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2015.04.03 | 猜字游戲

[Volume 10 Issue 4, #2009]
A Game of Rebuses
對上一次喺度同大家玩游戲, 已是好耐之前嘅事喇.. 我知大家都心痕想玩游戲, 見今日係禮拜五, 好啦, 大家一齊嚟輕鬆下!! 好簡單嘅一個猜字游戲, 每個圖估一個英文單字.. 每個游戲會有一套全新嘅圖片組合, 唔須要輸入答案, 冇分數壓力, 只須在心中猜估, 然後點觸該圖查看答案及其解釋.. 哦, 仲有呀, 唔駛麻煩各位留言喇, 祝大家有個愉快嘅週末啦!! :)
it's been a while since we last had a game on this blog huh?? okay, i know you miss this, and since it's Friday, so let's just have some fun!! a very simple game of rebuses, where you guess one word from each of the pictures below.. each new game gives you a new set of random pictures.. no need to type out the answer and no scores to pressure you, but just guess it in your heart and then click/tap on the picture for the answer and its explanation.. and yeah, no comments to trouble you today too, have a great weekend everyone!! :)
All images taken from the REBUS game apps developed by Jutiful