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12.04.2013 | 證件相片

[Volume 8 Issue 4, #1704]
前日經過大使路政府部門大廈嘅時候, 朋友突如其來話「我哋去換新嘅身份證囉!!」, 就咁好即興地掟個彎駛咗入去.. 弊傢伙, 我完全冇準備, 頭髮又冇梳好嚟, 跟住又係是但著咗件衫咁!! 結果盲頭烏蠅喺廿分鐘內登記完, 俾埋錢, 影埋相, 等第二朝再去領取.. 其實點解我會咁在意呢?? 大家有冇發覺到證件上嗰張相, 往往就係你一生人當中最薯最難睇嘅一張相, 連自己都要好耐先可以接受到?? 偏偏仲要係你嘅身份象征!! 我依家知點解喇, 因為影證件相時, 大家都係最拘緊最唔自然嘅, 就算有笑容都係硬棒棒, 咁樣點會好睇呢?? 加上我當時咁即興, 毫無準備之下去影, 你睇下, 家陣搞到張相咁鬼肉酸!! 死啦, 可能仲要跟住我個十年八年㗎.. 唉, 其實我有衝動再做過張新證件, 至少可以影過張靚仔啲嘅相呵?? 不過點影結果都一樣啦, 係個樣嘅問題, 唔係張相嘅問題囉~~:D
passed by the government agency complex at Jalan Duta the other day, my friend suddenly said "let's go change for our new identity cards!!", and so we spontaneously made a turn into the building.. OMG, i wasn't prepared at all, didn't get my hair styled up nicely and was wearing a fugly tee!! so within 20 minutes i blurringly registered, paid, took photo and wait to collect the new identity card the next morning.. why do i care so much really?? have you ever noticed that photo on your ID is probably the most nerdy and most ugly photo of your lifetime, and it took you so long to accept it?? moreover, it represents your identity!! now i know why, all the time when we take ID photos, we are kind of stressed and overly serious, even when we put on a smile it may just be a hard one, tell me how can we look good like that?? furthermore i went there totally unprepared, now look at how frustratingly fugly it is!! die lor, this photo will follow me for at least another ten years.. haiz, i actually have an impulse to redo a new identity card, at least i can take a nicer photo huh?? but then it will still be the same, the problem lies in how i look and not the photo itself~~ :D


  1. 算啦,點影都係一樣。舊嗰張有問題咩?點解要換啊?

    1. 新IC有更多security features, 見唔見中間多咗張細相?? 係其中一個features囉.. 依家尚未規定每個人都一定要換, 所以趁啲人仲未一窩蜂去換嘅時候, 咋咋臨咁解囉~~

    2. 好,七月返屋企去換。

  2. Good morning SK and everybody!
    Happy Flyday!
    Eh why you wanna change new ID? Usually people change new ID if it's lost or involved the change of address...
    And how much is it?

    1. And since you so care about the look of the photo, you shouldn't go with your friend that time, haha xD Should have gone for a nice hair wash and go home change clothes first ma~

      Really spontaneous la you two! ^^

    2. But then, it's not often we will show our ID to people la, only in certain occasion.
      So to me, how we look in that photo doesn't really matter. (But I do agree, the ID photo is the ugliest photo we can take, haha xD)

    3. Actually I think your new ID photo is ok already, no need redo another one.
      See the old one, your face is so 'white'! It's the flash effect right? Haih, my ID photo also like that, the face so white, so ugly and scary! LOL!

    4. there are more security features on the new IC, you noticed that extra small photo in the center?? that's one of those.. now still not mandatory for everyone to change, so i just change first before the crowd lor.. got it done within 20 minutes and only paid RM10 lah, so quite okay lah..

      hahaha, never mind lah, be spontaneous mah, afterall i also seldom look at my IC~~ :D

    5. oooo ok ignore my question ....it's rm10 still ah...

      me wanna change IC too but maybe next year la. Then can update new address. Malas to go so many round ...lol...

      means this year I can still vote under seputeh area MUHAHAHAHAHA....my area here no need to wait result also know which party will win la

    6. aiyah, now change also can because the use the 2012Q4 voters registration mah.. now not yet in-force the change so not many people yet, better go change earlier possible lah.. don't wait till last minute, then sure gotta wait for hours!!

      aiyah, your Seputeh area sure de facto is HERS one lah, no doubt one.. :D

    7. Eh? Need to pay RM10? Gomen implemented new security features and asked the Rakyat to fork out for the changes-that-we-never-asked?

      RM10 per person, there are 27 (?) millions of Rakyat... wow, that huge $$$ earned.

      By the way, what is so special about the new features?

    8. true also what Ah Hua said huh?? now i actually think the government should have bear that cost right?? we paid tax and this added security should be one of the benefits for us lah~~

  3. LOL!
    True what you said about our ID photo. I sometimes have the feeling that the camera is skewed to make us look our worst. Oops!

    Is that two images of the cardholder on the new IC?

    Good morning! Great sunny day today..

    1. hahaha, you also think so?? that's always the most stoned and nerdy and ugliest photo ever, haha!! oh yeah, there will be one extra photo in the new IC, one of the extra security feature.. so now, worse still, you have TWO ugly photos~~ :D

  4. Hello Bloggers! Adoi. This SK was so damn free and just joined the crowd to change IC. Now I think your face looks thinner and better with the new IC lah. Happy??

    1. eih, there is no crowd at all lah, i got it done within 20 minutes only.. if you don't change now, later when the government announce this is a must, even more people and you have to wait for hours~~ that's what the officer on duty told us..

    2. I might want to do it too since my address has been changed and my face also changed! Ha ha ha..

    3. if you still want to vote in your current area then you don't have to change your address.. but i think Anay grows more handsome now so must have a nicer photo on his IC~~ :D

  5. These days the ICs are issued so fast unlike 20 years ago when it took months!!!! Those days the registration department hired snails to work.

    1. those days need to wait one whole day just to take number ...then unlucky have to go back again the next day to queue again.....need to take leave...so troubesome

    2. yalor, it was so troublesome last time!! i wonder why it needs to take so long huh?? BTW do you still keep your old IC?? i mean the very first generation, a piece of paper laminated and lembik-lembik one~~ haha!!

    3. They didn't take back your 1st generation's IC? I thought when you collected your new IC, you have to give back the old one. It's illegal to own more than one same identity document/

      I am the first generation to get the new IC. I don't have the 7-digit old IC number :D

    4. oh is it?? they took back that laminated lembik old IC?? i can't remember already, i just know i have no idea where it has been now, haha!! eih, they gave me back my old IC lah, as you can see in the photo, they punch two holes on the old IC and return that back to you.. well understood that this is not valid already lah..

  6. I am impressed with the new security features having a smaller photo. Don't tell me our earlier batch of ICs had forgeries again?

    1. no forgeries gua......new IC ...additional one more photo..some where one more company will be earning more income lor

    2. Meow very pandai.

      Such a clver cat.

      Of course must find ways to give money to kronies mah... Right or not? xD

    3. How come this 2 ladies so pandai eh.. I never realised it is so true.

    4. yalah, now with extra one small photo (means we now have TWO ugly ID photo) and the chip is with bigger capacity.. like Mama Meow said, that one company sure will have more to untung lah.. anyway, the rakyat still pays RM10 lah..

    5. Wah! If I didn't read this post, I also didn't know that new IC has 2 pictures now. Silly Yannie.

    6. But I still don't get it. Why 2 photos?

      As if one photo is not enough to show our fugliness, must put TWO to emphasis it >.<

      Frankly, I hardly use the chip. Except when I want to check my EPF summary account via the EPF booth. Oh ya, and not forgetting in the bank - which I patronize once a year (or maybe none!).

    7. yalah, now that we have TWO ugly photos on our IC.. i also do not understand how much added security that will give??

    8. Yalor why need two photos on NRIC? hmmmmm?????

    9. the so-called added security feature for our new IC mah~~ :p

  7. I always praise the existing passports with the chips inside that enables us to walk through the immigration check point fast & easy much to the surprise of other foreign visitors inside the airports. Are we still the only country in the world with this special passports??

    1. no, we are not the only country with such scan-through passport now, but i believe we were the very first one.. if not mistaken, SG and HK are implementing it already.. all the Asian countries, haha~~ i remember last time Mahathir has to write to every country to explain that Malaysians won't have departure stamps on their passport anymore..

    2. The last time I travel oversea was 7 years ago and the expired passport doesn't have any chip. Needed to stamp here and there whenever I went through the immigration check point, and boy, I hate the queuing!

    3. huh?? 7 years ago already comes with the new passport with chip i guess.. that time i've already been using the autogate already.. if not mistaken during Mahathir's time already implemented lah..

    4. Passport with chip is really convenient. I like that feature too whenever I passed through airport custom.

    5. actually i do go to the counter sometimes if i have to queue at the autogate.. but i also prefer to have immigration stamps on my passport, they look nice don't you think??

  8. You photoshopped away all the numbers and info on your IC! I guess it was Nama: Thambee a/l Muniandykuppusamy. Tempat lahir: Chennai, India.

    1. eih, of course i have to do so lah, cannot show my personal particulars here else some people may get the info and forge a fake ID of me, then go and get loan from the sharks lah~~

      anay, how many times i have to tell you.. i wasn't born in Chennai but TIRUCHIRAPPALLI~~ :d

    2. Muahahaha, maybe annay got it mixed up. He must have remember your birth place wrong with Kamala's. She's from Chennai, right?

    3. yalah, Anay always mixed up his homeland with that of Letchumi, so bad lah..

  9. Morning everyone, I agree with you SK. IC photo is the worst photo that I ever have in my life. So stone and so ugly. I wish I can re-take mine as well.

    1. and now with the new IC, we will not one but TWO most ugly photos!! hahaha.. wanna retake?? go and change for the new IC and sure you can take a better one lah~~ :)

    2. Ok, I must go to do my new IC, this time I must make sure I look the best I can when taking picture for IC.

    3. If you go take new IC, ajak me together ok!

    4. haha, must suit up your hair, give yourself a nice makeup and then wear a pretty but decent dress to go there.. before going, practice to smile in front of the mirror 200 times!! :D

  10. why suddenly change IC???new directive ka? Sorry ah this auntie blur sotong la.

    My IC also long time already 10 years jor....side started peeling. Thought wanna go change IC but think think have to pay rm10 wor and wait time waiting there......

    how much is it ah to change IC now? Still rm10?

    1. wei....you go go and test the chip ka? working or not and is the information inside the chip correct?

      The first time i changed IC the information say my agama HINDU *pengsan*

      second time change again ...still wrong....

      malas wanna go 3rd time....

    2. Meow,
      Better go change la and check again.

      Later suddenly your religion change to Islam habis you....

      Your family cannot claim your body. How?

      Don't play play.

    3. Wah! This Mak rempit cleber to scare me!!!!

      This pussy cat was Hindu and married Kaldip later. Correct what.. No?

    4. the new directive is not in force yet, but it's good to change earlier to beat the last minute crowd lah.. still RM10 for the new IC..

      huh?? how to check the info from the chip?? i tarak itu IC reader lah.. hey, this Ah Na very clever, now only she explains why our agama cannot be Islam~~ scary lah!! @_@"

    5. Annay, Ah Na is not scaring you. It's true, if your religion is wrong in your IC, e.g Islam, you'll go to Islam burial ritual when you leave the world.

      I better go check my IC now. I never bother to check. Where to check, meow? I don't have a chip scanner at home, how ar?

    6. yalah, anyone can enlighten us here where to check that info ah?? cos i turned to the back of the IC and saw the IC number is being padded with two more numbers 03 and 01.. is one of those religion code??

    7. It's not only your burial that will get affected if you are wrongly stated as "Islam" in your religion. Your non-muslim family will not get your estate. Harta goes to Baitulmal unless there is a will.

      Such a headache when someone converts quietly into Islam and not inform their family. Poor family will have so much headache afterwards.

      Islam does not teach its followers to be inconsiderate. :(

    8. oh that is scary lah, thanks for sharing this piece of very important information Ah Na~~

  11. Good morning, SK and all! Well, you look good anyway. My identity card was made when my girl made hers about 6 years ago. So I'm not going to make new one yet.

    1. eventually we still need to change to the new one, so i think better do it early to beat the last minute crowd.. :)

    2. True, so no matter what happenwe must go to change a new one too? Die die must do also lor..

    3. yes, this is sooner or later only.. i might as well do it early to avoid the last minute crowd so to say.. :)

  12. Aiyoh, this just remind me that my son will do his IC next year.

    Big boy already. *sob sob*

    1. Adoi you are like my mum!! When I was going to be 12 years old, she felt so emo. Wakakaka...

    2. hahaha, but i think kids are every so excited to have their IC lah.. everyone who got that already will show off in front of the classmates for sure..

      eih, still keep you first generation IC, that lembik-lembik laminated blue IC?? :D

    3. Mana ada simpan. Surrender them already lah.

      But I like my photo there. The kedai gambar at my hometown took really nice photo when I was 12. LOL

    4. oh really?? i have forgotten if we have surrendered or they returned back to us.. last time kedai gambar sure nicer ones because they use good films, now all use digital camera already..

  13. I have a friend who recently had her passport photos photoshopped. She wants a good photo in the passport! LOL

    1. yalor, now can photoshop our passport photo before submission online.. haha!! hardcopy one how to photoshop kan?? but then when you do online passport, you still need to go there and wait for 1 hour to get your passport!! i so shocked lah, i thot online processed 1 hour then can go there to collect straight away~~

  14. Oh I spotted the extra photo on the new IC! Haha but you don't look that bad la.. still quite similar with the 2007 picture. :P Maybe zoom in a bit to see clearer.. hehe

    1. yeah, you are very observant!! many people didn't noticed that extra small photo.. hahaha, zoom in a bit then you can see a lot of difference already lah~~ :D

  15. So the new IC, got two faces lar... you really "hiao" get another new one.

    1. anyway you are somehow cute. hehehe...

    2. not i "hiao" lah, because eventually everyone has to change to this new IC, so i do it earlier only.. don't want later last minute and gotta queue up for hours lah..

  16. RM10 means exchange from old to new one. If one fellow IC got loss, i think they denda RM100, leh...

    1. yah, RM10 is one for one change.. oh, lost IC i think around there lah gotta pay RM100 like that.. crazy!!

  17. Usually, If would to renew my passport, usually will go salon, put on some make up and so on. I think most of us does that even guys - nak cantik juga kan? Normal lar...

    1. How to look good ar? I prefer to practice how to smile first before we go. But yours is a spontanoeus one...who cares, just snap and that's it!

    2. But hor, usually government one, they like to take nearer photo of your face. Sum more no photoshop leh... mine IC was ugly and pale looking...

    3. eih, now can renew the passport online and just upload the photo straight away.. so before that, can just touch-up your photo a bit to look slimmer and nicer lah.. eg: removing double-chin, remove all the pigments and pimples etc.. hahaha!!

      my IC photo never look good lah.. the old one is too bright, the new one is too dark~~ haiz!!

  18. I think it is ok, if IC and passport's photo look not nice. As long as they can see our face clearly and stamp "Approved" than you're a very happy person. We dun want to hear " Encik, gambar ini tak serupa! "

    Don't let them kacau or distract your mood during honeymoon time with your darling. Hehehe

    1. eih, i went to renew my passport during november 2010, i brought my NEW photos and the officer rejected because she said i used back the same old photo.. KNS!! i didn't reuse, i just coincidentally wore the same black color polo tee (which is so common right), and she said i used the same photo from 5 years ago!! @#$%^& so i gotta go down and take another photo, which obviously under unprepared situation, UGLY!!!

  19. Your post today reminded me to take out my IC and stared at my fugly face. Even myself in my driving license looks 100% better. Of course I took my driving license photo in the studio, with makeup and hair styled, kakakaka. Vain pot!

    1. I never liked taking out my IC and show to strangers in the gomen office or bank. My IC has been kept deep inside the pocket of my wallet for ages and I tried not to remember its existence. All because of the fugly, pale-looking, fat face of mine.

    2. yes, only the IC photo is taken on the spot by the officers!! somemore there is no mirror and comb, gel etc for you to get your hair tidied up like in the studio.. and they never tell you to how to look good, furthermore once taken cannot preview.. die lah, sure UGLY like that..

      but recently okay for me but i remember last time, whenever people saw my IC and they always ask "ini you ke??"..

  20. haha if only i can use my FB profile picture
    on cush ids haha well i never been photograph good
    at such stuffs

    1. i guess everyone just look the ugliest and the worst when it comes to such ID photos huh?? :D

    2. agree, perhaps those photographer do that on purpose

  21. even my resume photos were kinda unpleasing
    haha i retried it for several times but then
    it was always the same

    1. very true, the more we tried the more failures we get right?? especially when we are trying to be serious, we look weird..

    2. haha yeah it really suck,
      in the mirror i look quite ok but then
      when the photograph came out it was disgusting

  22. hmm i guess it was kinda awkward to pose
    for some random people haha and straight face was just not my angle

    1. true, most of the time we have to keep that position still and we get stiff and unnatural..

    2. well the photographer never let me does where i think
      i look better haha

  23. anyway are these citizenship IDs? we don't have such id
    or may we have I just don't have one

    1. hmmm, everyone who reached 12 years old must posses an identity card in Malaysia.. you do not have such ID to prove your identity??

    2. no, we don't perhaps our government thought we are just
      too plenty and lazy for that haha

  24. the only ID i have was a driver's license
    hmm I was planning to get my self a voter's ID but then
    election is on going so can't have it by now

    1. oh we have driver's license too but that may not be an official proof of identity.. voter's ID and that's solely for election purpose only..

    2. yeah but it can be presented as a valid id here

  25. hmm i guess the worst ID pictures will you
    those used for school haha I remember we use to wear our IDs
    backwards haha

    1. every ID photo is the worst for me, hahahahahaha!!

    2. haha well if only photographers was our friend i know
      it would be better

  26. have a great day and happy blogging sk
    take care and god bless you

  27. 恨死IC的照片了 我的拍到像鬼一样
    如果不是逼不得已 我只出示驾照

    1. 還好你還可以像個鬼, 我連鬼都不像!! 呵呵~~ :D

  28. No leh, the new one looks so much nicer. They've got a better camera now? The old ones - all so pale like ghosts. I hate mine!

    1. oh i am suspicious why STP so "good mouth" today?? aiks, i know i look fugly in both the IC lah.. old one so pale like ghosts, new one so dark and puff like puri terbakar!! haha~~ hey, come on show us your IC!! :D

  29. I also hate my IC photo so much, it's just my ugliest photo ever!!! =[

    1. that is why we are all so reluctant to show our IC right?? hahaha~~ :D

    2. But my new IC photo is fine, I just scared to show my age after 21... =[

    3. hahaha!! why so scared?? you are not ugly at all mah~~ at least 青春就是本錢~~ :D

    4. Almost 25 already, no more 青春, 就来做剩女左!!! =[

  30. hey why that fast? you get the id within 20 mins? What kind of ID is this? Is this a company? or a government? here, we used to wait for a week or so before the id is released...

    1. this is our citizenship ID.. nope, 20 minutes is just for the process, we still need to go back to collect that ID the next day.. basically it's ready within 24 hours.. we used to have to wait for many days, but recently they improved a lot~~

  31. errr my friends used to tease me with my ID photos too.. hehe because I really don't feel well when someone else is taking my photo

    1. oh, so you look best when camwhoring?? hmmm, is this some kind of characteristics of the Coyne family?? haha~~

  32. I really don't know how to react whenever they ask me to say cheese hehe. I just don't know how to response... should I smile? should I look serious? in the end, the picture taking is done before I knew it LOL

    1. errr, when they asked you to say cheese, then you just say cheese and hold it there!! by then i am sure you look like you are smiling, haha~~ :D

  33. My friends always say my photo on ID looks like gangster.... :/

    1. hahahaha, i think this is one of the top 10 comments to describe photo on ID.. agree?? :D

  34. Why need to change new IC?

    1. more security features woh, sooner or later need to change.. so i rather change earlier to beat the crowd.. :)
