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28.07.2007 | 小時了了...

今日下晝喺某個商場見到一個人, 個樣有九成似一位小學老師, 但係始終都未能夠肯定係佢, 所以都係冇上前去問候.. 話晒小六畢業過後都已經再冇見返呢個班主任喇, 都十幾年前嘅事啦, 計返準啲應該係有十八年咁耐喇.. 嘩, 好恐怖啊呢個數字, 都真係唔諗返起都唔覺有咁耐..

雖然係相隔十八年, 但係我覺得個老師應該都會記得我嘅.. 因為想當年嘅我, 學業運動操行樣樣掂, 的確又係風頭穩健, 個名噠落地下都唪唪聲啦, 真係無人不知架.. 當時校內各大小文武比賽實有我得獎個份, 拎返嚟啲獎都擺滿成個櫃喇.. 最巴閉係連續兩年蟬聯最佳運動員同埋年度模範生添.. 諗返起以前啲威水歷, 的確令自己津津樂道, that has always been such a good memory for myself.. 依家再諗返起, 只能夠誠實講句「小時了了」是為最貼切不過, 哈哈..


  1. Is that 'Precious Diamond Wong'?? hahahahah ... and of course... if that's her, am sure she could recognise you and would definitely ask about me too ... hehe!

  2. yaa, it was her the "Precious Diamond Ong", but not exactly sure it was her though as i just saw her from some distance ma.. she was shopping with her daughter and giving opinions while her daughter was fitting the clothes on..

    yeah you are right, and you know we were 天下無雙 that time ga la.. hahaha!!

  3. DAMN YOU LAH :D dont say you are not good now man... :)
    still smart, young and full of future! :D

  4. don't damn me laa.. i'm just being honest to tell the truth.. that is nothing wrong, hahaha!!
