[Volume 8 Issue 4, #1713] |
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去旅行嘅時候, 我唔係個喜歡或習慣買手信嘅人.. 如果真係買手信嘅話, 絕對係因為某樣嘢非常之吸引我, 而且我係一個起兩個止, 買個意思咁唧.. 肯定唔會好似有啲人咁, 因為親友眾多, 所以一定要上倉咁先夠派街坊, 不過見佢哋有本事可以買咁多, 我又非常之戥佢哋開心喎.. 買手信都真係一門學問呀, 要順得哥情不失嫂意, 要買得大體但係又唔可以太貴, 要實用得嚟又盡顯心思.. 我自問冇呢個能力喇, 與其兩頭不到岸, 不如索性唔鬼買好喇, 哈哈!! 不過最近因為受各界朋友恩惠不少, 所以今後嘅旅行, 係不得不為各位捎些手信喇, 禮尚往來咁我先唔會覺得唔好意思嘛.. 講開又講, 大家最討厭收到咩手信咁呢?? 係鎖匙扣定朱古力?? 哈哈.. :D |
whenever i travel, i never like or used to buy souvenirs.. even if i buy, that would be because something really attracts me, but i will only get a few and not anything excess for myself.. unlike some who have a lot of friends and relatives, i totally understand that they need to stock up one big bulk to have enough for everyone, i indeed feel happy for them for their ability to buy so much actually.. buying souvenirs is one big knowledge, you want to please every single one, you want to get something decent yet not too expensive, you want to get something practical and yet looks special.. i know i do not have such capability, hence to avoid situations where ends do not meet, i rather not get any at all, haha!! anyway, due to the many gifts i got from friends lately, i guess from now on i cannot avoid skipping buying some souvenirs for them, else i would feel uneasy for only receiving but not giving.. having said that, what kind of souvenirs you hate most to receive?? keychains or chocolates?? haha.. :D |
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29.04.2013 | 手信禮物
26.04.2013 | 巴厘逍遙
[Volume 8 Issue 4, #1712] |
選擇尺寸以觀賞全套相片 | Select size to view full set of photos 巴厘島逍遙遊 @ 2004 | Bali Leisure Trip @ 2004 X 點擊以下按鈕瀏覽照片 | Click buttons below to view photos | | « » 已看過最尾照片, 再由首張照片繼續瀏覽.. last photo viewed, browsing from first photo again.. ![]() ![]() ![]() 烏魯瓦圖廟 | uluwatu temple |
2004年四日三夜嘅印尼巴厘島之旅, 應該係我自畢業後最即興以及最多人一齊去嘅一個trip.. 記得當年亞航剛開業, 飛去印尼嘅機票從未如此平過, 所以朋友間一呼百應, 造就呢一次嘅旅程..
the 4D3N trip to Bali in 2004 would be the most spontaneous and a trip i went with the most number of mates since i graduated.. i remember AirAsia just started business not long and flights to Indonesia had never been so cheap, that was why it created the excitement among us and hence the trip..
25.04.2013 | 師奶心態
[Volume 8 Issue 4, #1711] |
如果你話一件麵包RM1嘅話, 好可能我唔會有興趣去買.. 但係如果你話一件麵包原價係RM2, 依家五折賣RM1嘅話, 有好大機會我會去買!! 究竟係我自己「師奶仔」性格作祟, 定係大部份人都有呢種想法呢?? 正如我會為咗贈品而買某樣嘢咁, 哈哈!! 某日見到呢啲cupbread, 新產品做緊五折優惠不特止, 憑該麵包店facebook上索取嘅折扣代號, 仲可以享有額外八折!! 你話喇, 怎麼不叫人心動呢?? 結果每個口味拎一件, 折得嚟總共RM2.70(約US$0.89), 平均一件都唔駕駛RM0.70!! 味道本來都叫做唔錯㗎喇, 但係咁平買返嚟, 將佢升呢叫做好味道都不為過份啦, 係唔係先?? 呵呵~~ :D |
if you tell me a bun is selling at RM1, i may not be interested to buy.. but if you tell me a bun was selling at RM2 but now half-priced at RM1, there is a big possibility that i will buy it!! is it because of my "auntie attitude", or most of the people out there are having the similar thinking?? just like i would buy something because of the freebies, hahaha!! so that's when i saw these cupbread couple of days ago, new items at 50% off promotion but that's not the end of the story, if you go to their facebook and grab another discount code, you are entitled for an additional 20% off!! now tell me, how can that not be attractive?? i picked one for each flavor and the total after discounts was only RM2.70 (about US$0.89), not even RM0.70 each in average!! the tastes were already not bad, but with such a steal, i think it's not wrong to even "upgrade" them to delicious, agree?? haha~~ :D |
23.04.2013 | 急性的我
[Volume 8 Issue 4, #1710] |
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我覺得自己好多時都係個急性子嘅人, 除咗之前話過關於搭𨋢嘅「禮儀」之外, 每日經過嘅輕鐵閘口, 都同樣可見我容易不耐煩嘅個性.. 除咗排隊過閘係無可避免之外, 我要求自己之余, 亦都希望我前面嘅乘客可以動作爽手啲, 就算一秒鐘都可以造成延誤咁..
i realized i can be quite impatient at times, besides the "etiquette" of taking elevator that i've blogged earlier, one can easily notice my impatience at the ticket gates of our train systems.. apart from queuing up that is inevitable, i request myself at the same time hope passengers in front of me to act more quickly, as if one second makes a difference..
22.04.2013 | 雀躍萬分
[Volume 8 Issue 4, #1709] | ||||
X 多謝送禮物嘅朋友!! | thank you generous sender!! | ||||
最近都有收到幾位朋友送嘅禮物同手信, 本來冇打算要寫嘅, 驚引起其他人妒忌同俾人話我演嘢嘛.. 不過接踵而來嘅禮物, 真係令到自己雀躍萬分, 好似細路有糖食咁, 哈哈!! 所以最終都係忍唔住要同大家分享下囉, 二來又見最近冇咩可以寫~~ 有禮物收當然係開心啦, 尤其係預料之外嘅驚喜, 就更加令人手舞足蹈.. 好多謝送我禮物嘅各位朋友, 未免引起不必要嘅誤會, 喺呢都不便公開姓名, 大家知道我非常感謝同珍惜就好喇.. 上面四張圖矇矇咁睇唔清楚?? 唔好鬧我住先啦, click入去就可以知道裡面是什麼乾坤喇, 好唔好?? :) | ||||
received some gifts from a few friends recently, i did not planned to blog about them initially, as i worried that this may cause jealousy and people start to say i am showing off.. but the gifts came one after another, i was so happy like a child who was given candies to eat, haha!! and so i couldn't help but feel like sharing, moreover i kind of have nothing much to blog about lately~~ of course we are happy to receive gifts, especially when they came as surprises, we get to be even more delighted.. thank you so much to the senders, to avoid unnecessary complications, i will not reveal their names here, but this is to show how much i am grateful and appreciate them.. find the pictures above too blur too see?? don't scold me first, click into each thumbnail to see what's the hidden gift will you?? :) |
19.04.2013 | 尼泊爾遊
[Volume 8 Issue 4, #1708] |
選擇尺寸以觀賞全套相片 | Select size to view full set of photos 尼泊爾觀光遊 @ 2003 | Nepal Sightseeing @ 2003 X 點擊以下按鈕瀏覽照片 | Click buttons below to view photos | | « » 已看過最尾照片, 再由首張照片繼續瀏覽.. last photo viewed, browsing from first photo again.. 西藏佛教五色旗 | tibetian buddhist five-colored flags |
有位朋友話好羨慕我年紀輕輕就去過咁多地方(其實我一點都唔在年輕喇).. 其實世界咁大, 唔趁後生出去見識多啲, 恐怕老來會力不從心.. 所以十年前我就同自己講, 儘量每年都去一個地方.. 因為近幾年先有寫比較全面嘅旅遊post, 所以打算有一系列重溫之前嘅旅程, 同大家分享之余(放心, 絕對唔會轟炸你啦, 保證一個城市只有一個post), 最緊要自己日後再睇返都可以留返些少回憶.. 就由十年前2003嘅尼泊觀光之旅, 揭開呢一系列嘅旅程啦.. 可能有啲人會質疑尼泊爾都去得玩㗎咩?? 其實我覺得去邊度旅行都無所謂, 只要敞開個心同埋唔好有偏見, 親身體驗唔同文化背景, 其實地球上每個地方都係美麗嘅.. :) |
a friend said he is impressed by the many places i've been at this young age (i am actually not young anymore).. the world is so huge, if i don't take the chance to travel earlier, i'm afraid i won't be able to do so when i get older.. hence 10 years ago i told myself that i must try my best to go to one place every year.. due to the reason that i only have more complete posts for my trips in recent years, i guess it's good to write/re-write my older trips, for sharing (no worries, i'll not bombard you with the posts, but one post per city guaranteed) and more importantly for my own memories in the future.. we shall then have my Nepal sightseeing trip 10 years ago in 2003 to kick-start this series of travelogue posts.. perhaps some may ask what's there worth to go to Nepal?? to me, i don't mind what the place is, as long as we keep an open heart without prejudice to experience and appreciate the different cultures, every place in this world can be beautiful.. :) |
18.04.2013 | 曱甴見愁
16.04.2013 | 修橋補路
15.04.2013 | 制水日子
12.04.2013 | 證件相片
[Volume 8 Issue 4, #1704] |
前日經過大使路政府部門大廈嘅時候, 朋友突如其來話「我哋去換新嘅身份證囉!!」, 就咁好即興地掟個彎駛咗入去.. 弊傢伙, 我完全冇準備, 頭髮又冇梳好嚟, 跟住又係是但著咗件衫咁!! 結果盲頭烏蠅喺廿分鐘內登記完, 俾埋錢, 影埋相, 等第二朝再去領取.. 其實點解我會咁在意呢?? 大家有冇發覺到證件上嗰張相, 往往就係你一生人當中最薯最難睇嘅一張相, 連自己都要好耐先可以接受到?? 偏偏仲要係你嘅身份象征!! 我依家知點解喇, 因為影證件相時, 大家都係最拘緊最唔自然嘅, 就算有笑容都係硬棒棒, 咁樣點會好睇呢?? 加上我當時咁即興, 毫無準備之下去影, 你睇下, 家陣搞到張相咁鬼肉酸!! 死啦, 可能仲要跟住我個十年八年㗎.. 唉, 其實我有衝動再做過張新證件, 至少可以影過張靚仔啲嘅相呵?? 不過點影結果都一樣啦, 係個樣嘅問題, 唔係張相嘅問題囉~~:D |
passed by the government agency complex at Jalan Duta the other day, my friend suddenly said "let's go change for our new identity cards!!", and so we spontaneously made a turn into the building.. OMG, i wasn't prepared at all, didn't get my hair styled up nicely and was wearing a fugly tee!! so within 20 minutes i blurringly registered, paid, took photo and wait to collect the new identity card the next morning.. why do i care so much really?? have you ever noticed that photo on your ID is probably the most nerdy and most ugly photo of your lifetime, and it took you so long to accept it?? moreover, it represents your identity!! now i know why, all the time when we take ID photos, we are kind of stressed and overly serious, even when we put on a smile it may just be a hard one, tell me how can we look good like that?? furthermore i went there totally unprepared, now look at how frustratingly fugly it is!! die lor, this photo will follow me for at least another ten years.. haiz, i actually have an impulse to redo a new identity card, at least i can take a nicer photo huh?? but then it will still be the same, the problem lies in how i look and not the photo itself~~ :D |
11.04.2013 | 青蔥校園
[Volume 8 Issue 4, #1703] |
![]() 選擇尺寸以觀賞全套相片 | Select size to view full set of photos X 青蔥歲月校園篇 | High School Memories @ School | | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 青蔥歲月(校園篇) | high school memories (at school) |
我記得大概升上中三之後, 相機先比較普遍出現喺校園之內, 所以我啲校園生活照大部份都係中學後期時候影嘅.. 當年仲未有數碼相機, 全部都係菲林相機, 所以影咗相係要等到曬好晒先由得睇.. 最記得就係當年相簿逐個傳, 裡面有張紙仔俾大家order相片嘅, 好似多年來都係三毫一張.. 諗諗下以前曬相其實都洗咗唔少錢, 邊似依家咁方便?? 影咗即刻有得睇, 影得唔靚可以無限次再影, 大家滿意喇, 即刻網上傳送, 幾咁方便.. 所以呢啲hardcopy相片, 可以話係彌足珍貴呀, 等我得閑真係要全數scan入部腦好好保存先得~~ :) |
i remember only since Form 3 that cameras were more common at school, and that explained why most of my photos at school were taken during the later years of my high school life.. there was no digital cameras back then and all we used were negatives, hence we had to wait for the negatives to get developed before we could see the photos.. i clearly remember there were always photo albums being passed around, there was one piece of paper for everyone to order their photos, it was always 30-sen per piece i remember.. come to think about it, i have actually spent quite a lot in ordering photos, unlike how convenient it is now.. snap and see, not happy and snap again, until everyone is happy then distribute the photo online.. hence all these hardcopy old photos are so precious, i definitely want to scan them all and store them into my computer one day~~ :) |
■ 如果你喜歡呢個按鈕相簿功能, 可在此處下載自動篇码生成程序 ■ if you like this click-through photo album, download the script generator here |
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