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07.03.2009 | 一個週六

噚日向大家介紹我公司檯面幾隻玩具之後, 屋企啲竟然醋意大發話我偏心喎!! 好啦好啦, 我一向都一視同仁, 今日就讓屋企啲朋友仔向大家彙報我今日做過啲乜啦..
after introducing some of my toys on my office desk, those in my house felt so envious and scolded me for being so bias!! ok ok, i am always a fair person, so i'll just let these little friends in my house to tell everyone about what i did today then..

成個星期冇去gym之後, 今日嘅workout真係有點難度..
我諗我頭先應該就係咁嘅一副尊容, 失禮晒啊真係~~
went to gym after being lazy for a week, found it a bit tough to catch up, guess this is how i look like when lifting the weights.. UUURRRGGGHHH, just very softly and not what you are thinking ok??
gym完之後同友人JY去晚餐, 但係碟碟餸嘅份量都比我哋想像中龐大好多..
兩人作人生最大努力啃晒全部餸, 結果返到屋企仍然覺得就嚟飽死咁滯囉~~
went dinner with friend JY after gym, but the dishes came in more gigantic portions than we expected.. tried our best of the best to finish all dishes, and ended up feeling so bloated throughout the whole night~~

呢兩日嘅貼都用咗截然不同嘅呈現方式, 比較生動鬼馬, 唔知大家覺得點樣呢??
have been using a totally different presentation style for the blogs these couple of days, trying to be more catchy and mischievous, wonder what you think about them??


  1. 1st doll look like HELL.. scary~ haha...
    workout only jer, no need 爆晒筋 ge wo... hehe...

  2. Funny and cute! Haha! : )

  3. haha..... eh, you also put lots of big pictures like Twilight Zone? Not bad not bad

  4. 大佬,我发觉到一样嘢,就系你有好鬼死多公仔囉。唔通你屋企系买公仔嘅? 又或者你抢隔离屋陈师奶个细女啲公仔嚟玩?

  5. 很可爱。。那么多公仔。。难道你每晚都拥抱他们入睡?哈哈。。很难想象。

  6. i drop contact lens!!!
    tak sangka u got so many 'tiling-talang' stuff...
    but good that u still have some innocence in you..not like me......old water...

  7. Dude, you are always so humourous ... blek! I like the way you describe your workout ... how about 100 push up :p

  8. Fable Frog:
    hahaha, these are the only photos i can show to fight with your WOW WOW WOW photos lor.. haha :p

    haha, exactly the monster from hell.. long time never go workout already laa, sure will 爆筋上演 one maa.. hahahaha :p

    haha, weekend maa, gotta be relaxed a bit lor.. hehe :)

    those are big pictures laa, but then nothing about fengshui and spooky things maa.. don't forget arumugam and thamby came from the same village woh, hahaha!! :p

  9. Chris:
    好多咩?? 邊有啫?? 嚟嚟去去咪又係嗰幾隻?? 一隻手都數得完啦, 哈哈!! 其實唔好誤會, 全部都係買嘢送嘅贈品嚟架..

    沒有喇, 全部都是小小件的鎖匙圈之類的東西, 怎樣抱住睡覺?? 對了, 你去disney worlds沒有收穫咩??

    dropped until shattered glasses everywhere tim laa, hahaha!! no laa, all these are little gifts that come together with things i bought.. hehehe!! i found them cute, then just keep them along lor.. at least can pretend to be naive a bit maa.. haha!! :p

    haha, i don't have the push-up toys leh, this is the only one i could found.. actually i can imagine you with that expression also lor, and shouting uuurrrggghhh uuurrrggghhh everytime in the gym, just like those hardcore bodybuilder leh~~

  10. 我想知道你去哪一个 gym 啊?是不是 Fitness First 啊?

  11. glad u r into gym again..when will we see the results?

  12. walau yeh....you really got a lot of toys! till can make a short story @_@

  13. haahaha~ having fun reading your blog. btw, thanks for drop by =)
    since my blog a little bit bore XD

    p/s:i like the way you design those photo, I tried to do that but failed. ahahah~

  14. 原来是IT line的朋友!失敬!我虽然也是IT主管,但是因为半路出家,功力不深厚,有机会要交流,多多指教哦!

  15. wow,cute!!!多羡慕你那么感性。。。

  16. Wow, so many toys you have. All those photos look nice and funny though. Good try my friend.

  17. Mannpriedo d'Saintner:
    好耐以前係FF, 不過而家過檔CF喇喎.. 咩事啊?? 你見過我咩??

    huh, results?? hmmm, results ah?? errrr, results woh.. :p

    no laa, just a few pieces only mah.. hahaha!! those are all free gifts from the things i bought.. :)

    haha, glad that you enjoy your stay here huh?? hmmm, i just used MS Word to add in stuffs into the photos, it's not difficult, you can just try that out.. :)

  18. 左手:
    哈哈, 我也不是甚麼厲害的IT人囉, 只是出來騙一餐吃而已.. :)

    感性?? 從哪一方面你覺得我很感性呢?? 真摸不着頭腦.. :p

    hehe, not a lot also laa, how can i compare to the toy shop?? hehe.. yeah, i actually like those photos, it just makes people feel happy huh?? :)

  19. Oh I was away thamby, so late comments. Hmmm, I see that you found new kreatif blogging that make animals talk. So original ideas and I salute Thamby deh. They are really ticklish and make Arumugam happi wor. Do you own every single toys?

  20. 感性的人才把这些公仔这样弄吧!还有对白。

  21. Twilight Zone:
    Arumugam went to International Hill?? hehe.. just a little idea that flash across my mind when i saw them, as long as Arumugam is happy then Thamby is also happy!! no need to salute me, Thamby is supposed to respect Arumugam instead, hahaha :p

    哈哈, 把它們弄成這樣叫感性?? 我覺得叫搞笑比較貼切吧?? 哈哈~~ :)

  22. 没有見過你。CF 是 California Fitness 吗?是在 Midvalley 的,是不是?

  23. Mannpriedo d'Saintner:
    是的, Midvalley, Sunway Pyramid, Menara Stand Chard都有, 不過MSC明天過後就要搬去Lot 10了..
