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11.05.2010 | 相對論點

最近每日放工返屋企嘅時候, 都會見到《新海峽時報》兩幅純文字冇圖案嘅廣告板, 但係非常槍眼.. 廣告板上各提出一個與相對論有關嘅問題, 我覺得頗有趣嘅, 喺度同大家分享, 係頗值得思考架..

recently on my way home from work, i'll see two billboard from New Straits Times, pure words with no graphics but still very eye-catching.. i personally think the relativity-related quotes are quite interesting actually, let me share with everyone over here as some food for thoughts..
[大減價嘅時候, 你究竟係慳錢定係洗錢呢??]
我覺得要用兩個角度嚟睇囉.. 如果你係買到你需要嘅嘢, 咁咪算係慳錢囉.. 如果你係因為平而買咗你原本唔需要或唔打算買嘅嘢, 咁咪算係洗錢囉.. 其實就係咁簡單, 唔駛乜嘢都將佢複雜化嘅, 係唔係??

[do you save, or do you spend during sales??]
i think we should look at this from two angles.. if you bought something you need, then it's call saving.. if you bought something you don't need or don't expect to have, and just because the item is cheap, then it's call spending.. it's actually that simple, and we really don't have to complicate everthing, don't you agree??

[斑馬其實係白底黑斑紋, 定係黑底白斑紋呢??]
呢個有趣喇, 問題就好似有蛋先定有雞先咁囉.. 雖然直覺上我會覺得係白底黑斑紋, 不過再諗吓反而認為應該係黑底白斑紋喎.. 其實點睇都係一隻斑馬唧, 唔需要鑽牛角尖, 搞到自己模糊咗個焦點囉, 啱唔啱??

[are zebras white with black stripes, or black with white stripes??]
hmm, this is as interesting as the famous chicken-and-egg question.. intuitively i would think it's white with black stripes.. on a second thought, it should be black with white stripes instead.. but afterall it's just a zebra be it black or white, there's no need to drill too deep into details, and then lost from the focus, right??


  1. Hou yay!! finally am d 1st at here. mwahaaha! :D

  2. ermm.. if me, i think i spending more than i save more. lol. silly me. but then am a girl worr! so thats the nature of every girls and ladies to be kind of shopaholic. :p

  3. which one first? chicken or egg?? hahaha! dunno how many times diz topic come out in exam last time. xD

    ZEBRA ah?? not ppl usually say black and white meh??

  4. People may actually spend more than save during sales. I don't know for sure though..hehe.

  5. 除了吃喝和旅行, 其他的我想你都是知省识俭的好男人。

    如果是必需品或日用品大折扣,我一定会买咯。例如cutie compact RM10.90 卖 RM7.99

  6. can we not talk about spending money?
    Most of the time, made mistakes about buying something. I don't want to talk about it.

  7. Recently I was shop for my new house thingy at sales or fair...and Yes! I manage to buy what I wanted at cheaper price, so I guess that is "save" hor :P

  8. why recently, everyone said "chop"??

    i agree with u then buy when need it, dont buy if not need it not matter it is cheap.

  9. so far... i will not attracted by one word "SALES" because every months i can see "sales" as well.

  10. i am doubt with the zebras white/black stripes as well.

    it is not important for me... the main things is it is zebra.

  11. 大减价我都会“洗钱”但还是做个“精明消费者”!

  12. A brain teaser post. If I keep on thinking about these, then won't be able to sleep. :p

  13. Wow...you are able to connect the quote with the stripes on zebra. :p

    I think we spend more that we save. :p

  14. 1) 我通常係洗钱多过慳錢囉!呵呵~~

    2) 都係一隻斑馬唧,唔驶放大嚟睇,你估家阵查家宅,对亲家打种咩!哈哈~~

  15. waaaaaaaaaaaaa today so philosophical keh hahhaahh.......black or white as long as can cross the road safely can liao -- quote comrade Teng XiaoPing HAAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAAAHAHAH

  16. Bananaz would always go for this principle ~ "Buy the things you need not the things you like". tQ

  17. Good thinking! MJ says it doesn't matter if its "black or white ♫"! See with the mind and not the eyes. ~;) tQ.

  18. Since you like comments...

  19. I will give you a bit more than usual...

  20. First, you need to understand that 'need' and 'want' are not the same...

  21. We buy many of the things because we 'want' them, not because we 'need' them...

  22. For example, if you already have a watch, but you buy a new one, that is a 'want'...

  23. If you PC is 5-year old, and quite slow, and you buy a new one, that is also a 'want', but no much of a waste...

  24. But if you buy winter clothing in a sale, and not going to use it for the next 2 years, that is a waste...

  25. You know, I studied Just-in-time (JIT) principle in MBA. JIT tells us that companies should reduce stock. Too much stock is a waste of money, and possibly storage space...

  26. Personally, the things I buy in a sales can be 'wants' or 'needs', but I always use them, so this is not so much of a wastage...

  27. If you buy things simply because they are cheap, and you never use them, that is a waste...

  28. OK, that's all for today.

  29. P/S will I make it to the top commenters list?

  30. but its very difficult not to buy things during sales wo~ :(

    as for the zebra, god created it... ask the god la~ hahaha

  31. about the first quote,,, i think they are spending their money to buy sales item in order to save....

  32. But the save that i am referring is not about the money... they saved money in a way that they were able to buy many items from their budget...

  33. for example...
    (not sales)
    100usd = 1 clothe
    100usd= 2-3 clothes

    they are spending the same amount of money but they can buy more items if its sales

  34. it's funny to say but my mom is like that... when she saw a cool appliances in a mall, she will not buy it and wait until the item is on sales haha

  35. haha i really love the secong quote...
    i will then call zebra as an animal with a black and white stripes hahaha

  36. huhuhu look at bthe top commenters wideget in your side bar... i went down to top 8... i am not really good spammer ... sorry master i failed you LOL

  37. have a great day SK and thanks for supporting the Idol

  38. 1) I agreed with you. If we really need that item, we sure have to spend some $$ to buy.

    2) I learnt this sentence from Madagascar cartoon. I think both also correct. haha...unless u wanna count which colour have more stripes.

  39. 1) when on sales is SAVE MONEY!! for me la.. zzzZzz.. coz i only buy what i need, very seldom buy what i want!!

  40. so since is needed one, then if on sales, i can save!!!
    like the shokobutsu, normal price, RM13, on sales RM 6, i can buy two botols!!

  41. 2) zebra... not my business, white strip or black strip also cincai la.. =.="

  42. why should i care anyway... =.=

  43. now hor, to reduce buying some dead stock (pretty to see, not pretty to use)

    I'll ask myself,
    do i really need that? if no, put it down and dont look back..

  44. plus i got a tobby who always remind me "oi.. u no money, cannot luan luan spent"


  45. haih, no money very pity...
    those poor, struggle for money

  46. but those rich, haih.. T-T, money too much until dunno where to spend, after that buy aeroplane for their collection

  47. each aeroplane maintenance fees are RM 2 million per year only ma.. wtf..

  48. If barang that ada use means saved la..but if buy coz sale but never use kira as wasted lor

  49. thought they've got very catchy quotes as well. ;)

  50. 哈哈哈……是咯是咯!是很有趣的问题!但是不需要太在意答案!^^

  51. I always try to convince myself that I'm saving, even though I'm buying something that I might not need during sales :P

  52. 对,很简单。但坦白说,我会为了虚荣心多花钱,发泄低落心情。

  53. 原意係為咗慳錢,慢慢演變成洗錢。


  54. There is both zebras with white strips and zebras with black strips.

  55. Yeah lah, sales and savings sure don't jive but I still believe that buying stuff at a great discount and if item is needed is a good buy in the end.

    Zebras actually have a dark background and the white stripes are added on. But oh well..

    Nice observation. Good not to be driving, eh? You get to admire what's around you.

  56. 开开心心花钱就好咯

  57. guess it is better to buy during sales to save more....anyhow, me and my wife just buy the things we want and need only...even during sales or no sales time.

  58. Caroline Ng May Ling:
    haha, so i guess you go to sales because of the price reduction rather than really getting something that you need?? well, you are typical shopaholic then, hehe!! huh?? your exam got such question asking you chicken or egg first one?? very interesting woh, so how did you answer that?? :D

    Mei Teng:
    hmmm, i guess so.. depend on how you perceive the money spend, or rather i say use, if the things you bought are what you need, then it's consider save right?? well, as long as it's not a waste, i think it's perfectly fine.. :)

  59. 单身汉:
    呵呵, 何以見得我是個節省的好男人呢?? 我其實也蠻會花錢的哦.. 哈哈, 必需品我覺得可以趁便宜大量入貨, 因為反正都需要用到的, 這個叫省錢吧?? :)

    Ghosty Nana:
    haha, ok ok, then let's not talk about spending money.. rather, let's talk about wasting money, like what your case is!! hahahahahaha.. did you feel a knife stabbing into your heart?? :D

  60. uLi.佑莉:
    setting up a new house really needs lots of money lor, so i think must go for discounted things unless you are super rich lah.. actually normally, i also only choose to buy discounted things one, no discount then forget it, wait until few months later.. hehehe!!

    CH Voon:
    haha, i have no idea where those "chop" and "sofa" come from?? yeah, sometimes we can be rational, but sometimes when too cheap until can't believe, we are very prone to buy the things we don't really need lor, correct?? hmmm, i think now SALES is throughout the year, last time we count how many times there're sales in a year, but now maybe count how many days no sales in a year already.. hahaha!! yeah, don't drill too much into details, it's a zebra, it comes in black and white!! :)

  61. 发白日梦^^:
    哈哈, 我覺得洗錢還好喇, 做個精明的消費者, 最重要就是不要浪費錢在不需要的東西囉.. :)

    Mandy Ling:
    yeah, you actually don't have to think too much about the details.. just make life simple, and you'll enjoy it by having more sleeping time, haha!!

  62. Tekkaus:
    err, nope, i just quote what was originally posted on the billboard.. and then i kind of gave it a thought.. hehe, think it optimistically, we save more than we spend as long as we didn't waste the money~~ :)

    #1: 哈哈, 洗錢又好慳錢又好, 最緊要唔好白白浪費錢囉..
    #2: 咪就係囉, 所以我話好多嘢都係要顧全大局, 唔好一味鑽牛角尖囉..

  63. manglish:
    hey, i can be serious and philosophical from time to time, not everytime also siao siao one ok?? oh, 鄧小平 is your role model in life's philisophy?? hehehe~~ :p

    yeah, that's a good principle.. but how much can you hold on to that principle is another story, hahaha!! hey, i like that link to MJ's black and white.. you are cool man~~ :p

  64. khengsiong:
    err, i welcome comments, but if i have 100 comments i would prefer they all come from 100 different readers though.. thanks for your effort anyway, but you're not topping the list, don't underestimate others.. haha!! yeah, i think besides spending, saving, likewise you mentioned, there's another more important thing called wastage!! i totally agree with your point there.. so meaning to say, as long as it's not wastage, then we don't care if it's spending or saving right?? hehehe~~ :p

    err, i don't really agree.. nowadays sales is like throughout the year, i now find it hard to get anything nice during sales instead!! hahahaha.. well, let's just see the black and white as a zebra, don't think too much, guess that would make our lives easier right?? :)

  65. bluedreamer27:
    hahaha, you know what?? i think i'm somehow like your mum.. because i know sales is almost throughout the year.. that's why when i see something i like, i won't just get it at normal price, instead i foresee sales will be on soon, so i won't mind wait for maybe a month later and get it on discounted prize.. haha!! hmm, so in your opinion, zebras are actually black with white stripes?? hehe.. oh, you are trying to be the top commenter in my blog?? hmmm, i guess you now have more competitors already, because the spamming virus has been spread so vigorously in this blog, hahahaha!! good luck then~~ :D

    #1: yeah, as long as it's something that we need, then i don't see it's "spending", but rather "using" the money.. agree??
    #2: oh really?? i can't remember it's from Madagascar, you kind of make me recall about that.. err, zebra looks better in B&W rather than colorful i guess~~ :D

  66. Donna:
    yalor, now hor, if no discount i won't want to buy unless it's urgent lor.. because you see now, every now and then already got mega sales, so if you buy now, later a month later already got 50% discount.. might as well wait a while to save money right?? and you are lucky ah, got a one "alarm" readily there to remind you don't simply spend money woh.. but then the RM30 voucher, how do you want to spend it?? must only buy the food that you need and not you want ok?? hahaha~~ aiyah, those rich people siao one lah, RM2million is like RM20 for us, how to compare with them?? the more compare the more sad you become lor.. so just look at the FREE RM30 voucher you had!! wow, can buy food for 3 weeks liao!! aren't you happy?? :D

    errr, if need then no doubt is save lor.. if don't need then is spending money lor.. if buy already then dunno what to do and want to throw away, then it's consider wasting money lor.. got three levels i think.. :)

  67. Medie007:
    yeah, these two are what i saw from their billboards in KL Sentral station.. :)

    對啊, 因為每個人都對這兩個問題持有不同的觀點.. 其實都是很相對論的, 沒有對或錯的答案.. :)

    haha, but on the other hand, you should feel happy because you still have extra money to spend for shopping, besides travelling and eating good food.. :)

  68. Kai and Baobei:
    花錢為了發泄低落心情?? 我看我花錢之後, 看見戶口所剩無幾, 心情會更加的低落囉, 呵呵~~ :D

    咁你又啱喎, 因為每次諗住去湊下熱鬧, 點知見到平嘢就忍唔住手買喇, 咪就係冇啦啦洗咗錢囉.. 斑馬個問題, 其實你諗唔到都唔緊要嘅, 因為唔重要嘛本來都~~

    haha, yeah, you are right!! there are always two types of zebras around, some white with black stripes, some black with white stripes.. :D

  69. HappySurfer:
    yeah, it just depends on how you perceive things right?? if you think it's useful then it's not about spending or saving, but you get what you needed.. as long as you don't waste the money on nothing that's perfectly fine, haha!! haha, so in your world, zebras are actually black with white stripes?? hehe, yeah, two huge billboards in KL Sentral station if you would notice.. :)

    如果有多多的錢給我花, 我當然開心囉, 呵呵!! :p

    orh then very good, you only buy things you need and only during sales, then you are saving a lot!! no wonder can go Bali for holidays lor~~ :p

  70. 人生很短暂,不要太多的顾虑和等待 :) 这是真的,当一个人要失去一切的时候会发现现实享受也是一种正道。

  71. 我認同你講法!我都係等大減價來買嘢!平時我嘅水喉點樣都係大唔開嘅!

  72. hmm that happened to me so many times before, spent more than i should lor, now learned from it and cut down those impulse-purchase liao, sale or not, must think manymanymany times first.

    the zebra? does it matters? :)

  73. I usually buy when I need, however sometimes that 'usually' is not usually at all. I always bring along someone when I go shopping with me, someone will tell me think about it first when I have an impulse to buy something expensive and not needed.

  74. 大减价应该是一个促使人们花钱为促进经济的方法,所以省不到哪里去吧~ 当然也要看本身花钱的程度拉 XD

    那个班马 会不会有点像 "到底先有鸡蛋才有鸡 还是先有鸡才有蛋" 的问题呢 哈哈 不过我挺想知道的 @@

  75. haha... both!...

    oh i noticed that too.. haha this is now the hag out place of spammers like me LOL
    what yah think?

  76. i would buy if it's worth buying.

  77. sales is good for ppl who wants to save money. it is also for shops coz it attract those ppl who doesnt care about their money... if you like, just buy lah...hahaha

    see the zebra eyes and mounth,are BLACK.... black is dominant in zebra. maybe it is like a layer cake, started from black, see it eyes, pandan eyes. :p

  78. Kai and Baobei:
    你的意思是說, 可以花錢就不要計較, 應該盡情的去花錢?? 呵呵.. 等我的戶口有顯著的數目字先啦~~ :D

    係囉, 而家郁吓就大減價, 買冇折頭嘅嘢都真係有啲笨囉.. 平時係去survey, 等到大減價就係行動嘅時候喇~~ :p

  79. the happy go lucky one:
    hmmm, you are right, having sales almost throughout the year nowadays, it's really a need to think cautiously before spending.. but well, as long as you don't think that's wasting money, that should be fine right?? as for the zebra, yeah, it does not matter at all.. unless you are a zebra yourself looking for mate, hahaha!!

    Ghosty Nana:
    hmmm, good that you have a rational friend to always ask you to think through before buying.. you're lucky that you did not bring anyone who always persuade you to buy things!! haha.. i had a friend who always ask me out, and in the end, he would end up buying a lot (because of my persuasion) and i would end up empty handed home.. haha!! :D

  80. 安东尼:
    其實大減價通常都是花錢多過省錢的喇, 只不過是為了自我安慰, 所以才說這個半價, 我省很多囉.. 如果是需要用到的, 那還好, 如果是因為便宜而買的, 就不是那麼好囉.. 哈哈, 那個斑馬的問題, 其實就和雞蛋和雞的問題一樣囉.. 看你以甚麼觀點來看待罷了.. :)

    haha, then it's good there are two types of zebras in your world.. to me, a zebra is a zebra and nothing else.. hehe, i'm waiting for you to update your blog, so that i can try to be FC and spam somemore comments~~ :p

  81. wenn:
    then it's good, at least you think through before action.. :)

    i think everyone loves sales.. for customer, they are getting things cheaper.. for shops, they can reduce stock and generate more revenue.. guess this is a win-win situation yeah?? hahaha, i have the same thought as you too, the mouth and noce as black, so we can say a zebra is black with white stripes.. anyway, who cares though?? :)

  82. You are so evil, [SK].

  83. 两个都是我没想过的问题

  84. 不知斑马宝宝是什么颜色的?

  85. 应该是白底黑斑纹,应为这样容易涂颜色(黑色)上去(白色)。

  86. but if not buy anything... or buy power... it will affect the economic as well.

    u also dont know what is meaning of chop... hehhehe who start this first...

  87. anyhow, i realise that girl buying power is stronger than boy. maybe, girl earn more money or more boyfriends around????

  88. Spend on necessity! NO BONUS this year, cannot spend too much.. sad case

  89. Ghosty Nana:
    hahaha, not that i'm evil.. just that i'm happy to see people buy things that they like~~ :p

    其實我覺得也不用太過在乎去想這兩個問題, 因為都是很相對論的東西, 沒有對或錯的..

  90. Ashley:
    呵呵, 我是覺得斑馬寶寶還是那個黑白樣子的, 那你又覺得是黑是白呢?? 其實大減價現在好像常年都有, 一年才那幾個禮拜沒有減價罷了.. 所以說, 我也對這些sales麻木了, 還是不要花錢的好..

    Chin Weng 茶先生:
    呵呵, 照你這樣說, 其實黑底的也很容易用liquid paper塗上白色斑紋嘛!! :D

  91. CH Voon:
    haha, i know their intention, that means they are the first one to comment.. but why the term "chop" and "sofa", then i really have no idea lor.. i agree with you lah, buying power mah, that's why now the shopping mall always have sales to boost their revenue and clear their stock.. have you notice it's like sales almost every month throughout the year?? really terrible lor.. hmmm, cannot say like that, sometimes there are guys who can buy a lot more than ladies woh~~ :p

    yeah, only spend on things that we need.. but sometimes can also reward ourselves a bit lah, don't turn off the tap too tight mah~~ haha!! :D

  92. Do you save or spend during sales? Of course save lah cos I only buy what I need! Haha!!

  93. But I do know a lot of my friends spend during sales cos they buy what they don't really need : )

  94. Anyway, I normally shop during sales. During non-sales period, I only window shop, Haha!!

  95. I hate it when an outlet puts up a notice saying sales with discounts up to 70%! Then when I go through the outlet, I only find 1 or 2 items with 70% discount, the majority are only 10% discount! What crap!!

  96. Btw, discounts of 10-20% don't impress me much : )

  97. Congrats!!! This is the 101th comment! Yay!!

  98. Oh, btw I notice Jusco has sales every other month! It's good in a way, cos if I miss this month's sales, I can always wait for the next one not far away! LOL!

  99. Are zebras white with black stripes or black with with stripes? Who cares abput zebras! Now let's talk about panda!! LOL!

  100. Ooh! So many typos! Let me retyped that - Are zebras white with black stripes or black with white stripes? Who cares about zebras! Now let's talk about panda!! LOL!

  101. before i used to shop a lot but since i gave birth i got stuck here at home even my grocery shopping, i do njow online =) i'd say it's way more convenient though and i get to take care of baby without worrying much about shopping anymore

  102. foongpc:
    i think not only jusco, every mall is having sales almost every other month.. and also when they see competitors having sales, there they have another sales!! haha, so now we only count days throughout the year when there's NO sales.. that's why, no point buying things with normal price, because maybe two weeks later, they will drop to 50% discount already.. so if you wanna get anything, just hold on a bit.. yeah, i hate the "up to" also, in fact only those not nices ones are 70% off, those nice ones are either normal price or the most 30%.. hahaha, you really type the whole sentence?? i thot you can just copy and paste from my post, hahahaha!! well, you are right, who cares whether a zebra is black or white?? it's still a zebra to me.. and same thing goes to panda, does that matter at all?? hahahaha~~ :p

    yeah, i totally understand how much you need to spend time with your baby.. but online shopping is somehow different from real shopping don't you think so?? yeah, maybe when your baby is growing older, you can bring him shopping together.. :)
