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2014.07.23 | 惹人反感

[Volume 9 Issue 7, #1922]
Some Acts and Attitude Can Be Irritating..
Irritating Sales Personnel
大家仲記唔記得上個星期兩篇關於找少五仙同埋實Q封袋嘅博文?? 由各位讀者嘅回應睇來, 呢個系列似乎唔應該止于兩篇文咁少喎.. 好喇, 多謝讀者提供靈感, 今日呢篇係呢個系列嘅第三篇博文(雖然中間夾住一篇關於我嘅腳傷, 當係俾大家抖下氣, 呵呵!!).. 我覺得大家都應該會有好多嘢回應囉 -- sales嘅態度以及動作, 希望係個有趣嘅題材, 可以帶來好多討論啦.. :p
大家眼中有啲乜嘢態度或動作, 會令到閣下對某個sales產生反感呢?? 以下係我個list, 當然應該會有更多, 不過呢個時候只係諗到以下呢啲:-
  1. 由你踏入嗰一刻開始, 就一路喺後面(就嚟貼住你背脊咁)跟實你, 直至你踏出為止.. 好, 我明白佢哋咁樣做, 好有可能係工作上指定需要, 不過眼金金望實你嘅一舉一動, 好似當你賊扮咁, 我覺得非常唔自在囉..
  2. 延伸上面個point, 你掂親乜嘢, 就算完全冇郁過半分, 佢哋都要隨手整理返.. 我覺得咁樣係對顧客嚴重冇禮貌囉!! 好喇, 咁鍾意做, 不如就等我哋成全, 搞亂佢之後行開, 得你慢慢執啦~~
  3. 我其實真係唔需要有人招呼我, 我自己慢慢睇, 啲sales自己做自己嘢, 我係極之冇問題.. 不過當我有需要幫手嘅時候, 我就會expect有人可以迅速給予友善服務喎, 而唔係擺埋副西口西面, 整埋晒「唧!!」咁嘅聲..
  4. 超市內嘅好hardsell, 同埋銀行信用卡嘅促銷員, 句號.. 好, 或者我應該更詳細說明.. 唔該唔好死纏爛打要我試你啲產品.. 唔該唔好批評我決定買嘅產品唔夠你啲好.. 唔該唔好同我講你唔係賣嘢, 不過最後又係要有說我買嘢..
still remember the two posts last week on 5-sen shortchange and hypermarket security seal?? well, from the responses given by readers, seems like this series deserves more related posts to go with it huh?? okay, inspired by the responses, here comes the third post for this series (after a breather on my leg injuries, haha!!), and i am sure you will probably have a lot to say about this - acts and attitudes of sales personnel or promoters!! an interesting topic i hope, that would invite discussions.. :p
so, what kind of acts or attitudes from sales personnel or promoters that you find most irritating?? here comes my list, of course, could be more but at this moment i can only think of these:-
  1. keep following behind you as close as possible, from the moment you entered the shop till the moment you stepped out.. okay, i understand this may likely be the job requirement for them, but keeping close monitor on whatever you see or touch (as if you are going to steal things from the shop) is just making me feel so uncomfortable..
  2. extending from the point above.. for whatever you have touched, they will want to rearrange the items albeit they have not even been moved a single micrometer away.. i seriously find this very rude.. okay, since they like to do that, how about we make a big mess and then just walk away huh??
  3. i really do not need people to serve me and i am totally fine with the sales personnel to do their own work around.. but when i ever call for help, i would expect prompt and friendly service.. not one who would make that f*cking "tsk!!" noise and show me that grumpy CB (okay, CB stands for vagina in Hokkien, don't ask again!!) face..
  4. aggressive and hardselling promoters in supermarkets/hypermarkets and credit card roadshow, period.. okay, maybe i shall elaborate more.. please don't push me to try your products.. please don't condemn the items i have chosen is not better than yours.. please don't tell me you are not selling but in the end try to persuade me to buy..
what other irritating acts or attitudes are there in your list??



    1. Just write "chop"l, of course can be very fast, can just typed somewhere else the copy paste here!! =]

    2. Ya...I hate those sales people following too. On the other hand, I also hate it when you need to ask about something and there was nobody around. Oh...if there were, they would look angry and are most unfriendly, like they think you have no money to buy. Kurang ajar!!! Dunno how this kind of people can get employed.

    3. Another thing that I hate is...once you've flipped through the clothes to have a better look at them, as you walk away, the girl comes up and flip...flip...flip the clothes loudly to show you she was not happy that you touched it! Want to buy, no need to see one kah... So terrible, the attitude. I would walk out of the shop right away. Those in the business should realise that they are actually losing money because of this among their sales people.

    4. Hehehehehehehe!!!!! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP!!!

    5. Hehehehehehehehehehe!!!! Good Morning Kampua Chop! Will you get extra marks for clicking & refreshing so many times? Kikikikikikikikiki

    6. Yes I always get same treatment where sales person would quickly fold back the clothes that I have messed up or hung back the clothes wrongly on their racks. Well, they need to reorganize them quickly so that others would be attracted to buy la.

    7. I think TM fedup liao nagging about CHOP until immune liao.. Else, TM will nag nag nag about the CHOP CHOP CHOP and CHOP our heads if we ever say CHOP again, then bye to the cruel world.. Haha..

    8. Maybe SK should write a script to mask off the word 'CHOP' ...LOL

    9. 小影,haha yes I agree! Just type 4 letters, CHOP, of course fast la!! We need to comment something more relevant, instead of just chop la!

      TM, 'Hehehehehehehehehehe!!!! Good Morning Kampua Chop! Will you get extra marks for clicking & refreshing so many times? Kikikikikikikikiki', hahaha, I wonder too! :p

    10. I don't see what the problem everyone is having over that CHOPPPPPP!!! I chop first to claim first stake...and then use the REPLY option to comment again and again and again. If I were to type a long comment, by the time I click PUBLISH, others would have claimed the first spot already...and no, TM, I do NOT click REFRESH again and again and again. SK will update around the same time on alternate days - you should know him well enough by now...like mine is always at 0.05 a.m. past midnight.

      Frankly, I don't give a damn.

    11. I enjoy doing it so who cares what anybody thinks or says??? @#$%^&*!!!!!

  2. Morning morning... Your dwarf picture looks weird.. Like so evil like that.. But I think still ok la.. He's Grumpy or Sneezy? Haha..

    1. When I read the dwarf's caption, I immediately think of those promoter/sales assistants rearranging back stuffs after I've touched it.. Really potong stim ger wor.. Makes me don't feel like looking anymore.. May as well just leave..

      When I walk into the shop, ok wor, all the dresses look ok.. Eh, normal human being ma.. Of coz wana see see look look touch touch kan? Those that pissed me off are those always rearrange back the stuffs after I've touched it la.. Wah, like so "yimhei" like that wor..

      Eh, harlow, if wana rearrange, please wait for me to leave first ma, kan..

    2. Yep, can feel your point # 1.. I dislike people following me from behind too.. They usually will "scan" me from head to toe, from toe to head again.. To see what shoes you are wearing, what clothes you are wearing (I feel la).. I don't know, maybe it's just me.. Really potong stim also.. Then sometimes when walking halfway, wana fart, also dare not fart, coz she's following so closely behind, teehee..

    3. OMG, I love your # 3 so much !!!
      Ok, guys, SK has confessed and explained the meaning of CB.. So please, don't act like a good boy and say CB stands for Chicken Burger la ok.. Teehee..
      Chris, you here?

    4. Err, SK, I'm worried people will still pretend and ask what's CB in full name wor.. How?

    5. I can see # 4 everywhere, anytime, anyday.. Lastime leh, they were more aggresive.. You said don't want already ahh, they still follow you and keep passing the brochure to you.. But now, I feel they are ok jor.. You say don't want, they will just ignore.. Just last week, many were promoting on their facials and spas and what not.. I just smiled and nodded my head, they ok wor, ignore me only.. Lucky no tsk tsk sound or CB face la, teehee..

    6. Good morning princess dearie !!

    7. Princess ...Cb vulgar ....I don't want to use it.

    8. SK didn't say what is CB in full name ma.. He only says CB stands for Ms.V in Hokkien, teehee.. So yeah, you can still assume CB is: Cantik Betul or Chicken Bento :)

    9. So, Princess...CB is cantik betul ? ok...you very CB .... :)

    10. ChrisAu, said CB is vulgar word but you used it many times leh..... :p
      Princess Ribbon, haha who is that naughty? I think if really got people ask what CB stands for in Hokkien, SK will ask him/her to go Google, wakakak!

    11. Hayley - I don't use CB la... only TM.

    12. ChrisAu, xD

      Princess Ribbon, yalo that dwarf's expression very weird, looks cheeky yet a bit furious :p

  3. Those you've mentioned are what I hate the most also, like those small small shop, they won't give you has the feeling of they want to help you, and what I get is they scared you're stealing something from them...

    1. Yeah, all the points also I've experienced before.. Sometimes, I feel online shopping better.. But the bad thing is, I cant see/touch/feel if buy online.. Haiz...

    2. For #1 I remember last time during my secondary school, always shop at sg wang, they always like this...keep following you until you've stepped from the shop, so usually when first noticed about it, I just right away stepped out from the shop lo, coz I don't even have the mood to shop anymore...>.<

    3. Yah, buy online have to aware and read the reviews carefully, but sometime they might also cheat on the rating and reviews...sigh~~~

    4. #2 Hahaha, that's funny...but usually there's already a big mess, they would just leave it like that, don't care to tidy up anything...hmm, I'm thinking maybe some of them are perfectionist, they can't see things untidy, even sengat a bit also want to put it back align!! o.O

    5. #3 I don't know about other shop, but the shop I remember the most is sasa, the promoter always come to me and ask what I want..(aiyo, if I want anything I'll tell you mah!!) But when I want anything, there're always no one!! =.=!!

    6. #4 For this, I always use another alternate road, purposely don't want to walk pass by the road show, even though I accidentally pass by, I'l' take out my phone, pretend busy with the phone, or pretend I'm on the phone with someone, hahaha~~~ (very bad! >.<)

    7. Eh, for # 4 ahh, susah leh.. If from far already see the bunch of promoters, then ok la, can tukar jalan or pretend to handle the kids when walk pass by them until "too bz" or "no eye" to see them.. But if can only see them the minute we walked pass by them, then too late to tukar jalan wor.. Normally I will just nod my head and smile politely, they will ignore one..

    8. Try not to walk into empty shops with promoters around only. Go to those crowded ones....they won't kacau you...too busy ...hahaha!

    9. Princess RIbbon, yala, shopping online got its pros and cons lo, but depends on what kinda items la! Some no problems one, usually are correct, but some like bottoms or shoes, those with sizes one, difficult a bit lo...

  4. SK, all your 4 points I have also experienced and I find it irritation and annoying. Most annoying for me is point 4 on the hard selling promoters. Even after I tell them no thank you, they keep on talking and following me. Really make my blood boil!

    1. I once had to glare angrily at a girl promoter at Queensbay Penang, so irritating her shrill voice and Ah Lian manner of talking, speaking in Mandarin and she kept tailing me, talking non-stop and would not give up even though I kept shaking my head. I stopped, looked at her like I was going to beat her up - then only she stopped and quickly walked away. So pissed off by this kind of people.

    2. Totally agree. Sometimes just have to show fierce face to get the point across.

      Another one that piss me off is those promoters at the supermarket. I know they are promoting their product but if I want to buy my usual brand, they should respect that. Once I bought cheese and the promoter had the cheek to raise her voice and tell me that her product is cheaper.

    3. And one more thing. Noted that some of our promoters here don't really know much about the product. Ask them a few basic questions and they are stumped. How to sell?

    4. wahhhh.. STP showing beating up look? I wanna see that LOOK.. hehehee... maybe the lady wants to make herself noticed by you, Arthur.. kept tailing you because you look like Big Towkay, you certainly look like one... :)

    5. Another one I really cannot tahan are those sales people who wait outside the bank and waiting to ambush you. The moment you walk pass or entering or exiting the bank, they come at you and are very pushy. A few times I wanted to tell them that they are a public nuisance.

    6. I will.just quickly walk out of the shop with these type of ah lians

    7. Wah, STP very fierce, scared la.. I wana see leh.. STP is a bubbly cute loving guy wor.. Wah, sekali show garang face like wana beat a lady up wor.. Terror man !!!

    8. STP is harmless like a toothless tiger la but if he really gets angry I believe all the Kampua Noodles could stand up straight like Pocky Sticks! !!!

    9. Hmm, don't play play with ex-teacher like STP lo!! :p
      But some promoters memang got bad attitudes, must give them some colors else they will bully us! Customer is always right ma!

  5. From the points above, I don't like the top three I have experienced.. but the one that irritates me a lot is the second.. the minute my hands leave the hanger, the girl behind will do something to the hanger... Apa ni!! As you said, sometimes the hanger never even move much... if want to arrange ah, wait till the customers leave the shop la, ngam moe? Don't do it right after we walk one step away.. it really makes me feel like I am "purposely rummaging" their goods...

    1. Me too hate that. There was once when the girl kept tailing me and immediately did that adjustment thing right there and then with a very fierce sour look on her face. Really put me off!

    2. Yes yes yes, show some respect la! At least wait til the customer left then only rearrange the thing ma!
      Those things are 'meant to touch and make a mess' one, if you know what I mean, if those hangers/clothes must remain in place, then put a sign say 'no touching/messing' la!!

    3. The act of rearranging the items while the customer is still there is truly disrespectful. Come on, you think the customer is blind and cannot see that?

  6. I used to hate the sales people from following but I have grown thick skinned and let them follow me la. I would go around the shelves in many circles until the sales people surrendered. They would pretend to quickly service other customers la. Hehehehe!

    The only place I would want their attention is at the pharmacy cos I always went there to buy what I needed exactly and not window shop. They have so many things until I could not find certain items.

    1. TM, wah you got so much time to 'fool' the sales person! :p

      I wonder if we fart at this time, will the promoter still care to follow at our back? Wakakka! Sorry I know it's funny but it just come to my mind, plus I guess many people here loves the farting topic :p

  7. 最主要嗰幾樣你都差唔多list曬出嚟,一句講曬:狗眼看人低!

  8. Sometimes they only followed certain customers closely just to prevent shop lifting. They will politely ask, how they could help you? I would say nothing la, just look see, thanks. They would walk away la. I guess I didn't look like shop lifter. My friend told me that he would tell the staff to look out for certain demographics that fit the shop lifters - age, race & come in pairs!!

    1. I have the same thinking like you TM, I think most promoters will ask you once you enter the shop, and if say just look around, they will smile and walk away.
      If they really worry about us stealing things, they can watch us with the eyes, no need necessarily follow at our back.

      TM, yala you don't look like a thief la! Wearing spec and so 'pak pak zeng zeng' (fair skinned), looks like a lecturer from UM, sure won't steal things la! :p

  9. There's this shop here, i don't want to name the shop name, when you enter the shop, they will start following you, then ask u what u looking for, told them i take a look first, and yet, they keeps standing beside you and following you whenever u walk, so irritating, haiz...

    1. Then some shops, when you really in need to ask something, and tried looking for help, but there's nobody...

    2. Where ? In jurong point?

    3. Really? I think it's ok to name the shop la, since only minority of the readers here are from Sg ;)
      Anyway, that's very rude! People already said take a look ma, why still wanna keep on following?

  10. I don't mind the promoter following me closely if she's damn pretty else just go away. Hahaha ..... yes , it's like they are asking you what you want to buy here since you are here and don't waste my time.

    1. Haha you so funny la.. True also, if lenglui or lengzhai follow ahh, nevermind.. Hehe.. Can even to pretend to ask nonsense and steal looks at his handsome cute face... Eh if STP look-alike follow you, how?

    2. STP is bubbly and cute like a teddy bear.. If he follows you, you like or not?

    3. hmmmm .. I will ask him have he eaten his kampua noodles as well as black or white sauce?

    4. LOL, like that not fair already la, only good looking staff can allow to follow :p
      Where to find so many good looking staff wo! :p

    5. hayley - That's why I don't mind lor ...

  11. Yup, agreed with you. I also dislike promoters tidying things up after you have just touch it. It's like telling you want to buy just buy la...don't mess my stuffs around and give me work.

    1. Haha ya, it's like telling us, don't 'kao kao zan, mou pong chan‘!

    2. Hayley - Worse still,they give you a stern look.

    3. So rude!! Don't buy from them already next time, and might as well spread the news via social media! *evil grin*

  12. I was at nike last month getting a pair of shoes and bag. I like their service. They never bother to kacau me and I spend lots of time there choosing the bag and shoes that I like. Well , most of the time , the longer your potential clients spent, the probability of buying is high. And when I got problems like fitting into the shoes , they promptly came to help and offered their expertise. I bought both stuffs from them in the end.

    1. I think they are well-trained! ;)

    2. Hayley - Yes, Nike always just do it!

  13. Cb not chicken biscuits meh ? Aiyo....don't scold Cb next time....so vulgar!

  14. Oh ...I definitely hate those credit card or bank loans promoters following you even if you decline them. I wonder how much sales they made with this kind of tactics.

    1. I think nobody likes them, seeing them is like seeing ghost, everyone also run away one.. But then, sometimes kesian them also, heard that the job is very stressful, must hit target. It's just part of their job, cannot blame them...
      So whenever I meet this kinda sales person, I'll just reject them politely and continue to walk away.

    2. I even got scolded by my wifey when I don't acknowledged them. My wifey said at least just said no and smile. Don't be rude to people. sigh....

    3. Haha, your wife is right also la, just try not to be mean and rude lo, cause we don't wanna get treated the same way ma right?

  15. The shops should install a cctv and sensor while bar coded all their products. With this , they can manage their shops in peace and with lesser manpower too.

  16. Most customers dislike the sales promoters to follow them when they go about looking at stuff. I personally dislike it too. So in our shop, we don't do that too. Unless they need our help.

    1. That's a good practice wenn! Should go and visit your shop one day ;))

  17. Seriously I find those salesperson who follows me until I can feel their breathe on my neck very annoying. And those who kept rearranging things that I touch... I'll just leave. LEAVE THAT DARN PLACE!

    Ooops sorry. Ter-angry pulak :P

    1. Merryn - Normal la... all folk will get irritated.

    2. I also hate it.

      And most times, I will "sound" them one. Or if I'm in a bad mood, I will look at them and ask whether I wasn't supposed to touch anything. :P

    3. Calm down Merryn ;)
      Actually nobody likes this kinda service attitude la! Really very rude and irritating.

  18. We have really annoying customer service here. Maybe because to them, instead of bringing sales, we customers are just a bunch of nuisance disturbing them in the shop, Hehehe

    1. Lina - These are usually short term sales people who worked for a while and the shop also small, lack of funds and just want to make a profit. In other words, they don't care la... just open the shop do small business and that's all.Can't blame them at times too.

    2. Can't blame them for what?

      If truly busy I understand. A job is not paid for someone to whatsapp and not provide service. Haish.

    3. haha... on the other hand, once I saw a promoter in big J napping ..... hehehe

  19. SK nowadays banyak angsty post ah?

    Releasing pent-up emotion through blog posts ah? kekeke

    1. Haha I think the first post somehow creates many topics for SK to blog... But SK just calm down ok? Breath..... :p

  20. Oh! I hate aggressive sales people.

    Do they seriously think they can really coerce customers into buying their products?

  21. But sadlt, no credit card promoters aggressively promote their cards to me.

    Yalor... I am very poor looking. Sure cannot afford even a silver card. *sobs*

    1. Sometimes those credit card promoters also very smart one, they will look first before approaching us. Those heavily make up, carrying branded bags, or those wearing very formally one, sure come approach.

      Haha lina, don't sob, that's not a bad thing...At least we don't have to think of how to get rid of them ma! And can concentrate on our shopping. I also like that, seldom got promoters come approach me, but I don't mind, less troubles, wakaka!

    2. If pretty and young ...never mind la...can talk to them for a while.

    3. ChrisAu, you ni...... =_=

  22. I think retailers should train their service staff to observe the following :

    1. Greet the customer when they walk in and offer assistance. If the customer says that they want to have a look, the tell the customer "If you need any assistance, just let me know" and then walk away and allow the customer space to shop. And be available when the customer needs help.

    2. Rearrange the products only after the customer has left the area or do it discreetly.

    3. Obviously as a sales staff, they have to be prepared to serves the customer when the need arise. Sales staff must have proper attitude and be courteous at all times. This requires patience because to be fair, there are customers who are difficult to handle. Perhaps retailers should have ways to screen recruits and weed out those with potential attitude problems.

    4. The sales person must behave in a professional manner. Be polite, firm and persuasive rather than aggressive. Aggressive and hardselling tactics tend to turn people off and in the end your will never be able to sell the product/service. It is not easy to recruit good sales persons as only a few people possess that natural aptitude to be able to talk to people and convince them to buy something or to switch products.

    1. I know that this is easier said than done. Not easy to recruit and train the right people.

  23. i really hate "一路喺後面" when go in some shop !

    actually im not model, no need look at me frm hair until ur shoes = =

  24. Good service, polite and smiley face are the very important criteria for a salesperson.

    Actually, when customer step inside the shop, I just expect the salesperson to greet me "Hello", "Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening.", then let me to have my own space to browse around. I will ask her if I am interested to know more.

    1. Tailing behind customers is very irritating. "lansi" face is also a no no for a salesperson.

    2. Oh, tidying up things before customer leaving is very rude and disrespect customer. I hate that act too.

    3. Yannie, agree! That's simple and yet polite, just greet and give space for the customers to shop. If someone cares to run a shop why wanna show the 'lansi' face? That sure 'halau' business, who wants to buy things from a lansi merchant right?

    4. Hayley, got one "lansi" in our town wert. Selling clothes one, remember? Last time, she was friendly, when you took us to her small boutique, now she is damn lansi already. I think you also didn't visit her boutique now. lol!

    5. Yannie, errr, I think I know who, hahaha!
      Yep, I even unlike her FB page, and stop visiting her boutique for 1-2 years jo....

  25. Have you ever got shouted at by young promoters asking you to look at those scratch and win thing at lrt stations. I got shouted at and he kept chasing me shouting angry words when I say I was not interested. Luckily he did not go amok and hit me. He must have a hard time selling that item. I really wonder why there are people who want to promote this scratch and win thing. Can't they work for someone else?

    1. Huh? Really ar? Sounds so scary! He must be under pressure? Or having a bad mood!

    2. Yes, very scary indeed.

  26. So far so good for Bananaz. Reasons could be he seldom go shopping or the saddest part he may be transparent?

  27. I also don't like the sales assistant following me, no privacy at all and very hardsell

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. #1 and #2 more often than not is the boss's fault. If the staff don't stay with you all the time, the boss will scold them for not giving proper customer service. Of course the boss also never teach them / he himself don't know what proper customer service is. So instead of being nice and discreet, they end up just sticking to your ass and annoy you. I've been a promoter before with a few superiors, so I guess I more or less know.
    #4 Whenever I see I am walking directly into a swarm of credit card/insurance/broadband promotion stalls with the hardsellers on standby, I will start chanting softly "F**k off, don't come to me, f**k off, don't come to me, f**k off, don't come to me..." while not looking at them. It kind of works, so far I was left relatively in peace. If I want a credit card I will usually go to the bank, these promotion agents more often than not don't really know what they are selling, they only care to make a sale.

  30. #1. Like everyone says, it's indeed irritating and rude, the boss might need them to watch and monitor the customers closely so that they can attend to us immediately, but, there's always a boundary, not necessarily must tail at the back right? Can just keep an eye on the customers.

    #2. True, this is even worse! It's like telling us if don't wanna buy please don't touch!
    For me, I will try to fold the clothes, or at least arrange the items neat a bit. But some promoters very particular, will also come and re-arrange the items, so I know already, next time just leave it like that, no need act kind and help them :p

    #3. Same, I don't need people to serve me, they can carry on with what they need to do. I'll look/call for them if I need their helps.

    #4. Hmm, aggressive promoters memang scary, like those credit card promoters, very scare to see them when shopping (though hardly got promoters approach me la, haha!), some ho very long-winded one, will follow you til few shops away and keep on talking...
    I dislike promoters like that, but then sometimes kesian them also la, it's part of their job... So I don't blame them, just reject politely and walk away, if they want to follow me just follow la, I don't mind :p I am good at being ignorant, whenever necessary.

    1. I also dislike lansi promoters. There's a boutique at town which runs for years already. I actually wonder what makes it tahan til now since their clothes are so 'laobeh'! And worse, the tauke soh is a very lansi person, if she sees you driving BMW/Merz then she will automatically greet you once you enter the shop, and will come serve you, or at least say something like 'help yourself ya, call me if you need me bla bla bla' if she's busy.
      But if customer drive local car, she 'choi lei tou soh', really one. I am not exaggerating. I went in once, she saw me but she din't greet/serve me also, then I see the clothes also not nice, very aunty-style, then I directly walk out, that was my first time visiting the shop, and also the last.

  31. Customers are always right

    1. Why I stumble here with just a sentence yesterday. Busy lar me... I will stil coming here to comment although no one is here and I guess everyone is still in their holiday mood. So do I but still need to come to work on Friday. Is alright.

    2. I also have a few experiences through this issue... For me is all about how serious is it lor..... There are so many types of people out there, we can't control much... I'm sure not all the promtoers are like that or even a shop owner of a boutique, shops or selling any direct selling stuffs.

    3. First of all, we've been the customer all the time right? and I worked as a promoter as well. During my working experiences as a promoter, among those promoters, they are some are really have bad attitude. Not to say they are all not educated one... but some are being over too much and totally not accepted towards their attitude.

    4. Besides that, even you went into a luxury retail shops selling handbags, watches and jewelleries, they will all give a look "always"... Why? Being a promoter, I think every customer walk into your shop is always your potential buyer rather the customers buying more or less. Serving politely, greets you and just even giving a smile also makes the customer feel happy.

    5. Even ourselves, I feel "phai seh" too if I go in to that shop and ended didn't buy anything. I would feel better when the promoter or the sales girl... still giving you a good smile and say "is ok and wish me have a nice day"....

      What I thought is like, don't blame the promoters if we as the customer also have the bad attitude to go in the shop and buat kacau bilau... hahaha. There are customer's hand are very itchy one...like to flip and flip the baju ended didn't buy anything...When I asked what size she or he wanted, they just keep quiet and like to flip on their on...which I think this is not right too. Even the concept is there "Customers are always right".
      If you're intented to buy things from the shop then you go in... if is not better walk out or not entering the shop.

    6. Insurance agent, credit card salesperson and other direct selling are those people I really don't like. I met a man selling #$% bank credit card, I rejected him gracefully with a smile and say I have a few cards already and walked off...but this guy keep pestering me to get a card. He frankly told me he haven't get any customer yet for today... and asked me to sign , later on after one month asked me to cancel the credit card....My goodness sake.
