經濟不景咁嘅時勢, 各商家當然係要現金唔要囤貨啦, 所以最近四週圍都係大減價.. 為咗刺激銷量同買撼低同行, 跳樓價拋售不特止, 往往都仲有啲咩「憑是日累積收據超過XXX大元就有機會參加送房車送洋樓送獎金幸運大抽獎」嘅游戲..
嘩嘩嘩, 獎品咁豐厚喎, 係唔係突然間覺得人生又再次充滿希望, 喪咗咁買完又買為, 咗就係爭咁份合格參賽表格啊?? 其實有冇懷疑過呢啲都可能係marketing gimmicks啊?? 商家話有大抽獎嚟激勵你洗多啲錢啫, 但係有冇聽聞過佢哋公佈得獎者啊??
我覺得哩, 極有可能層樓係屬於CEO個三姨太嘅, 部車係四姨太個茨菇錠嘅21歲生日禮物囉.. 幾時輪到我哋咁幸運中獎吖??
due to the very upset economy downturn, merchants would prefer cash flow rather than good stock, and hence you see big sales everywhere you go.. to encourage more sales and be competitive, besides huge price slashes, most of the time there will be some kind of "enter our lucky draw with purchase of RMXXX in the same day to win luxury car, bungalow and cash" contest..
wow wow wow, and you thought life is again full of hope when you see the prizes right?? and you become very optimistic again to spend more in order to get an entry form for the lucky draw right?? but wait a second, have you ever wonder all these being just marketing gimmicks from the merchant?? you are told to spend more to win prizes, but have you really heard of them announcing the winners so far??
hmmm, i would rather think this way, the bungalow might most probably belongs to the CEO's third mistress, the car might most probably be the 21st birthday present for the only son of the CEO's fourth mistress.. we are just not so lucky to be able to win FREE prizes really..
SK Thamby - you so free to dream such gimmicks? My agency just launched a Bonanza for my client and the Grand Prize is solid hard cash RM200K. It is not Arumugam's money hokay. Thamby means small bradder, so you still growing up. Call me Anay - big bradder.
ReplyDeleteits always good to dream~ i want tat car too!!! then i can sell it and get some cash...i'm totally dry now
ReplyDeleteGive me Banglow also useless lor, I have no $$ to spend also. Maybe I need to sell my underwear soon. Hehe.
ReplyDeletenever thought of winning those...我是抽獎絕緣體。
ReplyDeleteerrrr... interesting!!! Just wondered how to win the solid hard cash of RM200K that Twillight mentioned... :)
ReplyDeleteHave to start dreaming now... my dream will come true one day! One day! hehehe :p
hej! [SK]...me too wonder who are so lucky to win those so called lucky draw...;-)
ReplyDeletesome contests are real though
Twilight Zone:
ReplyDeleteoh RM200K is very interesting woh, so how can i participate that?? and are you one of the judge for that contest?? Anay Twilight Borengge must help Thamby in such bad economy times leh~~ :p
hehe, maybe you just dream about being rich is enough lor, and then wake up to go back to work again, hahaha!! :D
That My Goal:
我不會刻意去買囉.. 如果碰巧的話也不介意參加, 平常心喇, 反正我都是沒有中獎命的 :)
if you were given that bungalow, then you can sell it for cash laa, why keep it?? want that bungalow to store all your underwear meh?? hahaha, i caught you again!! :p
ReplyDelete唉, 看來我們同是天涯淪落人, 相逢何必曾相識?? 也許不必知道我是誰, 無謂令你令你令你令你令你令你令你令你令你再度灑淚兒~~
very easy, just wait for Twilight everday outside his office, bug him and haunt him about the prize every now and then, and i'm sure you can at least get the 2nd prize laa, good enough?? hahaha..
we never know, because the winners are never announced.. and most probably like what i said, the prizes are just for display while they actually have their respective owners already :p
當然也不是一支竹打沉整條船啦.. 是有真的, 當然也是有假的~~ :)
with a prize like that i wouldnt dare to dream
ReplyDeletehaha ~
ReplyDeletehaha, very true also.. i never have any luck in all these huge prizes, if i ever have any luck most probably it's not worth more than RM200 and most probably only once in 10 years, haha!!
為甚麼不敢擁有呢?? 不要緊, 如果你中獎了, 就讓我幫你擁有啦, 麻煩都交給我好了!! 哈哈~~