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14.05.2010 | 小心碌地

無聊嘅時候, 我會上面卜潛吓水睇吓相睇吓短片.. 除咗主打玩游戲嘅朋友之外, 我發覺其實有幾位朋友係主打post短片嘅.. 我十分鐘意呢幾位朋友, 因為往往都會睇到爆笑非常嘅短片, 笑到碌地笑到飆眼淚架!! 就揀咗幾個自己認為超搞笑嘅同大家分享啦, 祝大家週末愉快!!!

when bored, i'd normally logon to facebook to kill time.. see status updates, see photos, or watch clips posted by friends.. other than those friends who focus on games, i realised there are also few friends who focus on posting clips.. i especially love these friends because most of the time they make me watch clips so funny that i could laugh till rocking on the floor and weeping with happy tears!! i've picked a few and would like to share it here with everyone, happy weekend to all!! :)
請選擇頻道觀賞 Please choose your channel:


  1. 竟然係我排頭? 諗唔到喔。。。

  2. 香港動作片,同Bollywood既比起來,都唔會輸蝕好多姐。。。

  3. AXN果個,如果係Pamela Anderson就好囉。。。

  4. TVB8果個佳麗映真失態,點會選中佢架?唔通係造馬?

  5. 華麗台果個片段,翻譯去英文啦。。。

  6. 你o既讀者,唔o係個個都識睇廣府話o既。

  7. 就算係識中文字o既都未必睇得明白廣府話啦。。。

  8. 第九個comment啦,夠未啊?

  9. hahahhhahhah........i love channel #1

  10. ohhhhhhh #2 is even better AHAHAHAHAAHA

  11. That channel image you posted brings to mind those days of watching our local tv channel 1 to 3. Nowadays it's Astro.

  12. tat beauty queen looked a bit like retarded = =

  13. LOL LOL LOL!! very entertaining horr. xD

  14. OMG d channel AXN is crazy ok! like dat oso got.

  15. ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL HAAHAHHAHAHAHA ok the winner is the last 1 lar ehhh u harm me i laugh out loud in lab leh haizzzzz i think the japs thinks i had gone koo koo oredi = =

  16. 又到周末, 假期就看你的部落短片咯!

  17. ok i just came and watch the last 1 for the 2nd and now searching on utube to put on my facebook = =

  18. hi SK.. hope u wont feel bored today.. 7pm got thomas cup on.. china and malaysia!


  19. I also agree that the last one is the craziest. LOL :D

  20. I have to say that you are really good with your html coding. :D

  21. Hahahaha! Such crazy videos! Thanks for sharing :P

  22. Bollywood嗰個好誇張囖,啲配音正好嘢!我仲以爲嗰位姐姐嚟唔切,坦蕩蕩咁落過山車添。嘻嘻。。。

  23. 暑期工嗰個喺商台DJ森美同小儀喺多作怪!

  24. it is really make my friday more exciting.

  25. walao er... the thangathirai - this action movie is damn fake for me... stronger than superman

  26. nowaday, i seldom watch hindi movie ... dont know why... maybe not enough time.

  27. er... the AXN... u need to declare ur blog as sex content ho hahaha

    that ham sap guy really want to touch her breast liao but too late...

  28. walao er... TVB8 ... i wonder 1976 not pretty girl around me? vote a look crazy girl as miss beauty...

    i want to vomit liao

  29. lucky i am not the girl!

    else i will muntah lah..

  30. wah...ur tv station has the potential to turn ur viewers into into psychotic patients. :P

  31. 1. Thangathirai ~ first thing hero never die and second they have super power. Like #3 the part where the hero bites the knife without hurting himself..

  32. 2. Oopsy boobsy..lesson learned on what to where next time..haha.

  33. 3. Is this for real or just a mockery some cut and paste thingy. First time ever seeing a beauty queen acted so weird lacking composure. Cannot believe its real..haha.

  34. 4. Not very sure about the conversation understand less than 60% haha. tQ have a great weekend.

  35. haha, thanks 4 sharing... nice....:)

  36. This the new latest addition of "[SK] On Demand" and it FOC for viewing at the moment later may charge a fee..??? lol. tQ.

  37. hahahaa thanks for the sharing... im not as lucky as u, my working pc doesnt have speaker, so i can enjoy the silent video clips. so normally i wont b clicking on these clips lor.

  38. LOL!!! The 1st video very fake. Hate it! The 2nd video very funny!!! haha....the 3rd video, hate to see her reactions. The 4th video, don't know how to read la.;( But if got time later, will try to listen to it (now did not on the speaker).

  39. haha, It's damn funny! i share these on fb too....hahaha

  40. aiyoh...cant watch clip due to slow internet...sian

  41. Just nice Khengsiong commented on the Cantonese in my entry regarding *mai ye* and Mandarin's "mài東西" are they the same? According to what I hear its not the official Chinese language but a colloquial dialect if so can the word *ye* be used?. Sifu can you please throw in some light regarding *mai ye*. tQ.

  42. Lol, another thing is there will always be trees for them to dance around in bollywood.

  43. good evening...
    it's me again, donna-san desu, yoroshiku gozaimasu

  44. not i dun want spam this time...
    all video kena block liao, can only see blank blank thing.. =.=

  45. =.="
    so tomorrow baru comment la..
    dun so fast blog first...!!!

  46. Ur blog is always so creative and interesting :)

  47. for the beauty queen, 有句成语可以apply在她,得意忘形。

  48. eh, but drop to 2nd commenters edi..

  49. lalal...

    ok, still maintain as first liao.. =.=


    I laughed really loud for the last one. The woman is way funnier than the guy lo. LOLOLOL. The miss HK also very funny. Can't imagine lo!

  51. Hilarious! Can't imagine present-day Miss Hkg being so genuine and 'saht wai' like that. She would only laugh and jump inside her heart and just smile on the outside.

    The roller-coaster ride...What a ride!! Surprised why you thought of Mariah Carey? Is Foong here yet? hehe.. *Still laughing*

    Whoa, the Thangathirai ones are more 'kwa cheong' than the 'ee loy sunn cheong' movies. hahah...

    Lastly, the FM one is also funny. The DJ must have fainted.

    Thanks for the laughs. I laughed so hard, luckily am watching these at home. ahh.........

  52. Wah! I like your HTML coding - still have no time to go over it and implement on my blog! Damn!!

  53. Thangathirai channel - aiyo! So fake and violent! I did not laugh : )

  54. AXN channel - Woi! Why mention MC?!!!

  55. That 1976 Ms HK - is that real or what? Haha! So crazy of her! She does not qualify cos as a Ms HK, you are supposed to be calm and composed!

  56. OMG!! FM98.8 channel makes me laugh non stop! Hilarious!!!

  57. Thanks for these very entertaining videos! Makes me laugh for quite some time - good for my heart and my mood : )

  58. i love watching tv but i am not familiar with the channel except with the AXN

  59. haha if the one up there is Mariah.. Foong will surely love it!

  60. not familiar with thangathira
    but i still dreaming to visit bollywood... it was said bigger than hollywood... is it true??

  61. thanks for sharing these SK.. haha i really enjoyed them

  62. have a great day and happy blogging my friend!

  63. ^_^ (a smiley for you... haha to add one point for my spam LOL)

  64. khengsiong:
    #1: 我就覺得bollywood誇張好多, 一條毛都唔會少囉, 你睇啲橋段係咪不可思議??
    #2: Pamela Anderson?? 唔會啦.. 因為佢連坐都坐唔落, 點玩唧, 係嘛?? :D
    #3: 因為選中之後先嚇親大家原來佢係咁架!! 不過人哋參選環球小姐, 得第四名架!!
    #4: 如果翻譯去英文, 就已經唔好笑啦, 我要保持原汁原味..

    #1: yeah, don't you just love bollywood for their creativity??
    #2: hehehe, i sure you just love "them" right?? u should show your japanese colleagues in the lab mah.. :D
    #3: hmmm, but who cares?? already announced her as the champion..
    #4: yeah, i saw you posted that in FB already, very efficient huh!! haha.. actually this was a clip few years back already, it was sound clip from radio.. now someone got it edited and posted to youtube, cool~~

  65. Mei Teng:
    yeah, i still remember the TV station back then did not start broadcasting until in the afternoon.. so this is what i always see while waiting impatiently for tv programmes to watch.. :p

    Caroline Ng May Ling:
    friday already mah, so just make everyone relax and heading to enjoy their weekends.. hehe, only the AXN caught your attention huh?? :p

  66. 单身汉:
    哈哈, 不過才那四個短片, 一下子就看完了嘛, 怎麼可以頂完整個週末呢?? :p

    oh no, i didn't plan to watch it also.. because i don't want to be more disappointed.. see, our extra adhoc holiday is gone again!!!

  67. Tekkaus:
    hehehehe, you know cantonese?? that's cool man, this was actually over the radio in HK few years back, lucky to have found it here in youtube now.. hehe, so you want to learn how to do these HTML scripting?? i can send you the guide~~ :p

    haha, it's already friday mah, gotta relax and have fun a bit to welcome the weekends right?? :p

  68. 海市蜃樓:
    係囉, 其實我好欣賞Bollywood咁有創意咁想象力豐富架, 哈哈!! 嗰位姐姐唔係嚟唔切, 而係佢對豪乳對外邊世界太好奇, 所以趁機會出嚟見識下啫~~ 係啊係啊, 森美同小儀真係最佳拍檔架, 我好鐘意佢哋架..

    CH Voon:
    hahaha, yalor, i think these are typical bollywood movie lor.. i really gotta salute to their creativity and imagination.. see all those action and plot, so much effects being used woh!! haha, and did you notice a lot of slow motion repeats too?? walau eh, so old style!! hahaha.. no lah, i think her breast still covered securely by her bra mah, so juniors also can watch lah, no problem at all.. for the 1976 miss hk, i think they voted her only know she so crazy lor, sure everybody get shocked to see her reaction on stage, hahahaha!! but once again, this shows how genuine she is mah, right??

  69. Medie007:
    hehehe, not my tv stations woh, i get them from youtube only.. hmmm, but why psychotic patients leh?? what's the cause?? :p

    #1: yeah, i think bollywood films must have two things compulsorily: (1) dance & song around the trees and bushes (2) hero that is invincible, never hurt and never die!! hahahaha..
    #2: yeah, next time you must advice your "gifted" friends to wear turtleneck if they ever wanted to play roller coaster.. this is a good lesson~~ :p
    #3: hey, it's real one, this is in Miss HK history!! apparently, they were shocked to see how their Miss HK react when announced the winner.. and you why now every Miss HK must learn about manners?? :p
    #4: hmmm, too bad you can't understand cantonese well.. it's actually very hilarious you know??
    p/s: unless blogspot charges readers to view blogs, my "SK On Demand" is always free to view!! haha~~

  70. thomas:
    haha, hope you like them.. have a great weekend ahead :)

    the happy go lucky one:
    oh, but i think you can still enjoy the first 3 videos without voice.. the 4th one must turn on your speaker loud enough!! haha, so you'll gonna continue watching back at home?? must do.. :)

  71. mNhL:
    #1: haha, and i think the Indians actually like this, that's why bollywood always do that right??
    #2: hehe, so now you know what to wear if you wanna go for a roller coaster ride??
    #3: but i think it's quite funny to see her reaction, i'm actually happy for her~~ :p
    #4: oh yeah, it's in cantonese, you need to have your speaker on then only have fun.. reading the words only not fun at all.. :)

    haha, no lah, am not going to share them in FB.. because they are all shared by friends in there.. so i just pick them and share in my blog.. :)

  72. 天王之子:
    呵呵, 希望你喜歡吧.. 祝你週末快樂哦.. :)

    oh, so you are trying to watch this in Bali?? hmmm, nvm lah, go enjoy your holiday, watch them when you're back to work in office!! hahaha~~ :p

  73. Bananazക:
    you mean 買嘢?? yeah, it's 買東西 in cantonese, they mean the same thing.. yeah, it's not the official chinese language, the official one is mandarin as in 買東西.. 買嘢 is cantonese, one of the dialect widely spoken in the southern part of china (guangzhou, hk, macau) and some parts in south east asia.. basically 嘢=東西, eg: 咩嘢=甚麼東西, 食嘢=吃東西 etc.. hope this helps.. :)

    yeah, i always think there are two very important elements in a bollywood show.. (1) dancing, singing and chasing around trees and bushes, or rolling on grass.. (2) a hero that is so invincible and so powerful, that he will never be hurt at all.. hahahaha!!

  74. Donna:
    konbawa Donna Duck, hahaha!! how come all videos kena blocked?? you were in the office is it?? compulsory OT again ah?? aiyoh~~ hahaha, yalor, i think you got one very big competitor already!! he suddenly emerges, and so fast climbs to the top position, woohoo~~

    Willie a.k.a Reptoz:
    errmm, nope, i am not addicted to FB.. i think only bored people plays FB, kekekeke :p

  75. uLi.佑莉:
    i'm trying to come out with new and interesting things to attract and maintain readers lor.. :)

    hmmmm, i don't think she's 得意忘形, but i guess 真情流露 is actually more suitable for that situation.. :)

  76. C'est la vie:
    haha, yalor yalor, they are 森美 and 小儀, i also like the lady more because she sounds so funny and expressive!! hmmm, you still have not been brought the this world back then right?? see that Miss HK, so 真情流露~~ :p

    hehehe, i think because of that incident, all the miss hk candidates were being trained to be more feminine and subtle, and most importantly control their emotion if they win the title, hahahha!! i have no idea why, but mariah carey just came into my mind, and i would imagine she might be suffocated by her proud "assets" too, hahahaha!!! yeah, i think this is one important element in a bollywood film, invincible hero with strong sound effect, and don't forget the repetitions of slow motions!! hahaha.. for the last clip, actually both of them are DJs, this is just one show that they put on in their program.. ooopss, hope this good laugh will kick you off with a happy weekend :)

  77. foongpc:
    haiz, then you are so outdated, i've been doing so many posts with scripting already and yet you still have no time for that.. huh, why you didn't laugh for the bollywood act?? i thot they are really hilarious.. hehe, because MC has huge pair of b**bs, that's why it just came into my mind immediately when i watched that!! hahaha.. err, maybe she thinks the results is final and she is the winner, so just be carefree to release all her tension all the while during the competition?? anyway, maybe that's why the miss hk contestants now must be trained to be more composed.. yeah, so hopefully all these make you laugh and kick off yourself to a happy weekend.. :)

    hehehe, not important about the channel i just simply dumped in the name.. oooh, foongpc only love MC's song but not her b**bs!! yeah, you are right, bollywood is bigger than hollywood and produces a lot more movies in a year than hollywood.. haha, but how many bollywood movies have you watched so far?? yeah, too bad you don't understand Chinese, or else the last clip would be the most funny one.. it's weekend, hope you are gonna have a great one and enjoy!! :)

  78. haha you're right about the B***s

  79. screw this pc la.. small small thing oso want block...

    working loh... that time until 12.00am.. tis morning omoz kenot wake up d.. T____T

  80. Ohaiyo... now tengah reading your comment.. coz cannot watch movie...
    go back later then watch la.. haih...

  81. Thankz sifu for the validation of 買嘢 as in Canto & 買東西 in Mandarin which is the official Chinese word. Xie xie.

  82. Not hook on FB but am guilty of logon to kaypoh see status :p

  83. 你的html skill 实在很厉害,多花样@@

  84. bluedreamer27:
    hahahaha, yeah.. that is just maybe all about what i can think of her besides her songs~~ :p

    aiyoh, how come only that PC?? i think it's your company internet block everything lor, so boring one?? and how come gotta work until 12am, and today still working as normal ah?? aiyoh, really very pity lor, like working non stop like that, as if no life at all~~ :(

  85. Bananazക:
    hehe, you are welcome.. oh, i thot you don't understand what is 買嘢, you just wanted to know if it's cantonese?? hahahaha, so i've explained too much then~~ :p

    yeah, i hook on to FB just to see status updates and photos.. this is kaypoh meh?? :D

    呵呵, 過獎了, 只不過是想給大家一點新鮮感而已喇.. :)

  86. 1)都喺市场要求啫,如果冇呢啲超乎夸张嘅动作同歌舞场面,票房一定实扑街啦!哈哈哈~~~




  87. still got life la... =.="
    got life ok!!! see, now i am in star bucks drinking expensive coffee loh.. Zzz
    on leave.. muahahaha..

  88. but also waiting alone in airport for my parents arrival.. muahahaha.. because need on leave, that's why need pia loh.. why until 12 ar? coz the stupid server lo... slow macam siput, small small thing also takes forever time, so need WAIT there loh.. what to do..
    sat working because u know la.. haih.. "due to tight production schedule, so working saturday loh"

  89. ok, actly yesterday wactch the video already, but lazy comment because the internet connection is like my company server.. wtf

  90. first video..
    eeeeeeeeeeeee... so fake.. only like dancing part in bollywood..
    ahahahahah, and i like the what "ku chi ku chi ho ta hei"
    that one only.. AHAHAHAHA..
    eh, i want to find that DVD one u know.. but dunno where got sell bollywood movie..

  91. those fighting fighting one.. eeeeeeee.....
    so geli.. =.="
    one punch then can make a human fly.. wtf.. seriously, wtf? =.="

  92. 2nd, lagi WTF.. =.="
    the boobs so geng... haih, when i want show tobby that time, connection error liao.. ahahahah.. fated.. fated..

  93. but, u know the moral of the story?
    ahahaha.. big boobs cannot play roller coaster.. ahahaha..
    actly la.. big boobs very not convenient one, not speaking from experience la, because i don't have experience like that wtf..

  94. but dunno heard from wher, big boobs hor, cannot go jogging one, and the waist easy tired one.. ahahaha.. dunno true or not la.. like i said, don't have experience like that ma.. wtf..

  95. walauwe.. the wa lai tou, why she so happy?
    sweat... =.="
    a bit like so po like that liao...

  96. omg.. it's really xuan mei or a movie clip?
    very kua zheong leh...

  97. the interview one.. ever watch it already..

  98. Ahh.. I saw my fav Tamil Nadu Actor in your Thangathirai channel. The guy who kick the guy down and up. He is famous with his scarf. The older the movie is, the more exaggerated is the action.

  99. By looking at her boobs, you can understand how gravity works on roller coaster. Toing! Toing! Poing! Poing!

  100. The winner was too happy, that she forgot her composure.

  101. That phone conversation very weird.

  102. 找工的笑死人了。哈哈。。。

  103. No ah you explain very well on 買嘢 and I learned from you now it's not an official language for Chinese but a dialect in colloq. xie xie.

    Sifu kindly check the link for my very first simple 'html script' btw Bananaz has announced you the 'Scripteaser of the Year' award..as you have been so kind to share with quite a number of bloggers haha. Later need to learn more complicated ones from sifu ~;) A special song dedicated to sifu. tQ.

    Mouse Loves Big Rice

  104. 哗!你这儿好多人留言哦!
    你不说,我都不知道什么是 clip 呢!

  105. wei.. ur blog berkulat loh...
    no update, no reply comment one.
    tsk tsk tsk.. later grow mushroom then u know

  106. my oh my cannot help laughing at [Donna]'s comment grow mushroom...hahaha!

  107. edward:
    #1: 咪就係囉, 呢啲橋段好似係廿年前架喇喎, 仲興咩而家?? 不過Bollywood都有幾部大製作愛情片係世界賣座架..
    #2: 哈哈, 其實唔係佢想嘅, 一時失策老貓燒鬚啫..
    #3: 所以我都冇彈佢架, 反而好欣賞佢咁真情流露, 真我風采啊.. 不過可能因為咁以後啲港姐都要學儀態囉 :D
    #4: 其實係DJ森美同小義係度玩嘢咋, 哈哈, 唔好當真啦.. 呢個世界冇咁樣嘅傻仔同咁好氣嘅姐姐架~~ :D

    wah, really got life lor, go starbucks drink expensive coffee and online blogging somemore!! muaahahaha, i also never done this before lor actually, i only curi curi go near starbucks to steal the wireless go internet only.. haiz, your work everytime also like that force people work OT, and somemore never pay one woh.. so you are not looking for other better jobs meh?? hehehehe..

  108. Donna:
    #1: haha, this is Bollywood mah, if not one punch can fly (somemore got twisting one), then where got people want to watch?? :D
    #2: aiyoh, then you must quick quick show Tobby this clip again, i am sure he will like it very much lor.. because he also don't have experience can see such things mah, because you don't have experience to give him see also, hahahaha!!
    #3: the so poh is real one leh, she is the Miss HK 1976!! haha, maybe she never expect herself to win, so laugh like so poh when announce her as winner lor.. genuine mah, not meh??
    #4: hehe, this one not interview leh, it's a phone conversation.. actually a prank by two DJs only lah, very funny lor..

    Ghosty Nana:
    #1: oh really?? you know so much about Bollywood huh?? hahaha, but don't you think the kick is a little to not realistic?? but maybe it's the exaggeration that people like to watch Bollywood films, hahaha!!
    #2: hehe, errr, i have not experienced this before lah.. did you?? hehehe~~ :D
    #3: i guess she was really out of expectation of the surprise.. no wonder all Miss HK candidates after that need to learn about ladylike composure~~ :D
    #4: errr, you understand the phone conversation??

  109. 古克石屋:
    哈哈, 對啊!! 我第一次聽到的時候, 真的是笑到肚子痛囉.. :D

    haha, i thot you really wanted to know what's meant by 買嘢 that's why i tried to explained in details.. maybe too much details already because since you just wanna know whether this is cantonese.. hahahaha!! oh yeah, i read your blog about 老鼠愛大米, but didn't manage to leave a comment as my laptop was not working.. now that i've got my laptop back, will go and comment after this.. :)

  110. Ashley:
    哈哈, 還是同樣一句, 多謝大家的鼎力支持, 不辭勞苦地在這裡留言喇.. 我也是把blog排在FB前面的, 比較好玩嘛.. 哈哈, 其實FB裡有很多朋友都有post clips的, 很好笑的.. :p

    aiyah, sorry loh, make you got no place to spam comments, hahahaha!! my laptop not working mah, so cannot update the blog for the past few days.. now back in action to remove all the mushroom already, hahahaha!!

    haha, yeah, leaving the blog aside too long will grow mushrooms one.. so i'm now back in action to clean off all the mushrooms on my blog!!! stir fried mushrooms, anyone?? :D

  111. i just log in fb to snoop around a bit and check.. not much time to spare eh

  112. hmmm.. change job ar..
    haih..cannot think that for now because got huge loan to bear.. Zzz.. only this company offers transport and hostel ma.. bo bian loh..

  113. muahahahaha... 2nd video i memang want to show tobby one, coz pity him wont get the chance to see anything like that.. =.=

  114. eh.. recently also > 100 comment huh?

  115. Ayie:
    hahaha, guess that's the only time you can do facebooking while your baby is sleeping huh?? haha.. anyway, 5 years later maybe you facebook with your baby everyday then.. hahaha!! :D

    aiyah, you never go and find then never know there will be better ones out there mah.. maybe others don't provide transport and hostel, but salary is a lot more leh?? hehe.. kekekekeke, you can edit that video, then put your face on that lady's head, sure Tobby will like it more!! hahahahaha!! aiyah, really gotta thank you for making my comments more than 100 recently lor.. 謝謝x 100000000000!!!

  116. the ms hk looks retarded LOL
    if she is mariah carey, the boobs would be bruised lo. Traumatic mah..
    The youth call is just a prank izzit...where got people so wu liao one??

  117. blue:
    #1: haha, no lah, if retarded then won't choose her already lah.. but maybe chosen already only know this, haha!!!
    #2: i think if mariah carey, she will get suffocated bcos her boobs will fall onto her face lor, hehehe!!
    #3: haha, bollywood sure like this or else nobody like to watch..
    #4: err, not a prank actually, but they both are DJs lah.. maybe a short session on their own programme lor..
