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2014.03.05 | 無字週三

[Volume 9 Issue 3, #1867]
大家好呀, 今日係星期三, 各位又或者身邊嘅朋友之中, 有冇人寫一篇類似「無字週三」(即係英文wordless wednesday)嘅post咁呢?? 我當然唔係啦, 你唔就係睇緊幾隻字咁囉!! 呵呵.. 其實我唔清楚呢一個玩意, 只係發生在我見過嘅幾個blog, 定係blog界中一個很普遍嘅作風呢?? 無論如何, 對我嚟講, 好可能係某些自稱好忙(同埋很懶惰)嘅博客嘅籍口, 就咁一張相就當搞掂一個post, 哈哈.. 雖然我都儘量將我篇post寫得精簡, 不過絕對唔會就咁幾張相而完全冇文字解釋.. 我始終認為每張相片至少有幾隻字(打幾隻字其實唔會用你好多時間啫), 我唔係好buy啲所謂「一圖說千字」或「讓圖片說故事」嘅事, 因為你要傳達嘅訊息, 未必係讀者見到相片後所諗嘅一樣.. 可能背後有啲所謂嘅情趣, 不過我仍然喜歡直接啲, 圖文並茂況且都會引起誤會, 想象一下齋圖無文一味靠估有幾危險.. 就好似facebook有人話「我覺得傷心」, 關心嘅朋友當然很自然會問咩事, 但係確得到「我唔想再提」呢一個回應, 咁你當時post呢個status搞撚呀??!! ■ 聲明
hello peeps, it's wednesday and are you or anyone you know publishing a post like "wordless wednesday" today?? of course i am not doing this, you are already reading some words aren't you?? haha.. i don't know if this is just the few blogs i've come across or is it a blogsphere-wide thing.. anyway to me, probably this is an excuse for the busy (and also lazy) bloggers to so-call having blogged for the day?? haha.. though i try to keep my posts short, i don't just post photos without a word.. i think it's appropriate to at least have short captions for the photos (that won't take you a minute to do it), i don't quite believe in things like "a picture tells a thousand words" or "let the picture tells the story", what you want to tell may not be what the viewer decipher.. maybe there's some hidden fun doing so, but i still prefer going straight to the point, even photos with words could create misunderstanding, imagine without a word and it's all by guessing.. it relates me to people posting "i am feeling sad" on facebook, and when friends who care asked what happened, they reply "i don't want to talk about it anymore", then why post that status??!! ■ disclaimer


  1. Morning!!! Morning!!! Wordless??? Nope...to me...only unsaid words, hahaha!!! =]

    1. I know a blogger who always post postcard's pictures on Wednesday but no word....by saying these are postcards that I've collect from time to time...even thought he/she (I know what gentle is that la, just don't write it specifically) put all same theme of postcards together, but seriously...I think maybe should put some description with it...or some story with it...but (again) that's people's blog, they gotta the qualification to post whatever they like la...

    2. Those who put in FB saying "I'm feeling sad!" is for some specific people to see and to ask, if not the person, so they won't answer lo...a lot of people are like that...say, say only but don't want to tell...sometimes i just want to say...if you're not telling, how are they got to know leh??? They're not like have the power of mind-reading, right???

    3. Good morning Xiao Ying. First commenter wor today.

      I think FB is used as a thingy to let off steam la. Some wanna KNS people but dont wanna KNS terang terang so siapa makan cili terasa pedas la. No comment on that coz each to his or her own

      Wordless wednesday i think started from the west. Then it's like catching up over here.

      I like Thankful Thursday better. There are a few western blogs that i visit on Thursday really makes me happy lor.

      One thing is i find that they are less "bitchy" and limited there ranting. ...well...at least the ones that i visit punya la.

      For example this lady Cloudia http://comfortspiral.blogspot.com/. Her blog looks simple but when look at all the qoutes..it's really deep. Need to think a lot to write

    4. Meow today masuk opis ahh? Coz your comment very long wor today.. Hehe..

      P/S: I want a slice of that rainbow cake..

    5. masuk opis la....

      still got one big slice in the fridge ah...more than 1 week jor....duno got tumbuh mushroom or not.

      Hmm...maybe i should post the mushroom rainbow cake slice as wordless wednesday see how you all can comment. Can long long comment or will only use emotioncons like me *evil grinz*

      wei..but if you really want buy rainbow cake...i intro a frento u la. she stay balakong and her rainbow cake really very nice leh. kek sum i didnt know earlier. if not i order from her...so nice and ngum for boys... I saja kaypoh ask her how much...she said 2.2kg she charge me rm100 only. Much cheaper than the one we order from

    6. Huh? I forgot about the FC thing, hehe!!! I want the rainbow cake also...must ask my sister buy something like that next time!!!

    7. Wonder...is the picture from your Japan trip last time?

    8. yalor, if on FB you post a photo or a few photo into an album, then fine lah.. because we can LIKE and no need to comment mah.. but on your blog, then how?? Wordless woh, then shall i comment or not?? very confusing.. and also dunno what you want to say with that picture, how to comment?? :D

      haha, those who posted something "i am sad" and then responded "i don't want to talk about it".. this is one of the most annoying people on the internet, i watched a video on this before, haha!! so true lah.. if don't want to talk then why post that status on the first hand?? aje wanna get attention only.. those i will ignore, want to tell then tell clearly and properly lah.. what "haiz" what "i wish i could do that" what "OMG please!!".. duh~~

      oh, i also love that rainbow cake leh.. so nice!! my next birthday wanna buy one, i never tried that before lah.. aje wanna take photo and post only, hahaha!!

      yes, that picture was taken during my Kyoto trip, 小影 so observant and so smart lah!! cos dunno what photo to put for this topic mah, so aje take one random photo lah..

    9. Hehe, because I remember the leaves!!! =]

    10. Yeah I remember the leaves too. The frame SK made for us, It is still pin it ony cubicle wall.

    11. I like to post all the photos in one album plus with a title. Rather than post post sll the photos day a nd night. I find it verymessy lar in the FB account.I prefer to do it in an album easy for people to browse for related topics and so on. Just like what I did for Feb month. I'm totally busy with all sorts of thing, even no time to blog also. But I want to share something with my friends.How I express it? So I create one album with an apropriate title at FB that resembles all the activities I've done. Then I just randomly upload photos in the album. *_^

    12. haha, don't know what photo to put for this topic so just randomly picked one photo from my Kyoto trip.. :D

      oh yeah, i do not like my FB to be messy also.. if i want to post a few photos, then i'll put them into an album lah.. i actually hate to see posting a few individual photos and flood the home page lor.. so, i don't do that to my friends also lah, once shot put everything in one album.. don't irritate people mah, haha!!

    13. Uiks, I saw you put disclaimer liao wor.. See, I observant or not..

    14. errr, the disclaimer was already there yesterday mah?? you didn't notice??

    15. LOL....i also tarak notice the disclaimer leh.

      dunno how to comment then just put smiley lo on wordless wednesday.

      Thankfully not many malaysian bloggers that in my blog list doesnt do the wordless wednesday

    16. haha, i think i am lucky because the wordless wednesday i encountered was just once in a blog that i must comment, and the rest in blogs that i may just skip commenting.. so pretend i didn't see the blog lor~~ :D

  2. Yes, the Wordless Wednesday is a theme that bloggers can join to just post an image and no word is necessary. Effing CB or not, a lot of bloggers are into this, it's like building a community thing. If you google, you'd find a lot of other communities in the blogosphere.

    I feel there's nothing wrong about all these. Hey, blogging is supposed to be a free thing and there is no right or wrong, unless of course you go way off-track of the law.


  3. Hehe, after I read your post, I thought of somebody who posted something in a group..

    She posted something like: I need to rant, I’m feeling so down, feels like the world is coming down on me, gosh, why does this needs to happen to me, I need help, thanks for listening.

    So, needless to say, the comments were something like: Oh, what happened? How can we help? We are glad to be here for you, can you share what happened? Maybe we can give our ideas/suggestions.

    Her reply: Oh nothing, just wana rant. Thank you mummies.

    I was like FCUK, wasted my time to even read her post..

    1. For me leh, if I wana know something, I must dig and know all.. if you wana let me know something, tell all.. Don’t say half and don’t wana say half.. Potong stim la..

      People don’t post pictures, if there is picture, kira ok lagi..They just write a sentence in FB that goes like: God, help me, save my marriage.

      Wah, if you write like that in FB, you are attracting (unwanted) attention, unless you wana share and tell people in the comment thread..

      You write like that, sure your friends will keep asking what happened. Close friends would have called and knew the real thing right away.. But “yee-ta-look” friends (who still exist in the friends list) will just simple ask what happened just to 8 only..

    2. Like what the Paranormal Activities Li Kim always says: What is real, you may not see. But what you see, may not be real..

    3. Wordless post is for them who doesn’t have anything to write about? But come on la, nothing to write about also can post a picture and automatically you will think of something to write jor ma, no meh?

      Just like food post.. When I have nothing much to write, or nothing interested to write about, I’ll post about food.. Either food I cook, or food I ate out.. Senang, kan?

      Post a food picture, state where you dined, describe the food, the taste, the price (optional) and address of the restaurant for those interested to try.. And end the post with some nonsense..


    4. Paling lazy pun, you can write one sentence like: The following pictures are self-explanatory. Then you can go on posting your pictures..

      Oohh, but before that, of course in the first paragraph must explain la, that you just stayed home, nothing to do, did some gardening only (example)..

      Then you write: The following pictures are self-explanatory.

      Then you post all your plant’s photos lor.. Can be all your flowers and plants from your garden.. Senang..

    5. Eh, if I publish a post on “Monday Blue” and I only attach one photo of a crying kitten sitting in front of the pc, and then end the post with “The picture explains all”.. Then will you curse me ahh?

    6. Maybe I can add the following sentences:

      My blog, my like, my sukak!

      Kalau suka boleh tengok, kalau tak suka tak payah tengok.
      Kalau nak komen boleh komen, kalau tak suka komen tak payah komen..

    7. No right or wrong kua.. Like love. .Love is no right or wrong.. It just happens.. Ooops, what for I talk about love pulak..

      If it’s in my own blog, I can write whatever I want, then add this sentence at the bottom: My blog is for nice people only, if you don’t have anything nice to comment, get lost!

      Tee hee.. Good idea? Then the commenters will somehow dare not post ugly things in their comments..

      Same as replying comments.. If it’s in my own blog, I feel alright to reply what I feel like, or reply according to my heart’s words.. But if I am replying or commenting in another blogger’s comments, then have to be careful lor.. Have to wear bullet proof vest and SWAT team suit first..

      People make mistakes. First time. Fine. But if it happens the second time, the second time is not a mistake. It’s a choice.

      Think about it.

    8. Shall remain neutral kua in my point of view, teehee.. *play safe mode*.. Kena one time liao, until all my fay-see gone.. Mou min dou.. Aiyoh, I’m a princess lei ger ma, mou min dou until I no mood whole day you know..

      Well, but who cares.. Like TM said, I’m transparent and straight forward. . People will either love me or hate me. If you love me and keep coming to my blog, thank you. If you hate me, well, nobody point a gun at your head and ask you to come read my blog la, kan?

      So I’m still standing on the fence. Hehe..

      Hey, remember Goldilocks? Some like it cold, some like it hot, some like it in the pot nine days old.

    9. ahem ahem.....can kasi comment a bit ah......can separate the comments one by one ah instead of as "reply" ....this nenek kept have to scroll up and read la....kekeke..old jor lor..lou fah :p

      hahaha...yeah...i kena before...asked then say "Nothing lah".

      Then it will makes me feel...oohh...this one for your "close friends" then u baru tell is it? me outsider la. Then will suddenly feel like kaypoh aunty pulak.

      very deep leh your rationing

      "My blog, my like, my sukak!

      Kalau suka boleh tengok, kalau tak suka tak payah tengok.
      Kalau nak komen boleh komen, kalau tak suka komen tak payah komen.." make sure you add in English and chinese oh ....

      Normally commenter will not write nasty thing la. unless those "abnormal" ones baru say nasty things or spam links.

    10. Good Morning Bloggers and Readers!

      I choose to put my greeting flag here cos this 2 aunties borak and made me laugh!!! One cerita puteri moyang and the other nenek kebayan make good combo click!

      This one is funny! -
      My blog, my like, my sukak!

    11. can make into a slogan right? LOL tarak suka then put photo only like wordless wednesday LOL or emotioncons

    12. yes, my blog, my like! So if people don't like, it's their suka. But just respect others by writing in comments be it a word or a phrase. Nice to see some comments. Even if it's wordless, I will still put in some comments.

    13. wah ini Puteri Kebayan really manyak pandai cerita!! look at her long comments, not nonsense but all straight to the point, so enjoyed reading her comments which are so related to my topic today.. i guess she also felt the same pain like i did before..

      those aje wanna get attention on FB, aiyoh, please lah, if wanna tell then tell clearly and properly lah.. if "don't want to talk about it" then don't post that status lah.. quite annoying also sometimes..

      haha, "the pictures are self-explanatory" and "let the picture tells the story" and "a picture tells a thousand words".. so what do you think?? i don't like to see these words lah, it's like the author is trying to push away the responsibility to tell more but then ask the readers to guess, and when readers guess, they didn't even bother to reply or just reply "no, guess again, hehe".. do you feel like "EFFING" them like that??

      but then of course lah, their own blog their own sukak.. you like then you read on, you don't like then you please leave.. but then i am confused lah, wordless wednesday, so shall i comment something or not??

    14. Enjoyed reading my comments mou? Enjoyed leh..

      Ala, like I said, I am me, myself & I. I no "kaka".. I am straight forward, but I understand sometimes being too straight forward is not a good thing..

      Depending on the situation, place, people and environment, not all can accept my straight-forward-ness..

      Like I said, people may either LIKE me or LOATHE me.
      People may either LOVE me or HATE me.
      And........I will either MAKE it or BREAK it, right here, in the blogsphere..

      Back to your question on your last paragraph.. Wordless Wednesday means (IMHO) no need to even comment anything lor.. You can put emoticons la.. But no need write any comments lor..

      Just like bf-gf and best friends. No need say anything also both parties understand each other.. Like that hai mei? Eh, how come I am talking about bf-gf here?

    15. Yes I am sure bloggers and readers prefer straight forward & transparent bloggers like you! Those few who never showed their faces & photos are really scary sometimes! (Not everyone okay) I know a few who had mental problems and some even posted using other people's identity & photos. Those stalkers are even more scary & horrendous when they struck. Ask Small Kucing and she knows this contagious beetch who would haunt & stalk her until she has to close her comments for moderation, hiding under her bed!!! We were also victimized buta-buta.

    16. There're a lot in weibo, they purposely find those pretty girl face...save it, corp the watermark and repost it in his/her weibo...some even worst, use people's pictures showing off, like I got new bag today or look, I've too many handbag, can't fit inside my closet...swt!!!...I also wonder what's in their mind...too ugly or too pretty till they're not dare to show their true face...

    17. yes, don't be a hypocrite here lah.. we are all sincere and frank people, just say what we want to say (of course have to be polished a bit lah) and also accept what others comment on us lah, give and take lor.. furthermore, everyone is friendly here and i am sure the words used here are not of bad intentions or criticism, but kind of feedback and making fun of only.. so while we are serious in commenting, let's not get too serious with what is commented.. that's the fun of a chatroom right??

      kind of unfair if those fake or hidden-identity people knows everything about us huh?? haha.. so, let's be transparent and make friends with each other.. this world needs more good vibes, why hide?? :)

    18. Xiao Ying, call me jakun.. What is swt?

      SK, I know what you are thinking: Princess ribbon will soon be named Jakun Ribbon coz she doesn't know so many "popular" short-forms.. Haiz...

      TM, whatever you say about me (nice things la of coz), I always take it as a compliment.. Depends who puji me also wor.. If it comes from you (and of coz SK), I always appreciate and feel complimented, keke.. Like direct translation in Cantonese, other people say I don't care/"joi foo", but you (or SK) say, sure I will keep in heart..

    19. swt = sweat lah, like this =.=" you know?? Miss Jakun?? muahahaha..

      aiyoh, TM and me so important to Princess Ribbon ah?? like that we better watch out our CB mouth all the time lah.. if mulut manis then okay, but if we are going to say something negative then die lor.. :p

    20. if put comments in a wordless wednesday post is like defeat the purpose wor. Supposed to no word leh.

      I wonder who invented wordless wednesday

      eee...that one really horrible la Anay. The B go and used other people picture to create ID and spam people. Despicable. Must me just released from Tg Rambutan kot.

      If compared to that B i rather they tarak comment lo. Wordless everyday lo.

    21. yeah, that is why i am confused lah.. shall i comment or not?? supposed to be wordless so post tarak words, comments also the same?? :D

      yeah, the most despicable thing on earth is to steal identity!! maybe that B kena banned forever in blogspot already, too many people kena and complained her :D

  4. Replies
    1. If you post things like i am sad, as a friend, i will ask you, what happen, but if you do not want to talk about it, then don't post this...

    2. Good morning Sharon

      Ya lor...will makes people like me feel like ...blerk....wanna let certain friend know then let la...

    3. true, we only post if we want to share with the others. Otherwise, just keep it to oneself.

    4. very true lah.. if do not want to tell the whole world, then don't post it but just send your private message to your recipients lah.. aje wanna get attention as if the whole world need to sympathize them.. *roll eyes*

    5. If u put i am sad, i ask you what happen, u do no bother to response, ok, never mind, if you do not want to share public, at least respond in private message, if you don't even bother to pm what happen, then that's really piss off...

    6. hahaha, Sharon seems to kena this before?? you sounded like so pissed off with this thing.. but i gotta agree with you lah, very KNS right??

    7. drama king and drama queen kot.....many of that in FB. have to steer clear of those. Usually i lazy to ask why or what unless close friend i baru ask la

    8. yalah, don't have to entertain those drama king and queen lah.. once bitten twice shy, i think Sharon has to learn to ignore them, and no point get pissed off by these kind of people also.. :)

  5. Gooood morning SK and HS......You are back...i missed you. how are you.

    what is " Effing CB".

    I also duno how to comment on wordless wednesday thingy. so i alway put emoticon on whatever posted. wordless mah.....

  6. wordless wednesday? I have seen that many times and yet I can't do it. At least I will write a phrase or so like how I do for my other blog. Why? Because that's just my additional blog so I don't actually focus on that.

    1. It's different for my main blog as I like to put a least a picture and then write something about it. In that way, our reader will actually know what we are talking about.

    2. But sometimes I just post picture without words on my facebook. I just want to see how people repond. But normally people will just like our picture and no comments.

    3. Frankly speaking, I prefer comments than just liking our pictures. So even for wordless picture, we can still come out with our own opinion and it could be fun too.

    4. but if wordless ednesday...it makes me think ..maybe applicable for comments too...wordless commnets LOL...sometimes i see the photo i duno what to say. so i just put an emoticon just to let the author know that i have noted the post lor. Wordless mah..nothing to say lor

    5. But it's better to write some comments rather than just some emoticons. Words sound better, right? Anyway, it's all up to us. As long as we don't sleep on other's blog.

    6. yeah, i have wanted to try to do a wordless post, but then in the end i gave up, because i just don't feel right if my post contains no word.. call me jakun or conservative but still i think a nice post comes with both pictures and descriptive words..

      haha, okay!! next time i will just put :) if i happen to comment on a wordless post~~ :D

    7. Thambee you can do a Speechless Wednesday!! Post a naked photo of yourself standing at Jalan Sultan Ismail. I am sure many readers would be speechless, shocked and get heart attack.

    8. that one is not Speechless Wednesday but Siao Wednesday already lah.. i sure dare not do that, why not my Anay get naked at Bukit Bintang and pose like Lady Gaga in front of H&M?? sure your post will hit 1-million page view in no time~~ :D

    9. So you guys are daring each other izzit? Ok, here's the deal.. It's either yay or nay..

      SK post his naked photo waiting for LRT or standing at Jalan Sultan Ismail (whatever), and TM pulak post naked photo at Bukit Bintang in front of Lot10 H&M.. In return, Princess Ribbon will post about licking elbow/nose..

      On mou?

    10. if we both get naked, then Princess Ribbon must also get naked mah.. hahaha!! she's naked while trying to lick her elbow and nose!! wow, how "seksay"~~ :D

    11. .....18++!!! >.<!!!

    12. why 18++?? can also be very artistic one you know?? :D

    13. but dono leh coz if let say strictly follow the wordless wednesday, aren;t it supposed to be wordless. If write comment then got word already.

      "Speechless Wednesday!!" i sokong! Do! Do! DO! SK can show his six packs. The princess will be zombielised.Boss walk infront of her also she wont see. Only see SK's six packs LOL

      Aiya...... the three of u better talk term properly first ah...later can mis-construe as "GET PURE NAKED BODY WASH" from method....then kira as naked also wor....

      hmm....reminds me of back in the 80s where they sell T-shirt with print of the muscle in a body, LOL

    14. aiyoh, i mana ada 6 packs?? one big ball i got lah, you want or not?? i give some to you, muahahahaha!!

      oh, those t-shirt, haha!! so funny lah, and at the same time quite ugly also woh, i wonder why those people dare to wear~~ :D

  7. CB I know la.. But what is Effing? Fcuking izzit?

  8. How we write in our blogs and facebook will attract readers. So it's best to write if we want to share it. Anyway, it's our own wish. We write what we like. So just enjoy what we write be it wordless or full of words! :)

    1. well said...must learn from you. Impressive how you managed to make your blog works for you.

    2. I just blog like any other people. Wordless post is a post too. But we always try to put some words related to any pictures that we post.

    3. I think blog is fine...my fb always have those annoying comment, so I hardly post on fb, even though I post something, I just post to certain friends only!!!

    4. errr, even in facebook i will write something together with the photo.. exception is if it's a photo album that i posted for my trips, i don't have caption for the individual photos.. i still think it's fine for wordless photos on FB, because people also just like without commenting.. but on blog, it's really meant for commenting right?? so i would actually expect some descriptive words to go with the photos..

      and again, it's everyone's preference and we of course respect that right?? :)

    5. for FB can be fine la . Photo without words. People can just like. Blog cannot. no like button :p

    6. yeah, i think it's the nature of the response and reaction from your viewers lah.. FB people like, but blog people comment mah, so don't feel right to go wordless right?? :D

  9. i didn't even know there is such a phrase 'Wordless Wed'. Hmm.....if wordless, how to blog? hehe....i definitely cannot.

    1. i love blog with pic, but must have explanations / captions. Just like u said, one might misunderstood the meaning of the pic

    2. ohh....bout that FB status. That person who wrote like that is simply seeking for attentions. I dont like ppl say half n let me guess half. aii......if want to say, say so we can help. else, don;t even mentioned !

    3. Btw, why did you choose this picture ? I thought you are going to talk about Autumn or talking about overseas trip. haha..... Those leaves just made me thought like that !

    4. Side track a bit, I felt this week past very fast. Suddenly, already Wednesday. Means, tonight I can watch that famous K-drama via Astro again. haha....

    5. yeah, same here, i would actually like to read some words together with the photo, it will make the whole message more clear and concise.. and those FB status, adoi, really attention seekers lah, i won't actually bother to entertain those.. if want to tell, please tell clearly and properly.. don't make us guess, i am not interested..

      haha, don't know what photo related to this post mah, so just randomly chose one from my japan trip.. aiyoh, after today, then you will feel the week passed even faster, soon it will be weekend already :D

  10. Whoa! This Ribbon Princess got high IQ-160 lah to understand the "Effing CB" so fast!! I even had to take minutes to digest and understand it. I need to eat more Fish Oil to lubricate my brains.

  11. CB i know...Cantik betul mah? yes? No?...or is it wordless wednesday....faster the two of u better explain

  12. Good morning Wednesday!!! You are in the middle of my working week and I look forward to Friday now, another 48+ hours.

    Well, I do agree a bit that Wordless Wednesday blogs were meant for some lazy people like me who has tried it. I just wanted to test it for fun using the doomed NYC's World Trade Centre Building, remember? I was posing there and thought it could speak a thousand words lah. No meh?

    I am very visual and appreciate photos that invoke emotion, controversy, or conversation. I was trained for this during my advertising studies and wife complained I often spoke like a salesman!!

    1. Amboi middle of "my" working week timmm.. Eh, it's everybody's middle of the working week la, hehehe..

      To be honest, I never heard of Wordless Wednesday before..But based on all the comments you all wrote here, I more or less get what is that..

      Err, not necessary it's for lazy bloggers who has nothing to write or what la, but it's a choice, a freedom.. Wana follow can follow lor.. Dont wana follow no need follow lor..

      Your blog, your like, your sukak lah! Blow meh?

    2. oh, Anay posted a wordless wednesday post before?? i cannot remember lah, all the while i thought anay always posted lots of pictures and each with a paragraph of description.. and now that's the style i like to read, even though a long one.. one photo one paragraph, make things clear and concise..

      but photos that invoke emotion, controversy, or conversation.. i think i choose not to put on the blog lah.. maybe i have put some in my FB.. for example, the Bersih photos i had.. :)

      yalah, LouizYee's famous quote "my blog, my like, my sukak".. make this the tagline for your blog lah.. trademark it~~ :D

    3. Yes I posted it once with some preparations ahead actually.

      I think everyone has their own blogging styles as we have observed. Got copy cats too and should call them Xerox Blogger!

    4. oh, it's real and i commented a day later!! but your post is not wordless at all, you have put World Trade Centre - New York City under the photo dei.. so you failed to be wordless, your CB mouth cannot escape from its fate~~ :D

    5. LOL..I also tarak recall this. Now see back i also got comment / spam using emoticon :p

      but not counted as wordless leh....still got words there

      cannot Xerox Princess's tagline la. Am sure Anay very creative and create own tage line mah. so unethical to copy people tagline like that leh..

      LOL...Xerox bloggers...that's a good one

    6. yeah, i only recalled when Anay showed us the link, haha!! so how silly, i waited until the next day baru put comment.. hahaha!! maybe Anay can use the same tagline but put it in Hokkien lah, then that will be very unique already right??

      wa ge blog, wa sukak, wa ai an jua jiu an jua!! muahahahaha!! :D

  13. I still prefer Blogs compared to Facebook and wish that Facebook & Watsaps were never invented. Since it has been invented, I had to comply and join the trend just to please others rather than myself. In the blogs, I could choose what to read and what nots but Facebooks & Watsaps gagged me to read their bitchy words of bad vibes that could bring me stress and bad luck too! Well I do appreciate that many lost friends overseas were connected again with me through Facebooks and watsap saved me big money to share & chat happily with some good friends. However I do disliked many other watsap groups that "forced" me inside to hear their craps and nonsense rantings daily. I really could not escape some group chats but still managed to exit myself from some.
    The worst group chats would be my old school mates who created several groups with almost same people inside talking different rubbish like hamsap talk, Football betting, School renuions and other hellish craps. I had to spend time to tidy up all the vulgar and porno photos they posted and it automatically went inside my phone's photo gallery. So my wife often used my camera and serached for her photos among all the dirty & vulgar ones posted by my idiotic friends. You know what I mean?? I am innocent over this and felt gagged! Once a week I have to tidy the photo gallery in my phone.

    1. As for Facebook, I have transferred many convicts and vulgar ex students of my wife to my "Blackhole Facebook". Sadly, my own brother went inside too as I dread for his mistress to see anything about me. That bitch has access to all his emails including his underwear, so I am smart enough to control his stupidity by sending him there!! I am so blunt today and felt like talking. I think I ate too much grapes for breakfast. It makes me cakap banyak. Muahahahaha

    2. TM, wah, this time you write so long comments wor.. Wah, can see you are coming back.. Kalah you la.. I cannot write so long story in one paragraph leh.. Usually just pretend to write in few sentences combined, then break another one into the next comment, kekeke (shhhh)...

      Wait, what has grapes got to do with cakap banyak? Eat a lot of grapes then can talk more meh?

    3. wah, so inspiring and so intellectual lah this comment from Twilight Man, i love it!! it really speaks out what is right at the bottom of his heart, i believe this is a very truthful comment from him.. and i gotta agree with some of his points there, probably blog is more interesting than FB to me.. i seldom login to FB and i can survive without FB.. but i cannot let my blog not updated for a few days, and i will always drop by to read comments and to drop comments in other blogs.. the newsfeed feature of FB has made FB a bit boring, because i always see things i don't really fancy to see, but i can't choose.. and i got sick of the mobile version too, it's so stripped off and yet the slowest apps of all time.. duh~~

      eh, this is the true Twilight Man!! like i said, if he really wants to do that nobody can ever stop him.. :p

    4. Yeah, no one can stop my goals and CB mulut. Kikikikikiki
      I like to test my willpower and determination always with frequent challenges from my wife who scares the hell out of me.

    5. good!! i just love very determined people with very strong willpower, how inspiring to get along with such kind of people!!

    6. why compelled to join the trend just to please others ?

      In FB u can always unsubsribe feed from those who constantly rant or post malicious pic .

      for whatapps chat...i will exit the group lo if tarak ngum talk. I have an ex-colleague who suddenly out of the blue invented a whatapps group and add me into it. what irks me the most is the so call leader after adding everyone in tarak langsung say Hi or Hello or ask about anyone. And everyone in the group stayed silent only. I waited a week. Nobody wrote anything. i just exit la. waste of my phone space only.

      Oh you synced the photos to your phone ah? I tarak sync. Pityu letchumi having to scroll through all those dirty photo.

      just yesterday got one pissed me off...I was joking about something in FB and put "*tut*" in place of bad word. That idiot go and blast say wanna curse the curse properly say the FCUK word. Betul betul idiot...like Ribbons say...my FB my suka la how i wanna post the effing word. adei.

      wah this FB topic manyak ngum you cakap leh. Anay. Here i wanna ask...does everyone have a blackhole FB? Seems like a good idea to send those people into the blackhole FB leh

    7. hahaha, now that i also not regular on FB then biar aje lah.. if really cannot tahan, then i will unsubscribe those people from my news feed lah.. anyway so far just done this to a few people only, you can imagine how bored i was to be "haunted" by their updates.. :D

      oh, TM got his images form whatsapp saved into his phone?? iks!! you have to turn off that feature from whatsapp setting lah, did you??

      wah, your friend so not sporting lah.. of course our ELEGANT meow cannot use vulgar words on FB mah, right?? later her image all gone pulak.. hahaha, then create one blackhole account and put this guy in~~ :D

  14. Yeah la, Cantek Betul lah meow with new hair colour. Mak Glam also cantek betul with Budak Baik hair do. I wanna go make my karipap in brown too.

  15. Dei!

    Apa you cakap Thambee?


    1. நான் கூட நான் muahaha, சொல்லி என்ன என்று எனக்கு தெரியாது!

    2. You know Bahasa Tamil?

    3. Of course he knows!~! SK is Indian born in Chennai. He is Albino Thambee.

    4. of course i know Tamil, hahaha!! Anay and I were from the slum in Chennai.. we are both Albino~~ :D

    5. Thambee bising pasal they posted his Chennai village without a word describing when his mud hut in la . Nor did they tell how many cows they have there. It had turned into Worth Less Wednesday lo

    6. wah, this meow pandai cerita from scratch!! hahahaha, like that she also can make links between that wordless wednesday and chennai slum and make nenek kebayan stories!! hahaha :D

  16. The people who posted whatever status on FB then say don't want to talk about it... actually just wants attention. Create drama. LOL

    They got it, happy then no need to discuss. HAHAHA

    I should know. I always have "drama" status updates, in case you didn't notice. LOL

    1. those are just attention seekers lah.. eih, your "drama" not drama also lah, at least i can understand.. of course many times i cannot understand your SMS-style of Malay lah, hahaha!!

    2. wkakakaka...saw before you drama in FB. But pedas also leh. Siapa makan cili kena la dia.

    3. hahaha.. but this Mak Glam even drama also she will make sure she is the Queen style and not the B**** type~~ :p

  17. Also nothing wrong for anyone to not like the effing wordless wednesday just as it is popular with other.

    My view is... sod it. I'm not joining.

    I must rant and rant and write 700words blog post. Muahaha

  18. My thoughts...

    wanna post photos... nowadays got instagram mah...

    Post it there lah.

    Move with the technology. hehehe

    *says the person who just got her instagram account* LOL

    1. hahaha, yalah.. even FB also just post photo without words is okay, afterall people only LIKE and no comment nowadays wat.. so no need put any words also not a big deal.. but blog different lah, it's all comment based right, so if you tell me wordless post, i am confused if i should leave a comment and if my comment can contain any words??

    2. So...can reply as..."wordless comment".....???

      (okay, this's joke...don't scold me...>.<!!!)

    3. Hahaha ya that's why most of my photo goes to my Insta account. Don't have to post so many photos at FB.

    4. cheh, "wordless comment" is not wordless already, haha!! or maybe just put ..... or pure spaces??

      i don't have instagram account lah, even FB also i lazy to go now.. spent more time on blogging actually :D

    5. Usually whatever photos in instagram will share in FB as well...so no different...I just use the link, lazy to share on different social media twice...hehe!!! =]

    6. haha, i only have FB and all those what instagram ah, twitter ah, weibo ah.. i too lazy to join lah.. i actually think blogging already took me a lot of time, haha!!

    7. aku pun baru start instagram after i saw you posted. Lina

      i put emotioncon so kira as follow the wordless rules gua....Duno what the blog author want mah.

    8. i downloaded that instagram apps last time but deleted, hahaha.. dunno how to use lah, like so complicated.. better stick back to FB and Blog lah, i very jakun~~ :D

  19. muahahaha, effing CB!! good one HS, i love that, next time i shall use this term instead of f**king CB, muahahaha!! i learn something new today, so happy~~

    but then chill.. this post says "i prefer to.." and not "why other people don't..", so i am not hot and am not condemning, i totally understand there is no wrong and no right, everyone has their own style and like.. it's your own blog, do what you sukak!! like it then read on, hate it then leave, it's that simple..

    how nice lah, this lina can always come out with 700 words a post!! but i also like your short post like today's couple shot woh..

  20. hahahaa... you are very right! Don't post if don't want to explain why, right? People out of concern will ask.. and get no answer..
    But then sometimes the reason can be very personal so maybe only certain people can know... but then why post it, one may ask...
    Well, Facebook ma... anything can also post one... but nowadays dangerous sikit saja.. anything not right, can be charged for sedition..
    Susah hor? Oh well....

    1. yalah, if you just want the person to know then just send a private message lah.. why wanna seek the whole world's attention, and only after that tell the whole world you don't want to explain.. feel so KNS if you kena this from your friend whom you care about right??

  21. Adapted from "The King and I": When one has nothing to say, then it is wise to remain silent" or something to that effect. :D

    1. But sometimes, a picture paints a thousand words...

    2. ...or as Ronan Keating puts it, you say it best...when you say nothing at all!

    3. Honestly, when I wanted to comment, I did not really know what to say...and now I've said so much. Hehehehehehe!!!!!

    4. Hey I know that you love to talk as much as you love to eat but you are just eating humble pork belly pies here and kinda reserved only. Today you have earned 4 points merits in SK's Comment Spam loyalty programs. Work harder and a new CD with techno & upbeat tempo awaits you!

    5. i am just thinking.. maybe STP can one day do a post about Kampua noodles.. just post one and only one photo of the kampua noodles he had and write no words at all.. let's see how many words he can collect from the comments for that post!! good suggestion huh?? i am rather excited with that.. :D

    6. good suggestion SK. I wonder how many comments will there be. But then I think the readers will be shocked la if STP post kampua without any words even if its Wordless Wednesday

    7. yeah, everyday the same thing boring mah, must give some surprises to the readers.. perhaps with a wordless kampua wednesday, his page hit can go beyond a million!! :D

  22. Wordless Wednesday... nope nope! I can't post a photo without saying anything leh. Very hard lar. Since I don't have many readers, so if I choose to go for this Wordless Wednesday I think I get lagi lesser readers. Mana boleh... How to become wordless when blogging? Anyhow there is a title of the post right? Then, that is not wordless anymore. In blog, everyone gets attracted by the title.

    1. Just like today, I got nothing to post, but I feel incomplete without saying a few sentences. Yeah I got something to rant on my blog today - not wordless Wednesday but is about to post a photo challenge. Not mine, I just follow the rest doing this with Instagram.

    2. But I got mentioned in my blog like "let the photo tells the story" wor... Of course I won't left all the photos liddat. Mention something and related, then that will only the the world the whole story mar... Or else better don't blog about it. Or just post the photo at Insta better....click "Like" if you like the photo. As simple as that...

    3. I guess I'm breaking the ice here... I shall comment and blog more frequent over my site as usual from now on...Finger Cross!

    4. yeah, my itchy hand will anyhow type something for each photo lah, cos it will look weird to me if my photo has no description, it's like dangling in the air, haha.. but FB okay lah, cos will be uploading a lot of photos at one go, so no time to caption each and every one, but the title of that album explains all lah.. afterall, nowadays when people go to FB, they click like only without really read or see what you shared, so not worth doing so much lah, right?? geez~~

    5. I can feel that too... some of them just click like only without reading. So doing so much at FB for what... I main aim is to get closer and keep in touch with my Uni and school friends - That's all! see their new updates and photos itu saja..Sometimes share something worth to read and share beautiful photos...

    6. yeah, they just like on every updates and photos without reading and seeing lah.. people sick they like, people lost someone they like.. haiz!! or maybe to them the like means "okay, noted".. :D

  23. Agree agree, regarding your point regarding when pple post "I am feeling sad" then you ask them what happened, they say it is a long story, I don't want to talk about it, irritating right? Then why you post when you don't want to talk about it, it is kind of disrespectful to pple who care for you.

    1. exactly, it really annoys people like that.. just want to seek attention from the whole world only.. i sure ignore these status lah..

  24. On the contrary, when I post "I am sad" on FB, I am happy when I see response or comments in the my status as it shows somebody cares about me and normally I will reply what happened, if it is something more private, I will PM the person and tell him or her what happened, I will not just ignore the person.

    1. errr, if i am going to post a status, i will make things clear and concise so that at one glance, all understand what i am trying to say.. no need people to ask what happen lah, if you want to share then just do it very first and don't have to seek attention and wait for people to ask.. and if you do not want to share what happened, then don't bother to post anything..

  25. I also used to wonder about this wordless Wednesday thing. But I can't stay wordless like you. Have to cakap-cakap something or else I feel weird.

    1. exactly, hahaha!! feel weird to see no words in my post, my mouth sure want to say something and my fingers cannot control to type some words.. my eyes surely feel annoyed if i don't see any words, haha!! :D

    2. you food post ...it will be a big challenge leh. how to post wordless recipe LOL

    3. hahaha, true also lah!! and even the same dish she will have posted 10 photos, and yet every photo she can write something about it!! how to go wordless like that?? :D

  26. Good day SK and everyone! Today I am super late! Haha xD
    Went back my mum's place today so din't have the chance to blog hop.. No Internet there~
    Now that both my bosses are sleeping already, I finally have time to spam!

    Anyway, how's the weather there? Any improvement? I hope so!
    As for here, I can see the haze got reduced already! But still super hot and stuffy! If God sends a good 2 hours rain, everything would be perfect! ;)

    1. This 'Wordless Wednesday' thingy has been here for quite some times hor? I noticed bloggers use it, and if I am not wrong, I did that too, not many times though. Actually it's good to use when we are really busy to type, or perhaps don't know how to write! LOL!
      But I don't believe in just 'wordless Wednesday', I mean like you said, everyone has their own style to write, I can even write 'wordless Monday' if I like, and no one can say/critic anything about that. Like it, you leave your comment, if not just move on, somehow we got to respect what the blogger writes, unless if the topic is really sensitive or rude or anything mean la!

    2. But if I can, I'd make sure at least to type a few lines together with the picture la! Since it's a post already, and it won't get charged for any extra wordings so why stop at just the photo only right? Hehehe~
      You know when I read about the title of yours today in my blogroll, I was thinking is it possible for SK to post just a picture without any words? So when I clicked on your URL, my doubts are true, it's not possible, SK will never (or very hardly) blog without wordings! xD Don't ask me why, I just have the thinking that you are not that type of blogger, hehehe!

    3. Hmm, this one, 'a picture tells a thousand words', I personally think it's true, of course depends on what kinda picture is that. But anyway, it's all up to how we imagine that picture, for certain people, it really can tells lots of things!
      Same goes to 'let the picture tells the story', a lot can go through someone's mind when looking at a photo! This is my personal opinion la! I believe in it, that's why I always use these lines in my blog when I have many photos to share~

    4. And that status you posted, haha! I can relate to that! I think I did something similar last time! (When I was still not mature enough, LOL!)
      Now come to think of it, it's true, this kinda reply is really irritating! I mean you post a status in FB, and you want attention/comments from friends, but when they ask you in details, you refuse to answer, so that's really impolite and 无聊! Might as well don't post at all.
      Either you write details, or don't post at all.
      Just like some people likes to 'prank' on others, by posting photo that is not originally his/her. I remember an ex schoolmate of mine, actually a year younger than me, posted a picture of her belly, and wrote 'my 3 months' as caption.
      Then I can see everyone started to 'like' and leave comments by congratulations her, cause by looking at the caption, sure what comes to mind is that she is pregnant 3 months. She is a mother of 3, mind you, so people got shocked 'knowing' that she is pregnant again.
      But when I scrolled down to read her own reply, she actually mean 'she has a fat belly, just like pregnant 3 months'
      I was like, =_="

      I mean whats the point? Just want to get attention and 'likes' is it? Din't give clear details, just vogue messages like that, want people to guess..... It's not a guessing game la! Come one~

      Of course, it's all up to her, it's her page she can do anything, I was mentioning since you said something similar... hehe~

    5. it was clearer as compared to Tuesday, maybe the haze has gone elsewhere already?? haha.. but i still hope for a heavy rain lah, so that it can totally wash away the haze and most importantly, fill up all our rivers and reservoir so that we don't have to suffer from the water rationing anymore..

      haha, you understand me so well lah.. my CB mouth and itchy hand can never allow that to happen lah.. if i have a photo, sure i will type something to explain - be it just a short caption.. or rather, usually i just write, and in the end only post up a photo to match the topic, hahaha!! on blog is like that lah, but on FB different.. i can just post all photos into one single album and have no caption at all, haha.. but i think the title of the album tells it all right?? anyway, afterall nowadays people only click LIKE and no comments on FB, so why do so many things right?? :D

      haha, you emo and drama on FB before ah?? kekekeke, like that no good lah, aje aje want to seek attention and when people cared about you, you pour cold water onto them.. so all those such kind of status updates, i rather don't bother to care.. but your friend who posted "3-month pregnant", okay lah, i think she was just making a joke only, hehe.. sometimes people tend to be a bit 無聊 also lah, 無傷大雅 then it's okay lor.. :)

  27. It's only words, and words are all I have, to take your wednesday away..♫

    1. Banana is singing Words....

    2. Bananaz sure has lots of peels and words to go with his photos~~ :D

  28. Well, I always love putting many pictures with a few words as the caption. I don't blog about wordless Wednesday or any day before, but I blog about pictureless before. No picture and only words, I can accept it, but no word with only pictures, not my style also.

    Anyway, many people use FB to attract attention. Like you mentioned here, they tried to words like this "I m sad......" and then don't like people to ask. This is such a silly act, i agree.
    This world has so many types of people, some have rational thoughts, some may not. Sigh! I met a few insane people too recently.

    1. Well, I just have to avoid myself from those insane people, as I totally lose my power and strength dealing with these group of people. I admit my weakness, I just can't reason with them. The only thing I can do is to avoid them.

    2. true true!! last time i went pictureless, but later i thought it would be nice to put a photo to go with my words lah.. so i have never had wordless photos lah.. because i always started with the words and then only to find one picture to match the topic.. i still think must have photos and words to be complete lah.. only photo with no word is like dangling there.. not shyiok lah, haha!!

      yeah, when i saw those type of status on FB, i will just ignore lah.. if you want to tell then please tell clearly and properly, if you want to hide yet seeking for attention, sorry lah, i am not interested..

  29. Talking about this type of dramatic status on FB. I kind of scared, because this type of emo people, I don’t know whether I should pay them attention and show them my concern. If I do show, they may not like it. If I don’t do show, I scare they will really do something to hurt themselves. Such as now, so may commit suicide cases were announced to friends and families through the FB wall. How scary this type of emo remarks on FB wall! I rather don’t be friend with this type of emo people.

    1. I know...once people are emoing, they'll be very down...can't listen to anything and living on their own world...even you sit for hours to talk to them, they're like using a wall to block their ears!!! Some people just needs to be very think wisely instead of focus on very small thing...I think from their own, they don't want to be so emo too, just that they can't get out from the situations...Make it easy, they used to be get want they want in life easily, but when something doesn't go with the flow or what's in their mind, is gonna like the end of the world for them!!! Also more particularly as I said they want attention from specify person, but usually when they've already turned to that emo means the specify person who suppose to concern to them are no longer bother about it...so since that they already set it in their mind "no one cares about me!" but the no one just the "person"...by that, they start to look for other ways to get some attentions which is suicide to scared them... speaking from a "passed" emo queen!!!

    2. wow, very interesting experience and truthful comment.. very true what Yannie said, can caught us in the middle whether to help them or not.. emo and drama people surely are difficult to handle lah, i also do not know what's the better way to deal with them..

      hmmm, reading 小影's comment it seems like it was her past experience?? but i think she has got over the stage and now a happy go lucky person huh?? probably because of blogging that she gained friendships and open up her world.. and hope you will continue to stay positive and happy.. :)

    3. SOund so serious here... Whether someone is in emo and drama-ing then we should make a step behind. At this stage they will not even listen to anyone. The best wya is to keep silent. Of course we can be my their side become their listener on what the problems and so on... just don;t try to give any opinion...You'll will never know what will happen and what he or she will think of later on... scarynya....

      小影, I'm glad you have thought over and overcome your problems well. I may be sad and upset of something and feel like throwing a trantrum once, but thank god I've overcome it too. In a nutshell, humans are not perfect we can't control of anything. So just let it go and let it flow. Ever since that, I always tell myself that every problem there is a solution. Just walk through the dark clouds and everything will be alright. Stay positive and stay happy always. Life is beautiful.

    4. yeah, i think it's okay to be drama or emo sometimes but then it has to be ended.. being drama or emo probably may help to release stress lah, but then still cannot be like that all the time.. we still need to move on and stay positive.. i read somewhere and got this very meaningful quote "time can heal your feelings, but can never solve a problem"..

    5. Yup!!! I used to be a drama queen, super dramatic...people around me always wanna gossip a lot anything about me, but now I tended to live very low profile, hehe!!!

    6. actually from your post last time can feel a little bit lah.. but now i think you have been more happy and positive and also more confident already.. that's a good thing :)

  30. LOL....i wanna berak out 500 words also like berak keras, Lina.

    manyak susah leh...how la to write effortless looking 700 words.

    Maybe should make it Words Lots Wednesday. see who can write the longest story

  31. effing is like an exclamation is it? British punya. Adui...me so out dated. Must use this instead of the F word., That is so crude

  32. yalah.. don't even say 500, want me to blurt out 300 words for my post already susah and furthermore i will find it very lengthy lah.. hahaha!! eih, meow may not be able to write a 500-word post, but she definitely can write a 500-word comment!! agree?? :D

    errr, effing means f**king lah.. i want to use this more often because not many people know, haha!!

  33. 其實有時就喺唔想寫得太白,但喺鬱住又唔舒服,咪寫得迷糊啲; 隨便你點去理解。

  34. 第一次看你用这么“激动”的字眼,哈哈哈!
