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10.05.2007 | 我的銀包

剛剛打開銀包諗住數數裡頭淨底幾多錢.. 發現個銀包漲卜卜, 其實唔係銀紙多, 而係裡頭放咗一大堆卡.. 身份證, 車牌, 提款卡, 信用卡, 保健卡同埋成疊會員優惠卡, 加埋都超過十張多.. 放咁多張卡喺個銀包度, 其實都未必用得著, 但係又抱住以防萬一嘅心態, 帶咗唔用總好過要用嗰陣發覺留喺屋企啦.. 不過因為實在太多卡, 有時見到都眼冤, 所以出門前都會執執佢嘅, 有啲好確定係唔會用得著嘅就索性唔拎啦.. 因為如果個銀包太過漲, 放入個褲袋後, 實在是有點唔志在兼有啲啲不雅, 哈哈.. 所以我依家都係用緊長形銀包, 相比起普通折起嗰種就薄多啦, 而且通常個銀包我都一定係放入個包包, 因為覺得隨身帶住個銀包好似哽住哽住咁, 除非我係兩手空空就需要將個銀包放入褲袋啦..


  1. there was an idea to integrate all these cards into one! but then... i guess it is a bit impossible... isnt that what inspire our "be-loved" malaysia government to use new ID card? according some sources, the government was planning to use that ID card for a number of purposes, including medical and bank! but i guess... no commercial entities want to follow

  2. and some throw the question of security - because since you have an integrated one, that also means lost one lost all.. haha!!
