[Volume 9 Issue 7, #1918] |
Second Quarter's Commenter Chart |
已經係年度第三季喇, 本來我係應該(一如既往咁)揭曉六月份留言排行榜嘅同時公佈第二季嘅成績嘅.. 以為唔會有人留意或記得, 不過竟然有一位博客問我第二季留言排行榜去咗邊?? 呵呵, 我冇忘記, 只不過係處理禮物嘅事, 所以暫時hold住先啫.. 好喇!! 帶俾大家本年度第二季留言排行榜, 同時本人非常高興宣佈, 十強讀者每位會收到一份價值RM10嘅折扣禮券, 由FoodPanda特別贊助(如下面樣本所示)!! 我知, 唔係咩貴重禮物, 係本人小小的心意答謝各位支持, 況且我呢種「芝麻博客」要搵贊助係難如登天啦.. 想知道自己會唔會有份得到禮券?? 點擊下面圖像就自有分曉.. :) |
it's Q3 of the year already, and i was supposed to announce the comment chart for last quarter together with the monthly chart (like i usually do).. i thought nobody would notice or remember, but there's one blogger who asked me where is the chart for Q2?? hehe, nope, i didn't forget that, just that i held this up while working on the gifts.. so, here you go the comment chart for Q2, and i am excited to announce that the top 10 commenter each receives a RM10 discount voucher specially sponsored by FoodPanda (as shown in the specimen below)!! okay, i know this is nothing expensive but my little token of appreciation to my top readers, it's sky-high difficult for "sesame blogger" like me to find sponsorships lah.. want to know if you are entitled for the voucher?? click image below to find out.. :) |
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2014.07.14 | 次季成績
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ReplyDeleteYes! I did it!
DeleteIf TM sees you chop, he will ask "chicken chop"? "lamb chop"? Hehehe..
DeleteDon't let TM see the chop, hehe...
DeleteGood Morning Bloggers! Aha....what chop? Phong Chop so happy geh....
DeleteCongratulations to you and the Top 10.... I fell so low to 7th position. Chris Au fart above my head!!!!!! So smelly his fart!!!
Adoi..... 5 powderful ladies ruling this blog empire now!!! Who is Wuzetian ahhhhh? Wakakakaka Congratulations ladies! All the men, work harder!
OMG! In the Top 15 only got 3 jantan bloggers! Even Banana Kena squished and mashed into pulp! Adoi mana Pisang! The ratio not healthy la 12:3 of bloggers active. Must recruit more males ! Why the others thought males don't gossip so much like me? We are not sissy la but still manly. What happens if the 3 men Kena defeated next round? This SK blog becomes Joy Luck Club! Muahahahaha
DeleteI laughing la now.. Chris farted on top of you, and poor TM has to smell his fart from below.. Yucks..
DeleteBananaz ada sini...pi mai pi mai tiang tu. Congratz to all The Toppers
DeletePhong Hong is the earliest person today!!
DeleteTM, yea the ratio is indeed unhealthy but then, I think with your existence, Bananaz's and ChrisAu's, you 3 are good enough already la! And you especially, one person can represent 10 person already, 'yat ko deng sap ko!' (一个顶十个)xD
And what to do? SK attracts more female readers than male readers (don't jealous ya :p), so naturally the women take the lead lo! ;)
DeleteAdoi! Argentina crying this morning but I am smiling at this chart! I really studied line by line to discover something! You ladies were so hardworking and deserve big claps & flowers for your spamming hardwork. SK should create another demographics to show the patterns of the spammers!
DeleteThe TOP Ladies are Hayley and Small Kucing - both are Tai-Tais who have so much time to spam and shop online all day! They must retain the 2 crowns! Bagus!
Angeline is full time korporat lady, full time mummy, wifey and Not Michelin but Silverbatu Chef!!! Bagus!
LouizYee & 小影 are neighbours now! They giggle, selfie, lunch and spam together happily like happy gals. Bagus!
This Princess should get 2nd placing for her 586 comments which were full of Nenek Moyang stories but ended up 4 placing. Wah! Kena potong markah banyak lo. Maybe next round, learn from Hayley & Small Kucing who talked more facts. Our Nenek Kabayan Kucing already learnt & come a long way.
I wish to again a Big Congratulations to the TOP 5 Winners! For the men, work harder and drink more Kopi Tongkat Ali as helpful boosters!
Remember: The TOP TROPHY is just a click away only, with your mouse!
TM, wah you gave me so 'high hat' to wear meh? :p
DeleteI am someone's Tai Tai, true, but not those rich Tai Tai who goes for manicure pedicure hair spa everyday for sure, haha!
Eh, correction a bit huh, I do have time to spam but I got to wait til midnight baru can spam with ease of mind, only during lucky day (like now) I can sorta spam since Aden is taking his nap, or when my mum is here to look after Aden for a while ;)
Shop online all day? Wah I also hope I can leh!! But who will pay for me then? :p
Haiyo, I think not kena deduct marks la.. I think what I write is not long enuff leh.. I think SK loves it long.. Lastime I managed to climb to no. 1 coz I wront quite long ma.. Now, most my comments just 1 paragraph, about 3-4 lines nia, like this one.. So I think not long enuff lor..
DeleteHayley good la.. At least night time after everyone zzz liao then you can spam with a peace of mind.. Me, reached night time I sleepy jor lor.. Maybe you are thinking, cannot sacrifice meh becoz of SK, like after the kids zzz, then only I spam.. But let me tell you I go to bed at 9pm too, to make them sleep.. Coz to make them sleep, I got to pretend to sleep too.. Sometimes, I sudah sleep they not yet sleep too, hahahaha.. So how to wakeup later and spam leh?
DeleteTM - you are so lucky to smell my fart cos I just had Musang king yesterday.
DeleteChris, wah, so "hang fook" ahh, he can smell your Musang king fart.. Well, didn't eat, but smell fart also jadi la..
Deleteapa chop chop...chicken chop ka LOL....
Deletewah 13th wor...jiayoh...by year end will be in the top 10 liao
yeah, this questions has always been intriguing to me, why does my blog attracts so many more lady bloggers than male bloggers?? hahaha.. that's rather interesting and not balance huh?? i thot we have almost equal population of the sexes?? :p
DeleteSk ...you are the aunties man ! He hehhe.....
DeleteHehehehe, got this chop chop game punya issiit? Don't think I can win at the chop chop game because I get the email notification about new post quite late. ChrisAu, why is sk tthe aunties man?
DeletePrincess Ribbon, arrr sounds like me also leh! I also got to pretend to be asleep in order to 'tham' Aden to sleep, then sometimes I will really fall asleep til I wake up again, and that would be late midnight, for bathroom trip, hehe!
DeleteSK, I think there's more female bloggers in the blogsphere than male la, hence you got more female readers, I also got lots of female readers. Male readers, I think just you, TM and ChrisAu only, I mean the regular one la, hehe!
hahaha, auntie man?? then ChrisAu sure auntie killer lor.. and chop chop game?? aiyoh, who is still playing this game?? chop chop won't give you extra points one woh~~
Deletehaha, true or not?? more lady bloggers than male bloggers?? hmmm, would be nice and interesting to see the actual demographics huh?? :)
Wah... come here already comments more than 190...You all are really hardcore fans here... I really salute all of you. Looks like from the chart ladies are the Queen of spammers here. You ladies r rock!
DeletePhong Hong you're doing a great job and you definitely a fast learner. Good job and keep it up.
how to say here... most of the topics that SK shared here really suits us to talk more. Lady talks more from every aspects and think more from every angle too... actual demographic? I think last year Sk did came out with a chart from all aspect from his readers.... interesting to see that again. SK is capable to do anything right?
Deletehahaha.. i actually observed that every time there is a chart, the number of comments kind of shoots up.. maybe the chart reminds everyone to comment more and motivate everyone to spam?? haha~~ :D
DeleteCongrats to all the Top 10!
ReplyDeleteThank you and congratulations to you as well Phong Hong! Still in the chart!
DeleteDon't play play.. Phong Hong very geng also, you see today she chup first place liao.. Kalah you all babe !!
DeleteYa, Phong Hong is working hard and is getting better these days.
DeleteThank you! Thank you!
Deletethank you thank you...bet you will soon masuk top 10....this month sure masuk punya...wanna bet or not
Deleteyeah, let's get everyone motivated here!! :)
DeleteThank you for the encouragement! But tak boleh bet, nanti kalah bikin malu...
DeleteYes, congrats to everyone. Especially to Hayley for being the first. Congrats to Phong Hong for chop successfully for this post.
DeleteThanks again mun.
DeleteYa agree, just keep on spamming la! Most important is enjoy, placing comes second.
never mind where you go in the chart lah.. it will come to a time where you think just enjoy spamming comments and interact with a whole bunch of fun people here is far more important, haha!! :)
DeleteVery true, I'm actually forgot about the Qtr thingy lor... all I want to know is
Delete- today what kind topic will Sk post ar?
- Who is the FC?
- Hayley, STP, Louiz, Meow, Lina and the rest are here or not?
- How many comments already whenever I come here...if I see the comments already more than 100, that means everyone is free to chi chat here than me. If is less also about 70 comments one... ok lar sometime we are busy with our own things too.
- Although I don't have time to spam so frequently... but I do read the rest of the comments here... really enjoying and amusing too. Until I can started to laugh on my own...
- Kind of relaxing stopping by this blog.
- Love all of here...
hahaha.. forget or remember doesn't matter lah.. as long as everyone remembers to drop by to spam comments!! :p
DeleteWhere is everybody???? Heloooo....
ReplyDeleteI'm here darling.. Monday blue ma, typing speed also blue..
DeletePssstt, my draft on anxiety attacks still here, not yet hit the "publish" button..
Whenever you are ready my dear, would love to hear your story.
DeleteI got to go first. Lots of things to do. I'll come back later.
DeleteGive me 5 pieces of pandan chiffon cake first, I'll swallow it with my Milo now..
DeleteI am here too! Busy as usual with my naughty boy, but am excited to see this second quarter chart! Yay! I got first, haha! But shall keep on spamming, congratulations to everyone on the chart!!
DeletePrincess Ribbon, why must be pandan chiffon cake? Cannot others meh? Like cheesecake ka, tiramisu ka, haha xD
DeleteSorry, pandan chiffon cake mou chor...
DeleteCongrats, Hayley!
DeleteThanks Phong Hong! ;)
DeleteOh ya, now only I realize why it must be pandan chiffon cake, haha! And Angeline and you also baked pandan chiffon cake! I tried once before but failed! Sigh, wish to bake again, but see when my mood strikes la! Wakakaka!
Hayley, today I read altogether 3 posts on pandan chiffon cake liao.. I think the current craze is pandan cake la, hehehehe, makes me wana eat also.. I won't bake it, coz needs egg separation leh.. Malas.. I prefer crack the eggs and mix everything together leh, kekeke..
DeleteRibbon, I read 2 posts on chiffon cake today, hehe, I love this kinda cake too but yea, the steps is really quite mafan and requires skills, the egg separation should be ok for me but it's the 'mixing' step which is challenging. Last time I tried to bake but this mixing step caused me failure, sob sob T_T
DeleteThe ladies here are too strong for us guys but beware. ...TM will come back strongly. ..muhahahahaha
Deletewah you also got hooked on Sk blog ah, Phong hong./ so early reporting for duty geh LOL...
DeleteMonday morning busy dei...."marketing" . some more tomorrow is holiday. sure many people go holiday liao. Wednesday la sure many come back.
Some more some tarak come in coz kalah bola leh LOL.... go judi bola , better come here and spam la
thank you all for being so supportive and never fail to drop by to comment even though you all are busy!! really appreciate all your effort, really!!
DeleteAll watched football until 6am today la.... yawn... need to sleep soon.
DeleteEveryone is so early here. Mamarazzi on behalf of Small Kucing also so keng, can spam here kaw kaw for every post.
Deletehahaha.. i think everyone gets a good rest today?? thanks to the public holiday..
DeleteMorning morning.. I thought I won't be in liao, but I almost choked on my Mentos now coz I'm at 4th place wor !!
ReplyDeleteI missed quite a lot of posts previously becoz of G's issues, so I thought this time sure "die" liao la.. Eh, mana tau, ok wor, not that bad afterall..
DeleteCongrats, twin!
DeleteSK, of coz I noticed and remembered about the chart thingy, just that I didn't ask only la.. Coz you know why? Coz I know SK sure will remember ger la.. Tell me one time where SK cannot remember or seems like cannot remember.. None right? SK is a perfectionist wor, sure can remember everything and anything.. See when he wana post only jek.. Correct mou?
DeleteWah, puh-leese, if SK is "sesame blogger", then I think I am "dust blogger" liao.. Coz I don't know anything smaller than a sesame seed..
DeleteOohh, wait, poppy seed smaller than sesame mou?
Eh, where's STP? He's usually very early ger wor..
DeleteI know la, everyone dilly dally today, coz the WC ended today, no semangat liao izzit? Or tomoro is a holiday, so today everyone on leave, so nobody comes to work today?
DeletePrincess Ribbon, why you won't be in leh? I think you spammed a lot earlier this year ma! So of course your scores are still high la! Number 4 wo, congratulations ya!! ^^
DeleteHaha, I agree! Some people might be sad and no semangat to come spam at the moment since WC ended, and some may be too happy cause Germany wins so they took leave go celebrate already, or some may be sad cause their favorite team lose, so they went sulk in the corner and din't come here... xDD
Hello Princess! You miss STP so much kah? Either he is stuck inside the WC or "Crying WIth Argentina" now. He might say good bye cruel world soon. Better call his telephone!
DeleteSTP still not here. He will be delighted to find out that he made it to the top 10.
DeleteHe commented already, he's at Bintulu wor....
DeleteTM, ya wor, kinda miss STP coz I know he very early one ma.. Sometimes the stuff he comment ahh, wah, very funny one wor.. So did you call him and check what he's up to? I scared he "tai mm hoi" after the WC and say bye to the cruel world, kakakakaka... But well, he replied liao, he's in Bintulu.. I guess he's bz eating la now..
Deletewhy choke on mentos leh....
Deleteaiya this one half yearly...or is it quarterly punya ma....SK ambil kira for the past 3 mths leh. so dont worry la if miss some post. can cover back from the first half leh.
Anyway...now get the Voucher...so nice leh
i think no difficult to stay in the chart as long as you have not missed any post.. even if you missed a couple, but spamming some comments in every post also can save you up lah, haha!! anyway, this is just Q2 which is April to June.. still got other 9 months to be taken into consideration for the yearly chart lah~~ :p
DeleteCongrats Princess Ribbon for being in 4th place. Please eat carefully and don't choke on your food.
DeleteHello SK, still got 9 more months meh? Not 6 more months meh? I started late for this year so got pro rata scores or not for the yearly chart?
Deletei meant this chart is for Q2 which is April, May and June.. so minus these 3 months we have other 9 months for the year, but of course only 6 months left for you to catch up lah, haha~~ :D
DeleteSK, your RM10.00 token of appreciation means a lot! However small a token, I believe your friends and fans here appreciate it a great deal. It is the thought that counts, not the amount of the gift.
ReplyDeleteOh yes the RM10 voucher can buy many things! Chicken chop, pork chop, beer and cheesy mutton curry, take your pick! If I change for cash with my friend, I can buy shirt, pants and shoes too...
DeleteYes SK, I am sure those who receive the voucher will be happy and thankful, never mind the value but it's your thoughts that count ma!
DeleteBut I am not sure if FoodPanda thingy is inclusive of Taiping area, I have heard a lot about this FoodPanda before but never really go and study, since I think I don't have the chance to utilise it also, anyway I better go and check now.
I do agree with you, Phong Hong.
DeleteIt's his thoughts that count and actually, the prize is quite nice too.
So glam of SK to get sponsorship from them! *not bodek mode* :)
CONGRATULATIONS HAYLEY!!! No worries, if the vouchers cannot be used in Taiping, you can give to Small Kucing! She will order your food and pickle them into bottles or make Kiam Chai Boei before send them to Taiping. That pussy is expert now! She could skin the pomelo and eat them with sugar! So cleber dei.
DeleteJust this morning I found a Food Panda flyer in my mail box. I should try it one day.
DeleteTM, thanks! You also not bad wert! Congratulations to you too! ^^
DeleteI just checked, Taiping is not included, sob sob :( Nearest also is Ipoh, haih.
So SK, that voucher is no use to me.. But it's ok, I shall give it to someone who can use it, like what TM said, give to Small Kucing, hehe, if you don't mind?
Are you serious TM? Haha, that would be lots of works la! :p
well said Phong Hong. Yea RM10 voucher he could have kept and use all for himslef but instead he share wih his readrs wor...nice leh
Deletesure or not ah Anay....Chicken chop, pork chop, beer and cheesy mutton curry, take your pick??? think one item only la...unless order the Tony Romas Rm9,90 meal. That one will be worth it. Tony Romas is under Food panda leh . so should be able to get la. Food from tony roma also very sedap leh
Yea dont think include Taiping, Hayley. My area also tarak cover. But still I can share with friend who can use it la.
Ketuk u la Anay...tarak cover my area la.....Food panda only cover those rich man area only dei.... my hutan here tarak cover punya leh...unless i order put your address and you deliver here la while you go eat Ijok beggar chicken...
I agree with you Phong Hong, the RM10 voucher is really nice. So nice of SK to get FoodPanda to sponsor the vouchers. Perhaps SK is a loyal customer of FoodPanda. Too bad Food Panda does not cover my area so I can't support Food Panda so have to go out everyday to eat.
Deleteyeah, really thank FoodPanda for the generosity to sponsor my the vouchers.. but having said that, i have headache what to give for the top commenters in the next quarter already!! oh my fing-fing~~ :D
DeleteI am sure you'll come up with something la SK!
Deleteooopsss.. like that means got expectations from readers woh.. what if i got nothing to give?? :p
DeleteWahhhhhh SK giving out FoodPanda voucher. Upping the ante on the gifts? Cayalah SK! :)
ReplyDeleteNow SK no longer sesame peanut blogger liao. Now his gift also very glamer already...
DeleteRising stake ni..........next quarter i think he will sakit kepala what to give to top this quarter punya prize ...:p
I agree with Lina, SK has upped the ante with Food Panda vouchers but I am sure the top ten like it very much.
Deleteerrr, there was actually a long story behind this sponsorship.. but then as long as there are vouchers for my readers, i am happy~~ :)
Deleteand right Small Kucing, i sakit kepala about what to give next quarter :D
Good morning SK and everyone, it's Monday again, beginning of the week...
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon Sharon! Yes, a new week already, how time flies!
DeleteGood day Sharon. Congratulation for being in the chart
DeleteGood afternoon Sharon, how are you today? I am late here and today is no longer Monday but Tuesday.
Deleteyeah, Monday is the start of the week, and after Monday comes Tuesday..
DeleteCongratulations to the top 10 :)
ReplyDeleteThank you and congrats to you as well Sharon, in the top 15 too ;)
DeleteTRhanks Sharon and same to you to. Jia yoh! sure by year end you will be in top 10. see Phong hong....already rising so fast liao.
Deletelet's get everyone motivated and climb up the ladder~~ :)
DeleteThat's nice! Congratulations to the top commenters. Thanks for the voucher in advance.
ReplyDeleteThank you wenn!
DeleteYes, must thank SK for the voucher ;)
Congratulations, Wenn..
DeleteAlamak....me too forgot to thank SK.
Thank you SK for the Food Panda Voucher :)
Congrats Wenn. Guess you can give the voucher to your children for them to use in KL. I don't think Food Panda operates in Ipoh yet.
Deleteyeah.. hope you all will like the voucher and find it useful.. and by all means do what you all want with the voucher lah, hehehe, once given they are all yours~~ :)
ReplyDelete呵呵!! 沒有問題, 是你請客嗎?? :D
DeleteOh, so the prize for Q3 winners is a dinner date with SK as suggested by AhWee?
Deleteooopsss.. if AhWee becomes the champion for Q3!! :p
DeleteI have to admit, I didn't remember at all about your qtrly chart SK!
I never forget all his charts! I would wait anxiously to see the report which gave me occasional jolts and heart attacks! Maybe it's time for me to spring back into full action to scare the ladies! They are too strong now and powderful with sharp finger nails, anay sure kena belasah & clawed! Wakakakaka
DeleteI remember, I even asked SK about it, =)
Deletehahah...me same as Lina. Lupa quarterly chart.Kept thinking it has been abolished coz Sk mentioned before tarak give monthly gifgt liao....some how this old cat thought only year end kasi CD. Totally forgot about quarterly punya chart.
DeleteNo wonder la that day saw SK say something about this but i still blur sotong .
Spring back la Anay.....come take over the torch...me tired liao....sendiri punya blog comments also tarak reply yet....cham....
hahaha.. actually it's not important if you remember about the chart or not, after all it's better to enjoy the commenting fun than to always think of the chart right?? as long as you don't forget to drop by to comment~~ :p
DeleteWow...TM serious this time !
DeleteActually I don't know about the charts at all because I comment here for fun only. :D
DeleteI mean for the fun of chatting with you all, very lively commenters. :D
Deletehahaha, serious about the chart or not?? not a big issue, as long as you enjoy spamming comments here~~ :)
DeleteCongrats to all chart winners!
ReplyDeleteYou are all such a hardcore fan and spammers of SK! LOL
Meow, bila mau belanja makan with your Foodpanda voucher? Hihihi
Thanks and congrats to you too lina!
DeleteYea, we are all hardcore fan of SK huh? :p
Long live SK!
Deletejom .....Tony Roma Midvalley.... err......have to order online ka? They tarak deliver my area.
DeleteI wonder if i sit in front of Tony Romas Midvalley then order online, ask them to deliver to the old cat standing in front of tony roma...will they layan or not? or maybe they will call police LOL
hahaha.. i am also hardcore fans of your blogs ladies!! :p
DeleteSmall Kucing: you too old until nyanyuk?? standing in front of the shop is called TAPAU and not delivery lah~~ haha!!
But Small Kucing still calls Food Panda while standing in front of the shop - cannot be considered as TAPAU I think.
Deletelike that then it's quite redundant right?? macam taking off your pants to fart lah~~ haha!! :D
Delete"Sesame blogger" LoL! Got such term one ah.... haha. So nice of you lah. Very very thoughtful towards your readers.
ReplyDeleteHaha, SK direct translate from Cantonese la! :p
DeleteYes SK very thoughtful indeed.
Deletehaha, as long as you all understand what i mean can already la :p
DeleteYawn ... just wake up and now servicing my car. Well , I'm sad my argentina lost but it's been a great world cup. Woah ... Nice to see I got a voucher. Can buy bento already.
ReplyDeleteDon't cry for me Argentinaaaaa..... Adoi! You should have asked me for tips! My parrot had picked the winning card - Viva Germany!
DeleteYou never get sick of eating Bento ka? Try eating Kampua or Kolo Mee for a change! Congratulations to you for being in TOP 10. Your fart was so smelly Chris! Did you drink that Petai Juice with Durians again? Oh My ChrisAuuuuuuuuuuu! Next month, I will fart above your head okay!
Chris, go eat something else :)
DeleteI think many fans sang that song lo, don't cry for me Argentina, hehe.. Anyway don't sad la, there's always next 4 years ma! ;)
DeleteHey ChrisAu is a big Japanese food fan leh, I am sure he won't get bored of bento lo!
Chris loyal la, once Japanese then forever Japanese lor.. I think if we serve him other food, he will make a face.. Wah, very stress ger wor going out with this kinda guy.. Everytime wana eat good food or Japanese food only.. If go eat "tai pai tong" scared he "yimhei" pulak..
DeleteHaha, got Japanese food punya tai pai tong ar? If got then should be ok gua? :p
DeleteBut I like Japanese food also la, just that cannot afford to eat too often, expensive leh, 'chong pei'....
I need a salmon sashimi. ....
Deletewakakaka...you ah tak habis habis with bento. favourite leh.
DeleteYea useful can drown your sorrow with a bento set leh. Nevermind la 4 years later can still see again...Argentina may boost up and win leh.....just like you. last quater tarak masuk ...now shoot up already leh
haha.. i am sure this ChrisAu will use the voucher on the Japanese bento he order lor.. let's see if he is going to blog about that later?? hehe~~ :p
DeleteSk ..haha..thanks for your voucher. Will order a good bento soon.
DeleteVery useful voucher. Now ChrisAu can eat a good bento by using the voucher.
Deletehope you will find it useful, and hope you are able to use it lah, haha~~
DeleteI am going to vanish soon from the list I notice! hahahaa.. The last one down there.. save the best for last, I console myself.. maybe there is something nice for being the last...Yeah, Chris Au jumped up so much.. well, he has long legs, that is an advantage... now he is thinking of what to eat with his voucher...
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to the top bloggers... Happy Commenting....
Now I am sleepy.. lunch time now... not because of hunger but because of full stomach.. *yawn*... excuse me, pergi ZzzzzzzZZ first...
Me too can't catch up with our champions. But if SK's blog still around after my retirement, maybe I got chance to become champion nenek spammer. LOL!
DeleteClaire, it's ok, as long as you come comment once or twice per post, you'll still be in the list I guess ;)
DeleteI also feeling sleepy now, pure tired. But cannot zzz yet cause still got unfinished works need to do!
Haha, I laughing la when you say you wana vanish soon.. Where got so easy vanish wor.. You think like that vanish detergent powder ahh, kakakakaka..
DeleteHaha, Vanish washing powder, I am using it! :p
DeleteAunt claire busy traveling and makan la.
DeleteHayley, wana ask about this Vanish.. Is it powerful? Kz's clothes always got black stains one.. If I put Vanish onto his clothes first, then only dump into washing machine and put detergent, will the black stains gone ahh?
Deletewake up wake up claire.....die die also put one foot in the top 10 chart la....at least year end get CD ma even if in number 10. Ngum moe?
Deleteaiyoh, won't vanish one lah.. as long as you got put comment in my blog, your name will automatically be included in the chart one.. if not in the top 15 then sure in the detailed list lah.. i recognize every single person who has left me comment dei :)
DeleteHello Claire, trust SK. A comment a post will get you into the detailed list so don't worry too much about it. :)
Deletehahahaaaa..thanks for all the encouragement... sure will put at least one comment for one post... Like Phong Hong, wait till I retire la... more time then... must avoid getting chee oi ching.. so must comment more on SK's blogposts.. you all wait ah... one day I might be "toppest" ... hahahaa..
DeleteMummy Ribbon, I tried it with hand wash method and it worked! But not sure about using washing machine lo. But must use warm water to soak first...
Deleteyalah, nobody here will be forgotten!! and if you have not missed any post, big chance is that you will stay in the chart lah, hehehe~~ :p
DeleteHello from Bintulu!!! No use giving me that. They do not deliver here... :(
ReplyDeleteYou are at Bintulu ar?
DeleteThen give to someone who can use lo~
Can send to me if you don't want hee..hee..hee....
DeleteBintulu kampua nice ?
Deletesure or not....i thought you have kaki in Poslaju...jamin sampai 24 hours mah....maybe foodpanda will joint venture with Poslaju leh
DeleteSTP can use it when he visits KL next time. Does the voucher have an expiry date?
Deleteooopsss.. i sent the voucher before i read this comment.. aiks, if STP doesn't want, then i can keep it for other readers.. anyway, do what you like with the voucher.. ignore it ke, give it to somebody else ke etc~~ :)
DeleteSK, I wonder who is that blogger who asked you where is the chart for q2? Kekeke *wink*
ReplyDeleteBut that's what I remember, you always announce the quarter chart with the monthly chart. I know you won't forget la but just wonder why there's no quarter chart, perhaps you have changed the way of announcing it?
Not that it's so important for me to see the chart but just wanna know what's the progress la, as well as for the rest of the readers.
So this time you worked with FoodPanda on the free voucher thingy? Interesting! ;)
I saw a few bloggers actually give free stuff to the readers, by collaborating with some company. I wonder how can I do the same? I think must have high traffic then only they will want to work with you lo hor? 'Sesame blogger' like me sure no one wanna sponsor anything one, kaka!
you perihati. Me like Lina also tak perasan it's quarterly chart result.
DeleteKinda okay la to know what position in for the quarter. But main thing is we must not be too stressed with the chart lo...as fun only .
SK more glamour than others bloggers leh. We all have to write review for the foodpanda then baru get vouchers to give to readers . but he tarak need to do review and they offer him voucher.
Hahah...cannot catch SK traffic lo. every post have more than 100 comments leh. Where can beat :)
must curi idea from SK liao see what is his secret weapon
hehehe, you wink wink?? means you know who lah, hehehe, then i wink wink you back, consider an answer for you?? kekeke.. yeah, last time i do have regular progress updates, but then all complained it's too stressing and giving pressure.. so i stop doing that, haha!! anyway, you can actually copy down the marks for every month on to Excel, sum them up,then you would know the progress.. hehe *hint hint*
Deletehaha.. never mind if you lupa about the chart.. that means you enjoy the fun of commenting and not think just about the chart!! that's a good thing actually.. hmmm, you all give face only lah, i may have a lot of comments but no high traffic leh~~
So the blogger who asked is Hayley! Good for Hayley! Even when she is busy with Aden, she can still remember this fine details.
Deleteyeah.. Hayley has been very observant and detailed.. :)
DeleteHehe, I don't know why but I just remember about it, cause I remember SK reveals the quarter chart together with the monthly chart.
DeleteAnyway, yes Mamarazzi, no pressure, just comment freely and enjoy the process. The chart is just like a 'side entertainment' for us, not like we racing to get champion and recorded in Guinness Book of Record, wakakak!
Of course, cannot compete with SK one, his traffic memang high ;)
SK, haha ok, I get that wink wink liao! :p
Erm, thanks for the tips but do you know I have the time to do that? LOL!
mun and SK, thanks for the compliment ;)
haha, anyway since i know there are readers who will remember the charts, i will have to put that up and cannot skip already, hehehehe!! my traffic high?? no lah, just an illusion only, in fact my traffic is low albeit many comments each time~~
DeleteHeard of FoodPanda many times before but never had the chance to order from them. And now after I have checked, lagi lah no chance to utilise the voucher, they don't deliver here also :(
ReplyDeleteBut heard it's very convenient and fast? Have you ordered from them before this SK?
Actually this kinda online idea is quite good hor? Since many of us likes to surf net these days.
Me too...they tarak cover my area. i hope the foodpanda business will expand and cover more area la. Coz so easy leh. you know la. sometimes tired of cooking or raining ...tak kan la kept ordering pizza or McD....at least can have other food also la. Food panda joint venture with so many food and beverage outlet. More healthy food for us to choose from.
Deletereally hope they will expand lo
hehehehehe, okay lah, can go and try it out lah.. :)
DeleteNever try food panda before, not sure if they deliver in jb. Hope can taste their. .erm ...bento .
DeleteI think the areas they cover is quite limited Even my area in KL is not covered but their service is very good I heard.
DeleteYes I see the area listed are so few only! Why la!
DeleteMamarazzi, ya lo, when it comes to food delivery, we can think of McD, PHD and Domino, so boring.. If can try other types of food sure is good!
yeah, gotta try your luck because the area covered is rather limited.. but it expires 1/7/2015, hopefully by then more areas are covered and you can use the voucher :)
DeleteComing back to the chart, let's see... I never expect I'll be at number one for this second quarter, thought may be number 2 or 3... Hehe! Anyway, I am glad I din't miss any post of yours so far, and managed to left you 789 comments, and scored myself 91.4! ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd top 5 are all ladies! Girls power! ;)
Congratulations to everyone in the chart!! Let's keep up the good works and keep spamming!
To ChrisAu and TM, you guys must keep on spamming ok? Cause you are the strongest male readers so far and that's what makes you 2 'center of attractions' :D
You see lah, Hayley that's why you are No. 1. Got a lot of comments and frequent some more. Myself sometimes so benggang don't know what else to say. Keep up the good work!
DeleteCongrats gorgeous Hayley !
DeletePhong Hong, you bengang for wat?
DeleteBenggang because my brain run out of ideas what to comment some more....
DeleteLOL....you can do it. I remember few years ago you were number one in the chart ma. That time Yannie and Yvonne were still spamming. now they moved to new office already, they seems to have disappear from radar. Kinda miss them .
Deleteeveryone has done an amazing job i would say.. just don't look at the numbers, but look at how interactive this comment space is, everyone is like chatting in a forum like friends.. :)
DeleteYes, this is like a chat room and myself auntie auntie also become ketagih :D
DeleteTrue this is like a forum instead of a comments area.
DeleteThank you ChrisAu.
DeletePhong Hong, calm down calm down, don't bengang... Erm you can always comment with whatever that comes to mind, though sometimes it might not be related to the topic, that's what most of us are doing, gossip and kepo here and there, then naturally got topics to continue chatting already one, hehe!
I am sure you can do it la, don't give up!
Mamarazzi, yes, I miss them too, their blogs and themselves, they are super busy til we no chance to organize gathering also though we all are staying at Taiping :(
hahaha.. that is what makes this blog a little different from usual huh?? :D
Deleteand don't be too stressed up with comments lah, just have fun.. and true also, missing those readers who have been less active in or totally stopped blogging.. :)
Supported food panda voucher~ =D
ReplyDeleteoh, you ordered food from FP before?? :)
DeleteMy friends ordered from them before. Good service!
Deletei actually have not tried that yet..
DeleteCongratulations to the top ten! Especially to Hayley! This prize is very good - worth RM10, not a small amount. So generous of SK to give this as the prize to the top ten. :)
ReplyDeleteerrr, i also got sponsorship from FoodPanda only lah.. hope the voucher is useful to the Top 10.. :)
DeleteI almost make it to 15 :(
ReplyDeleteyou gotta work harder then, hehe :p
DeleteCongrats Hayley
ReplyDeleteThanks Libby!
Deletegirl power!! :p
ReplyDeleteHow you do all special things in your post? I am always amazed. ^^ oh hi!
hahaha.. just some simple HTML and Javascripts :)
ReplyDelete有否想過提高水準?? 哈哈~~ :D