然連連大場面, 但過於一般荷里活模式, 睇唔到高潮.. 就好似盤菜咁, 雖然係山珍海味大雜燴, 撈埋一起全部同一個味道, 抹殺個別特有風味.. 總括嚟講, 都值得買飛入場嘅.. :) |
i think the hottest movie recently must be "The Avengers", watched it after a long wait yesterday.. maybe i had higher expectation, or the movie itself is too ambitious?? gathering a handful of superheroes in a single film, to balance each superhero's time within the 2h15m frame seems challenging to the director.. the starting 20min was dull, though following with continuous action-packed scenes later, they are rather modular hollywood plots but can't see a climax.. just like eating poon choy, albeit all delicacies, when mixed together all taste the same and lose their original distinctive flavors.. anyway, it's still worth to buy tickets for this movie.. :) |
06.05.2012 | 電話衣裝
05.05.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 5, #1405] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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眨下眼已經五月天喇, 時間真係過得快到令人感覺驚懼.. 兩日前公佈四月份成績, 呢個星期嘅排行榜變動唔大, 不過開心見到有新面孔殺入十大(咦, 咁押韻嘅?? 呵呵!!).. 可能仲係月頭所以有人尚未發功, 以致得分基本上都偏低?? 恭喜各位金榜題名嘅讀者, 希望大家有個愉快嘅週末, 衛塞節快樂.. 其實我最討厭假期落在星期六~~~ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
it's a little too scary how quickly time has slipped away and it's now may day.. after announcing april's chart two days ago, the chart for this week basically has little changes, but happy to see new faces march in to the top 10.. maybe it's still the beginning of month so perhaps there are somebody who have not started spamming, hence generally the lower points scoring?? congratulations to all who made it to top 10, wishing everyone a happy weekend and a happy wesak day.. i actually hate holidays to fall on saturdays~~ |
04.05.2012 | 錢在何處
[Volume 7 Issue 5, #1404] |
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同大家分享一篇喺面卜讀到嘅一篇笑話.. 在最近的國會中, 一位部長在他的演詞中說了這麼一個故事: 有一位父親給了他三個兒子各RM100, 並叫他們買樣東西來填滿整個房間.. 老大於是用RM100買了一堆乾草但還是填不滿整個房間.. 老二則用RM100買了一堆棉花, 結果還是填不滿整個房間.. 老三卻用了RM1買了一根蠟燭, 然後點燃了, 燭光一下便充滿了整個房間.. 這位部長很驕傲的說:"我們的首相就好像老三那樣, 自從他上任以來, 我們的國家充滿光明般的繁榮景象!".. 忽然間, 後座傳來一把聲音:"那剩下的RM99去了哪裡? 現在全國人民都在問同一個問題!!!" 係唔係一針見血, 妙筆生輝呀?? 睇完得到咩啟示?? 官場阿諛奉承互相包庇, 人民奉上血汗錢卻付諸流水?? 表面上係笑話一則, 實則上係萬民之苦也~~[載自面卜用戶Ryan Teoh Kok Poh] |
sharing a joke i read from facebook.. In the parliament recently, an MP during his speech told a story: "There was a father who gave RM100 each to his 3 sons and asked them to buy something to fill up their house completely.. first son bought hay for RM100 but couldn't fill the house entirely.. second son bought cotton for RM100 but couldn't fill the house entirely.. third son bought a candle for RM1, lit it up and the house was filled bright light completely".. the proud MP added, "Our prime minister is like the third son, from the day he took charge, our country is filled with the bright light of prosperity".. suddenly a voice from the backbench asked, "Where is the remaining RM99?? the whole nation is asking this same question now!!" don't you find this witty and so well-written?? what implications can you sense after reading?? flattery and bribery amongst the government officials, the people contribute hard earn money yet has no idea where their money has gone?? it does sounds like a joke but truly it's the pain of every rakyat..[shared via facebook user Ryan Teoh Kok Poh] |
03.05.2012 | 四月金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 5, #1403] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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四月份留言金榜終於都誕生喇, 大家都努力咗成個月, 有見呢個月個個都位置上昇(除咗有兩位難兄難弟齊齊跌落第六位, 呵呵~~).. 係個好現象, 果然係可喜可賀, 恭喜晒所有榜上有名嘅朋友!! 最近好似又開始有啲靈感乾竭嘅現象, 冇乜頭緒要寫啲咩好.. 我哋一起努力吧啦, 我努力每日一貼, 大家都努力為我多多留言打氣!! 哈哈~~ :) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
the comments chart for april is finally out, after a whole month of religiously commenting, we are able to see everyone climbs up the ranking ladder (except for two brothers who dropped to #6 together, hehe~~).. this is a good thing to see everyone trying to move up in the chart, congratulations to all who has made it!! but i seem to have mind block recently, not knowing what topic to blog about.. anyway, let's work hard together, i'll be working towards my daily posting goal, and you will be working hard to more comments spamming!! haha~~ :) |
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