[Volume 10 Issue 4, #2017] |
Finally, My "Belated" Overnight Oat.. |
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我諗呢個隔夜燕麥粥(overnight oat)應該都好舊年, 依家唔再算係咩潮流嘢咗喇啩?? 其實我聽聞之時就已經很想一試, 奈何公司未有雪櫃.. 我之所以唔喺屋企整, 係因為我喺公司嘅時間仲多過喺屋企, 而且每朝都瞓到最後一分鐘先去返工, 所以係不宜喺屋企食呀, 哈哈!! 查實我以前早餐都有食開muesli parfait㗎, 不過因為muesli同乳酪越賣越貴, 搞到後尾我淪落到食麥皮.. 當初我聽聞隔夜燕麥時, 見佢同我食開嘅muesli parfait相似.. 依家自己落手做, 係噃, 食落係差不多嘅感覺噃!! 只係食muesli parfait, 一公斤muesli要RM30, 一杯130克乳酪要RM2.. 而呢個隔夜燕麥, 一公斤有機燕麥只要RM12, 一支700毫升乳酪飲係RM5.. 當然係後者經濟得多啦, 而且加入啲果仁仲好味.. 好喇各位, 上面係本人首次登場做嘅隔夜燕麥粥, 雜莓乳酪底配提子乾/杏仁/葵花籽/核桃同青蘋菓.. 小貼示係一份一份用果醬樽準備, 賣相佳之余食都比較方便!! 問我要recipe?? 唔好玩啦, 又唔係烹飪.. 其實係簡單到冇朋友, 我都做到, 世上就冇人做唔到啦!! 將同等份量嘅燕麥(注意不可用快熟麥皮)同任何你喜愛嘅嘢飲放入容器內, 密封放入雪櫃過一晩, 食用時配上生果/乾果/果仁, 美味原是這麼簡單!! :) |
okay, i think overnight oat is something so last year and no more the "in" thing now huh?? well, i have heard about this and wanted to try it out but not until we finally have a fridge in the office.. i didn't do this at home because i spend more time in the office, and i always sleep till the very last minute to get to work, so it's not advisable to make that at home, haha!! i have actually been eating muesli parfait for breakfast all the while, but i quit due to the ever inflating price of muesli and yoghurt, i resorted to just instant oats.. so, when i heard about this overnight oat, i find it looks like what i used to have.. and yes, it really tastes like it when i really get my hands on it!! just that the muesli parfait cost me RM30 for 1kg of muesli and RM2 for a cup of 130ml yoghurt, the overnight oat cost me only RM12 for 1kg of organic oats and RM5 for a bottle of 700ml yoghurt drink.. the latter is of course more economical, i can also add in fruits and nuts to make it taste good.. so, the above is my very first overnight oat in mix-berry yoghurt, served with raisins, sunflower seeds, almonds, walnut and green apple.. a smart idea is to make individual portions in jam jars like this, convenient and to look presentable too!! recipe?? haha, you must be kidding!! this isn't any cooking folks.. anyway, it's unbelievably easy, if i can make it, then none in this earth couldn't!! place equal amount of regular oats (not instant) and any drink you like into a container, cover and leave them overnight in the fridge.. for better taste, serve it with fruits and nuts, bon appetit!! :) |
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2015.04.30 | 隔夜燕麥
2015.04.27 | 留言的事
[Volume 10 Issue 4, #2016] |
On Blogging and Commenting... |
首先要向大家致歉, 因為最近都冇回覆大家嘅留言.. 我其實係優先確保定期有新貼同埋去大家嘅博留言, 最後先至考慮回覆留言.. 最近都只有在週末預寫下個星期嘅貼, 跟住趁返工放工搭車時用手機在各位嘅博度留言.. 不過我可以向大家保證, 我係有去睇大家嘅留言㗎.. |
first of all, i apologize for not replying to your comments lately, but i have to prioritize updating my blog with new posts and dropping comments in your blogs before replying to comments at mine.. now i can only pre-write my posts for the coming week on weekends, and spam comments on my phone while traveling between work and home.. anyway, no worries because i assure you that your comments are all read.. |
MOMENTS OF TRUTH!! 大家仲記唔記得留言計分其中一個因素係必須與題材相關?? 好喇, 以下為我自己寫嘅程式介面, 可以分貼將所有未睇嘅留言由我個博中讀取.. 不過, 要斷定一個留言是否相關, 梗係需要人手操作啦.. 所以就解釋到我其實係一定要去細讀每一個留言!! MOMENTS OF TRUTH!!! remember one of the factors of your commenting score - relevance to the topic?? now, this is the screen i wrote myself to retrieve all unread comments by posts from my blog.. of course a little manual work has to be done to determine the relevance of your comments lah, hence this explains that i actually must read every single comments out there!! ![]() |
當然, 之後嘅數據計算, 位置排名, 統計上載, 金榜呈現全部都係自動化嘅.. 以下為第二個介面, 我可以好輕鬆咁㩒三兩個button就做晒全部嘢, 之後大家就可以即刻於專屬網頁睇到最新留言榜喇!! of course moving forward from this, all things like the computation of statistics, chart ranking, uploading to database and presentation display are automated.. this is the next screen that does everything for me, i just easily click a few buttons and then everyone can see the updated chart from the webpage right away!! ![]() |
就係咁喇, 依家公開俾大家知道喇, 你嘅留言入榜前係如何被處理.. 所以話金榜只會係「近乎即時」, 因為始終都需要少少人手操作.. 順便一提, 本人將於28/4至5/5出遊(又公又私), 新貼照舊出街, 不過留言榜更新會有延遲.. 不過咁樣都好嘅, 大家喺唔知道最新走勢情況之下, 應該更加「緊張」嘅, 即係回到以前嘅基本模式.. 哇哈哈哈!! :D |
so, this is the actual process *revealed* how your comments are processed for the chart.. that is why it is only "almost real-time" as there is still manual work required.. BTW i'll be traveling (for business and personal) from 28/4 till 5/5, new posts as usual but do expect delays in the monthly comment chart.. good also, probably create some "kancheong-ness" in you for not instantly knowing your ranking until the chart is finalized, that is back to the basic model we used to have, muahahaha!! :D |
2015.04.23 | 內在之美
2015.04.20 | 馬拉松式
2015.04.16 | 日行萬步
[Volume 10 Issue 4, #2013] |
Stay Healthy - Walk 10,000 Steps A Day |
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曾經在某處讀過話步行係一種良好運動.. 我哋人人每日都一定會行路啦, 不過要行幾多先稱得上係「有運動過」呢?? 佢話係每日行一萬步..呢個數字睇落有啲大, 而且邊鬼個會咁得閒去計腳步?? 我從來懶理, 直至發現部手機入面有個叫做「Health」嘅apps, 紀錄每日行過幾步路.. 我唔清楚呢個「步行計」點樣操作, 不過既然「生果牌」洗咗幾百萬同幾年時間研發, 到依家公開俾用戶使用, 我應該信賴佢嘅準確性嘅, 哈哈!! 於是, 我最近對於自己行過幾步路都頗為著緊, 會時時刻刻開個apps睇下, 盡量做到每日一萬步.. 我當然知道, 如果我可以好似她或者他或者她咁樣跑法, 我都唔駛擔心啦.. 個問題係在於自己身體太笨重(想像下遮里喺度跑緊, dun下dun下咁係何其辛苦!!), 而且腳踝會發痛喎!! 所以我只好選擇走路, 可喜的是, 其實要行佢幾千步都並非難事, 只係我哋未為意啫.. 而我好開心可以保持平均每日過萬步, 要俾個like自己!! 所以各位朋友呀, 大家開始要每日行多幾步路喇.. 架車泊離門口遠啲, 行路出去打包而唔揸車, 應該唔死得下化?? :p |
i once read somewhere that walking is a good form of exercise.. we all walk everyday no doubt, but how much of walking do you think could classify us as "having exercised"?? it says walk 10,000 steps a day.. this sounds like a big number and who the hell of us counts how many steps we walked in a day?? i never bothered, until i found this apps called "Health" shipped with my phone that logs the number of steps i walked.. i do not know how this "pedometer" works but if that "fruit brand" invested millions and years in the R&D of this thing and finally released it to the users, i better believe its credibility, haha!! so i have been rather excited about the number of steps i walked lately, i check that apps every now and then and try my best to hit the 10,000 mark everyday.. i know,if i run like the archetypical her on the trails or him and her on the treadmill, i won't have to worry a thing.. but the thing is, i am TOO HEAVY to run (imagine a jello running all wobbly, susah lah kan??), and my ankles hurt if i do!! so i resort to walking, thank god, believe it or not?? it's actually not difficult to log thousands of steps a day, we just do not realise that.. and i am happy that i can maintain a daily average of 10,000 steps, bravo to myself!! so everyone, let's all start to walk a little more everyday, park your car a tad further from the entrance or walk out to tapao instead of driving won't die lah.. :p |
2015.04.13 | 吉野花丸
2015.04.09 | 大學初期
[Volume 10 Issue 4, #2011] |
My Growing-up: University Days |
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好呀!! 我知大家睇到上面兩張相時實係啃親, 你叫自己要相信相中人係我, 不過(同依家嘅我比較後)又說服唔到自己?? 冇呃你啦, 相入面真係我嚟㗎, 哇哈哈哈!! 你可能想問我, 無啦啦做乜要拎呢兩張相出嚟嚇人?? 其實我係醒起自己有個成長系列篇, 對上一貼已是18個月前所寫嘅學院日子, 我覺得唔好俾佢停啦, 於是今日就以大學生涯故事為他延續落去.. 至於呢兩張相, 我又有咩故事可以講咁呢??
great!! i know you choked very badly when you saw the photos above, you wanted to believe that was me in the photo yet not convinced (after comparing to the now me)?? seriously, i assured you that person in the photos was me, muahahaha!! why am i showing these horrible photos out of a sudden, you may ask?? i recall my growing-up series of posts, of which the last post was published 18 months ago on my college days.. abandoned for too long, i thought i am going to resume the series today, continuing with stories from my university days.. so, what story can i tell from these two photos?? in point form..
2015.04.06 | 清明時分
2015.04.03 | 猜字游戲
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