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22.07.2007 | 長命雨..

今朝瞓醒已經係十一點幾, 再喺張床度懶吓又瞓吓, 結果再張開眼嘅時候, 已經係下晝點幾鐘喇.. 嘩, 不得了, 竟然可以喪瞓到咁樣地步, 真係破晒呢幾年來嘅記錄.. 其實覺得瞓到咁晏, 成朝時間都嘥晒有啲惋惜, 但係另一方面有確實係瞓得好鬼享受噃, 哈哈.. 瞓醒後諗住出街啦, 於是梳洗完畢, 換好衫, 點知開始落雨咁掃興.. 冇所謂啦, 等雨停先出啦.. 於是等啊等, 兩點三點, 等等吓覺得悶悶哋又唔知做咩好, 睇電視又覺得累累哋, 所以又上房懶喺張床度, 就咁又再次呼呼入睡喇.. 其實係諗住邊瞓邊等雨停嘅, 但係最終七點喇場雨都仍然落緊.. 最後都係算啦, 都係乖乖哋留返喺屋企啦, 雖然成日醞喺屋企真係好悶, 但係就當乜都唔做好好咁休息一輪啦, 大大話話今日都瞓咗十幾個小時, 好勁啊.. 場雨其實到家陣都仲未聽, 長命雨一場, 喺度估吓聽日報章頭條新聞會唔會又係上個月咁水浸市中心咧?? 哈哈..


  1. well, here is different loh. very very hot like hell, and suddenly flash storm like 5 minutes and then hot hot again... sian ah this type of weather also

  2. no joke there is always news after heavy rain.. i read the paper just now, the rain caused a big hole by the roadside somewhere in the city center (4.5m wide, 1.5m deep), that's really unbelievable how the hole is "created", hahaha!!
