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27.04.2011 | 智能手機

智能手機嘅普遍性, 已經去到一個人有我有嘅程度.. 唔知大家有冇留意到最近嘅一種現象呢?? 就係當大家開開心心坐埋一檯食飯嘅時候, 當中總係有啲朋友, 一屁股坐低就拎起部手機, 與世隔絕咁用手指喺個熒幕度不停掃動.. 全程就係嗰一種極度忘我, 視若無人聽若無者嘅零交流境界..

我覺得其實大家一起食飯, 應該就有交流架嘛, 一味喺度玩手機我就覺得有啲唔禮貌囉, 而且將人與人之間嘅距離拉得好遠呀.. 又唔係幾十億大生意等住你去搶救, 唔係嗰幾分鐘都騰唔出嚟係嘛?? 麻煩各位, 食飯時間請將手機收起, 多謝合作~~ :)
i guess smart phones are getting very common nowadays to an extent that everyone would just want to have one on their hands.. and have you noticed a very funny scene recently?? when everyone happily sits around a table waiting for food to be served, there will always be some friends who so instinctively take out their phone, and then start sweeping their fingers vigorously on the screen.. so isolated as if they are putting themselves into a total trance, where they see and hear no other people around them..

to me if we are gathering around i would expect some kind of interaction, but if someone just keep on playing with handphone i guess it's a bit rude and somehow creates a communication gap.. i don't believe there's a multi-billion business to be handled that it's not possible to spare just a few minutes right?? it's time to enjoy the time and food shared with your friends, please keep your phones aside~~ :)


  1. I totally agree with you!

  2. and because they are so engrossed with their phone, they ignore us. So why go out with us, in the first place?

  3. and it's not isolated to socialising time only.

    I've seen ppl doing it at the office. Like when they come to see me to collect whatever cheques or claims, yet their hands and eyes are glued to their phone screen and I felt like talking to a zombie. Sheesh. Die ah if leave the phone alone for a few minutes?

  4. haha...cannot live without a mobile phone. Even kids are so engrossed with it sometimes. The parents enjoying their food while the kids playing with the mobile phone

  5. LOL, yup, it's pretty rude to show off(literally) the phone while we expecting you to chat and talk about how life going!:p

    I'll be totally pissed off for sure!

  6. it seems like a trend..

  7. 有了这种手机,觉得不很好..

  8. Talk about phone etiquette, this is definitely one lesson to learn.

    Technology has made us morons in manners, wouldn't you say? We sure are not that smart if we let ourselves be ruled by the phone we call 'smart' (phone) afterall WE are the ones who invented them. And now they are our master and we (the creator) their slaves. Paradoxical, alright..

    I'm glad you are smarter than that, SK. And has good manners too. hehe..

  9. 呵呵,我不喜歡這種人

  10. It's not only rude but annoying! Like Alice wrote, showing off the expensive gadgets, duh!

    Okay, maybe people think that I don't own a smart phone and I'm jealous, and making those comments when I see someone with their phones.

    But please, show some respect to your table-kaki!

  11. I agree with you. If kids were to allow using gadgets like Iphone and Ipad while waiting for food, and there is other people around, they will grow up to have lacking in social manners.

  12. Not just kids, older ones also. Makes people nowadays so anti-social. No interaction, bonding, nothing. Like they're talking with one another via like phones...

  13. yup....saw that many times. Hmm...makan plc should bann these phone...u say pengsan or not if makan also wanna go FB update say tengah makan what and reply the friend's FB msg padahal the fren is sitting in front.

  14. Trust me! I am not these kind of person!

  15. I agree with you! But it's a good distraction IF the topic discussed is not of your interest lar.. :P At least the phone can keep you company instead of looking at others talking and pretending to understand what they're saying :P

  16. /_\ 都是苹果惹的祸

  17. Yeah! Actually I am also against this kind of dismal practice. :(

  18. I also take out my phone but just to update my foursquare status. Then I will keep it.

  19. That's they say smartphone are making us dumber. :/

  20. Yea, agree. usually if I go 'yum cha' with friends and they dont stop playing with their handphones, I'll request them to stop that, haha :D

  21. 是咯

  22. 现在的面对面交流是

  23. i had one funny pic too. scheduled for sometime in the future where everyone was holding their smart phones before dinner.

  24. i got smart phone, but i dont "play" my phone during meet with friends, coz i more enjoy the conversation, but not to hp...

    my question is, why have to play ur smart phone when meet ppl? if so, just stay at home play sepuas-puas hati, right?

    i hate those play their smart phone infront of me.... :X

  25. sigh..reminded me of my kids too last time.. now these days, they are not so into it.. maybe they miss home now.. when they come back, they dont play with their hp so much while they are eating.. they know they will miss out a lot of food if they do... :)

  26. we have a rule when gathering .. no i-phoning during meal. ;p

    btw, my fren said that i'm too dumb to use a smart phone ;(

  27. yes sir..... i also like that 1....paiseh....

  28. haha agreed with you. Infact not only iphone, those game boy, PSP also need to keep it when dining time. Imagine whole family members are busy with the gadget without interact with each other really sad thing.

  29. 如果身边的人在我旁边一直玩手机,

  30. 現在的人都是這樣

  31. We must learn to respect one's existence when it comes to gathering lah,,, it is not nice and lack social etiquette to do paying attention to people and friends when they are talking..

    have a long weekend bro

  32. It's not fun to eat with them. Better don't come at gathering. :P. Face to face interaction ,chatting is much more important.

    We can see their face, emotion and body language when speaking with other person face to face.

    When you typing, there is no emotion or face you can see. And you can misinterpret the message which cause more communication problem :P

  33. okay... so u better not dine with me as da first thing i'll do is check in FB.. then post pic of the place.. then post pic of the food.. then post pic of the company.. then the end... and i'll relish all these thru FB! LoL!

  34. 哈哈哈……我每次和朋友出去喝茶的时候,也几乎就是这样!甚至试过没有交流!很炸到!!!>.<

  35. 现在的世界就是这样~变了!小孩就连走路也按着手机。

  36. i think in future, our mouth because useless and unable to speak anymore...hehehe

    all use hand to taip ...

    possible .... 6 fingers in future

  37. HAHAHA!! I know what u mean! i agree with u too! ;)

  38. actually when i got a smartphone, i dnt really use it much! =.= rarely tweet. =.=

  39. but anyway, when i was alone while waiting for people to come, i will start play with my phone!! :p boring ma while waiting. :p

  40. so at least i can still check in or tweet a bit. mwahahaha

  41. but im definitely wont playing with phone when dining with frens n elders. :) need to show some respect n of course to enjoy the time together. :)

  42. hmmm, i agree with you totally as this is also what i have been observing..

  43. it really is very rude to totally ignore your friends during a gathering, and only focus on playing with your phones to interact with other friends.. it's not respecting their existence..

  44. to me, you just play with your phone when you are all alone and got nothing else better to do, haha :)

  45. @ lina:
    hahahaha, very true, it's like so obsessed with their phone and can never even stop playing with it once they got idle time slots.. and you know what, survey shows that 61% (if not mistaken the figure) brings in the phone into the toilet!! hmmm, i think this is not good at all..

    @ mNhL:
    yeah, this is really a very common scene right?? and i even saw a student using iPhone and while her other classmates are eating and chit-chatting, she just kept playing with her phone..

  46. @ Alice Law:
    i think it's not showing off, but very intuitively they just take out their phone and play whenever they are idle.. haha, i'll make sure i keep away my phone if i go out with you~~ :p

    @ wenn:
    a trend and also getting to be habit for everyone now..

  47. @ 追梦者:
    其實有這種手機是很方便很實用, 但是不至於要每分每秒都要看著它吧??

    @ HappySurfer:
    errr, i guess the greatest technology invention in the internet and smart phones have somehow make us "dumb" right?? haha, dumb as in being controlled by something that we human invented.. errr, i dare not say i am smart, i still can't live without the internet and also my phone, but at least when i know it's appropriate then only i'll get obsessed with them~~ :)

  48. @ 十六:
    就是囉, 一大班人只有其中一兩個當然沒問題, 不過好像你的例子, 單對單然後對方只是顧著玩他的手機, 然後問兩句答一句的, 我覺得整個心情都會很不爽喇..

    @ Yvonne:
    i think it's not annoying because they are not disturbing anybody, unless you volume up the sound so loud that's disturbing, haha.. i think it's not wrong to have a smartphone as this is the trend and old style phones are gonna get obselete, but we should know when is the appropriate and not appropriate time to play with the phone.. it's the people's problem and not the phone's problem :)

  49. @ Sheoh Yan:
    yeah, that is why, don't get your kids iPhone or iPad!! haha, or at least don't allow them to keep playing with them on the dining table, this is so rude.. :)

    @ suituapui:
    i guess kids still not carrying smartphones but normal phones with smartphone-like features lah, haha.. i think it's those young exec who are so obsessed with their iPhones and forgotten about social manners..

  50. @ Small Kucing:
    mamarazzi i want to give you a big clap!! LOL on that statement if makan also wanna go FB update say tengah makan what and reply the friend's FB msg padahal the fren is sitting in front.. i guess this is very true and i can also observed that!! from your FB news feed, you can see at least 20% if such updates, i was like OMG, if the food you have is nice then ok lah, but normal wantan mee also wanna post, do it somemore and i'll put you in my hide list.. haha!! :D

    @ Wai Kitt:
    haha, great!! then you are very polite and courteous people i can see~~ :)

  51. @ iamthewitch:
    errr, true also if you say it make sense your phone can keep you company when the topic of discussion is not your interest.. but still i think it's not polite too when people are talking and you keep playing with your phone right?? :)

    @ 安东尼:
    我覺得是個人禮貌的問題, 和電話和產品的品牌沒有關係囉..

  52. @ Tekkaus:
    yeah, i guess there is a limit for whatever you do.. don't just go beyong the limit, it will be too rude if you spend the whole dinner time playing with your phone..

    @ Hayley:
    hahaha, i will do that if i were you too.. i mean, one gang of good friends happily gather together, why the hell you isolate yourself to play with your phone?? doesn't make sense right??

  53. @ 天王之子:
    其實這種忙是不可以接受的囉.. 玩電話又不是什麼很重要的活動嘛~~

    @ 小雪:
    哈哈, 我覺得對哦.. 在辦公室用MSN交談, 在外面就用SMS溝通, 很搞笑!!

  54. @ Medie007:
    actually i steal this photo of my known friends from FB album of their friends.. still thinking whether to ask them see it here, haha!! i'm very curious about your photo and so looking forward to it~~

    @ Wois:
    you are right, i mean you are to meet up with your friend and have a good time talking catching up with each other.. it just doesn't make any good sense to isolate yourself with just playing with your phone all the time right?? haha, better stay at home comfortably then, haha.. you sound so angry here, so you will be scolding those kind of people?? :D

  55. @ reanaclaire:
    haha, i think they have grown up and getting more matured perhaps.. hmmm, or maybe they just get bored with their phones already?? mummy's food is indeed more delicious than their phones right?? hahaha~~

    @ Danny:
    i also don't like to see people keep playing with their phones lor, not only iphone but also your BB.. errr, smartphone too complicated for you meh?? haha.. you can install dancing apps inside one woh..

  56. @ thomas:
    hmmm, then now you know how rude it is?? not i said so only, read comments from other readers~~ :)

    @ Vickylow:
    yeah, actually iPhone is a very classic example, of course that applies to game boy and PSP.. but i guess now with one iPhone you have all those features already.. haha, that is very pathetic, if everyone on the table just focusing on their own phone!! haha..

  57. @ Ashley:
    其實如果是一班人其中一兩個這樣, 還沒有關係, 最怕是單對單, 然後對方只顧著自己玩電話, 我覺得很不爽囉.. 所以你對, 尊重別人嘛, 要玩也等你一個人無聊的時候才玩囉..

    @ venus:
    對囉, 這樣的人真的不要單獨跟他們吃飯, 要也要約一大班一起喇.. 反正他們愛玩電話, 就當他們透明, 和其他朋友交流囉..

  58. @ eugene:
    yeah, definitely!! to respect everyone's existence, this is a very basic social manner.. just keep your phone away for just an hour, that really makes you look smarter.. you have a great weekend too.. :)

    @ Monk:
    yeah, i can still ignore them if we are in one big gang, but definitely cannot accept if it's a face to face meeting and you keep playing your phone ignoring the other party, this is absolutely rude.. yeah right, all the text messaging just can't let you feel the emotion of people and you most probably misinterpret them..

  59. @ Merryn:
    hmmmm, so you are one of those people that SmallKucing was talking about.. so i guess your gang of friends are also like that?? always like to post about where you are and what you are eating?? hehe~~

    @ 穷光蛋市长:
    哎喲, 那麼你就應該檢討一下喇.. 我相信你的朋友們其實都不敢開口跟你講喇, 所以你讀了這篇post是時候尊重他們了哦~~ :)

  60. @ Chris Chia:
    哈哈, 其實很不好, 我也經常提醒自己安全為上, 走路過馬路是不要看電話..

    @ CH Voon:
    hahaha, you are right, maybe 50 years later we don't need to talk but just use our fingers to type our mind.. hahahaha!! maybe more than 6 fingers on each hand lor~~ :D

  61. @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    yes, i guess that's the way it is.. you only play with your phone when you are all alone and got nothing else better to do.. not when you are with friends and during that time, i guess interaction is very important.. :)

    @ victor:
    very true, it's respecting the existence of your friends on the same table.. very rude to ignore them and interact with other friends on the phone.. if like that, might as well stay at home and interact with all friends right?? yeah, just play when you are all alone with nothing else to do..

  62. 真的是讨人厌的现象,要完fb交流,不如在家交流,干嘛麻烦出来喝茶?

  63. 我赞成你嘅睇法,查实又係嘅,當大家開開心心坐埋一檯食飯就唔好对住个手机荧幕猛扫,连好好地食一餐饭嘅时间都冇,何止对同佢同檯食饭嘅人造成情绪干扰,简直食龙肉都冇味啦!

  64. 我都係咁話,好唔尊重囖!

  65. @ Candlelyn:
    哈哈, 有些人上癮到連坐在旁邊的朋友都用FB來交談呢, 你說厲害沒有?? :D

    @ edward:
    其實如果係一班人呢, 我都覺得OK啦因為可以完全忽視佢(正如佢忽視其他人一樣).. 不過如果係兩個人食飯, 對方顧住玩手機, 就非常之唔禮貌囉.. 你顧住玩, 咁對方一個人戇居居望天咩??

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    咪就係囉, 其實好冇table manner架, 不過可悲嘅係, 呢個好似而家個trend喎..
