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21.04.2011 | 棋壇高手

前日喺某商場見到呢兩盤彩色巨型西洋棋, 當時真係有兩位朋友玩緊(或者話用個抬字恰當啲呢??), 覺得非常之盞鬼..

其實我都好羨慕識得捉棋嘅人, 尤其當棋手沉思冥想應該點樣部署下一步棋嘅時候, 我會覺得佢哋好叻好有修養.. 點解?? 因為本人除咗黑白棋同動物棋可以呃下人之外, 其他一概一竅不通!! 唉, 講出嚟都覺得慚愧, 如果我係識得捉棋嘅話, 我應該會比較深謀遠慮??
saw these two colorful giant chess sets in a shopping mall the other day, and there were two guys really playing the game (or maybe saying them carrying the chess is more appropriate??), find that rather impressive..

i actually admire those who know how to play chess, especially when they are thinking deep on how to take the next step, i really think they are very smart and cultivated.. why?? because other than othello and the childish animal kingdom chess, i do not know how to play any other chess at all!! haiz, i sometimes feel so ashamed in this area, if i can play chess then i guess i might be more of a visionary and tactical person??


  1. I'm hopeless. My housemate taught me once and he beat me ALL the time...but one day, I beat him. I never played again after that - retired the champion. He was so pissed off... LOL!!!

  2. I'm hopeless at chess too. "Dam" I can play lah, and my hubby always laughed at my "kampungness". XD

  3. I'm not good in chess but my brother is the other way round. He played for the school. Chess is just too complicated ! haha

  4. I'm not good in it, and don't have the interest also :P

  5. I am too busy for this, or perhaps I am just finding excuse.

  6. I played chess during my school days.... Dunno why I chose it back then, but I hate it because I need to use my brain for the moves. I prefer something which doesn't require me to think much. I'm a single cell person, kekeke!

  7. hey, don't say the stupid animal kingdom chess la! it's great for teaching kids before the adult version. i say that because that was what i started with before playing the regular chess.

  8. You played checkers instead?

  9. You would be surprised Bananaz loves Chinese chess and not kwailo chess haha.

  10. Nooooooooooooo.. am hopeless when it comes to chess. Langsung tak faham!

  11. Loves the *cannon* can leap frog what about English chess? Always loves the scenario when double 'cannons' plus the 'car' doing the checkmate.

  12. KL的商場永遠都有很多的新點子投入在裝飾上

  13. Used to join Chess club but now forgotten most of the moves already

  14. till today, i cannot catch up with chess.. dont know how to play.. but give me carrom, i love! out of topic.. hahaha..

  15. Interesting interesting chess display! I love chess, regardless Othello(glad you like it), Chinese chess or checkers, when you into it you can get really intoxicated with these games, lol!

    p/s: You need to brain storm with tactics too if comes to Othello, so don't need to be ashame, just believe in yourself tht you are great!

  16. wow! really giant chess there! colorful summore! ;)

  17. dang! i also admire those who can play well! i can play but not dat well. =.=

  18. I remember my brothers can play very well and represent the school for chess tournaments, n one day female group less participants and the teacher asked me to join, he just assumed that i can play well as my brothers can play so well.

  19. and it was so embarrassing when i get eliminated on the 3rd round!! >.<"

  20. my brothers all won top 3 summore. gudness. and they even scolded me for losing the game. grrrr

  21. i love chess but I am not a good player!

  22. when can we have a good chess match?

  23. i oso not very good in chess.. the only board game that i'm good in is 'congkak'.. thats if its considered a 'board' game lol ;p

  24. Nice shots, SK, esp the green one. The sets must be huge. I used to play chess online but Sudoku is my online game now.

  25. me oso not good in chess, always lose. haha

  26. i played chess with a good friend. i was a learner n by a freak move, i won. he never wanted to play with me again. i will think of u as a visionary n tactical person irrespective of whether u play chess or not :)

  27. where is this shopping center? Nice. I like to play also...hehe...have time let play together..:P

  28. I hear you! I also can't play chess for the love of god! I don't know why I just think it's very complicated and needs too much thinking :P

  29. 我也不会下棋的,跟你一样,只会黑白棋和动物棋。

  30. 哈哈~~我也不会下棋.

  31. i love to play chess online..

  32. i am not chess master for sure. But, i know how to play and how to lose wakaka

  33. Ahahaha...你比我好,我连玩蛇棋和飞机棋都会输给小孩子。。。=='

  34. i admit: the only chess-like game that im expert in is reversi..
    oh wait, how could reversi be possibly chess-like XD

  35. 我爲人簡單,一樣唔識得捉棋,飛機棋算唔算啊?

  36. 好大副的棋子啊!我会玩中国象棋,可是永远都是输的那一个,那算不算会啊?呵呵呵...

  37. luckily i know the basics of chess and chinese chess. haha! havent played for a long time, but there's a 3d chess game built-in in windows vista and 7. :)

    the chess is so big, i wonder how these guys see the whole situation. @@

  38. 真的很paiseh。。我什么棋都不太会,还是打麻将比较好!哈哈哈!

  39. i am also not good at playing chess, or maybe i should say i am good at loosing instead, hahahaha!!! :D

  40. but i don't think you should feel ashamed of yourself for not being good in chess, i am sure there are other things that you are very good, or even expert, in.. right?? :)

  41. but at least you know how to play othello.. it is not easy too as you also need tactical thinking to be able to beat your opponent.. so who say you can't play chess?? :)

  42. @ suituapui:
    well then that's still fine.. unless you said you taught him and then he beat you all the time then that's very bad, hahaha!! you so bad, never give chance for him to revenge.. :D

    @ lina:
    hahaha, then i think we came from the same kampung, i also am hopeless at chess lah, even if i know how to play, i'm never good at it..

  43. @ mNhl:
    errr, depend on what type of chess lah.. of course chinese chess is very complicated and you need to know the tactic.. so i can never play it well though i know some theories.. you should ask your brother to train you.. :p

    @ Hayley:
    haha, i am not good at playing chess also.. interest i won't say i don't have, perhaps when i know them well, i could be interested..

  44. @ Sheoh Yan:
    haha, too busy even for a game of chess.. well then i think mostly that is just an excuse, hehe.. :)

    @ Yvonne:
    haha, you hate playing chess but then seems like you have been playing that well right?? yeah, i sometimes don't like thinking too much, very straight forward and that's why i always lose in the games.. :D

  45. @ doc:
    haha, ok ok, i've changed my post to say "childish" instead of "stupid", should sound more appropriate right?? but i guess the first chess we all used to play is the snake and ladder, haha~~ the animal kingdom chess the second i supposed..

    @ Gratitude:
    checkers, oh, i think i know how to play that but not good at all.. always lose..

  46. @ Bananazஇ:
    oh really?? really unexpected you can play the chinese chess!! wow!! then that's not banana anymore, infact i know nothing about that.. i only know the "soldier" can step one cell forward, "horse" in L shape, "canon" can go any direction only, haha!! actually i can play those chinese chess on half the page, you turn over the reveal, you know what i'm talking about?? :D

    @ Merryn:
    hey, i guess you need to learn how to play lah, at least the theory so that you can teach Ethan mah.. it's a good thing to train up his thinking.. :)

  47. @ 十六:
    有是, 可能KL人喜歡逛商場, 所以就要吸引人潮呀.. 台灣那邊沒有裝飾嗎?? 不過我覺得他們在小吃上的點子就很有創意哦..

    @ Small Kucing:
    hahaha, so meaning you were very good in playing chess last time?? now only know how to play snake and ladder with your kid.. :)

  48. @ reanaclaire:
    haha, at least you are good with carrom.. i am so bad at that till i can shoot nothing and straight away go into the hole, haha!! :D

    @ 追梦者:
    還真的不錯哦.. :)

  49. @ Medie007:
    haha, really so good at playing chess that i must admire you meh?? :D

    @ Alice Law:
    errr, i didn't say i like Othello but i just said i only know this, haha!! wow, you must be a very "chess" person, you know like almost all of them!! yeah, i agree with you, need to think about the tactics for the next move, and also must predict how the opponent will react.. really not something easy i'd say.. :)

  50. @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    hahahaha, at least you know how to play and can even get into the 3rd round.. i don't even know how the chess can move, even not qualified to participate in any competition lor, hahaha!! wow, so your brothers are all very good in chess?? you didn't inherit that quality from your parents lah maybe, just get them to train you up lah.. :D

    @ Big Boys Oven:
    i'm actually not a fans of chess also, you know how to play at least but not food.. i just don't even know how to play, that's how bad i am, haha!! like that how to have a match with you?? :D

  51. @ Danny:
    congkak is considered board game meh?? no lah.. even playing congkak, i am not good also lor, everytime very straight forward thinking so end up loosing everytime..

    @ HappySurfer:
    yeah, i like the green set actually, so outstanding.. haha, used to play Sudoku on my phone last time, but now got bored of it already, too much of thinking, haha!! :D

  52. @ Zidane:
    haha, give me five!! so we are both losers in chess?? haha..

    @ Bengbeng:
    hahaha, your friend is really not sporting enough!! never want to play with you again since you won him by a move?? haha.. actually he should feel proud, because the one he taught is better than him.. haha, actually i said if i learn how to play chess, then that could enhance my tactical thinking?? :)

  53. @ Sam Wong:
    this is Wangsa Walk Mall in Wangsa Maju.. haha, you want to play with me?? i also dunno how the chess move, how to play?? haha!! :D

    @ iamthewitch:
    yeah, it's really complicated and needs a lot of thinking, that's the fact and not only your thoughts lah.. that is why, i rather not play, so that i have less grey hair, haha~~ :D

  54. @ Ashley:
    哈哈, 動物棋其實很好玩囉, 記得這是第一種玩的棋.. 黑白棋其實不容易, 要想你應該如何走下一部, 又要猜對方如何迎戰.. 哈哈, 不會可以去學下棋喇, 有心情有mood的事後可以看一下囉..

    @ Pete:
    yeah, those are huge, about half the height of an adult..

  55. @ 小雪:
    真的一點也不會?? 黑白棋, 動物棋也不會?? 蛇棋應該會吧?? 呵呵~~ :D

    @ wenn:
    oh, so meaning you are very good at playing chess of any kind??

  56. @ CH Voon:
    then you are at least better than me, i don't know how to win but only know how to lose, wakakaka~~ :D

    @ Casendra:
    哈哈, 其實也不能夠怪你, 因為蛇棋和飛機棋, 本來就是小朋友玩的, 我們大人肯定不夠他們厲害啦.. :p

  57. @ 安东尼:
    errr, reversi?? i didn't even know how to play that!! well, maybe cannot be considered as chess but boardgame?? :)

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    都有得你叫飛機棋啦, 咁飛機棋梗係棋啦係嘛?? 呵呵.. :D

  58. @ bluecloud:
    真的很大副棋子, 有半個成人那麼高哦.. 哈哈, 你都說會玩只是每次都輸, 那就是會玩了嘛~~ :p

    @ kyh:
    i don't even know the basic theories of those chess, that is really quite bad huh?? haha.. what?? 3D chess?? that must be very confusing and complicated.. 2D already needs you to think so much and don't even mention 3D, killing you most probably?? hahaha :D

  59. @ 发白日梦^^:
    哈哈, 我也是什麼棋也不會, 不過黑白棋和蛇棋你應該會吧?? 麻將啊, 你很厲害的啊?? 其實我覺得很好玩哦, 不過我是玩衛生麻將的啦..

    @ victor:
    haha, thanks for that, but i am not good at playing othello too.. i mean i know the rules but i end up loosing the game, very disgracefully somemore, hahaha!! anyway, you are right, there are actually many things people who are not good at playing chess are good at.. :)

  60. I can't play chess. Just like I cant play mahjong.

  61. I guess I am not a fan of chess game! I learnt it once before but after so long didn't play I think have forgotten how to play!

  62. Anyway good to know you are not good in chess! High 5!! hahaha

  63. I remember seeing a movie once based on a Sidney Sheldon novel, there's this heroine who doesn't really know how to play chess but she beat 2 world champions! You saw the movie or read the book? It's a genius tactic from Sidney Sheldon! Never thought of that! : )
