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29.11.2012 | 收拾行李
28.11.2012 | 最佳位置
27.11.2012 | 超級肥膩
26.11.2012 | 彈性流動
25.11.2012 | 大字馬騮
24.11.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 11, #1608] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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大家好, 又到咗揭曉本週金榜嘅時候喇.. 呢個星期都好有趣喎, 整個榜可見一片起起落落, 而且我哋引頸長盼, 終於都有一個全新冠軍誕生喇!! 有意思, 有意思.. 雖然有感呢個blog最近一片靜局, 仍然感激所有到訪以及誠意留言嘅朋友, 恭喜晒所有榜上題名嘅讀者.. 最後, 當然又係一句, 祝大家有個愉快又開心嘅週末!! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
hello folks, it's time to announce the weekly chart again.. the chart this week seems interesting, we have ups and downs all over, and after such a long wait, we finally have a brand new champion of the week!! that's fun don't you think?? despite the recent quietness of the blog, i am still thankful to everyone who has dropped by and being supportive to leave a comment or two, also congratulations to all the readers who have made it to the top ten.. finally, the same old greeting again, wishing everyone a happy and enjoyable weekend!! :) |
23.11.2012 | 最強之鍵
22.11.2012 | 超大漢堡
21.11.2012 | 冬甩沒落
20.11.2012 | 文武雙全
[Volume 7 Issue 11, #1604] |
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兩個星期前俾大家睇咗我在運動場上嘅威水史, 今日就俾大家見識一下我文藝嘅一面.. 當然呢啲都係咸豐年前嘅事喇, 呵呵.. 話說當年除咗運動場上, 我參加各類作文演講等學術性比賽, 都有不俗嘅成績, 曾經一度於同一個集會, 上台領獎五次咁多, 哈哈!! 當年仲俾老師甄選為學校在天后宮舉辦嘅年度籌款盛事上台表演壓軸節目, 相裡面就係同我個老拍檔嘅相聲表演《生活的習慣》(當然, 我係相中左邊, 化晒濃裝嘅個小男生, 呵呵!!).. 當然演出得到千人觀眾嘅如雷掌聲啦, 算係我小學生涯中一點輝煌成就, 呵呵!! :p |
two weeks ago, i showed everyone the athletic side of me and today let me show you the artistic side of me.. of course both were already a gazillion years ago, haha.. it was way back aside of the sports scene that i had been participating in academic competitions like writing composition and giving speech.. i got good results and there was once in an assembly i went up stage to receive my prize as many as five times, hehe!! and on that year, i was selected by the teachers to perform for the annual fund raising event held at Tien Hou Temple, that was the xiang sheng titled "habits of life" that i performed with my good old partner in the photo above (of course i was the little boy with thick makeup on the left in the photo, hoho!!).. of course we received loud applause from the thousand of audience, that could be a little glory during my primary school life, hehe!! :p |
19.11.2012 | 最後一擊
18.11.2012 | 好多馬騮
[Volume 7 Issue 11, #1602] |
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嘩!! 點解會咁多fing-fing㗎??!! 哈哈, 當然呢啲全部都係fing-fing身在全球各處嘅親朋戚友啦.. 我記得上次去香港, 第一晚坐的士去旅店嘅時候, 就俾我見到巴士上一個大大嘅fing-fing廣.. 所以當我上網google fing-fing時, 竟然發現佢原來有咁多同胞存在呢個世界各個地方!! 誓估唔到原來fing-fing係隻咁出名嘅馬騮, 原來佢都有好多fans㗎喎, 呵呵!! :D |
oh my gosh!! why are there so many fing-fing??!! haha, of course all these are friends and relatives of fing-fing all around the world.. i still remember the recent time i went to HK, the first night when i was taking a taxi to the hostel, i saw a huge fing-fing advertisement on a double-decker.. so i just googled for fing-fing and found that he indeed has tons of his kind all around the world!! that really surprised me as i didn't know fing-fing is actually such a famous monkey, and he has got so many fans too, hahaha!! :D |
17.11.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 11, #1601] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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星期六當然又係公佈週榜嘅時候啦, 咁快又一個星期喇?? 可能呢一個星期有兩日假期嘅原因, 應該仲有人放緊悠長假, 不過我就當然為咗我份thesis嘅最後衝刺而忙碌啦.. 講返個榜, 都頗多上落變動喎, 而且個「小野貓」又再次攻陷榜首位置, 唔怪得話貓有九條命啦, 呵呵!! 多謝各位不辭勞苦地俾面留言, 恭喜晒所有榜上題名嘅讀者(尤其位置上昇嘅朋友), 最後當然要祝各位有個開心又愉快嘅週末!! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
saturday is the time to announce the weekly chart, another week has passed so quickly again?? perhaps because of the two days of public holidays this week, i guess some are still enjoying their long break, but for me of course i have been busy with the final strive of my thesis.. back to the chart, we see many changes with ups and downs in positions, and that the "pussy cat" has resurrected and grabbed the throne again, no wonder they say cats have nine lives, haha!! thank you everyone for the effort to leave a comment, congratulations to those on the chart (particularly those who has their position gone up).. last but not least, wishing everyone a happy and enjoyable weekend!! :) |
16.11.2012 | 咖啡或茶
15.11.2012 | 又是假期
14.11.2012 | 晴天雨天
13.11.2012 | 合法貸款
12.11.2012 | 超級相機
11.11.2012 | 開心馬騮
[Volume 7 Issue 11, #1595] |
今日fing-fing好開心呀, 因為有個新朋友陪佢玩.. 呢個新朋友係爸爸個博友wenn送俾佢㗎, 原來係隻獅子仔喎.. 睇下fing-fing一見到新朋友就撲埋去攬到實一實, 真係冇禮貌, 仲唔快啲同人講多謝?? 呵呵.. fing-fing問呢個新朋友叫咩名, 大家覺得應該幫佢改個咩名先夠晒風范夠晒霸氣呢?? :p |
look at how happy fing-fing is today, because he has got a new friend to play with.. this new friend is given to daddy by a blogger friend wenn, and it's a cute little lion.. look at fing-fing hugging his new friend in excitement when he saw him for the very first time, so impolite and have even forgotten to thank wenn at all!! hehe.. but naughty fing-fing was asking for the name of his new friend, what do you think we shall call him so that it will sound glamorously bombastic?? haha~~:p |
10.11.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 11, #1594] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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大家好呀!! 又係星期六, 又係時候公佈本週金榜喇!! 有趣呀, 睇嚟一直稱霸嘅「年輕俊男」同埋「小野貓」都有意讓出冠軍寶座咁喎, 冇咗兩位嘅強勢阻擊, 我最近嘅留言的確少係咗一大厥!! 不過都好嘅, 難得佢哋大發慈悲, 所以呢個星期嘅十大排名確實係大地震一番呀!! 新嘅一月新嘅景象, 希望大家齊齊努力, 我哋放眼睇下十一月會係誰的天下!! 呵呵.. 多謝各位讀者鼎力支持留言, 恭喜所有榜上題名嘅朋友, 祝大家有個愉快開心嘅週末~~ :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
hello folks, it's saturday again, and time to reveal the weekly chart again!! exciting, seems like both "handsome young man" and "pussy meow" are intentionally slowing down to give chance to other bloggers, without them my recent posts undoubtedly lost a large number of comments!! but i think this is not a bad thing anyway, at least they are showing mercy to the other bloggers, hence we seem to have a nice shuffle for the chart this week.. it's a new month and a new beginning, hope everyone will strive for that throne, and we shall see who is the king or queen of commenters for the month of november then!! hehe.. thank you all for dropping by, congratulations to all who made it to the chart.. last but not least, wishing everyone a happy and enjoyable weekend~~ :) |
09.11.2012 | 星光熠熠
[Volume 7 Issue 11, #1593] |
哇哈哈!! 係時候公佈十月分嘅留言之王同兩位留言之后嘅禮物喇.. 啲小禮物就唔多講喇, 都係買俾佢哋啲小朋友嘅cutie嘢囉.. 講返三張DIY card啦, 呢個月嘅主題係「星光熠熠耀巨星」, 各位先生女士們, 請大家俾啲熱烈嘅掌聲歡迎三位巨星大贏家!! 三位之中, 大家覺得邊位最具有明星風采呢?? 呵呵.. 呢個月嘅冠軍之前放話要急流勇退, 所以大家有機會成為下一位得獎者喎, 想唔想要呢啲獨一無二嘅禮物?? 咁就要多多留言喇~~ :) |
hurray!! it's time to show (off) the gifts for the commenter king and the commenter queens of october.. not going to talk about those little gifts as they are some cute things bought for their kids.. for the DIY cards, the theme for this month is CELEBRITY GLAMOUR!! ladies and gentlemen, please applause to welcome the three superstar winners!! among the three, who do you think has the most celebrity glamour?? hehe.. the champion said he will step down to giveaway the throne, so everyone stands a chance to become the next winner now, do you want those very unique gifts?? then do come and leave more comments~~ :) |
08.11.2012 | 豬原肉潤
[Volume 7 Issue 11, #1592] |
上個週末與朋友去SS2呢間三板頭食晏, 係臨時上網搵下睇附近有咩好嘢, 結果見到呢間評論一致贊好, 所以就去試一試, 反正食豬肉, 我不嬲都冇咩異議嘅, 呵呵!! 基本上係間西餐廳, 地方不大大概得7-8張檯, 入到去幸好有最後一張檯俾我哋.. 翻下個餐牌, 真係全部都係豬(正呀!!), 隨手叫咗以上幾樣店自薦.. 除咗個野菌忌廉湯稍為一般之外, 其餘嘢食都做得很好味!!個人推薦漢堡包同意粉.. 最後張單一共RM127, 唔平, 但係偶然食下好嘢, 我覺得係件好開心嘅事嚟嘅~~ :) |
went to this Sanbanto @ SS2 for a late lunch with friends last weekend, it was an impromptu search over the internet for something nice nearby, saw this with generally good review and hence decided to give it a try, anyway when it comes to pork i don't really have much objection, hehe!! it's basically western food, the shop is not big with only 7-8 tables, luckily there was one last for us when we got in.. flip the menu, everything was truly oink oink (nice!!), and we ordered the above dishes recommended in the menu.. besides the cream of mushroom soup that was slightly ordinary, all other dishes were delicious!! i'd personally recommend the burger and pasta.. the bill was RM127, not cheap, but i think having good food once in a while is actually something happy to do~~ :) |
07.11.2012 | 烏鴉傳說
06.11.2012 | 十步之差
05.11.2012 | 好貴嘢飲
04.11.2012 | 掃塵馬騮
03.11.2012 | 雙囍臨門
[Volume 7 Issue 11, #1587] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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大家一見到雙囍, 係唔係以為東主有囍, 想八一下究竟係咩囍事?? 哈哈.. 唔好誤會, 其實因為今日係禮拜六, 大家都知我循例都會公佈留言週榜.. 咁啱又係月頭所以都要公佈上一個月嘅留言成績單, 所以咪為之「雙囍臨門」囉, 呵呵!! 好喇, 廢話少講, 大家自己click以下個別button睇下邊幾位讀者係大贏家?? 多謝各位嘅鼎力捧場, 恭喜晒所有金榜題名嘅讀者, 祝大家有個開心愉快嘅週末!! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
when you see the double happiness, did you think the blog owner has some events going on, and feel like gossiping what's happening?? haha.. don't take it wrong, actually it's because today is saturday again, and it's a custom for me to present the weekly comment chart.. and coincidentally, it's the beginning of the month hence i am also presenting the comment chart for last month, hence the so-called "double happiness", hehe!! ok, i'm not going to be long-winded here, just click on the respective buttons to see who are the big winners?? thank you so much to everyone who have dropped by my blog, congratulations to all who have made it to the chart.. wishing all readers a happy and enjoyable weekend!! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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