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12.10.2011 | 先勞後逸

[#1253] 假設喺屋企你係負責洗碗, 你會選擇飯後即刻將全部碗碟洗乾淨, 定係到第二餐需要用到時先即洗即用呢?? 我就肯定即刻洗囉, 硬係覺得眼前一大堆污糟邋遢嘅碗碟好礙眼.. 廚房大戰一輪之後, 見到全部嘢都乾乾淨淨企企理理我先會舒服囉..

其實好簡單, 我就係鐘意將手頭上嘅嘢咋咋臨做好晒, 先會安心享受過後清閑嘅時間.. 譬如話以前學校假期, 與其將假期作業堆到臨開學一日先(趕)做, 我都係假期頭幾日就快快做晒, 就可以唔駛心掛掛咁, 可以真正嘅假期吖嘛.. 唔知大家又係點架呢??
[#1253] let say you are responsible to wash all dishes at home, will you choose to wash them up right after your meal, or leave them aside and only wash them if you need any for your next meal?? for me i will surely wash up immediately, i just think leaving the dirty dishes in the sink is kind of irritating, because after a "battle" in the kitchen, i would just like to see everything back to clean and tidy again lor..

it's simple, i just like to get things on hand sorted out quickly so that i can really enjoy the rest of the time freely.. just like during school holidays last time, instead of rushing homework on the last day of holidays, i always finished them on the first few days.. with that only i could enjoy the holidays care-free and not worried i could never complete the homework on the eve of the new term.. how about you - before or after??


  1. whoa!!! im the FIRST this morning!!! :o:o

  2. neh!! i always wash up immediately!! dnt like to see those dirty dishes on the sink. =S

  3. now think about it, i so long time never wash dish dy!! >.<

  4. last time i got no choice, my dad will force us to finish up every homework before sleep. so wont have homework to do during the school holidays...

  5. but... its because we have to attend many tuition classes during the holidays!! T.T

  6. Would leave the dishes in the sink just before school holidays and wash them on the eve of a new term hahahaha.

  7. Just kidding..would wash the dishes immediately unless there is a nice TV show would wash them after the show.

  8. About school homework depends will do the ones like best in between holidays then leave those tough ones just before new term.

  9. of course after eating! otherwise my lizards, cockroaches.. and goodness knows what else will "invade" my kitchen like those alien movies! hahaa...

  10. I prefer not to have anything in the sink.

  11. But I don't always wash them right after meal.

    If I'm not doing the washing up yet, I just stack all the dishes and put them on one side on the kitchen counter, next to the sink.

  12. We "force" our son to do his homework immediately although he'll have plenty of time to do it. Don't want to think about it later and rush.

  13. But when I was in school, I love to procrastinate and waited until the last minute.

    Ditto with my studies too. So lazy to study, I usually only cram up the night before exam. Lucky still can passe exams. @.@

  14. Now that you mention about dishes, I've a few dirty dishes left on the kitchen counter. Soooo lazy to wash them. hohoho

  15. Wow, SK is so discipline :D I'm a discipline person myself. Prefer to see my kitchen (and whole house) spotless. Kinda avid cleanaholic, both of us :p

  16. Sometimes hubb will complain I clean the house too often. Because practically when I do the house chores, he'll be left to take care of the noisy kids. He dislikes taking care of them, but no choice la, he hates house chores.

  17. When I was young, I would finished all my homework just after my meal and bath, without my mom's reminder :)

  18. Maybe it's upbringing, maybe it's genes, all of my siblings finished their homework fast and we are all cleanaholic, kekekeke!

  19. SK, I am a very discipline person in whatever I do. I always said this to my kids, "Things that you can finish today, don't leave to tomorrow."

  20. Of course right after the meal lo! I'm a clean freak I dont like seeing things pile up and attracts flies.. hehe ;) I think it's more hygiene this way.

  21. I will do it right after meal!! I hate those that like to keep it until forever!


  22. 梗系即刻洗乾淨啦,等到第二餐用先至洗咪好臭囖?

  23. Me (a)!!! Aiyor...if I see kitchen like that, sure I mengamuk already!!! Evidence of poor upbringing...

  24. I prefer to wash the dishes right after the meal. For me, keeping those dishes aside very geli. haha..

    But for homework, I'm very lazy. I will keep until last minute then only rush to finish them. Mum always very angry with me during schooling time. hehe....I hope my kids don't follow my foot step.

  25. yor,.. where gt ppl pile up and only wash before the next meal one. -.- so dirty lor... later all the cockroaches roaming arnd...

  26. after finish eating, straight clean up the plate and mangkuk . . .

    if lazy to wash, tarpao or eat outside only lo :)

  27. very pantang if dun was once finish eating, sure all the roaches will come and find food and eat! at the end whole kitchen and house toilet will have cockroach hiding there . . .

  28. this is what my mum told us, always clean up the dish plate after finish eating lo :P

  29. Likewise, unless the dish needs some soaking (especially used for roasting or baking). Better to be early and not have to panic at the very last moment.

  30. definitely immediately after the meal .. i beh tahan seeing them lying in the sink.. so the take vogiu...lol ;p

  31. i always wash up right after cooking. the dishes for the meal will be washed immediately after food.

  32. i cannot stand dirty dishes or even a dirty kitchen. so i always clean up immediately.

  33. even when i cook, i am cleaning ahaha! i cannot see dirty countertop.

    i will clean if the oil or anything splashes while i cook.

  34. maybe that is why my food always taste different or burn? hahahaha!

  35. 我都系食完即刻洗!

  36. 當然,如果有洗碗機更加好...

  37. Of course I clean it right after the meal! I cannot stand looking at dirty dishes, pots and pans cluttering my sink for long. Worse, they might attract cockroaches if left overnight. EWWW :P

  38. I would say right after and before, I hv too much dishes waiting for me... *looking at my callused hands.

  39. Wash immediately, can't stand the sight of cockroaches~

  40. my girl will usually wash up for me after I have cooked.

  41. 嗯~有些人煮个饭 整个厨房好像打仗那样
    我也是会用很多碗盘 不过是习惯快快洗的

  42. @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    yeah, i think you've always been eating out at nice restaurants, so where have you got chance to wash dirty dishes?? haha.. hmmm, it's teacher assigning us homework to be done during school holidays and i really hate that.. why must we do homework during holidays, i thot holidays are for us to rest right??

    @ Bananazஇ:
    haha, that will be a great idea huh, leaving the dishes till the eve of a new term, then you can befriend lots of mouse and roaches already, haha!! errr, regardless the subject i like or hate, i will still finish them the first few days of holidays, or maybe just doing the ones i like first..

  43. @ reanaclaire:
    hahaha, i think most probably asians will wash the dishes immediately and will not leave them there in the sink.. when i was studying in UK last time, those angmoh just wash them when they need it~~

    @ lina:
    haha, so meaning you just don't like to see anything in your sink only.. as long as the dirty dishes are somewhere else you are perfectly fine with that?? hahaha, you are so not asian, just like my flatmates when i was studying in UK, they will just wash those plates that they need to use.. hmmm, i wonder how many cockroaches you befriended at home?? haha.. oh, i think it's better to get the homework done soonest possible so that we can really enjoy the rest of the holidays carefree.. hmmm, at least with your procrastinating attitude, you still force raimie to do things fast, haha~~ :D

  44. @ yvonne:
    wow, you are also a good girl and discipline one, though you just said you hate to go to school and trying to be sick so that you can absent from school, haha!! errr, i think it's upbringing too, i really do not need my parents to yell at me to do my homework, everything was my own initiatives.. i'll straight away complete my homework when i reach home, try to do that before meal, so that i can have the entire evening to relax myself.. and the same principles for holidays too, i just don't want to do worry about things and do them last minute..

    @ Sheoh Yan:
    oh yeah, then this is a good mum, haha!! normally parents will side their kids more by saying "it's late at night, if you cannot finish then leave it till tomorrow.. go to bed".. haha!!

  45. @ Hayley:
    though i am not a clean freak but i think i really don't like seeing dirty dishes around, or rather i'll say i love to see the kitchen clean and tidy.. hehe, not clean freak but perfectionist maybe??

    @ Daniel Chiam:
    haha, no surprise there are really people who will just ditch them in the sink, and will only wash them when they need it~~

  46. @ 海市蜃樓:
    其實真係有人係咁架, 我以前同啲鬼仔住, 就係等到第二餐要用先到至洗架!! 唔係喎, 老師會check架喎, 仲指定要交, 而且中學作業係有總成績10%分數架..

    @ suituapui:
    haha, i think most of us will wash immediately after meal, or at least will not leave until the next day right??

  47. @ mNhL:
    haha, of course at least cannot leave them overnight right?? else will attract mouse and roaches to your house, haha.. hmmm, for homework, i don't like rushing, i like to get them done first before i enjoy my holidays, so that i don't have anything to worry about.. hmmm, you cannot let your kids rush them at the very last minute leh~~

    @ Medie007:
    eih, really got such people one.. last time when i was studying in UK, those angmoh are like that.. they don't even to stack nicely, just ditch into the sink, and when they need that, just find them in the sink and just wash that particular one..

  48. @ Kian Fai:
    yeah, i think asians typically will wash the dishes soon after finish eating, or at least will not leave them there for too long.. haha, so your house must be very clean and no mouse and roaches at all right?? good, and your mum have brought you all up so well.. :)

    @ Gratitude:
    yeah, the longer you leave them there the more difficult for you to clean them.. those stains will just stuck there and take you forever to wash.. haha!!

  49. @ Danny:
    of course i know you are a perfectionist and want everything to look nice and tidy and clean right?? or else how to be vogiu??

    @ ladyviral:
    oh yes!! i am like you, if i am the one who is cooking, i will also try to clean up as much as possible.. i just cannot stand with a dirty and messy kitchen.. sometimes even have everything clean up by the time food is served, haha!! that's call efficient right?? next time maybe you try to be more messy, then your food may taste better, haha~~ :D

  50. @ khengsiong:
    哈哈, 如果有洗碗機, 我覺得你會唔會全部積埋一齊先洗呢?? 冇可能兩個碗都要用洗碗機啩??

    @ iamthewitch:
    oh definitely i do not like to see a dirty and messy kitchen too.. i can even start cleaning up even while i am cooking, cut the mess to the minimum.. that's efficient huh?? :)

  51. @ Alice Law:
    hahaha, so you split your dishes into two batches?? one batch you wash them right after meal, and the remaining batch you leave them overnight and wash before cooking?? you are so great~~ haha!!

    @ Kelvin:
    haha, very true!! unless i really want to attract cockroaches and then kill them all at once!! :D

  52. @ wenn:
    then you have no worries about washing up, since your girl will be doing that for you.. how nice~~

    @ 小雪:
    我如果煮飯的話, 我也會儘量把一些拿來盛材料的碗碟先洗乾淨的, 儘量不要把廚房弄個翻天覆地.. 我就是喜歡整潔囉~~

  53. just after meal. Unless those that need to be soak

  54. Haha! I am like you! I will definitely clean up immediately! Don't like dirty dishes lying around! Anyway got to clean it later right, might as well do it ASAP!

  55. But I think my brother likes to leave the dirty dishes to be cleaned later. Such bad habit!!!

  56. Yes, I also like to complete all my homework first then only feel nice to enjoy the holidays!

  57. Btw, do you know I like to wash the dishes? Haha!! Yes, you can cook for me and I can wash the dishes for you! LOL!

  58. 我又冇同過鬼仔住,又唔係讀名校...嘻嘻

  59. er... i prefer to cook rather than wash all dishes.

    hehehe... anyhow, i also will wash the plates immediately.

    but i prefer my wife to do so kekekee

  60. @ Small Kucing:
    yeah, i guess most asians will just immediately wash all dishes right after the meal..

    @ foongpc:
    haha, i think maybe it's not that your brother like to leave the dishes there and wash later.. it's because he is thinking that his brother who loves to wash dishes will wash them for him actually, hahaha!! oh, so you prefer to wash dishes than cooking?? hehehe, ok ok, then we can make a perfect match.. i enjoy cooking more than washing dishes~~ you want me to cook for you, haha, hope the food will be edible!! :D

  61. @ 海市蜃樓:
    乜你洗碗同有冇同過鬼仔住, 同埋係唔係讀名校有關架咩?? 呵呵~~ :p

    @ CH Voon:
    oh, so it's the other way round.. you are the one who cook and your wife will wash the dishes?? wow, so nice.. but i think sometimes you will provide one-stop service right?? hehe~~ :p

  62. As for me, I will never allow any dishes in my sink. Even a spoon, I will clear it off...That's a clean freak mom**but not so clean one**, perhaps..LOL!!!

  63. I am very proud to say that my mom taught us how to become responsible especially when doing the house chores...

  64. She usually assign us to different house chores everyday... For example... I am assigned to wash the dishes on Monday, wash the clothes on Wednesday, general cleaning on Firday and so on... Same thing goes with my siblings... She even make a list of it and placed it on the door of our refrigerator hehehe

  65. I usually wash the dishes right after meal... because mom will get angry if she see unwashed dishes on the lavatory hahaha

  66. that's what you call effective time management CHeers! Why should you wait for the next meal if you can wash it immediately after the early meal right?

  67. and if you leave the dishes unwashed for a long time... you'll find it hard to remove the dirt because they might get dried up.. well unless you have dishwasher machine...

  68. i also like to see all the dirty dishes cleaned up right after my meal.. cannot stand looking at roaches crawling on them, haha!!

  69. oh yeah, i have to agree with you!! i just hate to rush to complete the homework on the last day of holidays, so i would complete them as soon as possible during the start of the holidays instead.. :)

  70. @ Yee Ling:
    hahaha!! i can still accept one or two small items laying there in the sink lah.. can accumulate them to wash during the next round so that i can save more detergent!! haha~~ :D

    @ bluedreamer27:
    wow, your mum is really a good director at home huh?? haha, so she has assigned and delegate all the housework to you and siblings, so what else can she do?? maybe just make herself a nice cup of coffee and enjoy it after meal?? you are right, i don't like to see the dirty dishes laying in the sink for too long, just don't like it, haha, or perhaps this is how most of us asians are brought up with?? yeah, if we can get things done then why need to procrastinate right?? leaving them till the very last minute will have more harm than advantage i guess.. hey, so you are working now, are you going to save some money to buy your family a dishwasher later, so that everyone will have one house chores less to do, hehe :p

    @ victor:
    yeah, i will also like to see the kitchen clean after the meal, it just marks as an end and a welcome to the next meal right?? oh, give me five!! i will always try my best to complete the homework, so that i can really enjoy the rest of the holidays carefree.. hehe!! :)

  71. 呢张照片真係你许家御膳房影架?吓亲我哩,唔怪得你会睇唔过眼,嗱嗱声将全部嘢都洗得乾乾淨淨企企理理摆番好佢哩!呵呵呵~~~

  72. ahaha nope... she's doing the tasks too while she's handling the small business that she has hehe

  73. @ edward:
    傻啦, 梗唔係府上真實情形啦, 求其網上搵返嚟嘅一張相啫.. 我當然係鐘意企企理理啦, 絕對唔會容忍咁樣嘅情況出現我屋企嘅~~ :)

    @ bluedreamer27:
    haha, i see.. so i guess she just delegate those simple tasks for you all while she has other more important things that she needs to attend to.. :)

  74. i clean right after my meal where else william will just dump them into the sink hoping that it will miracalously clean by itself! >_<

    Sorry for not visiting your blog for a week. been busy and now catching up :D

  75. @ Merryn:
    hmmm, if William thinks that those dishes will clean by themselves, then you can suggest him to buy you a brand new dish washing machine!! haha, just dump into the machine and everything's clean and shiny.. more importantly you have one less house chores to do~~ :)
