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24.04.2011 | 禁售零食

最近政府見小童肥胖指數上昇, 通過教育局禁止學校食堂業者售賣高脂高糖冇營養嘅垃圾食品.. 何謂高脂高糖冇營養嘅垃圾食品?? 其實該局都冇一個明確答案, 淨係好搞笑地舉咗椰漿飯呢個例子!! @_@

基本上我認為應該係指市面上林林總總嘅零食之類囉.. 講起零食, 我以為呢啲嘢一早就已經絕跡學校架啦?? 事關我以前個校長都已經下令食堂唔可以賣零食喇噃, 可見呢位校長早在廿幾年前就已經咁有遠見.. 所以當隔離鄰舍朋友仔話可以喺學校買到好多好好食嘅零食, 我就覺得好酸.. 仲有順便一提, 我小學係返全日制, 即係早上七點半到下午五點架, 可見我係少咗幾多童年樂趣哩你話..
in view of the overweight index in school children, our government through the Ministry of Education recently banned the schools from selling unhealthy food.. so what's meant by unhealthy food?? i guess they do not yet have an answer but just very "jokerly" blamed nasi lemak as the culprit!! @_@

i guess they are basically referring to those "junk food" (potato chips, crackers, carbonated soft drinks et al) you can get in the market.. but come to this point, i thought they were already banned in school?? because my (then) principal has already did that to my school more than 20 years ago, seems like he's such a principal with a vision huh?? that was why when neighbourhood friends told me how nice those "junk food" they can get from school canteen, i can only feel sourish.. and yeah, if you've not known, during elementary school i studied whole day from 7:30am till 5:00pm, so you can see how deprived i was from the fun of childhood during that time huh??


  1. 垃圾食物固然不好,但是很多食物也不好,例如炸雞,炸薯條等。。還有就是那些業者,真的是有做到食物清潔衛生健康么?例如不要用回鍋油,食物不要太油膩,食物不要太甜等~~~

  2. 看到報紙的標題,都有點啼笑皆非,
    NASI LEMAK是從小吃到大...

  3. 炸鸡、炒面、咖哩粉等全都是高脂肪,不如叫食堂关门大吉算了!

  4. The obesity amongst our young children are really alarming! :(

  5. Nasi lemak is certainly one of the culprit as it is tasty and well...kids love delicious (fatty) food. So it is easier to sell nasi lemak to kids. :p

  6. Of course carbonated soft drinks...junk food has been banned...on paper. However no enforcement has been carried out...that's why lor. :p

  7. I can still vividly remember the keropok that I bought from my school's canteen. Yummy! :D

  8. nasi lemak is junk food lor...

  9. Fast food lah cause overweight, not junk food!

  10. Yalor...all the good food at the school canteen. My time...10 sen, one small bowl of plain noodles. I went to BB Boys, PJ once...wow!!! The canteen like food court - all the stalls there selling all kinds of things!!! And that was in 1986... Now, maybe got McDs...and KFC already.

  11. Cannot blame only canteen selling unhealthy food. Anyway, if want kids to eat healthy, tapau from home.

    I am a lazy cook, but I maked sure my son brings food from home to eat during reccess.

  12. We should not only look at unhealthy food, our sedentary lifestlye also need to be look upon.

  13. Instead of making it a requirement to list down students' BMI, they should educate students and food operators on healthy eating.

  14. We can't put all the blame to canteen operators. What about parents who constantly feed their children with fast food?

    But if the Ministry of Education is banning junk food in school, I'm expecting more sourish-face students (like SK), lol!

  15. 全日制 ==' 我记得我们通常有小半天是在学校玩‘捉捉’找蝌蚪满天跑的,还有就是买大包小包的零食交换着吃。。。哈哈哈。。。禁是利多过弊,不过会少很多乐趣。。。

  16. I believe it's not the junk food that is the culprit. It is more the quantum of food intake. Of course, nutrition is the key.

    SK, so, are you making up for loss time/opportunity? hehe..

  17. I hope this is enforced properly this round. It never seems success everytime government implements anything. I also don't like seeing my girls' primary school selling so many junk food.

  18. I think both parents and canteen operators play an important role.. can't really blame which side...

  19. 最好是家长自己准备食物给小孩带去学校吃~但现在的家长都没有空

  20. If I remember correctly, my school didn't sell junk food in the canteen too.. Only main meals and drinks. But I guess even if you stop selling in canteens they can always buy from nearby stores.. :S

  21. I study my pri school in 1994. Got some junk food appear in the canteen and those are "mild" junk food.

    Then curry puff and some kuih itself is very fattening too!

    Ice Cream everyday got student buy . . .

    Well maybe my school got not much govt. people come and take care . . .

    haha! And as long as eat happy, people also happy until some people purposely open this kind of topic and picking up some forbidden contains from the junk food. (picking trouble)

  22. I think the parents should really set a good example,, just imagine if the parents are lazy doing exercise, junk foods lover, how then do you expect the children not to do likewise,,,,

    children do what they see, kan?

    i still prefer simplicity in everything even in food,,,, take care bro

  23. 我覺得是現在父母太忙了

  24. 还好我小学校长没你学校校长的远见,不然还真的少了很多垃圾食物带来的乐趣...呵呵呵...

  25. Wow, which school were you attending, sounds a nightmare to me! Muahahahaha!( I love dessert and tidbits)

  26. 不知道是不是小时候得不到,

  27. I love junk food but not soft drinks.

  28. 病從口入,做啲嘢點到好啲嘅。

    早上七點半到下午五點? 咩學校嚟架,咁刻薄都有嘅?

  29. soft drinks with junks make one obese..

  30. Nasi lemak is indeed fattening and high in calories! But very sedap!!!

  31. Wah!! Your school so visionary? So futuristic? Hahaha!!

  32. So last time you were deprived of junk food? Good lah, now healthier what. But of course now you can eat as much junk as you want to replace back! Haha!

  33. I do agree that the food sold in school canteens are so unhealthy and fattening! I have a friend who do not allow her son to eat food bought from school canteen. So she packed him wholesome home made food to school. I would love that too! Haha!!

  34. Anyway last time small, I also seldom eat junk food. Cos I don;t really like. Funny right? : D

  35. i've read paper about this news also, and the government has just given a general guideline to the school..

  36. ice cream made from milk are allowed but ice cream not made with milk are not allowed.. hmmm, find this rather conflicting - even dairy ice cream with lots of additives and colorings?? :D

  37. which school did you go?? wow, studying from 7:30am till 5:00pm?? that is even longer than working!! OMG, how can you stand that long hours, and somemore without junk food, haha!! :p

  38. @ thomas:
    好像說炸雞炸薯條炸蝦餅之類的不會列入禁止售賣的食品哦.. 不過這些都是高脂的東西, 吃得多也會胖.. 如果真的要做到健康, 那麼只好同學每人每天帶家裡的便當了..

    @ 小雪:
    哈哈, 說得好!! 其實不只朝令夕改, 恐怕就只是只聞樓梯響罷了.. 就是喜歡開始的時候把事情高調渲染, 經過人民反應之後, 就不了了之..

  39. @ 山城大熊:
    所以說, 每次就只有想到什麼說什麼, 完全沒有考查和根據.. 要健康?? 從教育同學們開始吧..

    @ Tekkaus:
    i think there is no 100% absolute healthy food, no problem with nasi lemak if you have them sparingly right?? the rule of thumb is to be moderate and have a balanced diet, and i think if you keep on with these two rules, even having some junk food won't be affecting much too.. hmmm, we don't have keropok in my school leh~~

  40. @ Medie007:
    errr, i don't think so.. actually it provides energy to start off a day.. just depend how often you eat them..

    @ Pete:
    i think it's not really the food problem, but the mentality and awareness of healthy eating.. :)

  41. @ suituapui:
    haha, during my time the noodles were 50 sen a bowl, and during lunch break we also have rice with 3 dishes at RM1.20.. that was the 80s lah.. wow, BB boys like foodcourt?? that's interesting, and i bet they sure have Starbucks in there then~~ :p

    @ lina:
    yeah, i guess it's the lifestyle and the dietary balance.. of course homecooked are always healthier and this is for sure the best thing we can get the kids to have while they are in school.. actually look at other countries like HK and Japan, the children must bring their own lunch box from home..

  42. @ Mei Teng:
    yeah, you are right, the root cause would be the knowledge and also the awareness of healthy eating lifestyle.. not just ban this and ban that..

    @ Yvonne:
    haha, i guess it's ok since i've been through that, my elementary school wasn't selling any junk food snacks at all, haha!! well, i guess at least the first step to healthy eating is to ban all those lor~~ :)

  43. @ Casendra:
    我完全沒有這些享受囉, 每天就是一整天在學校, 只有下課那短短數十分鐘可以玩一下.. 放學回到家都已經晚上了.. 還有, 星期六還要去學校半天上課外活動.. 真的比上班時間還要長..

    @ HappySurfer:
    yeah, i agree with you, the root cause is actually the awareness and knowledge on healthy eating.. i don't think if you sparingly eat junk food you will be obese right?? haha, i have no comment since that was what i'm deprived off without myself knowing back then~~ :p

  44. @ Sheoh Yan:
    yeah, and maybe that's how they do things.. make things loud initially and then after feedback and critics from the people, they put them aside and ignore all the enforcement..

    @ Hayley:
    there's actually no one to blame, i think it's the culture and environment that we are being brought up.. :)

  45. @ Shell (貝殼):
    對, 我覺得自己家裡煮的東西是最健康了, 而且家裡帶便當, 不用孩子亂花錢買東西吃呀..

    @ iamthewitch:
    haha, yeah, just like what i did last time.. cannot find them in school, so after school we can actually get those outside while we were going home.. hahaha!! :D

  46. @ Kian Fai:
    1994 i am already in my high school lor, in high school we also don't have all those junk food.. yeah, i think it's the mentality and awareness on healthy eating lah.. it actually starts with educating the people and now that with advanced technology in communications, people get more expoosed and knowledge in healthy lifestyle, that explains why we are moving towards that direction.. :)

    @ eugene:
    yeah, of course the parents are the direct influence to the children.. so the parents should be role model and create a healthy mentality in the family.. you are right, simplicity is health.. :)

  47. @ 追梦者:
    父母教育是重要, 然後在學校里面也應該培養這種健康飲食的風氣..

    @ venus:
    我覺得這和時代進步有關係喇.. 現在父母通常都工作, 都沒有時間為孩子們培養健康飲食的習慣囉..

  48. @ bluecloud:
    其實我覺得校長那麼做是好事啊, 而且很多家長都很讚同.. 不過我們還OK, 沒有零食也是照樣度過小學那六年時間嘛, 哈哈~~

    @ Alice Law:
    i was from Chung Kwok School in Jalan Raja Laut, yeah, the time in school is even longer than normal working hours right?? haha~~ :p

  49. @ Ashley:
    哈哈, 我覺得有這樣的可能, 小時候完全被剝奪吃零食的權力, 所以長大後那麼愛吃, 呵呵~~ 其實我沒有什麼成就啦, 也是普通人一個.. 我覺得我會把孩子送去全日制, 其實現在的教學都很靈活啊, 在學校可以和多點人接觸, 反正現在的小孩回到家裡都是躲在房里玩電腦嘛, 和在學校沒有分別哦..

    @ mNhL:
    haha, i love both junk food and soft drinks, maybe the consequence of being deprived of them when i was kid~~ :D

  50. @ 海市蜃樓:
    其實禁止零食係好事, 我好讚同架.. 刻薄?? 我哋係自願俾錢交學費讀成日架, 不知幾enjoy, 哈哈~~ :D

    @ wenn:
    i think it depends on how you consume them.. if moderately i think shouldn't have a problem.. :)

  51. @ foongpc:
    though nasi lemak is fattening but i guess if you have it moderately, it's ok, not to say you have it everyday for breakfast right?? haha, yeah, last time no junk food for me at school, so deprived that now i will eat them to replenish what i've missed, hahahahaha!! oh, you don't like junk food, no wonder you are so slim, i'm so fat, haha~~ yeah, i like the idea of bringing homecook wholesome lunchbox to school, that will guarantee a healthy eating.. :)

    @ victor:
    haha, yeah, they still can't give a proper guideline but rather a general and somehow conflicting list of ok and no ok food.. well, i was from Chung Kwok School in Jalan Raja Laut, yeah, that's how long we spend our time in a day in the school even longer than working hours, hahaha!! well, just not a problem as i've managed to survive through the six years~~ :D

  52. my primary school sell junk food as well. for sure, i like it hehehe... but i think i am thin that moment too until nooooow :P

  53. whoops! i rarely eat nasi lemak back to school time. well now oso dnt eat nasi lemak. haha

  54. during primary school time, rarely eat foods in canteen cz parents will bring foods for me. :D

  55. secondary school, our canteen not allowed to sell those chips or crackers n etc. so dnt have those also. :/

  56. n i remember some of my classmates brought potato chips watsoever to school n share with everybody. LOL! but once teacher found out, die lor. >.<

  57. @ CH Voon:
    actually no junk food sold in the school canteen also not a problem, see, i still survive through the entire six years, hahaha!!

    @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    so nice your parents prepare lunchbox for you.. but quite not practical for me because i study whole day in the school, that's why still need to eat in the canteen no matter how.. yeah, in high school we also don't have those snacks, and i guess it's even prohibited if you bring them from outside.. hmmm, maybe that's why i love snakcs so much now, haha!! :D
