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28.10.2011 | 高低立見

[#1259 @ 2011年第100篇post] 我唔係要話咩KFC同McD大鬥法, 不過明眼人都可以清楚睇到McD嘅經營方式確實係比較優秀嘅, 尤其喺本地就簡直贏足九條街.. 撇開管理/服務/市場規劃呢啲商業範圍, 就講一個好簡單嘅牆紙設計吖, 大家睇睇下邊張對比圖, 有咩感想??

[#1259 @ 100th post in year 2011] i'm not focusing on the fight between KFC and McD, but it's quite obvious the strategy and managing style of McD is a lot better, especially in our country it just wins a big gap.. put aside business management areas like operations, services and marketing but tiny thing like the wallpaper design, looking at the comparison picture below, what did you feel??


  1. Long winded equation. Who cares long enough to read them.

  2. They are after all targeting a fast food generation. Everything must be fast fast fast. So, design must capture the eye in just one glance, right?

  3. Happy Friday morning, SK!

  4. Both also uncool... I like Popeye :)

  5. *nod nod! McD is well known of its strategic and creativity. They hv very outstanding idea to advertise their promotion!

  6. After the KFC video clip, I am having phobia going into there for fried chicken.. hahaa..

  7. 哈哈哈哈。。。你很衰的啦,一比就给你比下去了。。。小心下次人家不卖鸡给你啊!

  8. Haha to be honest... mainly I only go there for the chicken regardless of how ugly their interior design is XD

  9. KFC has very lame quote indeed... long and confusing. For me, 3 words to describe tasty: I'm lovin' it!

  10. I don't really care about their design on slogan or quote or wallpaper. But now that you mentioned it, yeah, KFC is totally uncool at all.

  11. Maybe I'm a bit bias. I love burger, beef one especially. So McD is definitely my choice when give both KFC and McD.

  12. yeah lah... KFC is like trying too hard.. :D

    I patronise McD more :P

  13. And there is evil employees in KFC XD

  14. People love KFC and McD for certain reasons. No matter what, they are both very popular~

  15. KFC is like no money to hire a graphics designer tsk tsk!!!!

    They can hire me and i'm sure i can churn out wayyyyyy better stuff than that sh!t. :P

  16. KFC need creative designer lor... but i loike KFC's chicken, but McD's burger. hahaha. but i guess i frequent KFC less nowadays. cuz the oil and fat in KFC are so obvious and stare back at you... rather than the hidden fat in McD. so u dont feel as bad. hahahahahha

  17. Sorry Bananaz can't focus too long on wordy adverts and small fonts would drift off. Love bold words with big pixs short and sweet.

  18. I guess it all depends on the advertising agency that gets their contract...

  19. 我始終係KFC忠實擁躉,無論設計如何,我都會揀食炸雞。

  20. I hate their latest Tomyam Chicken yucks.

  21. I don't care. My priority is the food taste and cleanliness. KFC trays are not clean/sticky all the time! Counter service is a lot slower at KFC too.

    Btw, according to experts, red, yellow and orange colors improve appetite.

  22. 不知道全马的麦当劳跟肯德鸡的分行数量那一个多呢!呵呵呵...

  23. omg, i LOLed at the equations.. what were they thinking!

  24. I am not that observant, but now you point it out already, I agree with your personal opinion too.

  25. it's very messy actually >< thats why KFC can never win McDonald. Hahas!

  26. McD taste nice, but nice food usually is not healthy. Each time I had McD the feeling of McD remained for some time in stomach and throat. However have to admit that McD always have variety of menu and is not boring. KFC very conventional.

  27. @ lina:
    it's not about lengthy but the substance.. all equations are the same, i don't mind reading if they give different equations that would make it more interesting.. but one thing maybe is that KFC is more family oriented, so have to be a little "slower" than McD targeting at the young generation.. :p

    @ TZ:
    well, Popeye in Malaysia is just crap!! why do things always get worse when they landed in Malaysia??

  28. @ Alice Law:
    yeah, a lot of business management takes McD as case study.. haha, guess this is something KFC Malaysia cannot even fight with.. :)

    @ reanaclaire:
    errr, but cannot think too much also, once i feel like eating KFC i won't go and think of that video clip.. i just had it for dinner last night to be exact, haha~~

  29. @ Casendra:
    哈哈, 當然是有比較才可以看到高低的嘛.. 不過他們主攻家庭生意, 可能就沒有那麼"青春"吧??

    @ Daniel Chiam:
    you are true lah, most of us just go there when we feel like eating their chicken.. the interior design is just so unimportant at all.. haha!! who cares how the wallpaper looks like right??

  30. @ yvonne:
    hahaha, from your first comment i already know you are a McD fans, you just have the 3-word slogan in your mind, totally brainwashed?? haha.. yeah, i mean we don't really care the design and slogan now, but then come to marketing and creativity, they are really not comparable to McD lah.. oh, so you are a burger person?? huhuhuhu~~

    @ Merryn:
    haha, i also patronise McD more, especially when they have nice toys~~ KFC also okay lah once in a while when i feel bored with McD i'll go there..

  31. @ Kelvin:
    haha, and that is very true!! anyway, maybe it's those evil employees that make KFC in Malaysia better than any other KFC around the world?? :p

    @ Hayley:
    yeah, of course they both have their fans, but from a neutral point of view i really think KFC needs to do something to that quote, haha~~ anyway, maybe that's the result of different market targeting?? :p

  32. @ kyh:
    maybe they have money but lousy concept.. oh yeah, not you but even just let me do the design it will be way better than their so-called "tasty equation", hahaha~~ :D

    @ Medie007:
    oh, i would thot you are more McD person than a KFC person, hahaha!! well, now that you see, McD is smarter right, even in terms of hiding the fats!! haha~~ errr, too much oil and fat in KFC?? you must be a hot and spicy thigh lover!! haha~~

  33. @ Bananazஇ:
    haha, so everything must be bold and big for Bananazஇ!! ok ok, points noted~~ maybe i shall change the style i blog too~~ :)

    @ suituapui:
    yeah, advertising agency is one thing, but i guess also the requirements from KFC themselves right?? cos it still has to get their approvals in the end..

  34. @ 海市蜃樓:
    其實我哋去食快餐, 都唔會去理個設計如何啦, 有得食就得啦.. 不過我係以事論事啫~~

    @ Small Kucing:
    oh really?? i actually wanted to try their tomyam chicken, but then everytime i still stick with original recipe..

  35. @ HappySurfer:
    oh yeah, who bothers about the design on the wall right?? maybe just some gossip over the meal, haha.. yes!! the counter service at KFC is just so slow, can wait for 10 minutes before you are served, and takes like 5 minutes to complete a transaction.. oh, red yellow and orange improves appetite?? they just used all these colors in the design, but i don't feel that at all, hahaha~~

    @ bluecloud:
    我也有興趣知道全馬到底比較多KFC還是McD, 呵呵.. 不過全球的話, 應該就是McD沒有錯了吧??

  36. @ Isaac Tan:
    haha, yes!! it's just so funny right?? twisting the same equation and thinking that it's very cool.. errr, sorry but i just think that's so lame~~ :D

    @ Sheoh Yan:
    hahaha, i just noticed that so-called equation and i quickly go and make a comparison with McD, haha.. really very lame quote right?? :D

  37. @ FiSh:
    errr, but i think only the one in KLCC cos the one at MV looks neater.. well, i guess you are right, McD is more successful in Malaysia.. :)

    @ Naomi:
    errr, i think neither McD nor KFC are healthy food lah, haha.. but only once a while and then i never feel like they remained long in my stomach, i can continue having the next meal with no problem at all, haha~~ well, perhaps it's the market they target are different.. KFC more family oriented and McD more of the younger generation.. :)

  38. 同样係快餐,肯记同麦记唔知拗手瓜过唔知几多个会合,好彩一个主攻鸡市一个主攻汉堡包,如果唔係卖鸡嗰个边够人家斗呢?呵呵呵~~~

  39. The best thing about MCD is putting something new and unique taste and design up once in a while . . .

  40. but . . .sometimes MCD taste not so good . . . I prefer MCD breakfast . . . that's it! :D

    Now classic chicken mc deluxe all chicken tender, hard to eat macam makan pasir . . .

  41. Chicken Nugget and quarter pounder hou hou sek! Spicy Chicken Mc Deluxe also hou hou sek!

    haha now got family box and cheaper, but still consider costy (LMAO)

  42. I complain so much no use, at the end also go makan both MCD or KFC XD

    Makan KFC because it is so dam near my house lmao

  43. I have never really liked KFC. They are innovative unlike McD.

  44. I rather eat at McD than at KFC haha! But I try not to eat at both! In any case, McD FTW! LOL!

  45. congratulations to your 100th post for this year SK woohoo

  46. As for KFC vs McDo... I'll go for MCdo since i grew up eating on Mcdo most especially during special occasions hehe I also prefer their Chicken than KFC haha

  47. of course, Mcdo is more child friendly than KFC...
    kids will not appreciate that quote
    chicken + herbs + spices = tasty, tasty = chicken + herbs + spices

    what's up with the herbs hahaha most kids will try to avoid veggies you know haha

  48. as for the design.... Mcdonalds is more notable.... who among us would forget their "M" logo right

  49. SK Thambee, you have my support over their ayam ads!

  50. Being in advertising, we know the reasons behind which should not be posted here.

  51. Simple theory, when a budget allocation is bigger, the make over and branding is prettier and more attractive!

  52. Talking about food comparison, the Ayam is getting smelly each day. You will never find 2 outlets with same taste! bad bad bad QC!

  53. It was often when I ate their chicken and it was still dripping out oil & water. It was like chicken pissing out water and it was half cooked! Yiaks!

  54. I liked your graphics showing Ronald talking to Colonel. Did you draw them yourself???

  55. McD is the best with fries, burgers and even their fried ayam! No water or oil spilling! Their chicken never smells cos they had good bath!!! LOL

  56. Did you know where they got their 'M' logo from, right?

  57. hmmm, i actually don't really care about those designs.. i just eat!! haha~~

  58. but after seeing your comparisons, ok ok, i realised that and also agree with you - KFC's design is just so lame!! haha :D

  59. i just cannot stand that so-called equation too, why make it so lengthy but not conveying any meaningful message?? i really prefer McD design better in this case..

  60. I agree that McD's design is way better. Did u frequent these 2 fast food outlet often?

  61. KFC的服務差到嘔血,看到他們蝸牛般的動作實在不敢相信這間是 Fast food 餐廳.

  62. @ edward:
    其實都係唔同市場, 各師其法啫.. 麥記主攻後生仔女市場, KFC主攻家庭市場, 確實係有唔同嘅.. 不過講到服務/創意/推廣, 賣雞嘅肯定輸足九條街囉..

    @ Kian Fai Koh:
    oh yeah, that's why i said McD always have better marketing strategy than KFC.. hehehe, have you tried the new Classic Chicken McDeluxe and Chicken Bites?? they are even nicer than the Spicy Chicken McDeluxe and McNuggets leh.. because i'm a chicken breast lover, but then the herbs they use are nicer also..

  63. @ foongpc:
    errr, you don't like KFC because they are innovative?? errr, but i never think they are innovative at all, they are just very dull and following McD only.. errr, i don't really have significant preference but just depends on whether i feel like eating burger or chicken..

    @ bluedreamer27:
    yeah, i have expected that you choose McD over KFC because you are also a young person!! haha.. yes, they are targeting at different market, so they have different strategy all at once.. yeah, you also find the quote "chicken + herbs + spices = tasty, tasty = chicken + herbs + spices" so boring and uncool right?? well well well, but not really an issue for me, i just go for the food, haha!!

  64. @ Twilight Man:
    hahaha, Arumugam i thought you just very obviously spilled the reasons behind that you said should not be posted here?? ooopsss, ok ok, let's pretend Thambee didn't see that comments right after.. anyway, another factor would be the market they are targeting at, McD at the younger generation for sure they need to be more creative and bold.. whereas KFC more family oriented, so Thambee can understand that uncool quoate "chicken + herbs + spices = tasty, tasty = chicken + herbs + spices", hahaha!! oh very true, the chicken is getting smaller and smaller but the price has never stop increasing.. couple of months they are increasing their price.. ooopss, Thambee normally ask for breast and ribs, so the oil and fat is lesser.. Arumugam sure loves the thigh very much?? ooopss, that Ronald vs Colonel picture was taken from the internet, Thambee just superimpose that onto that photo.. errr, the M logo?? from McDonald's itself right?? or there is some other stories behind??

    @ victor:
    yeah, true also.. i don't really bother the design as long as i get to eat my chicken or burger, haha!! anyway, McD is targeting at younger generation that's why they have to be more creative and bold.. KFC, well, with such an uncool quote surely cannot attract younger generations, hahaha~~

  65. @ mNhL:
    yeah, under such a head to head comparison, i'm sure McD wins, haha!! errr, not really frequent them often, just by chance i noticed that huge difference in the wallpaper design.. :)

    @ dodotrain:
    就是囉, 每次排隊都要等上10分鐘的喇, 真的頂不順!! 那些員工手腳真的有夠慢~~

  66. 我試過等30分鐘,而我前面就只有6個人排隊。

  67. 是不同国家的管理吧~

  68. Thambee the shape of "M" logo was inspired from the city of St.Louis is Missouri, if I am not mistaken.

  69. I studied about this while in American college. In St.Louis they have a huge steel arch in the city that looked like a rainbow.

  70. One evening at sunset, the hamburger lord saw the shadow of the steel arch beside it. He immediately loved the formation that looked like what their current "M" logo is like today. He got designers to copy them.

  71. So now when Thambee sees their "M" logo remember that it is the steel arch and it's shadow in Missouri. Vanakam!

  72. As for KFC their first outlet was a small kitchen at the railway station in US.

  73. Their original logo was just mere wordings. I dunno when they used Colonel's face with white hair. Maybe he had black hair last time.

  74. I am just like you to eat the breasts meat. I dont eat thigh or drumsticks. Hate them! So oily and smelly sometimes when they forgot to shower the chicks! LOL

  75. Our KFC menu badly needs a total revamp and improve their varieties.

  76. When I was a student in US, I loved their KFC menu which had so much different yummy food like buffalo wings in barbecue sauce! It was the best wings I had ever eaten.

  77. As you know that even the KFC in London and Hong Kong serve better variety than us today. Shame la our country.

  78. @ dodotrain:
    嘩!! 每個人都要5分鐘!! 這樣聽起來還合理, 不過每個人要先等30分鐘就真的很糟糕~~

    @ 小雪:
    呵呵, 是為了配合本地民情和口味喇.. 不過麥當勞好像沒有賣飯, 粥就有啦~~ :D

    @ Twilight Man:
    oh really?? Arumugam did you try to cheat Thambee cos Thambee never been to US before.. so that city just allows McD to copy their landmark?? hmmm, but i guess the golden arch at McD is more popular worldwide that the original steel arch there.. oh, but Thambee actually thinks the chicken in malaysia KFC taste nicer than all the other places?? Arumugam has any idea why?? of course Thambee agrees with Arumugam that on varieties we always beaten down, but the taste of the chicken is just unbeatable?? perhaps it's because we have people adding those "table cloth juice" into the frying old inside the kitchen?? hahaha.. and Thambee actually likes the McD and KFC elsewhere in which they also sell some more healthy salad and fruits, that's something we cannot find here..
