[Volume 9 Issue 7, #1924] | ||||||||||
Spot the Differences | ||||||||||
大家好呀, 啱啱過去嘅開齋節假期, 大家過得如何?? 希望大家都過得很開心啦, 我知大家都很努力咁恢復心情嘅, 哈哈!! 其實我一直都聽聞好多讀者話好喜歡同埋想念呢個「尋找不同」游戲喎, 係唔係呀?? 所以今日呢個post就唔駛大家用腦喇, 用大家嘅眼力玩游戲啦.. 係呀, 我話唔駛大家用腦, 亦都表示大家唔需要動腦筋留言喇(因為我已經關閉呢個post嘅留言), 我想大家盡興地享受呢個游戲!! 下一次全新月份我哋再見~~ :) | ||||||||||
hello folks, how was your raya holidays?? hope it was great.. well, i guess most are still "recovering" from the holiday mood, haha!! i heard many of my readers saying they like and miss this "spot the difference" game huh?? as such, let us not have something mind-blogging today but this little game indeed.. BTW, when i say nothing mind-blogging, it also means you do not have (scratch head) to leave any comment (yes, commenting for this post has been deliberately disabled), i want everyone to just enjoy the game and i shall see you again in the new month~~ :) | ||||||||||
請找出8個不同之處 | Spot 8 differences | ||||||||||
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2014.07.31 | 尋找不同
2014.07.25 | 惹人生厭
[Volume 9 Issue 7, #1923] |
How Good A Customer Are You?? |
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嗯, 我哋之前都討論咗好多關於我哋身為顧客所面對嘅服務, 由找錢到保安到職員態度, 我哋都討論過.. 我就覺得講緊人哋之余, 其實我哋都好應該檢討下身為顧客嘅自己, 究竟喺其他人眼中係個好人定係個惡搞的人.. 係時候懺悔喇, 各位朋友!! 如果你曾經又或者做緊以下提到或讀者提及嘅事情, 應該好好三思喇, 呵呵.. 預先祝家有個愉快嘅佳節!! :) 好喇, 如果我係負責服務嗰個, 我會討厭遇到以下幾種顧客:-
咁如果我自己係眾多顧客其中一個, 我亦會討厭見到其他以下呢幾類顧客:-
hmmm, so we have been discussing so much about the services rendered to us as the customers, from exact change to security expectations to attitudes of the personnel.. i guess it is also fair for us to talk about ourselves being the customers, whether we have been nice or fussy in the eyes of other people around.. time to confess, folks!! and if you are or have been doing what are listed or suggested by other readers here, better think twice about it, haha.. have a great festive weekend ahead everyone!! :) okay, if i am one who offer service, i would be very unhappy to serve the following groups of customers:-
and if i am one of the customers, i would hate seeing other customers of the following groups too:-
2014.07.23 | 惹人反感
[Volume 9 Issue 7, #1922] |
Some Acts and Attitude Can Be Irritating.. |
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大家仲記唔記得上個星期兩篇關於找少五仙同埋實Q封袋嘅博文?? 由各位讀者嘅回應睇來, 呢個系列似乎唔應該止于兩篇文咁少喎.. 好喇, 多謝讀者提供靈感, 今日呢篇係呢個系列嘅第三篇博文(雖然中間夾住一篇關於我嘅腳傷, 當係俾大家抖下氣, 呵呵!!).. 我覺得大家都應該會有好多嘢回應囉 -- sales嘅態度以及動作, 希望係個有趣嘅題材, 可以帶來好多討論啦.. :p 大家眼中有啲乜嘢態度或動作, 會令到閣下對某個sales產生反感呢?? 以下係我個list, 當然應該會有更多, 不過呢個時候只係諗到以下呢啲:-
still remember the two posts last week on 5-sen shortchange and hypermarket security seal?? well, from the responses given by readers, seems like this series deserves more related posts to go with it huh?? okay, inspired by the responses, here comes the third post for this series (after a breather on my leg injuries, haha!!), and i am sure you will probably have a lot to say about this - acts and attitudes of sales personnel or promoters!! an interesting topic i hope, that would invite discussions.. :p so, what kind of acts or attitudes from sales personnel or promoters that you find most irritating?? here comes my list, of course, could be more but at this moment i can only think of these:-
2014.07.21 | 傷痕纍纍
[Volume 9 Issue 7, #1921] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Injuries After Injuries | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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噢, 呢隻肥嘟嘟嘅蜜蜂真係好得意呀!! 不過如果蜜蜂針人就一啲都唔可愛喇.. 係喇, 你估啱喇, 我就係俾蜜蜂針喇!! 話說上個星期某一個晚上, 我上完廁所返去繼續瞓嘅途中, 一片漆黑之中, 不知何故腳踏某東西, 隨即感覺右邊腳板一陣刺痛!! 自然反應下, 我當然舉起隻掃走腳底隻東西, 開燈之後, 見到地上有隻死去的蜜蜂.. 冇錯, 我就係俾蜜蜂針在腳板底正中間!! 好搞笑嘅一個位置呵?? 好, 大家可以有咁大聲笑咁大聲, 我知㗎!! 不過唔好問我要相睇啦, 邊有心情去影唧??!! 第二朝腫到連行路都有困難, 不過不幸之中的大幸, 晏晝打後就漸漸好轉 第二日就消腫了.. 講到我對腳, 記得都發生好多意外引致傷痕纍纍呀.. 如果你有興趣八卦, 請繼續睇落去, 如果唔係就預祝你有個完美的一周啦.. 呵呵!! :p
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awww, this "fatty bom bom" bee is so cute!! but bees are definitely not cute when they sting.. okay, you guess it right, i was stung by a bee.. one night last week i was returning to my bed to continue sleeping after a loo trip, in the darkness, i somehow stepped onto something and instantly i felt a little stab on my right foot!! i raised my foot and swept away whatever it was (this is natural reflective response right??), turned on the lights and saw a dead bee on the floor.. yes, i was stung right on the middle of the sole of my foot!! hilarious spot huh?? now, laugh as loud as you want it to be, i just knew.. and, aiyah, didn't take photo so don't me to show it lah!! my foot was swollen the next morning i barely could walk, but lucky was it started to get better by afternoon and the swell went off the next day.. come to talk about my legs, i remember i really had many accidents that they got hurt.. continue if you are interested to kaypoh a bit, else have a wonderful week ahead.. hehe!! :p
2014.07.18 | 咪當賊扮
[Volume 9 Issue 7, #1920] |
Have Your Bags Sealed Before You Enter |
上一篇博文我寫咗單找少五仙嘅事件.. 因為好事成雙嘛, 所以今日以一個迷你系列嘅形式, 加馬多單事件啦就, 哈哈!! 好喇, 今日呢單最近發生嘅事, 我相信好多人都曾經領教過, 我記得都寫過一篇類似的博文.. 想睇下大家的意見, 無論你讚同與否, 祝大家有個開心的週末!! :) 話說某日想去呢個"Let'sGo"霸級市場買啲嘢.. 當時因為剛做完gym所以孭住一個大袋, 而手上就拎住另外一個裝運動鞋嘅戴.. 臨近門口, 結果俾個(唔肯定孟加拉或尼泊爾籍嘅)實Q截停, 佢有禮貌地問「先生, 我可以封實你個袋嗎??」.. 我拒絕咗佢, 掉頭走人, 根本冇興趣入去幫襯!! 本人當時嘅感受如下:-
i blogged about getting a 5-sen shortchange in the previous post.. and things are often merrier when they come in two's right?? let's make this a series then, haha!! so here's another incident i guess many of you must have experienced before, and i remember i've blogged about something similar too.. looking forward to your opinions, no matter how you agree or disagree with me, happy weekend everyone!! :) there was one day i wanted to go to the "Let'sGo" hypermarket to buy something.. if was after my gym so i was carrying a big bag on my shoulders and another shoe bag in my hand.. while near the entrance, i was stopped by the (not certain whether a bangladeshi or nepali) security guard, asking me politely, "sir, can i tie your bag??".. of course i rejected him right away and turned back without any interest to go in to shop!! these were what i was thinking:-
2014.07.16 | 五仙是錢
2014.07.14 | 次季成績
[Volume 9 Issue 7, #1918] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Second Quarter's Commenter Chart | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
已經係年度第三季喇, 本來我係應該(一如既往咁)揭曉六月份留言排行榜嘅同時公佈第二季嘅成績嘅.. 以為唔會有人留意或記得, 不過竟然有一位博客問我第二季留言排行榜去咗邊?? 呵呵, 我冇忘記, 只不過係處理禮物嘅事, 所以暫時hold住先啫.. 好喇!! 帶俾大家本年度第二季留言排行榜, 同時本人非常高興宣佈, 十強讀者每位會收到一份價值RM10嘅折扣禮券, 由FoodPanda特別贊助(如下面樣本所示)!! 我知, 唔係咩貴重禮物, 係本人小小的心意答謝各位支持, 況且我呢種「芝麻博客」要搵贊助係難如登天啦.. 想知道自己會唔會有份得到禮券?? 點擊下面圖像就自有分曉.. :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
it's Q3 of the year already, and i was supposed to announce the comment chart for last quarter together with the monthly chart (like i usually do).. i thought nobody would notice or remember, but there's one blogger who asked me where is the chart for Q2?? hehe, nope, i didn't forget that, just that i held this up while working on the gifts.. so, here you go the comment chart for Q2, and i am excited to announce that the top 10 commenter each receives a RM10 discount voucher specially sponsored by FoodPanda (as shown in the specimen below)!! okay, i know this is nothing expensive but my little token of appreciation to my top readers, it's sky-high difficult for "sesame blogger" like me to find sponsorships lah.. want to know if you are entitled for the voucher?? click image below to find out.. :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
■ 點擊圖像查看排行榜 | Click image to view chart ■ ![]()
十強讀者每人獲得一份RM10折扣禮券.. Top 10 Readers each receives a RM10 discount voucher.. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2014.07.11 | 生日餐點
[Volume 9 Issue 7, #1917] |
My Birthday Treats |
好好好, 我知大家肯定喺度鬧緊我, 有冇搞錯呀, 仲未寫完生日咩?? 難得一年一次, 就由得我啦, 哈哈, 我保證呢一篇係最後一篇!! 上兩篇博文我就同大家炫耀我嘅生日禮物以及特別早餐啦, 今日就講下其餘嘅餐點啦.. 咁一日如果只得早餐, 冇午餐同晚餐又係幾騎呢嘛, 雖然嗰兩餐就冇乜特別, 呵呵!! 就同大家分享一啲美食相片(全部都係用我部手機所拍的), 我今年嘅生日就係如此過喇, 多謝~~ :) [後註] 請大家毋須客氣再次恭賀本人(遲來的)生日快樂, 接待一早已截至!! 呵呵~~ |
okay okay, i know you are cursing me for yet another post about my birthday, but it's once in a year thing so just let me do it lah, i guarantee this is the last one!! haha.. in the previous posts, i bragged about my birthday presents and my special breakfast, so this post will be all other birthday treats, i mean a day with breakfast is not complete without lunch and dinner right?? though both may not be anything special also, haha!! so here you go, some food photos (all taken using my handphone) to be shared and that was my birthday.. period :) [PS] please don't wish me (belated) happy birthday anymore, reception is already closed!! hehe~~ |
點觸圖像查看更多照片 Click or tap image to view more photos |
2014.07.09 | 生日早餐
[Volume 9 Issue 7, #1916] |
A Special Breakfast on My Birthday |
仍然係繼續寫本人的生日.. 其實生日冇禮物收, 我係冇乜所謂嘅, 不過咁多年來, 我就堅持生日當天要放自己一日假!! 正所謂一日之計再於晨, 所以生日呢一日嘅早餐當然要特別啲啦.. 可能對大家嚟講係普通嘢, 不過今次對我嚟講係第一次.. 第一次去咁樣一個地方食早餐, 第一次去食所謂「私房式」早餐.. 究竟點樣嘅所謂「私房式」早餐?? 睇一睇下面啲相片就知喇(當然唔係呢一碗Cheerios啦, 要click入去睇啲實際相片㗎), 如果你覺得平平無奇, 唔好笑我噃~~ :p |
still about your sincerely's recent birthday.. when it comes to presents, i am actually fine with not getting any.. but all these years, what i must do on my birthday is to pamper myself with a day off!! as people say, a good day starts with a good morning, hence breakfast on my birthday must also be a good one.. maybe nothing special to many, but this year i had a special one, my very first time having breakfast in such a settings, my very first time having breakfast so "homely".. how homely you wonder?? take a look at the photos below (of course not this bowl of cheerios lah, you have to click in to see the real ones), but don't laugh at me if you find it just meh~~ :p |
點觸圖像查看更多照片 Click or tap image to view more photos ![]() |
2014.07.07 | 生日賀禮
[Volume 9 Issue 7, #1915] |
Thank YOU for My Birthday Presents |
雖然個標題係話生日, 不過今日其實唔係我生日啦, 過咗差不多有三個星期喇.. 因為上一個月集中火力寫模仿貼文, 所以將呢一篇答謝貼文托到呢個月先出街.. 我真係好開心有咁多朋友送禮物俾我, 雖然我(一貫作風)唔會透露係邊幾位朋友, 不過我係真心感謝呢啲驚喜㗎, 尤其係非常珍惜大家嘅心意, 俾我再一次喺呢度公開多謝大家!! 你們都是最好的, 好貼心, 我全部禮物都非常鍾意, 所以先特別喺度炫耀一番嘛, 呵呵!! :p |
well well well, though the title says birthday, it's not my birthday today but somewhere three weeks ago.. because i was all focused on writing mimic posts last month, so i delayed this thank-you post to be published this month.. i was so happy being showered with presents received from friends all over the places, though i am not revealing the sender's identity (my usual style that is), i really felt so grateful with all the surprises, especially the thoughts i appreciate a lot, and once again i would like to thank everyone of you publicly here!! you folks are indeed sweet and i love all that you have given me as presents, that is why i am showing-off them here, haha!! :p |
點觸圖像查看更多照片 Click or tap image to view more photos ![]() |
2014.07.03 | 夢想道具
[Volume 9 Issue 7, #1914] |
What Would Your Doraemon Gadgets Be?? |
今日係個美麗的星期四, 所以我哋唔講埋啲嚴肅話題, 嚟啲超現實嘅如何?? 開始今日嘅題材之前, 我首先要問兩條好簡單嘅問題:- ■ 假設你可以有三個多啦A夢嘅道具, 你會揀邊三個?? 多啦A夢有上千個道具, 每個都有不同嘅特有功能.. 我就會揀下面呢三個(相片於年頭的一個展覽中所攝), 你又會如何選擇呢?? :) |
it's a beautiful thursday, so let us have something surreal rather than a serious topic today, shall we?? allow me to start the topic for today with two simple questions:- ■ Do you know who (or what) Doraemon is?? if you answered yes, please proceed to the next question.. if you answered no, then please get out of my blog right now!! :D ■ If you were granted three gadgets from Doraemon, what would they be?? Doraemon has got thousands of gadgets each with different functions.. I would choose the three gadgets below (photos taken when i was at the exhibition earlier this year), what about you?? :) |
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