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11.03.2009 | 圖文並茂

我開始呢個blog嘅時候, 完全係純文字出擊, 完全唔打算貼上任何圖片.. 就咁寫咗好耐開始覺得有點枯燥, 所以開始間中貼上啲珍貴照片.. 直到去年七月開始, 因為雙語出擊嘅原因, 圖片已經變做一個必需品, 因為係用圖片嚟間開中英文兩部份.. 直到最近幾日, 學人玩cutesy, 將自己啲玩具影低跟住落手落腳加鹽加醋.. 我懷疑自己有玩上癮嘅趨勢, 所以先有最近幾篇稍為色彩繽紛, 睇落冇咁悶嘅blog, 哈哈!!

when i started off with this blog, it's a 100% word blog, i have never planned to post any photos onto my posts.. and so i survived through with this style and finally found it boring, and hence occassionally i just put some rare photos to some of the posts.. till last july when i started to write in two languages, the photos became very essential as they serves as a divider for the two language parts.. and the recent few days, i have another style of doing things, which is somehow (pretend to be) cute, took photos of my toys and did some artwork touch-up.. suspectedly addicted to this, you find a more colorful and flambuoyant blog i have, most probably less boring huh, haha!!
actually i gotta admit the photos really spice up the posts, especially when your photos can also tell the stories, just curious why i didn't do so earlier?? anyway hope it's not too late now.. so is everyone getting excited to see more photos here?? hehe~~

其實我覺得圖片確實係增加不少閱讀樂趣囉, 尤其圖文並茂, 點解當初我唔咁樣做呢?? 有心唔怕遲, 而家算係仲嚟得切啩.. 各位朋友鐘唔鐘意我加多啲片啊?? 哈哈~~


  1. SK Thamby - Some bloggers like Fable & Anton may call me a Grandma but I damn lazy to write so much. I rather put photos and if we add Tamil, it will be dancing lively! Yengga Poreng Ngeh?

  2. Picture says a thousand words ma. If you put a photo, you can save thousand words de. In fact, it's actually an art to make a photo looks more attractive.

  3. Twilight Zone:
    haha, i think you write as much as you posted your photos.. because you are elaborating on each photo you posted, isn't that true?? yeah, maybe one day, i might decide to write in Tamil too, make it a triple language blog, hahaha :D

    haha.. maybe one day my blog will be only showing photos without any word?? hmmm, that should be very interesting i can imagine.. :)

  4. 你很鬼cutesy, 重用广东话写。我钟意。

  5. 單身漢:
    都係扮cutesy啫, 哈哈!! 廣東話係我一向來嘅style, 多多指教喇~~ :p
