其實我從來未擁有過一部屬於我自己嘅電腦, 咁耐以嚟都係用緊公司畀我嘅手提電腦.. 因為最近辭工嘅關係, 所以就覺得係時候要擁有一部真正屬於自己嘅電腦喇!! 本來就想話扮吓高級買部蘋果嘅, 不過左敲右度之後, 充咩唧?? 都係經濟實惠啲好, 於是扑錘買咗以下呢一部喇.. 都非常之無錯架其實, 仲有噃, 你知唔知買電腦係可以扣稅架噃, 哈哈~~ :p |
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i have not really have my very own laptop so far, all the while the ones that i've been using belongs to the company.. due to my recent resignation, i thought it's time for me to have a laptop that is of my genuine ownership.. my initial urge was to go a higher standard to own an apple, but after serious thoughts, well it's just for casual use, so it's rather wiser to get a more economical one, hence i finally decided to pick this one above.. very not bad at all indeed, and do you know, you can also get tax exemption from buying computers?? haha~~ :p |
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29.10.2010 | 我的新腦
27.10.2010 | 五年走來
25.10.2010 | 浮上水面
22.10.2010 | 車立人憎
首先為大家解釋標題個車立係咩意思.. 其實[車立]應該睇作一個字, 讀作lip, 即係大家平時上樓落樓所搭嘅乘客昇降機咁解..
相信大家每日都會搭[車立]啦係嘛?? 以下呢幾種乘客係我覺得好鬼[車立]人憎嘅, 唔知大家可有同感??
before i start, i'd like to explain what is meant by 車立 in the title.. it should actually be seen as one word [車立], pronounced as "lip" (mis-pronunciation of lift actually) which means elevator in cantonese..
i believe everyone of us take elevator to office or to home everyday.. among the different passengers, i found the following very annoying, do you also agree with me??
相信大家每日都會搭[車立]啦係嘛?? 以下呢幾種乘客係我覺得好鬼[車立]人憎嘅, 唔知大家可有同感??
- 大大件頂住個門口, 禮貌嗌佢讓路都仍然係企定定, 係咁意側個膊算數嘅朋友.. 唔該死開啦, 阻住條路~~
- [車立]內已經逼爆人毫無郁動空間, 係都要自己㩒字, 粗身粗勢整親人嘅朋友.. 唔該開下把口叫人幫手㩒啦, 呢種人情唔駛還喎~~
- 慢條斯理蓮步姍姍行入嚟等門閂嘅朋友.. 成[車立]人趕時間, 唔該你最後一個入嚟, 就順手㩒埋個閂門掣, 慳返大家3秒鐘時間啦~~
before i start, i'd like to explain what is meant by 車立 in the title.. it should actually be seen as one word [車立], pronounced as "lip" (mis-pronunciation of lift actually) which means elevator in cantonese..
i believe everyone of us take elevator to office or to home everyday.. among the different passengers, i found the following very annoying, do you also agree with me??
- those who block the door, even if you politely seek for excuse, still standing there like a steady rock without giving way (maybe just slightly move the shoulder to response).. oh please f**k off will you?? you're blocking the way~~
- those who insist pressing the button (not knowing they actually clumsily bump other passengers) even if the elevator is packed with no extra inch to move.. come on, just speak up and get someone to help you press the button, you don't have to repay for this~~
- those who take their own sweet time entering the elevator and then waiting for the door to close.. i mean, the whole lot of passengers (who are also in a rush to work) are waiting, can't you just do us good by pressing the "close" button to save everyone a 3-second time??
20.10.2010 | 燙衫精神
18.10.2010 | 蔬菜與我
15.10.2010 | 鷸蚌相爭
13.10.2010 | 兒童套餐
10.10.2010 | 一零故事
07.10.2010 | 閱讀因由
04.10.2010 | 電話語障
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