[Volume 7 Issue 12, #1628] | ||||||||||||||||
話咁快又係星期五喇!! 今日冇乜嘢寫, 又唔想折磨你嘅眼力, 就淨係同大家玩呢個認標誌游戲, 折磨你嘅腦力啦, 哈哈.. 玩法非常簡單, 於標誌下空格填上你嘅答案, 然後按標誌檢查, 綠色表示正確, 紅色表示錯誤.. 如果需要提示, 請將鼠標置標誌上.. 我預先知道邊幾位讀者會玩呢個游戲, 邊幾位讀者係絕對唔會玩嘅, 哈哈!! :) | ||||||||||||||||
thank goodness it's friday again!! nothing special to blog about today and don't feel like torturing your eyes, so let's just play this logo game and torture your brain, haha.. it's a very simple game, just type your answer in the box under each logo, then click on the logo to verify your answer, green for a correct answer and red for a wrong answer.. if you need hints, just roll your mouse pointer over the logo itself.. i can already predict who will be playing and who will not be playing this game, haha!! :) | ||||||||||||||||
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14.12.2012 | 標誌游戲
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Good morning, SK, everyone!
ReplyDelete3 dunno, 2 wrong. Good observation and memory game. Tks.
ReplyDeleteHave a great day ahead!
Good morning!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful Friday morning and I'm feeling so fresh and happy (and lazy too! - which means I'll return for your game afterward)
You said you've got nothing special to blog? This is a special game, for at least not the "Spot-the-differences" game to torture my poor old-flower eyesight.
ReplyDeleteOut of 12, I think I recognize 9 only.... and I need to google for their spelling!! Old auntie depends too much on auto-correct and auto-suggest, LOL~
DeleteSo cham... 5 correct only nia! hahahaa..
ReplyDeletewhy you so char?
DeleteI got 10 correct le.. kekekeke
SP so eksyen la... hahaha
Deleteyou are better han me la Claire...me 4 correct only..lol...would have been five correct if only i tarak wrongly spelled starbucks.
Deletewah this SP manyak terror wor...10 correct
Lina...biar la he eksyen...he memang got hak to eksyen coz he correct 10 mah LOL.
Good morning SK and everyone. I got 8 corrects only. If I try again, I will get 100%.
ReplyDeletehaha that would be cheating yan,
Deletehaha I guess you the topnacher on this test huh
I got 8 correct too!
DeleteAlmost got 10 correct but I got spelling mistake, I missed out the 's' in Starbucks and HEY, that fox is called Mozilla FireFox, no?? Just first name Firefox?? Cheh~
Ello yvonne இ Eh howcome got Kopitiam one, earlier was none but beer mah? SK changed again, to add in more flavor like the Chinese song 'no wine add kopi' kah? Shhhhhh no wikileak this fox is called MusangApi but not your favorite Musang King. haha
Deletei got 10 correct le..
Deletekekeke.. so what does it mean?
DeleteI also got Firefox wrong coz I added Mozilla. Wrong pulak. Cheih.
die lor....everyone got so many correct. Me so little correct. really general knowledge not uptodate liao lo :(
DeleteGotta go back to school jor hahaha/
yay...gimme 5, Yvonne...me also missout the s in starbucks. Not frequent starbucks customer. too expensive cannot afford leh ..haiz.
not name firefox mozzila meh? I thought it was. I put in as firefox coz lazy to type all
My son loves playing this game.
ReplyDeleteAnd more often than not, got almost all correct.
Very commercialised punya budak. Haha
good challenge, I only got 5 correct and one wrong spelling.
ReplyDeleteHapppy Friday morning everyone! The day is so nice so far. Hope no rain tonight as I want to go out and rempit on two legs tonite. :-D
ReplyDeleteit sure rain..
Deletecannot that is no rain..
Didn't rain last night.
DeleteRempiut on road then grr grrr at home. Sejuk lah... must warm up body! Muahaha
Wanakum 41.7% got 5/10, 3 wrong spelling 4 dunno. haha
ReplyDeleteI got 3 wrong n 4 spelled wrongly. Huhuh
DeleteSo SK must have changed the last logo last minute
DeleteSomeone is having roast swan for dinner. haha..
DeleteWhy he changed that last one?
DeleteBecause no one could get it right. If got also, no one could spell it right. Now, this last one is way easier than the earlier one. Super Striker logo.
DeleteHappySurfer இ Yalor thinking of roast swan. Simply hentam sahaja lah Bananaz put 'swan' for the last pixz until SK changed the logo of which the tagline is "What Drives You". This is just as tough, not spilling the beans again haha.
DeleteWhat is the last logo? I recalled it doesn't look anything like a star~
DeleteSK, why the change? Is it really no one cannot recognize it? Aiyeh, put longer mah, maybe annay or starfish can give you the answer. Ah Hua also hasn't try it yet.
yvonne இ previous last logo is a 'swan' and he changed two logos already, the other was beer logo.
DeleteI can actually guess and spell the beer name correctly. I should be ashamed of myself. Hahaha
Deleteme pulak duno what is the ladies head logo. No idea what it is . Later will google and see what is Schwarzkopf. I thought its sign for "ladies' LOL paiseh betul
DeleteOoops sorry have to delete previous comment terlupa let small kucing out of the bag in my earlier comment hehe
ReplyDeletei got 6 out of 12,
ReplyDeletewell it supposed to be 8 out of 12
but i misspelled the two
O answered mozilla fire fox instead of just firefox
and calvin klein instead of calven Klein
it kinda cool to recognize on thing out of its logo,
ReplyDeletethis was a cool test huh,
I wish I answered it all correctly
but is 50% a passing grade already?
well yeah its friday sk meaning last day of work?
ReplyDeletethe end of a stressful work days huh
any plans yet? any thing to do? any where to go this week end?
how did you do this sk? It might be useful to me too
ReplyDeleteas well as that picture collage your doing
I tried searching for it on you archive but i dont know how to read it haha
what the hell is Schwarzkof?
ReplyDeletehaha im not familiar with it at all haha
Its somehow like school day hahaha
ReplyDeleteteacher SK is giving his spammer students a test hahaha
well no one yet git perfect score?
well have a great week end sk,
ReplyDeletegod bless you and happy blogging
take the best of care always
Aduh! Good evening people! I just came into office. What an eventful Friday... Went to dentist and looked at these logos this morning but my phone could not comment. Anyway i got 7 correct cos I forgot the other names!
ReplyDelete4pm only masuk office. How nice. But why? Sudah mau habis time kerja already lah... Or are you staying back?
DeleteWorking late with the office secretary izit? I tell Letchumi ha! ;p
Then I went to site visit and waited for client. So I knew the answers now. So easy lah!!!!
ReplyDeleteWoiiii SK got suspect that I will sure log in right??? You must have guessed that lazy bump SP won't bother to comment today. If SP commented he would say the 2nd logo is PIG BLANKET! Muahahaha!
ReplyDeletepig blanket? why so?
DeleteI was out the whole morning..
went to MITI today with my Director..
he is bringing 2 apprilla bike to malaysia.
I have to help him on personal AP.. kns
2 bikes.
Delete1 for you ke? ;)
SK should make this game every week! It will help our brains to work a bit.
ReplyDeleteTM இ Yeah truly sokong your great idea our brain needs more exercise haha
DeleteThis kind of game is fun too. I love all kind of brain teasers. Do come out with more of that next time.
DeleteMy brain doesn't like to work that much. It likes to relax and be stress free. Hahaha
Deleteya wor...makes our brain work more else become rsuty then susah lia. It's fun and more things to comments .
DeleteGood Friday everyone!
ReplyDeleteWow this is such an interesting game SK!
DeleteNext time please organize more of games like this! ;)
DeleteI got only 2 wrong, hehe...
DeleteWill spam your blog tomorrow!
DeleteHave a great evening guys~
ReplyDeletemoe kau chor ahhhhh torture my brain ah? LOL
ReplyDeletemanaged to get 4 right....supposed to get 5 correct but the starbucks i salah spelling.
and what the heck is Schwarzkopf...??? LOL...u know what my answer? I answered Ladies LOL....memang me katak bawah tempurung la
Philips i answered as UPS pulak
why you put try again function there ah since you have revealed the answer when we click the answer? Would be better use if the questions or try again is different sets all together instead of the same questions