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2015.04.20 | 馬拉松式

[Volume 10 Issue 4, #2014]
A Day of Marathoning..
Marathon Watching - Movie and Musical Play - Fast & Furious 7, The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, Shooting Stars 喝彩
當大家見到標題「馬拉松」三個字, 係唔係好驚訝?? 不過馬拉松可以係做其他嘢, 唔一定係跑嘅, 都話咗我too heavy to run啦.. 其實我只不過係馬拉松式睇電影同舞台劇咋, 哈哈!!

話說我買咗禮拜六兩場戲嘅戲飛後, 朋友就Whatsapp我話有舞台劇門票, 問我有冇興趣.. 嘩, 唔駛錢又就到時間, 當然即刻應承啦!! 結果, 2:10pm睇咗《Fast & Furious 7》, 散場後去屙咗篤尿, 4:50pm繼續是日第二部戲《The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel》.. 散場後咋咋臨食咗晚餐, 就驅車直去市中心The Temple of Fine Arts, 8:30pm睇舞台劇《喝彩》.. 一日兩部電影加一套舞台劇, 都唔記得以前後生時做過咁瘋狂嘅事, 反而臨老竟然如此喪到冇朋友!! 哈哈~~ xD

如果有興趣知道我的觀後感, 請按以下各別標題..
Fast & Furious 7
去到第七集, 其實劇情都算得上係公式化了, 睇嘅係動作場面.. 而呢一集之所以咁賣座, 相信唔多唔少係衝著已逝世嘅Paul Walker而嚟.. 全場當然冇冷場, 又不至於有驚喜.. 但係最後特別為紀念Paul而拍嘅一幕, 加上首《See You Again》(我其實喜歡Charlie Puth獨唱版本多過Wiz Khalifa raps and features Charlie Puth版本), 確係帶有感動..
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
聽講有上一集, 但係冇印象有睇過.. 會入場睇係因為之前睇過預告, 對於以印度為背景嘅情節同眾多老戲骨嘅參演而感到興趣.. 唔係一般嘅大路商業片, 而係刻畫劇中各主人翁嘅感情為主, 幸好手法唔會令人瞓得著.. :p
由香港著名導演高志森監導, 帶過嚟吉隆坡公演嘅舞台劇.. 以張國榮, 陳百強同鍾保羅為藍本, 描敘三位好朋友嘅成長際遇.. 兩個半小時唱咗張國榮同陳百強40幾首經典歌曲, 雖然主角們唱得係平實無奇, 之不過首首自己年代嘅經典一一湧現, 係聽覺上嘅享受.. 好掛住呢兩顆明星..
were you a little surprised when you saw "marathon" in the title?? but marathon can mean many thing and not just running, i've already said i'm too heavy to run, right?? so the "marathoning" i mean today is actually watching movies and musical play back to back, haha!!

it was after i have bought the tickets for two movies on last saturday, a friend Whatsapp me saying she has got extra tickets for a play and asked if i would be interested to watch.. hey, free tickets and i could make it, so why not?? and hence on saturday, "Fast & Furious 7" at 2:10pm, later after a loo break, "The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" at 4:50pm.. and then after a quick dinner, drove to the Temple of Fine Arts in Brickfields to watch the musical play "Shooting Star" (喝彩) at 8:30pm.. two movies and a musical play back to back in one day, i don't remember i did something so crazy when i was still young, but i am doing it at this "age of uncle" instead, muahahaha~~ xD

click on the titles below if you wish to read my brief review of the movies and play..
Fast & Furious 7
already the 7th installment and i find the storyline is already quite constant, what we watch are the action scenes really.. what probably make this installment a big hit worldwide, could be the departed Paul Walker.. very packed up the entire movie though nothing really surprises, but i would say the ending part made especially for Paul and the song "See You Again" (i actually prefer Charlie Puth's solo version than the one Wiz Khalifa raps and features Charlie Puth singing) got my eyes a little teary..
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
i heard this is the second in the series but i have no idea i have watched the first one before.. what made me bought the ticket was the trailer i watched earlier, seeing the Bollywood background with many good English actors.. it's not a mainstream commercial movie, but rather focus on the relationships between the groups of actors, lucky is that the way it is made didn't not make me fell asleep.. :p
Shooting Stars
a musical play by HK renown director Clifton Ko brought to perform in KL.. based on Leslie Cheung, Danny Chan and Paul Chung, it tells the story of these three close friends, from growing up to stardom and how they faced the challenges of life.. over 40 songs from Leslie and Danny's classics were sung in the 2.5-hour play, though singing from the young actors may be mediocre, the songs of my era heard one after another was indeed making the play an enjoyable one.. i miss both of the fallen stars a lot..


  1. The other two I didn't watch, come back to comment later, but the Fast & Furious 7, seriously...as my flight was on April 2 so I die die also need to persuade my brother and brother in law to watch one April 1, because I know if I didn't watch it before I leave, I'll keep on 耿耿于怀,心里不平衡 and keep on thinking it one! Since a week before I've already talk to my brother in law about it, he said can't promise due to work some times, but thank god we got to watch it before I leave, even though is sit separately but I still happy, hahaha!!!

    1. But if you come back from trip and watch, still sempat ma! Hehe, or watch it at Japan lo? :p

      But then I understand what you mean, it's like you'll keep thinking about the movie if you din't watch it before you board the flight, worse is if everyone is talking about the movie and you din't know anything about the storyline, hehe ^^

    2. Better come home to watch la. ... I have seen the prices of watching movies in Japan! I wanted to faint at their average prices like max RM70 with reduced rates for students, children and senior citizens at lowest. They also have Ladies Day on Wednesdays and Mens Day on Fridays! I don't really know what will happen on those 2 days. My Japanese friends were shocked to hear that our cinema tickets are so cheap and wonder how we could survive!!

    3. Ahaha, true la, I understand, price sure different since we are talking about different currency. But then I guess it would be a nice experience to watch movie oversea, can experience their sounds system and everything... Erm, once is enough la! ;)

    4. Japan everything is quite expensive seriously, don't know about the ticket, but I wonder what's the language inside the movie theater argh? Japanese or Japanese subtitle and speaks in English, if all switch to Japanese then I won't be able to understand lo!

    5. No need say Japan la. In Malaysia also going to be like that liao. In japan at least their earning salary is higher so for them 70 is like rm10 here.

      But here after implementation of GSTY....that days saw people lament in FB say now ticket price is per adult nearly RM20 leh Unless have those special discount then okay la. Otherwise....pocket will have big hole jor watch 2 hows back to back for one family and also now ticket price for play not cheap leh. Reach hundred ringgit leh.

  2. Good morning SK and bloggers! Another Monday! Hope everyone is doing well today~

    1. God day Hayley :)

      Now I baru have a bit time come here.

  3. Wow, movie marathon! Sure a busy day for you, I bet you sleep very well that night, haha!

    Salute you la, can still watch 2 movies in one day, in such a short time some more, then watch a musical play at night. I sure cannot do like that anymore, I find it very tiring (tried once before with hubby and we agreed no more next time, LOL). Just feel that head very heavy, cause need digest 2 movies in the cinema, and vision gets blurry xD
    May be you are still capable la! ;) So this is something you consider crazy huh? Hehe, good la! While still got chance, must do something crazy!

    As for the musical play, not my type of tea... I would rather just stay home watching Astro, sorry! :p

    1. So for the Fast 7, like you said, what we focus the most is the late Paul Walker. Storyline, almost the same la, like the whole team fight againts some sort of bad guys, with lots of luxury and sexy sport cars, as well as some 夸张 actions. Remember one scene that they fell so high to the cliff in the car, but still din't die, haha xD
      Anyway, since I already watched all the previous installments, must watch this as well! I agree, the last part, tribute to Paul, very touching indeed, that song, the whole song and lyrics, makes people very emo, at least to me lo! :'(
      One thing I do salute in the movie is the computer effects that 'creates' Paul's look, based on his brother. It's like it's the real Paul! Though certain scenes if you look carefully, it's not him actually (like the last part at the beach).
      Then I also love those funny funny scenes/dialogues la, especially Tyrese Gibson, he is such a 'clown' to everyone ;)
      And this time, with the appearance of the super bad guy, Jason Stathom, I will say it's quite a worth-watching movie la!
      I wonder got 8th installment or not?
      (Eh looks like I am doing movie review in your comment, haha! Now only I realize I din't post movie review about Fast 7 in my blog wo, though I already watched it 2 weeks ago...)

    2. The second movie you mentioned, I never heard of it before, got part 1 some more? =_=
      And most actors/actresses I don't know one, haha, so nothing much to comment la! The musical play, lagi lah I don't know, cause I am not into musical play/stage show like this... But by reading what you wrote, looks like you were quite enjoyed! Good la, tak sia sia you spent whole day rushing here and there ;)

    3. I watched that super exciting Fast & Furious 7 where all the audience enjoyed and gasped at the endless gory violence and amazing stunts. At the end of the movie, the music and tribute to Paul Walker made many ladies walking out with tissues dabbing their wet eyes. The men were pretentious like strong hulks with no emotions but I know they were faking. I was faking too!

    4. Yea, those stunts are getting more and more exaggerating! But anyway, I guess many people just focus on those sport cars, racing skills and of course, the late Paul Walker, the last part is really unexpected and touching. Cannot believe he is already gone for more than a year :'(

    5. dies...me so outdated liao with all those movies tak pernah watch before LOL. Now only watch kids movie and those series that can get online. Friend helped me to get. i also blur sotong duno where to get punya

  4. Good morning bloggers.. Oohh today talk about Saturday ahh, I thought continue with Sunday activities.. Wow two movies and a play, geng! If me, I'd be very very tired jor.. Eyes also need to rest ma.. But for you, no problem la, hehe.. Fast & Furious 7, of coz everyone heard about it.. But til today, got no time to go watch.. But I've seen people posting in FB on how they settled Paul Walker's unfinished scenes, using his brother's 3D thingy or something like that.. Errr that exotic Marigold Hotel show, errr, never heard before, call me jakun, and I'm commenting using phone, so I didnt click on your review.. I'll come back later to click on the review..

    1. Good morning Princess Ribbon!

      Me too, that's why I said I salute SK, for me I will just prefer watch one movie, the next one, may be next time! 2 movies in a row, sure very tiring for me... Don't know is it because we are mother now? I mean many things are different (I mean our body) after we give birth, hoho, like it or not... Like become weaker or something. Sometimes really 'yao sam mou lek' ar! That's why I always tell my friends who is still single to enjoy and go do whatever they want, if not after becoming parents then will be harder liao (though I may sound like an old granny giving advice to young people :P).

    2. What happened to this Princess Ribbon who used her mobile phone to comment and promised to come back to comments later. Adoi!! Overdue and expired liao. Tsk! Tsk!.... Muahahahaha

      Yeah i salute Sk for his feat to watch 3 sessions of entertainment at one GO! He is still very young, hearty and strong like a Tongkat Ali, so no problem for his brains and eyes to absorb everything he watched. Suddenly I feel so old that I may not be able to be like this. I dare not even try as I know I will kaput at the 2nd movie session.

    3. Hmm she must be very busy with works la!

      Yea, SK is still very energetic and can do crazy stuff like this, I think you sure know la TM, since you are very friend with him! xD

    4. aiyer...busy la. Nanti kena boss goreng sotong la . Not free like sk can sit for three round back to back show mah. Got home already still have to take care of the house before bloghop leh

  5. If me, cannot sit still for many hours, me a restless person, need to walk about, keke...

    1. Luckily you confessed for being a restless person. I am sure you might jump out of your seat and do a zumba stint on the cinema's stage!! Wakakaka

  6. I tried to attempt a triple movie marathon once on a Wednesday, but I was dead beat by the end of the second one, I had to give up the third ticket, wasted RM 6 =.=

    I have not heard of that second exotic hotel movie. They're not shown in Penang, not even in Gurney Plaza! I would've liked these non-mainstream movies..

    1. Haha, so next time don't do it anymore since you already tried and failed, else waste money, 不值得咯!

    2. What a crazy bunch of peeps trying to watch 3 movies per day!! I had only done 2 movies maximum per night and dozed off on the 2nd show. That was many years ago. I guess that I am too old for all this now.

    3. 3 movies is indeed a lot, consider it's in one single day!
      For me, I will sure doze off during the second one, or may be just walk out from the cinema right away.. I am too 'old' to do crazy stuff like this, LOL!

    4. Everyone seems to sing in unison the shocks of hearing Thambee watching 3 in a day. I bet someday SK will try to make it 4 to 5 and that would shock the whole world instead. By then I will invite CNN News, Al Jazeera, SKY TV and CCTV4 to cover his feat! Wakakakaka

    5. Better call Guiness Book of Records! XD

    6. RM6 okay la....not that bad. yea lor ...me too max 2 movies only. then beh tahan liao. plots confused liao duno which movie is which one liao.

      Hahaha...maybe Thambee this weekend will break record leh. Start 11am show then foolow by 1 pm show and 3pm and 5 pm....7 pm go for play ...9pm have supper and follow by midnight show Come back hom 3am hyper jor sit and blog about all the movies LOL.

      Just teasing ya....dont go and think i challenge you go watch that many show in one day ah :p

  7. Good morning Bloggers!! OMG! This Thambee is like a walking Duracell with so much energy of marathon watching. My eyes would go bonkers and sot plug if I watched 2 movies and 1 drama play in a single day.

    1. I think Thambee is more powerful than Duracell leh!!

    2. He must be the Silverstone's Car Battery! Wakakaka

    3. Confirmed la SK stil young la. Not old like us. Watch one movie already start to feel tired. He got stamina ler. Must be from all those gym session that he went all these while

  8. Syioklah, do movie marathon.

    This type of marathon, I surrender! LOL

    1. Mak Glam could run any marathon over 50K anytime, so what is Movie Marathon to you??

    2. mak Glam can run but ask to sit still waste of time la . Fresh air is what gets her going leh.

  9. good afternoon SK

    Wah you marathon last weekend ah...Me also marathon but different kind of marathon...wokay...continue next round. Kinda a lot of things to catch up. hahaha

  10. Wow! Wow! Wow! Doing marathon again on Saturday.
    1. Fast and Furious 7, I have not watched yet! I am not a fan of Fast and Furious, but my jin jin is... So I am thinking of having a movie date with him by this week. I am thinking of asking him to watch Paul Walker's last movie me. I am a very sentimental person. I will sure feel touching when watching it.
    2.Second movie name is so long until I can't remember after reading it here. Hehehe! No idea about the movie at all.
    3. Shooting star eh! If I were to be given the free ticket, I would go for this musical play too. Because they are my idols, especially Leslie Cheung. I miss Leslie Cheung so much. I was grown up listening to all their songs.

    As for my last Saturday, I spent it quite special too. I was not working out in the gym like my usual Saturday. Instead, I went for running at Bukit Larut.

    1. Taiping's Hot Mama is younger than me but we have the same idols like Leslie Cheong. I am also a fan of Alan Tam and Anita Mui. I really adore Leslie's voice and songs that could move our souls. Before them, there was never greater or better singers in the Hong Kong Music Industry that caught my attention.

    2. I fell in love with Leslie Cheung when he sang "Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Monica" It was 1986, if I am not mistaken. I followed him closely on his songs until he fell in love with Duffy Dong.

    3. Sorry ah! I got his darling's name spell wrongly. Should be Daffy Tong. Hehehe! After I knew he was in love with Mr Tong. My heart broken, so I changed to love Leon Lai. Muahahah! But, I never like Alan Tam, because he was not as handsome as Leslie.

    4. Every 1st April, i sure miss Leslie Cheung, because I can hear all his songs from radio. I enjoy listening to his songs while running on treadmill.

    5. Wakakakakaka! Duffy Dong! That must be a natural hate name from your mouth for stealing your idol. Leslie was indeed silly to kill himself just for a duffy man. Those suicide cases really suffer in their realms and everyday at the same time, he would repeat his suicide and jumps off from the hotel in HKG. Those with special eyes could see it. Eeee scary.

      That song Thanks Monica was the one that caught my attention on TV. They were so "in" and hot at that time on TV. Now I looked at it again, my bulu roma all stand tegak. LOL

    6. As a Buddhist, we believe those suicide cases would keep repeating themselves in their realm so what TM says here, I fully agree

    7. Oh really! Thanks for sharing this. I didn't know about the repeating suicide thingy. Sound scary. Amitoufo.

      Anay, at that time, I almost wanted to call myself Monica Lee. Kekekeke!

    8. I think we from the similar age group. Idol all more or less the same. Leslie, Alam Tham,Anita Mui

      then the movie stars that time were like Maggie cheung , Tony Leung, Lau Kar Ling....I wonder what happen to them now.

      Me too listen to leslie songs last time. Now...coz banana ...hard to find the songs in internet. Lucky SK have the CD award year end. So can ask him help find the songs that i wanted.

      Didnt know about this performance or else might consider go for it leh

  11. In fact, I am still in dilemma. Should I take a day off for Fast and Furious 7 movie date with Jin Jin? This type of action packed movie isn’t my type of movie, but it is the last movie of Paul Walker.
    SK, Fast and Furious 7 made you teary, what about Shooting Stars? Did the musical play of the story of two great idols make you teary too?
    By the way, I can easily get teary eyes. For you information, when I watched Cinderella also, I also cried a few times. Could you imagine that? A Fairy Tales like Cinderella touched my heart too.

    1. This week, my two girls have exams, after the exams, may be we can plan for a movie marathon like SK. We will take them for Avengers II and Fast and Furious 7.

      As for me, I have an actual marathon this coming Sunday. I need to run 10 KM at Bukit Larut. King of Bukit Larut, I am coming.
      Hopefully, I can run up Bukit Larut like having turbo blast in Fast and Furious. Kekekeke!

    2. Do it Yannie!!! Life is so precious and every happy moment with our loved ones are so priceless that will become everlasting memories. Now I think of my late mum as beautiful dreams that will live on forever. Just take a day off to make him happy! Just pretend to enjoy the movie but close your eyes & go to sleep with pop corn in your mouths! Muahahahaha

    3. Ok, anay, I submit my leave tomorrow and invite Jin Jin for Fast and Furious 7, ahem!

    4. Good gal. Treat him to eat his favourite western steak with beer before the movie. I bet you he will be so happy and buy you a trip to visit Japan this year!!! Anyone wanna bet??

    5. Wow! A fine dining and a favorite movie of him can win me a Japan trip. It is so easy, Anay, you should tell me earlier. I will let you know again.

    6. Yannie sounds like a busy woman!
      Anyway, go enjoy your movie date with your Jin Jin la! Since you said it's the last movie of Paul Walker. Sometimes it's good to teman our partner to do something they like, though it's not something we like, cause for sure next time, we hope they will do the same for us too ;)

    7. Jin Jin decides to take along April and May for Fast and Furious 7. No more movie date with him alone. It will be a family movie day on Sunday. Jin Jin was very happy that I initiate to watch that movie with him. Before I fell asleep, I heard he said " Take you to Japan this year end" I must be dreaming.

    8. Family movie day is very good also ma! =)

      Oh really? Haha I hope it's not a dream though~

    9. lol...naughty anay...popcorn in the mouth how to snore la :p

      yannie...wink wink...so here is how Letchumi got Anay to buy her a trip to Japan la..Now we live and learn from Letchumi .kihkihkih

  12. This time, SK didn't reveal what he ate for dinner in between his movies marathon. He must be scared of us to count the calories intake for him again. Some more this time, he didn't mention about working out before the movie. Kekekeke!

    1. I am sure Thambee is scared of Anay's terrible stalking to count his calories and driving speed to & fro. I know I could be terrible at times but SK was the one who taught me to be naughty like his comments! He is so creative with words until I had to take innovative lessons from his blog.

      I am pretty sure he ate a lot or too much in between and after movies! He probably rolled into like a Minions with the head Shooting Stars for the drama play. Wakakaka

    2. I think SK skips gym this time? Since he needed to catch 2 movies and 1 musical play wo!

    3. wahahaha....poor sk.looks like sk have created a monster in anay lor. Now SK have to be careful what he eat and do. Got stalker in his blog

      am sure it is all done in jest la. All also happy go lucky one here

  13. I never watch and Fast & Furious series movie, >_<

    1. Huh, serious?? May be you are not into cars la!
      Actually I am not into cars also, watch it just because I love movie, then end up I find myself loving this type of movie, haha!

    2. Me same as Choi Yen. Never watch Fast and Furious before.

  14. I have watched so many movies including this series of Fast & Furious until I often got mixed up. Oh my poor brains! I do remember that I was excited with the one which was filmed in Japan where they raced down the hill slopes in the most dangerous manner. This last movie by Paul Walker was a bit too violent for my liking with too much killings and crazy with many almost impossible feats of the car jumping from one high rise to another!! I wanted to laugh instead at their impossible action which was well delivered with good tastes of graphic animations.

    1. Actually what people focus most this round is the late Paul Walker, and also those luxury cars only la! Storyline is quite predictable, and those actions, getting more and more exaggerate... Can you imagine driving, erm I should say flying a car from building to building?? And still survive? Hoho, hard to believe la!

  15. i have planned to watch this Indian themed movie of The Second Best Marigold Hotel this week. It will be the weekly ritual for Anay and Letchumy to relax and watch movies. We should wear doti and sarees to watch while munching a bag full of murukus!! How come Thambee went to watch without Anay!! Dok! Phiak! Your big head!

    I am curious why they used the name Marigold which happens to be Anay's favourite flowers. I used to plant them a lot from dried seedlings when I was a kid. Sweet smelling flowers of its freshness whenever it rained.

  16. What a lucky SK to get free ticket to watch Shooting Starts! You must have cried buckets as I know Thambee loves Leslie and Danny. I also know that Leslie and Danny also love Thambee! I dunno who is Paul. Who is he? I didn't know the 3 of them were buddies together during their singing years. I must admit that I am not very familiar with Danny's songs although I knew he was famous as I saw him appear on TV many times. He looked very decent and good guy with very little movies made.

    I have been hearing about the growing trend and popularity to watch live dramas and plays in KL now. I have yet to watch one and hope to see them soon. There is one huge building coming up near my home where the developer will build an arena inside to hold public plays and concerts. Check it out!!

    1. Leslie and Paul were both committed suicide, Leslie is because of depression, Paul is because of his gambling debt. Danny is because of drug overdose.

      Danny's songs are very nice too. Most of them were written by Danny himself. Paul actually were a very potential host for all TVB big shows before he committed suicide.
      3 of them actually had very promising future and their own supporters. But, they were gone too soon.

  17. When I saw the word marathon, I know lah it is not the running until so tired kind. Must be either eating marathon or some other activity muahahaha!

    1. Two movies back to back, one at 2:10pm and the next one at 4:50pm, is OK mah. I used to do that long, long ago. Why watch only one movie when you can watch two? And you throw in a play some more at 8:30pm. I think that is alright for a weekend. Full day entertainment.

    2. PH you know SK well, cause he mentioned before he is not someone who will run, so sure won't be a running marathon, hehe!

    3. Astro and Hypptv also have mini series marathons on some weekends so that you can catch up before the new season starts. But where got time to sit on front of the TV whole day.

    4. Actually, watching TV or movie too long my eyes feel tired. Also sitting too long, backside pun sakit.

  18. I have not watched any of the Fast and Furious instalment. This must be a very popular movie seeing that this is the 7th one already.

    1. I only know that it is action packed and of course I read about the late Paul Walker.

    2. I am not into action movies. Maybe if I was younger I might have enjoyed it. I prefer drama or horror movies.

    3. But having said that, do you remember the old Bruce Wilis movie Die Hard? That came out when I was in university and I enjoyed that movie pulak.

    4. Yes, this is indeed a popular movies, tak habis habis one la the episodes.
      Die Hard also got installments, just different names..But still features Bruce Willis. He also quite old already hor? But still looking good!

  19. I read about The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Apparently the first movie was better and I think this is the sort of movie I will enjoy.

    1. I like movies with good actors and a solid story line. I also appreciate witty dialogue.

    2. Among the actors I like who starred in this movie is Judi Dench and Maggie Smith.

  20. You know, I have not been to a play before. I wonder what is it like watching live actors on stage.

    1. That's a rather lengthy play at 2.5 hours. I supposed it has to be to squeeze in 40 songs.

    2. Of the three, Leslie Cheung, Danny Chan and Paul Chung, I only know Leslie Cheung. I know Leslie Cheung because of the movie Farewell My Concubine.

    3. Later on I found out to my surprise that my younger brother listened to Leslie Cheung's songs. I thought my brother is like me, only listen to English songs. When I asked him, he said that Leslie Cheung's songs are very nice.

    4. Anyway, you so lucky to get the free ticket from your friend. Never say no to a good offer. I take it that you enjoyed the play very much as it is the story of stars you are familiar with. Those who are not fans would not enjoy it as mush.

  21. The play started at 8:30pm and must have ended after 10:00pm. I would have been exhausted but you are young and probably got energy to go out for drinks with friends. Betul tak?

    1. I guess this type of marathoning is few and far between right? At most, maybe you still watch two movies in a day which I think is manageable.

    2. I have done marathoning activity before like gardening the whole morning and early afternoon. But cannot tahan because got backache after that.

    3. I also marathon with housekeeping working from morning till evening. But it is very tiring but satisfying to see the whole house so neat and clean.

    4. And I cannot forget marathon in the office in my earlier years, working round the clock to beat deadlines. Gosh, that I can never do now. I will die!

    5. Now you reminds me that everyone is actually marathoning doing something... Like me, marathoning doing house chores and looking after Aden, attend to all his needs, make him milk la, cook for him la, bath him la, throw his poo poo la and etc... Haha xD

  22. If SK is uncle, then reanaclaire will be granny.. call me ah poh? :) You are still young la.. some more bachelor, still a young man.... so no worries...
    Heard FAST and Furious is a good movie.. my fren ajak me to watch too but I didnt want cos the cars are too fast for me... At my auntie age, I prefer to slow down... so nowadays I seldom watch movies but more on HK TV series..

    1. Yea, the Fast 7 is quite nice, and very actions packed la!
      Hehe, if for my parents, they will also don't want to go, they prefer something 'slower' too! Preferably Chinese movies la!

  23. Don't know how to appreciate movies like Fast and Furious though many people find it nice, can tell me what is nice in the movie?

    1. Got free ticket ah so nice, if I got free ticket, I don't mind going to, hee hee

    2. Ooops, sorry, didn't see your review

    3. Libby, you din't watch Fast 7? What about the previous installments?

      It's all about racing and beautiful sport cars, hehe!

  24. I see you are living life to the fullest! Making full use of your weekend. Very good, I support you. It was nice of the movie to dedicate the last part to the late Paul Walker. I read from many posts reviews that it was a very moving part and many were in tears and you were too, showing you have a sentimental side to you.

    I have seen the trailer for the 2nd movie you watched. I was surprised to see Richard Gere acting in it because he is not as old as the other actors. Will go and find part 1 to watch before watching this one.

    It must be so refreshing to watch a play after watching two movies. I do not know who Paul Chung was, I only know the other two. I had to google and read about him in wiki.

    I guess this weekend of yours is difficult for you to beat unless you watch 4 movies in a day next time. :D

  25. Yeah, marathon doesn't apply only to running but always used frequently for movies. In SG, whenever they shown sequels or the last of the trilogy, they usually have movie marathons.
    Once I remember they shown Lord of the Rings movie marathon. As you know, a LOTR movie lasted 3 hours plus, thu imagine sitting in the cinema for almost 10 hours thru midnight , with some short breaks for loo.
    Another movie marathon I can recalled is Star Wars Episode 1,2 and 3. Even though I am a sci-fi fan, I don't think I can sat thru 6-7 hours.

  26. Two movies still ok la. I have watched two movies at one shot but that was very long , long ago, during my teen years.
    We bought tickets for the 11am movie which is usually a special screening like the midnight show. After lunch, we continued with the usual routine movie that has been screening at the cinema then.
    When the second movie finished, since we are teens, we will call it a day and gual guai go home.
    I don't think I ever watched more than 2 movies in my adulthood.

  27. However, on the contrary, I do watch 2 or 3 movies a day ...... at home...muahahahha... Before I got married or have kids, I always bought DVD and when my wifey is at work on sat, all I did is just watch movies, one after another.
    Anyway, that's home entertainment and I can paused it whenever I like especially when I am hungry, bio-break, got minor things to do and etc.

  28. I used to watch movies alone now and usually I will go for the sci-fi or superheroes type of movies. Thus, the movies you shown here are not my types.
    And, I usually watched at late nights as well as during the weekdays after the movie has been screening for a long while. There will be lesser crowd though I will hear a lot of spoilers by then. hahaha...
    Can't help it la as I watched alone in SG. My children doesn't like to watch movies except certain animations.

  29. To your surprise, I have never ever watch a F&F movie before, from Part 1 till now. I guess I am not into cars too much thus not too interested in movies featuring car races actions. The F&F movies are great, no doubt, as most of my colleagues have watched it including my nephews. Anyway, as mentioned before, not my cup of tea.
    Anyway, I am looking forward to Avengers 2, Terminator Genisys which will be playing soon. These are the ones that I won't missed , and not forgetting Star Wars in Xmas and Spectre, the Bond movie. What else ah....

    1. What a life for this gentleman who never watched the F&F movies! You are either into cartoons or pornos or just disliked movies? I do know many friends who told me that it is very costly and waste of time to watch movies!! Crazy peeps!

      You can watch the earlier F&F movies in DVD or YouTubes! Do it man!! VROOOMMMM!! VROOOOMMM!!!

  30. hahha.... I didn't even heard of the Marigold hotel movie. Anyway, since it's about relationship, it must be a light comedy and a love story. hmmmm... you must be watching this with a lady la... I don't think guys will go and such romantic movies...hahaha.... F&F I agreed as it is a guys' movie but this one...hmmm... more like a ladies' one.
    Eh....btw, initially I thought you are watching adult movies cos the title mentioned 'hotel'....muahahaha.... then I remember you are in KL, not SG. hahaha... If SG , there are R-rated adult movies. They just shown that shades of grey thingy but I didn't watch la... Minus the sex scenes, it's like reading those ladies romantic novels...

  31. Oh, I love the play!!! It's great to watch a live show showing the biography of famous singers especially Leslie and Danny. I never heard of Paul Chung , is it that Beyond lead singer? But his name is Wong Ka Kui mah ....
    Anyway, I don't mind going for this play where they rendered these legends songs, though you felt they are quite amateurish. Ok la... I think it's not too bad from what you have described.
    Listening live to cover versions of Leslie and Danny can be a nice experience especially if the singers' voice are good.

    1. What a silly question and you cracked me up! That Paul Chung died long before the Beyond's band was formed. I had to google that Paul Chung's name and I immediately remembered this promising actor and TV host who died too young. He would have been in his mid 50s today if he didn't go to heavens. I was actually shocked to see his face as I remember him so well. I didn't remember his name and didn't even know he committed suicide after owing loan sharks for hefty gambling losses. Such a sad story about impulsive gambling addictions. He should have asked Chris Au or Andy Lau to help him $$$$. I heard about Andy Lau once helped his buddy out of gambling mess.

    2. Anay, at that time, Paul Chung could not ask Andy Lau to help him to pay his debt la! He should ask Leslie, Anita or Alan to help him. Andy Lau was still struggling as a small shooting star at TVB.

  32. After reading your blog for a while, I guess you love watching movies. Well, at least we shared something in common...hahaha... though I shared more common stuffs with TM. So, what movies you are going for this coming weekend? I am sure you won't miss those that I mentioned just now.
    I also miss a few movies but got the blu-rays. However, I still got no time to watch it during the weekends due to family commitments and to my horror, the cable tv was showing one of those movies that I bought which I watched it a my in laws place when I went there for ching ming. hahaha... no need to watch one of my blu-ray already. I still got Tom Cruise's Edge of tomorrow and Oblivion. I just finished watching Brad Pitt's zombies movies few weeks ago. hahaha

    1. Yes I do share lots of similarities with Chris and SK. Our mutual hobby is blogging of course! I love coffee and cakes while Thambee drinks no coffee but eats creamy cheesy cakes like elephants. LOL
      I am also a movies addict like SK and i could not tell apart who watches more per week. Thambee definitely beats Anay for watching 3 in a single day. That's insane for me to do so as I have aged while Thambee is still growing as a child.

  33. So, did you get any popcorns to accompany your movies ? If yes, I guess you likely have two sets of popcorns...,muahahahhaa....
    Well, do you know that those popcorn sets even worth more than the movie ticket? When I bought my movie ticket during the weekdays, there was a discount rate at S$7. However, the smallest pop-corn set cost me $S10+. hahaha...
    Anyway, I can't live without a popcorn and coke for a movie, it's a must for me!!

    1. I am very sure SK brought in a gunny sackful of pop corns, spiced muruku and cheesy mutton balls to much throughout the whole 3 events! He can never live without junkie food inside the cinemas!

      I guess he has phobia to reveal the details again otherwise you and me will stalk him with minute detailing and demographic reports!! Muahaha

  34. Oh yeah, forgot your last movie is a free one. That's so nice of your friend. So, how long was the play? I haven't been to a play before (don't mentioned those high school plays). Perhaps I should go for one but it must an interesting one. I got a friend who love plays but he go for those international and well known ones like Phantom of the Opera, Cats, West Side story, and etc.....
    Aiya.. all these not my cup of tea too.

    1. I never watch any musical play too so far. If I were to be given free tickets like SK, I would sure grab. Shooting Stars is a nice musical play, I reckon, as there are so many nice songs that we are familiar with. Some more the director is a very well known one.

    2. I love to watch musical plays, live concerts and anything that could excite me including the Tiger Shows and Pondan Shows in Thailand. Those world class ones like Phantom of The Opera and Mouse Trap have been in my bucket lists of the lesser priorities. I would also like to watch this Russia's Swan Lake by the famous Leningrad Ballet. My parents watched it in Moscow and loved it.

      I thought Yannie had enjoyed the free dance stage shows on board the Libra Cruise. It was quite entertaining with the free magic shows thrown in. Time to go on cruise again and strike rich at their casino!!

    3. Yeah! Now Anay reminded me, yes, I watched the adult show Sensation on Cruise last year. It was all music, dance and oh la la! I enjoyed watching it very much.

    4. Whooo La La Mama Yan Yan!!! You enjoyed so much the hamsap shows until forgotten. Muahahaha
      I must go and watch next time I go on cruise as I think they performed in tasteful and artistic manners. I thought it was like the Tiger Shows I had seen. I dare not pollute Letchumy with that. Wakakakakak

  35. Fast and Furious 7 ah? Paiseh paiseh...me 1st one pun belum watch

    Last week or two weeks ago listened to the radio in the morning. The DJ were "fighting" trying to convince another DJ Aishah to watch this show. Also invited a drag racing queen to talk about it in the radio. LOoks like the company advertise a lot oh for this movie.

    after 7 instalments i guess nothing much new can be added la. same like books series . after some time it all become predictable

    But i heard here they kill off some one wor...the hero or what.

    1. What a shame that you have not watched this Fast and Furious movies since Day 01. You can download the earlier ones to watch at home with Kaldip. I guess you are worried that Kaldip will become a fast driver and speed at neck breaking speed to negotiate the sharp bends to send your pussy cat tail up in the air!!! Muahahaha

      This last episode is so violent with so much bullets and gory killings besides the brutal violence tearing each other up. The action packed and amazing stunts were very good & unbelievable!!

    2. no need to watch fast and furious he already driving like F1 la. After all got someone said biar cepat asal selamat wor.

  36. that's very active of you. still have such youth and energy! probably after one movie i reach my limit!

    but watching drama at home can be long la :D

    1. Now I would agree that I may not watch 3 entertainments outside at one go but I could be glued to the TV at home all day from sunrise to sunset. How is that?? Maybe the comforts at home is different with toilet and fridge nearby. Yum! Yum!

  37. 我對嗰舞台劇比較有興趣,之前睇過劉雅麗嘅獨角戲,幾唔錯架。

  38. I love to watch movies so I wouldn't mind if I were to watch them back to back. And that depends on my time.

  39. Today baru have a bit time come here and chat. Sorry ah. ah. same old same old reason la SK

    Wah last saturday you very geng ah....whole day gone lo watched two movies and one play. My biggest record is watch two shows back to back only. You attempting break Malaysian book of record ka? LOL

    Previos Sunday you watched two show back to back and now this back nto back. Going to make it into a habit ka?
